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From Imagination Poops - 20 Minutes And 80 Minutes.

from imagination poops - 20 minutes and 80 minutes.
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Inspired by Shorelle's adorable rebel AU. (I went ahead and pretended Obi-wan lived because, well, otherwise I figure Anakin would go run off to Coruscant every five minutes.)
Because Star Wars is one of those fandoms where I like tragedy but love everybody-lives AUs. Also tiny Jedi Leia.

May the Fourth be with you!
And try not to think a little too hard about where that lightsaber's been.

You'll never guess what I saw on thursday~
It was the actual best. The cast was absolutely amazing (and our seats were ridiculously close) and everything was completely perfect.

So I thought after I saw Captain America 2 I would draw some Marvel fanart instead of all the Star Wars I've been doing lately.
I fucked up. I fucked up so bad.