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From Imagination Poops - 20 Minutes And 80 Minutes.

from imagination poops - 20 minutes and 80 minutes.
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So I thought after I saw Captain America 2 I would draw some Marvel fanart instead of all the Star Wars I've been doing lately.
I fucked up. I fucked up so bad.

Clone Wars is on Netflix guys so no one has any excuses now.
(And if you're like me and you get super impatient, skip to somewhere in season 2 or 3 and then go back to the earlier parts once you're hooked because the later parts are that good that they will do that.)

You'll never guess what I saw on thursday~
It was the actual best. The cast was absolutely amazing (and our seats were ridiculously close) and everything was completely perfect.

Based on Harp's fabulous Star Wars fanfic Masquerade.