

16 posts

Watchingtheboys - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Your new partner is Grayson.

He’s a weird guy.

Not necessarily a bad guy, but a weird one.

Your New Partner Is Grayson.

He’s not cold, in fact he’s rather friendly. However, when you really consider it, he volunteered very little information on his personal life. Reasonable, you suppose. So long as he has your back in the field and gets his reports done, you don’t need to be best friends.

Your new partner Grayson is a recent Gotham transplant. You’d never personally been, but you weren’t oblivious to how utterly mad the city was. You could hardly blame him for getting out.

Your new partner Grayson, tenses up whenever someone mentions the Batman, or any of the nutcases he fights. You don’t pry.

You do your own research.

Your new partner Grayson watched his parents die. He’d been taken in by Gotham’s favourite son, a man he seemed reluctant to speak of. He’d had, and lost a brother, to the most deranged man Gotham, if not the world, had ever known.

You stop mentioning Gotham around him after that.

Your new partner Grayson is a weird guy, who seems constantly surprised whenever you demonstrate competency.

At first you’d suspected sexism. It wouldn’t have been your first partner to have that failing.

After a few days though, you catch him being equally surprised when officer Jackson makes a connection on a string of breaking and entries, and realise that perhaps he’s just not used to the cops not being utterly reliant on a very scary angsty furry and a small child without pants.

Your new partner, Grayson, is a weird guy, who disappears sometimes. Middle of a chase he’ll be gone, and you won’t see him again for sometimes as long as hours, before he’s back. More often than not, somehow through some insane luck, the perp will have been taken down by Bludhaven’s new vigilante, and tied to a lamppost for you to find. You both hated and envied his luck.

Your new partner Grayson was a weird guy… and he was a damn good cop.

He made connections like no one else. It was like he had some sort of sixth sense. You’d asked him once, about how he seemed to know all he did. How he seemed to have access to a whole other database of clues you just couldn’t see.

And he’d smiled that cheeky smile of his, and told you he’d been consulting an oracle.

Your new partner, Grayson, moves like nothing you’ve ever seen.

You’d initially attributed it to his past as an acrobat. The way he could simply parkour over and around anything in his way, run faster then he had any right to, chase down a perp like a bloodhound.

It was more than that though. You’d say without hesitation that if you were in a firefight, he’s who you’d want at your side. You must’ve owed him your life three times over by now. Even in those situations though, when no one would have blamed him for the use of lethal force, he never had.

You’d been pinned down by a smuggling ring. You, Grayson, and ten of them - all armed to the teeth.

He’d been incredible. Superhuman, almost.

Someone had shot out the lights. He’d told you one of the smugglers must have missed. You’d never once believed him.

Ten smugglers. You’d managed to knock out and cuff one, unwilling to risk taking a shot blind.

The other nine? Those had been your partner. He had them unconscious in a heap by the time your eyes had adjusted.

No bullet wounds. He’d done it hand to hand.

You didn’t know exactly what he was hiding, but you knew he was hiding something. You decided not to call him out on it. Not as long as you trusted that whatever he was using his … inexplicable skills for was good.

And trust you did.

Grayson was a good man. Even knowing little about him

Which was why this betrayal hurt so badly.

“Say again?”

You’d sat in relative silence in an unmarked police car for about half an hour on a stakeout, and Richard Grayson had just said the worst sentence you’d ever heard. You’d never been so utterly horrified.

“Peeps popcorn.” He says, holding up the tupperware containing an atrocious biohazard, grinning from ear to ear.

“One more time please?” you fight to keep up your faked anger, but fail in the face of that fucking smile.

Honestly, it should be some sort of crime to smile like that. Like everything would work out in the end, so long as you could keep him smiling at you.

Your New Partner Is Grayson.

“Peeps. Popcorn.” He says it a third time. He’s trying and failing not to laugh at her, at the way her mouth twists and flails to maintain a frown.

He was tempted to tell her it was in vain. He’d broken Batman, and he’d make her smile too.

Honestly, she had such a pretty smile. Not that he’d say that, she was his partner, and they needed to keep things professional.

“It’s my turn to provide stakeout snacks, and so,” he lifts the lid of the peeps popcorn balls.

“Peeps popcorn.”

She rolls her eyes, and looks out the window of the passenger side. But she’s smiling. “It is one of life’s great injustices,” she huffs “that you can eat like that and maintain your… impressive physique.”

Dick feels his chest puff out a little. While he had been able to tell all along that she had a crush on him, but he’d never risk acting on it. Still, it felt nice to be complemented by her.

“Seriously, do you clock off and just do the ninja warrior course all night or something?” She muses, her head against the window, looking at him out of the side of her eye.

“Not exactly,” he replies, sitting back in his seat, bringing his foot up onto the cushion. “Try one.” he presses, poking her side with the container.

She takes one, rolling her eyes and nibbles at the neon cluster of popcorn.

“No. no.” she gags, “oh that's nasty. Oh, it's so sweet. Why? Why Grayson. Why would you do this to me?” she asks, setting the sticky concoction on the divider between their seats.

Dick just laughs “I am determined to make you a peeps convert.”

“Never, regular marshmallows are fine.”

“Peeps are rainbow.”

“How old are you?”

“There is no age too old to enjoy whimsy, Detective.” he responds, biting into his own.

“Besides, are you implying that rainbow marshmallows are irregular? In this day and age? Tut tut.”

“We are not making me out to be a homophobe over peeps!” she protests, still laughing, slightly taken aback at the audacity.

“If you say so.” he says, stretching his arms over his head and into the backseat. Stakeouts were terrible. He was not built to sit still in a confined space for hours at a time. However, this one provided a useful opportunity he cannot afford to waste.

Not to torment her with his war of attrition for peeps supremacy - though that was fun.

He needed to be sure of something else.

“Well. You being wrong about peeps aside. I … wanted to check back on a file from a few months ago. You uh… you didn’t move the Holt murder file, did you?”

“Holt.” she clicks her tongue in thought “the guy with…” she gestures to her chest.

“That's the guy.”

“Not knowingly. I haven’t had cause to reopen it. No new leads. I tried to track down the kid… He didn’t want a bar for me. Guess I can’t blame him. I offered the help I could… but well… the last time someone helped him his dad got brutally murdered. He’s staying in the tent city by the docks, best I can figure.” She seems to feel guilty as soon as she says it, but Dick doesn’t blame her.

He had paid for that room. If he hadn’t… who knows what might have happened?

“But if someone moved it?” he prompts, not wanting to dwell on that gnawing guilt.

“Wasn’t me.”

Your New Partner Is Grayson.

Your new partner, Grayson, was a weird guy who ate strange and terrible foods.

He blames himself for what happened to poor Mr Holt. Because he was good to the core, and somehow that had led to something utterly twisted.

He’s also standing on your balcony. On the 20th floor.

And it all makes sense now.

Your apartment isn’t particularly nice. It was small, and frequently disorganised. Especially when you got overly invested in a case.

You’d been texted many gifs of the conspiracy board meme by friends over the years.

Work life balance? Not something you’d ever seen much value in.

And now, your unfairly attractive new partner Grayson was in your apartment, in full vigilante getup.

You need to find a way to be normal about that in ten seconds or less, because he’s staring at you, and you're staring at him, and it's starting to get awkward.

“Hello.” you eek out.

He greets you as Detective, followed by your first and last name.

Unusually formal, for him. Unless… unless he somehow thinks a few inches of fabric in the shape of a wingding is going to fool you.

Unless he thinks he’s got you hoodwinked.

“Nightwing… to what do I owe the pleasure?”

He leans in the doorframe, his hands braced against its top, so he is leaning into your space without touching you, and giving you plenty of ability to step back if you so chose. You don’t.

“I have reason to suspect there’s a serial killer moving though Bludhaven. And that whoever they are, they have someone in your precinct on the payroll.”

You fold your arms, bristling.

“Not sure I appreciate the accusation.” Sure, the bludhaven police department was ridiculously corrupted. But you’d hope that your partner would have at least the trust in you not to think you’d help a serial killer.

“No accusation.” he reassures “a request for help. I need someone I can trust inside the department. And my source says that’s you, sherlock.”

His source? Was he kidding?

No. No he wasn’t.

Oh this was madness.

This was hysterical.

He really, truly thinks that you can’t know him outside of his streetwear. And he’s trying to pass it off like he doesn’t know himself either.

Perhaps you should tell him you know.

But… Grayson and his peeps tomfoolery isn’t the only one who can have fun.

“So… you’re asking me to… what, exactly?” You prompt, unfolding your arms, willing to give him a chance.

Nightwing offers you a smile. It’s slightly different from Richard Graysons.

It’s just as sunny, and it makes you feel just as warm and fuzzy and giggly inside. You have to fight even harder to stop yourself blushing, given how much less this getup leaves to the imagination then his usual dress pants, shirt and tie.

But it’s a little more … brazzen. Flirtatious. More… cocky. Sure, He was always at least a bit of a show off, but as nightwing? He was one of the most capable, incredible people alive, and he wasn’t shy about it.

Oh, you were doomed. But that was a problem for later.

“I’m asking you to keep an eye on the ‘heartless’ case. Holt… he’s not the only one and I think there’s going to be more. And, to be blunt?”

He stands up straight, and puts an arm on your shoulder.

“It’s a big request. But you might be the only person in that station who I have real confidence in.”

You wonder what that says about his relationship with himself, but like so many things with Richard, you don’t ask.

“I can do that.”

“And I understand that it’s dange— I’m sorry, did you just agree?” he cuts himself off, staring at you.

You laugh then, just the once.

You owed him your life many times over as his partner. But as nightwing?

Since he’d come on the scene, you’d actually felt like something mattered. Like change could happen.

Like someone was willing to help the people of Bludhaven not to reap a profit, but because the system you’d once hoped to help restore was broken at its very core, and restoration wasn’t the solution - reformation and fundamental change was. And you didn’t know how to do that.

But then Nightwing had come onto the scene, and started kicking the asses of the worst of the worst, and you had felt like you had when you’d joined the force, bright eyed, bushy tailed, and determined to make a difference.

Before the incident. And every other day, when you’d felt that optimism slowly being crushed to death, into a fine powder and blown away in the wind.

“Yeah.” you say, and agreeing to help is one of the best feelings in the world. You get to help. To make a real difference.

“Bludhaven owes you a hell of a lot, Nightwing… seems like the least I can do is tell you if anything weird comes up.”

“Right. Thank you.” he clearly wasn’t expecting this. Maybe he’d thought it would be a harder sell.

“If I do… have anything for you, how should I alert you?”

He passes you a wingding. “Put this in your window. I’ll check in every few days.”

You raise an eyebrow “all your fancy tech and you don’t have a phone”

He shrugs “phones are traceable. Plausibly just something you picked up on a case as a trinket that you ‘forgot’ to log in evidence left on a windowsill? Lot harder to trace.”

“Fair.” you acknowledge.

“Besides.” he steps backwards onto your balcony once more “your place is on one of my main patrol routes. Can’t let anything happen to the best looking detective Blud’s got.”

You scoff, without any real offence. You know he’s only playing, and that he does, as Richard, respect your intellect more then your appearance - but you suppose as ‘nightwing’ he doesn’t know you that well.

“I think you mean best detective full stop.” you respond, and he gives a small bow of playful deference.

“But of course, sherlock.”

And then he’s gone.

That night, you don’t sleep.

You felt so stupid. He’s nightwing. He’s been nightwing the whole time.

The skills. The disappearing. The way he seemed to just… know things.

The way he tensed whenever someone mentioned Gotham.

… the timing of Robin reportedly becoming a child again.

Had your new partner, Grayson, been Robin?

Had he been using the Batman's archives to solve cases? Was that his so called oracle?

… wait.

Was Bruce Wayne the FUCKING BATMAN?

You screamed into your pillow. You were laying awake, face down in your bed, because now you had realised far too many things in one night.

The first: Your new partner is Nightwing.

The second: Bruce Wayne might be Batman.

The third: you, enchanted by that fucking perfect smile, had agreed to help track down a serial killer stealing hearts.

The fourth: Your new partner, Richard Grayson, between his stupid snacks, the Alfred Pennyworth foundation he’s been working to get off the ground, and his work as Nightwing, will save Bludhaven, you know it to your core.

And the fifth. The worst, and scariest part of your night: You may very well have fallen in love with him.

If you read this far, reblog?

Divider credit: @strangergraphics

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First time writing Dick! Feedback is welcome.

1 year ago

has anyone ever had sex before

1 year ago

i saw you said something about ex!anakin and i crave that pleeeeease 😇


omg thank god someone wanted this! lmao lie laugh love exbf!ani

I Saw You Said Something About Ex!anakin And I Crave That Pleeeeease

ex!anakin skywalker...

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ who shows up to your apartment early as possible in the morning because he knows you're more likely to open the door. he likes how drowsy and needy you look. even though it's not for him, because of him, he loves seeing you that way. he'll beg for just a little of your time

'just breakfast. i'll pay.'

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ and he'd insist on waiting for you to dress up. he wouldn't mind if you didn't, he truly does just want to spend time with you, but the idea that you'll still dress up for him. yeah, he enjoys that a bit too much. and god, will he treat you. if you're walking to breakfast, he's stopping street vendors and practically begging you to let him buy you something

'please, honey? it'd look so cute in your apartment.'  or  'let me pick you out a bouquet, okay? for my pretty girl.'

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ and it won't matter how many times you explain, show, or tell him that you aren't 'his' in any kind of way— he'll still act just the same. if he's driving though, he'd make a big show of putting on your most recent spotify playlist. truthfully its the only reason you don't block him on it. all other apps, however, he is blocked. his messages are muted and barely get answered, but he still never stops. anakin is so dedicated to you that most people think you're still together, maybe just one of those 'lowkey' couples. at breakfast, anakin will urge you to order your favorite cocktail

'you deserve it! one drink won't hurt, baby.'

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ and you listen almost every time. your time with him is never only relegated to breakfast though. he'll make up anything just to keep you around; you need to get groceries? anakin can take you. you need new shoes? anakin can buy them. you have an appointment? anakin's offering to take you. he once sat at the dmv with you for an entire day just to be near you. you'll play into it, because you figure you deserve it. payback for how inconsistent and absent he was in an actual relationship.

'why couldn't you have remembered i liked this when i was actually dating you?' 'oh baby, it's 'cause i'm stupid'

—anakin skywalker would be the best ex.

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1 year ago


halloween party at hogwarts? u can pick the pairing n stuff i just think halloween parties are so fun (maybe couples costumes?🤭)

i actually love you for requesting!!! also sorry this is kinda late ive been out for days aaah

˚⟡.• pairing: fem!reader x sirius black (hope thats ok!)

˚⟡.• word count: 568 (super short cause I've got something longer in the works)

Halloween Party At Hogwarts? U Can Pick The Pairing N Stuff I Just Think Halloween Parties Are So Fun

It was Sirius' idea to do matching costumes. You thought it was a bit cringey, but he was convinced it was a spectacular plan. "I'll be a Vampire, and you'll be my victim. Isn't that a good idea, baby?" You would nod silently, not wanting to sound objected to the idea.

But when Halloween came, you ended up very excited. There was to be a huge party, with everyone invited. Sirius was especially jumpy, not able to hold back his excitement at the thought of you being attached to his hip all night.

You got ready together, obviously, and as you changed into your black corset, he watched in awe.

"Let me tie that for you, jolie fille." He whispered into your ear, tucking your hair out of the way. You blushed, for he was so fucking romantic.

He kissed your neck tenderly as he tightened your corset, biting lightly at your skin.

"Ow! Sirius, did you just bite me?" You asked, giggling.

"Well I'm a Vampire tonight, aren't I?" He said, tying the strings of your corset into a bow.

"Yes, Sirius. You are."


You both looked hot, and you knew it. Walking into the party, Sirius had his arm tightly behind your back, smiling down at you.

"Oi! It's Mr and Mrs Black!" James shouted, running over holding Lily's hand. They were dressed as a doe and a stag, not surprising. "Bugger off, Prongs." Sirius answered, kissing your forehead lightly. You blushed intensely, admiring the decorations of the common room.

Everything was illuminated in an orange glow. It was gorgeous. Jack-o-Lanterns bobbed up and down midair, and the room smelled of freshly brewed tea. The party was fantastic, and the music even better.

You eventually found yourself involved in a heated make-out session with Sirius, when all of a sudden you two were being pulled apart and dragged to opposite sides of the common room. It was obviously game time.

The game was Mummy Wrap, and you and Sirius were chosen as the Mummies-to-be. Whichever team had a better Mummy would win an entire case of Fire Whiskey. Your team consisted of you, Lily, Remus, and Marlene. Sirius' team was him, Peter, James, and Mary.

Alice Fortescue had enchanted her wand with an amplifying charm, and was doing most of the announcements for the party.

"Teams! Get ready to start wrapping!" She called.

You looked over at Sirius, exchanging grins.

“3.. 2.. 1.. GO!"

You were extremely surprised how fast you became wrapped with toilet paper, and how loud the cheering was from onlookers. Seemingly as soon as it started, the timer went off and the wrapping was over.

"Sirius!" You shouted, not being able to see a thing with your face covered.

"Yes, Y/N?" He yelled back, laughing.

"I miss you!" You giggled, struggling to keep your balance.

"I'm sure I miss you more, sweetheart." Sirius purred.

Sirius' team had won the competition, as you had ended up falling over and ripping your Mummy-Wrap before the judging started.


The rest of the party had gone by with a blur, and next thing you knew, you were being carried to the boy's dormitory bridal-style by Sirius.

"That was bloody awesome, Sirius." You cooed, putting your arms around his neck.

"You're bloody awesome." He gushed, dropping you onto his bed.

"Now," Sirius hummed. "how am I supposed to get this god damned corset off of you?"

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1 year ago

mike schmidt is so hot but in a loser boyfriend type of way

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1 year ago

i have a couple fics that i’m writing/finishing & posting over the next month or two :)

theres mostly mike schmidt & some dave lizewski & miguel o’hara, and then ill prob go back to tlou!

follow my fic blog & turn notifs on to be notified when i post them <3

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1 year ago

thinking about older bf mike.

Thinking About Older Bf Mike.

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1 year ago

i request balls

don’t think i won’t write this out of spite

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1 year ago

she/her nsfw blog 20s

rules reqs works fic blog

1 year ago

PLEASE send mike schmidt reqs… i’m actually losing my mind over him rn😋

(wanna do smut drabbles but im desperate)

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1 year ago

what do you think about adult!dave?

i think A LOT about him actually😵‍💫😭! specially him as like the jim halpert-type.. good lord.

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1 year ago

ppl in tiktok comments do it to themself. they’re all like “i can’t find any ffc” blah blah blah “lemme open wattpad” like … do you not love yourself ???

1 year ago


i only post in english, so please don’t send requests in another language

if you do not like my work, please just block me instead of telling me

dont spam my asks or inbox. i read all my requests & if i didn't write yours i promise it's not personal, i write what i feel motivated to write

do not claim an emoji anon if you’re not going to use it

1 year ago


minors dni

if i don’t have a fandom listed in my masterlist i most likely will not write for it

although i write for spiderman/spiderverse, please do not ask me to post about underage characters. i will not write about them in any romantic/sexual sense

i also don’t write about celebrities

1 year ago
