And Since This Is The First Finished Picture I Used The Surface Pro Heavily For - Tumblr Posts
10 years ago

Based on Harp's fabulous Star Wars fanfic Masquerade.
Tags :
star wars
I've been awake since 4am and I'm losing my ability to type
And since this is the first finished picture I used the Surface Pro heavily for
yes it is the perfect tiny photoshop machine I can now confirm that
I feel awkward doing fanart for fanfics b/c I know I never see it in my head the way things are intended
darth vader
anakin skywalker
finished painting
her vader just makes me feel things
I like feelings things
this is why I don't usually post things while badly sleep deprived
there is not nearly enough good vader fic
I couldn't sleep last night and I had a 6am shift
which I used the entirity of to paint this? Because no one calls a bank on sunday morning
but yeah basically if you like good character voices and haven't read this fic you're missing things
also any fic that can manage balancing Vader as someone who is really intelligent
and simultaneously sometimes compeltely incapable of sound decisions at crucial moments
and there's adult Ahsoka
There was something I was going to say that I'll remember later I'm sure
the only problem with the surface pro is you will find every keyboard shortcut in photoshop you don't mean to use
and it will toggle something completely bizarre and arcane
and weird shit will pop up everywhere
and you will have used phtooshop for 14 years and have no GODDAMN CLUE
Because tiny keyboard and screen