Miraculous Redesign - Tumblr Posts

Penibug redesign. I will never understand why they gave her those sleeves and the wings on her feet are such a weird shape. I toned down a lot of it though I don’t hate the suit (minus the sleeves) of the original design. Got rid of the little horseshoe and the glasses because even though they’re the miraculous I’ve always hated that. Especially since glasses are a more modern invention than a lot of the other miraculous. I don’t know what I’d replace it with but there’s got to be something better.

My caprikid redesign. Everyone voted to keep the fur so I extended it into a vest though I also made a version where it stayed the same.

Turns out that I actually didn’t full dislike his design as much as I originally thought I just really hated his horns. While I know some goats have horns like that they reminded me more of gazelle or antelope horns than goat horns. They were also so tall sticking out of his head they looked kinda goofy. So I changed his horns to shorter straighter horns like on most common goats.
I added two more colors to his color scheme a darker gray and a beige. I gave him cloven hoof details on his boots and gave him some little goat ears. I wanted it to read more clearly as goat. I also updated his mask a lot. I tried to give it the same marking patterns as many goats and I like it a lot more. I also changed the color on his paint brush handle since that brown was not anywhere else in his color palette.
Finally I gave him I white patch in his hair. Don’t know how I feel about it, maybe I should have kept it solid red but I thought it might be fun idk.
Anyway who should I redesign next?

Mayura redesign. There were a lot of things I liked about her original design but the main thing I wanted was to amp up the peacock aspects since they have so much drama and vibrancy to their looks. I also wanted her color palette to have more peacock colors so I added a lot more green and toned down some of the pink.
I changed the pattern to be more like the actual feathers of a peacock. I lengthened the skirt and removed the feather/fur cuffs on her sleeves and neck. Peacocks have a lot of different types of feathers but none of them are super floofy as they’re generally pretty sleek so I wanted to reflect that in the design.
I also added a caplet and a top layer to her skirt both with the feather patterns. I also gave her gloves with claws like peacock nails, partly because I love chat noirs claws and I want them to be incorporated into more characters, especially since so many of the animals have claws or talons.
Finally I gave her a mask with markings like on the face of peacock and instead of the little hat piece thing I gave her a little accessory kind of like the ones from the flapper headbands. I thought her hair and stuff reminded me of a sleek 1920s look so I figured that would work.

To the little accessory I added plumes like the ones on the top of a peacocks head. They’re so specific i don’t know how any peacock based design could leave them out.
This redesign is kind of busy but I hope it’s not too overwhelming. The color palette gave me a hard time but I think I made it work. I want to see a non villain design of the peacock miraculous with a brighter color palette.

Scarabella and Kittynoire from that one scene in their episode but with my redesigns. I decided to give kitty her green hair back because she deserves it. Couldn’t be bothered to draw the background, maybe someday.

Call her CATastrophe 🖤💚. Evil lady noire, maybe I’ll do a full body of her someday but we’ll see. Still haven’t seen the special but I heard it’s pretty good.

I liked her too much so I did a full body. I tried to do an evil mr. Bug too but it’s hard to make Adrien edgy in a way that also looks cool. I’m open to any ideas if anyone has any. Pretend I drew chains for the belt and shoulder accessories.

Hawkmoth 😈🦋
I know hawkmoth neglects his son, is a dirty capitalist, and commits acts of domestic terrorism on the daily but in my personal opinion his biggest crime is being a super villain with a butterfly theme and a background in fashion and looking so incredibly BORING.

He has all the potential to serve looks and yet he wears the most boring uninspired suit with little to no reference to butterflies.
I took away the bald cap, added a ton of butterfly shapes, and just added a ton more detail in general.
I’m very happy with it, I think he still looks intimidating and full of bad intentions while actually having a butterfly theme.
I’m working on shadowmoth and monarch now. I might do a drawing of my redesigned hawkmoth and mayura together.

Shadow moth redesign. Shadow moth has one of the most disappointing designs in the whole series to me. He’s a villain, fashion designer, and is combining two of the flashiest creatures in the theme, a peacock and butterfly, yet his design barely changes at all. Ladybug got a lovely and different design when she got the bee miraculous and that was for less than a few minutes in a single episode. Shadow moth is supposed to be hawkmoths upgrade to make him more dangerous and powerful but that is not represented in his new look.

First off I gave him claws because peacocks have claws and they are more villainous than normal gloves. I lengthened his coat for more drama and gave it a butterfly shape with peacock designs. His shoes look like peacock feet and I gave him a dramatic peacock collar. I also added actual peacock colors since they fit naturally into the color scheme already.

My first lady noire redesign was kind of boring to me and I thought I could do better so I had another go. I gave her messier pigtails whisker ribbons and little bell earrings. Also I had two different ideas for the belt and I don’t know which I prefer so here’s both

I think it’s a definite improvement from my first one.

I’m low key obsessed with lady noire for a couple of reasons. One of my favorite aspects of marinettes character is that people perceive her as this clumsy but intelligent , kind, and responsible person who is super sweet and while she is all of those things she’s also secretly an impulsive criminal and only alya and tikki really know this side. Girl has commit CRIMES, she’s stolen (book, batterie, multiple phones), broken and entered, falsified her identity (at least five times I can think of off the top of my head), and cheated. But as ladybug she has all this pressure to be perfect and capable and always have the solution, so I love that as lady noire she gets to go a little feral and be a bit of the menace that she truly is on the inside.

Monarch re-design. I kept the idea of the stained glass motif but I changed it a bit. I wanted him to be overly extravagant especially as he’s kind of gone a bit mad with power at this point and is not in tune with reality. I gave him a silly reflective butterfly mask that covers his eyes and a giant butterfly cape.
The first monarch design was boring but it had aspects I liked like the hair and the stained glass butterfly. The second monarch design is just so incredibly boring. It’s worse even than hawkmoth and shadow moth because this is supposed to be him at his ultimate power and there’s nothing in the design to suggest royalty or excess.

All three of my hawk moth redesigns side by side.

Aspik redesign. His original design was very much fine besides the bald cap though I do think it did give the impression that Adrien looked wrong because he wasn’t supposed to have the snake miraculous. Even though the somewhat ugly design made sense from a narrative perspective I wanted to try and make him look good. The main thing I wanted to keep in mind was that he had to look more like Adrien than chat noir. I ended up covering some of his hair with a cobra like hood but I left him some visible hair that is styled similar to Adrien’s. Other than that I just changed the markings on the suit to be more snakey. I’m pretty happy with this I think it is more visually appealing.

Rooster bold redesign. I have conflicting feelings about the canon design because it has a lot of really clever details that fit the rooster motif but it also looks goofy to me. I feel like it would look better in a 2D art style but idk. I think the boots are amazing so I definitely kept those with no changes. I personally think the rooster miraculous is the most powerful versatile one. Like the only limits are your own creativity I don’t know how any villain is going to feel like an actual threat when lady bug has the rooster, bee, and ox miraculous on her side so that will be interesting to see.

Young bunnix redesign. I changed very little since I think the original is pretty solid. A gave her skates with rabbit foot designs, lengthened the white parts on her legs and removed the pockets on the front replacing them with the dot design on her sides. Adult bunnix will have more changes to her design though the canon one is also pretty adorable.

Another one that I didn’t change much. The fox is one of the ones that’s hard to mess up much like the cat. It has a simple color palette and recognizable features. Rena’s canon design is one of my favorites in the show because it just works. I did change a couple things, for one I gave her some soles to her shoes and some little paw markings. Foxes are the only species in canidae that have retractable claws (as far as I can remember) so I of course had to give her claws and I’m actually offended that she was deprived of them in the first place. I also changed her jacket to not have the white going up it but to layer over the white. I changed her eye color to an amber gold color and my favorite change her mask I made a little more foxy. I also gave a subtle gradient to her suit to make it a bit more interesting.
(Also I forgot to add designs to her flute so just ignore that.)
I love Rena and it was fun drawing her.

Adult bunnix redesign. I don’t have a problem with the original design, I actually quite like it but I played around with it a bit for fun and I’m pretty happy with this as a redesign.

I changed my vesperia redesign because her hair was just not it. The braid doesn’t work for the comb and I wanted to give her something more interesting so I went with one of those spiky 90s buns and I think it’s really cute and unique. 🐝

This redesign took me many tries and I finally had to stop looking at the original design and just go fresh. I don’t think the original is necessarily bad I just hate the color palette like why is he pink with lime green hair for no reason. Neither of those colors are even on a peacock. I did kind of like his hood in theory but the animation style of this show has such huge heads that the hoods always look silly to me which is also why I’ve been struggling with carapace. My main inspiration for this was actually the original chat noir design from when he was Felix which is why I gave him longer hair, thigh high boots, and a little belt. I wanted his color palette to be lighter than mayura since she’s evil and he’s more morally grey. I also wanted the jacket to be a little over the top since he is very dramatic. I’m not completely happy with it but I do like it more than the original.

This one might be kinda hit or miss for a lot of people because I feel I might have made some controversial decisions. I had a few issues with claw noirs design. First the hair, it looks silly and I knew I wanted to change it so I just gave him a longer messier version of his normal hair. I played around with a ton of colors and dye jobs, for a while I had it blonde with green underneath but there was too much green concentrated in one area so I opted to not make it green anywhere. I almost made it black but that felt too far from normal chat so I didn’t go with that though it did look kinda cool . Classic chat noir has a warm golden blonde so I figured a stark platinum would be edgier but a bit closer to his original look. I didn’t like how clunky and awkward the jacket looked so I changed it to a torn up vest.
I wasn’t a big fan of the purple eyes so I made them green again and just made his pupils thinner and sharper. I also gave him some piercings on his cat ears, more silver studs, a lot of green accents, and some large claws to his boots.