Monique - USA - ORIGIN ID: vicarious-sims4. Welcome to my TS4 simblr, where I post about my builds, sims, & gameplay.
377 posts
*Hugs You Real Tight* Would You Please Send This To The First 10 People In Your Dash? Make Sure Someone
*Hugs you real tight* Would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe.
Thanks for always sending nice messages like these to me! I’m sending lots of hugs your way too! 🤗
neon-llama liked this · 7 years ago
thespangleway liked this · 7 years ago
kyranyx liked this · 7 years ago
penelope-and-wonders liked this · 7 years ago
joliebean liked this · 7 years ago
108sims liked this · 7 years ago
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More Posts from Vicarious-sims

Thanks for tagging me @piphpancakes!
RULES: There’s surely a sim out there you’d like to fondle…with your eyes only of course! Well, it’s time to tell it to everyone. Don’t be shy! Choose a sim (made by another simblr) that you’d like to fondle if he/she was real… and then tag 5 simblrs.
I’ve seen his tag go around simblr a few times before in my year and a half here. The first time, my reaction was something to the effect of “Um, what? Some of you simmers are a bunch of pervs!” The second time (I was actually tagged this time around), I thought “You know, there is a cute sim (Angelo Occhilupo) that comes to mind.” And this time my first thought was, “Ooh, how many sims can I pick?” So yeah, I guess I’m officially a card-carrying member of the pervy simmers club (I think we need club jackets or something cool like that). Oh my, to what depths of depravity have I plunged? 😂
Anyways, without further ado, the sims I rather fancy are… still Angelo Occhilupo by @thespangleway, Jayce created by @thosefuckingsims and developed by @penelope-and-wonders, Lee Sallinger created by @floppant and developed by @budgie2budgie, and Warren Dupont by @budgie2budgie.
Judging by my picks, I’ve come to a few conclusions. First, the above simblrs must possess some sort of magic to actually be able to create hot male sims because honestly if EA had its way they’d all have the sex appeal of a Ken doll. My final conclusion is that I must have a weakness for complicated bad boys with a heart of gold (excluding Warren, who’s a real sweetie). Ugh I know, how terribly original of me.

Luna waits for Nayeli and Simone to show up for mint tea and delicious baklava from a local Moroccan tea room.

“Forever mine, forever thine, forever us…”
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💋

Hello again! (update under the cut)
I haven’t posted much in the last few months (although I have been enjoying everyones’ content). I hadn’t intended to go on hiatus but life just got in the way. I had no time to play or create new content and truthfully I was feeling lackluster about the game but with the exciting news about Seasons and a bit more free time, I’ll be posting more. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me!

“Whether sunrise or sunset, it heralds a new opportunity to dream…”