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The Brothers Crying & How To Comfort Them

The Brothers Crying & How to Comfort Them

“I love all the OM! boys! I just want the best for them *crushes them in my fist*”

Hope this wasn’t too repetitive! I tried to write it so it could be platonic or romantic, depending on your preference.

Thanks to @avatarofcuriousity for the concept and help with the bros <3

  Content warnings: chapter 16 spoilers, angst lol


You already know. It takes a lot for this dude to cry.

If Lucifer cries around you, that’s how you know he’s in it for the long haul. It takes an ASTOUNDING amount of trust for him to even consider being that vulnerable around you. If he cries in your presence, or even seeks comfort from you, he’s saying he trusts you with his whole soul. The Avatar of Pride doesn’t give that to just anybody.

He’s one of those lucky folks that can, for the most part, blink back their tears.

When he does cry, it’s as if he’s still trying to hide it. He’s not overly loud, and mainly sniffles. He already has to be in extreme distress to cry in the first place, but if he’s on the higher end of that, he lets out quiet, breathy sobs.

His cheeks and nose redden slightly; it’s a heartbreaking version of that blush you know and love.

He doesn’t often hug you on his own. He either starts crying while you’re already in his arms, or keeps to himself.

How to comfort him: Wrap your arms around him and card your fingers through his hair. He appreciates head kisses, if you’re comfortable giving them. Don’t soothe him verbally, though– despite the good intentions behind them, any words of affirmation only remind him of his vulnerability.


Also ashamed of crying. After centuries of being mocked whenever you get upset, who wouldn’t be?

Pretty good at hiding it. He can mostly hold back his tears, but sometimes the dam breaks and they fall against his will. At that point, he tries to subtly wipe them and make an Irish exit

When he’s trying to cover it up, you can see how his breathing changes— it quickens, then gets really slow, deep and deliberate once he takes notice. So even if he seems fine, the dramatic rise and fall of his chest gives it away to those close to him.

If he lets himself cry around you, that’s a huge sign of trust. Very much like Lucifer in that regard.

Holds you like you’ll vanish if he lets go. He tucks his head into the crook of your neck, squeezing his eyes shut and nearly crushing you in his arms. He sniffles, but more out of instinct than actual need.

Mammon has a lot of pent-up emotions, so it all comes tumbling out when he finally releases them. He whimpers and cries into your shoulder, only letting go when he’s mostly calmed down.

How to comfort him: Murmur sweet nothings into his ear. Reassure him. Rub his back softly, and remind him that you’ll be there until he feels okay again.


Doesn’t need to cry as much as his brothers, if only because he cries over anime and manga regularly.

Tears start rolling down his cheeks before he realizes what’s wrong. By time he notices that he’s crying, it’s too late to hide it.

Levi’s sobs are quiet, but audible from the next room over. He tries to muffle them or hold them in as best he can.

Curls up on himself when he’s upset. Feeling small makes him feel safe, and he’s too afraid to hug anyone— especially you. He doesn’t think you’d want to touch him, or even be around him when he's like this.

He’s insecure about how much his face reddens while crying, so he tries to hide it behind his arms or hands.

How to comfort him: Hold him, rub his back, put your chin on his shoulder, and have a box of tissues within reach. You can trace patterns or draw things on his back to distract him. Once he’s starting to calm down, he’ll try and guess what you’re drawing. Press a kiss to his head or shoulder, if you feel comfortable doing so. He’ll short circuit and maybe cry harder, but at least those tears are happy ones. Baby steps.


After doing it for so long, Satan finds it easy to disconnect from the outside world.

So yes, he does shed a few tears over his novels, but crying for himself is another thing.

Satan has to hold intense emotions back for every waking moment. When he finally lets go, there’s a lot to process.

He almost drapes himself over you, gripping the back of your shirt ’til his knuckles are white. His face presses into your nape. Loud, powerful sobs wrack his frame hard enough to make him retch.

How to comfort him: Pull him close, or into your lap, if possible. Cup the back of his head and press kisses to wherever you can reach. Rub his back, or run your hand up and down his sides. Do whatever you can to show your love, because this is likely the first time he’s ever felt taken care of.


Finally, at least one brother has a kind of healthy relationship with his emotions.

He doesn’t announce it, but he cries regularly in the shower. Stress is bad for the skin, y’know? It’s best to get it out when you need to.

And of course he’s a pretty crier. Rosy cheeks, sniffles, soft whimpers, the works.

Possibly the only brother who seeks you out for comfort before breaking down. He knocks timidly on your door, a small voice asking to be let in. Once he’s on your bed and in your arms, he breathes out a shaky sigh. The tears start falling from there.

Asmo will bring a box of Kleenex with him. He doesn’t want to get tears on your clothes, but they also dry out his skin and that simply isn’t an option.

How to comfort him: Asmo likes soft comfort. Cradle him in your arms, pet his hair, hold his hand. Tracing hearts on his back helps him cheer up once he realizes what you’re doing. If you’re feeling bold, cup his face and wipe a tear with your thumb— that’ll earn you a smile and a sniffly “Ooh, I didn’t know you were such a romantic, MC~.”


Not usually a crier. He tears up at movies, but doesn’t cry for real life stuff… in the moment.

After a long day, when everyone’s gone to sleep, Beel lies in bed and gets it all out at once. Staring at the ceiling, he sniffles and whines as he tries to keep quiet. He doesn't really have anywhere else to go, but he doesn't want to wake Belphie. (Belphie senses something’s wrong and wakes up anyway, don’t worry. He’s always there to take care of him.)

When he stops holding back, he weeps freely, but his cries are still soft and breathy.

Doesn’t really look for comfort because he knows his brothers are also going through a lot. Beel wants to be strong for them. He doesn’t want to be a burden.

How to comfort him: Sit in his lap and let him bury his face in your shoulder. He’s aware of his strength, and still treats you like glass, but his hold is firm. He grips your shirt really tightly. Reassure him in a soft voice. Play with his hair, rub or draw patterns on his back, trace his tattoos, give him little kisses if you feel like it. He may be big, but he’s delicate. Please be tender with him.


Like Satan, Belphie also disconnects from the outside world.

He's an angry crier, but other than that, you don't get much out of him.

When he's really upset, though, it all comes pouring out. Belphegor rarely cries, but damn, is he good at it.

As he comes to befriend you, the memory of your murder gets more and more nauseating. During naps with you, his mind occasionally drags him back to that moment.

He wakes up, pillow already soaked with tears, and sees you next to him. He throws his arms around you, his clutch desperate and suffocating ironic lmao. Belphie howls, his breathing ragged as he pulls you as close as physically possible. He chokes and stumbles on apology after apology, begging you not to leave.

How to comfort him: Hold him tightly and pet his hair. Rub his back. Remind him over and over that it’s okay, I’m alright, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.

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More Posts from Whimsywhisperz

2 years ago
In The Years Bakugou Katsukis Friends Have Known Him, They Have Learned That Despite His Loud And Brash

in the years bakugou katsuki’s friends have known him, they have learned that despite his loud and brash personality, he was a notoriously private person. he seldom posted on social media, rarely did interviews or showed up on talk shows. the media still ate him up, his evasiveness about his life outside of hero work only leaving people wondering just what he was hiding.

“are you sure this is the place, denks?”

he kept his private life hidden so well under wraps that he didn’t even tell his bestest friends in the whole wide world that he’d moved apartments. they’d found out by accident.

kaminari checks his phone again. “yeah! this place is on shinsou’s patrol route. i don’t think bakugou knows, but shin and i have seen him walk in here three times this week!”

simply entering a building on its own wouldn’t be enough to rouse suspicion. the first time, shinsou had reported that he’d seen bakugou wearing his uniform trailing behind a woman in a suit - someone from legal or pr, he assumed - and kaminari had thought it was for a witness interview and brushed it off.

the second time had been a little more unusual. it’d been bakugou on his own, dressed casually with his cap tipped low and his backpack slung over his shoulder. kaminari hadn’t had much time to think about that one because he’d been helping an old lady cross the street, so he’d just assumed he was visiting a friend or something.

the third time had been downright suspicious, because he’d seen bakugou dressed casually and carrying two bags of groceries in his arms. this occurrence had been downright suspicious, and had prompted kaminari to make a groupchat to share his findings.

kirishima glances around the busy street, humming. though it’s one of the wealthier districts in musutafu, the street is quiet, sleepy, dotted with small shops and street vendors. the closest agency is three blocks away, and it isn’t even bakugou’s. “it’s kinda far from our agency, don’t you think? it’s way off our patrol area, and his job is basically his life. why would he live here?”

“that’s what we’re here to find out,” kaminari shrugs, pocketing his phone. there’s a doorman stationed outside the building, sending the pair a polite grin as he holds the door open. “swanky place though, don’t you think? maybe i should get myself a nike deal too! then i can finally get out of shin’s place.”


katsuki’s just gotten out of the shower, stirring idly at the pot on the stove when he hears a knock at his front door. he flicks the heat down a notch before heading for the door to peek through the peephole.

that’s when pro-hero dynamight, number two on the hero billboards, and a role model for children everywhere, leans back and mutters, “fuck.”

another knock, a little more insistent this time. “hey, bakugou? you home? denks, if this isn’t his place this is gonna be real awkward.”

“fuck. fuck,” he glances over his shoulder at the bedroom, then back at the door. this wasn’t how everyone was supposed to find out. especially not ei and denki of all people, whose mouths were bigger than their combined iq.

he lets the analytic hero side of his brain assesses the situation first. the obvious answer is that he could just…not open the door. it’s a good, quick solution in the short term, but will still come back to bite him in the ass later. when it comes to his personal life, no wall (or door, in this case) could withstand the nosiness of his friends.

his other option was to, well, open the door. just a crack, of course. feeding the vultures a half-truth would placate them for the time being, so he could retreat and come back with a better plan.

“hey! bakugou!” kaminari cheers when he begrudgingly opens the door. “so you do live here!”

“last time i checked, yeah,” he huffs, staying planted firmly in the doorway. he treats this like he would any interview, shutting down any unwanted questions with blunt, half-answers. it’s usually enough to deter most reporters, but his friends have learned to shrug off his hostility simply because they lack any self-preservation skills.

“can we come in?” kirishima asks hopefully. “we wanna see your new place!”


he rolls his eyes at their identical pouts. “why not?”

“because i can’t trust you both near things that can stain.” he gestures to the hall. “now can you please get out of here so i don’t burn dinner?”

“ugh, fine,” kaminari relents with a louder than necessary groan, which katsuki immediately finds suspicious, especially when the blond places a hand on his shoulder. “i gotta admit, this is a nice place, man, you did good. i’m proud of you.”

katsuki feels it a second too late– the light tingling that often precedes–

he curses through clenched teeth as kaminari shocks him with a voltage just shy of a taser, body folding as it fights the current. his so-called friends take the opportunity to push past him and into his living room.

“awe, look!” that electric dipshit coos, picking up a picture frame. “It’s a picture of all of us at graduation!”

“and look at this one! this one is of him and–” kirishima’s expression shifts into genuine surprise. “this is the head of our legal department…and you’re kissing her! on the mouth!”

of course it’s then that the bedroom door opens, three heads turning to see you walking out, toweling off your wet hair. “katsuki?”

the pro, still crumpled in the doorway, looks away as his friends do a double take, then fix him with wide eyed stares.

“katsuki!” you gasp, rushing to his side. “oh my god, are you okay?”

“‘m fine,” he coughs, letting you help him to his feet. “aside from the two ass clowns in our living room.”


“oh, ignore him,” you simper, pressing yourself into his side. “he loves you guys, but right now…i think he’d prefer to love you from afar. at least until our housewarming party!”

“housewarming party?!”

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2 years ago

Random thought #354 (13:45)

Random Thought #354 (13:45)

Bakugou has to know your location at all times.

He‘s got your location on his phone, his watch, the alarm system lets him know when you enter the house, it’s an obsession of his to know where you are.

There’s even a little tracker in the ring he gave you- with your consent of course, he’s not that much of an asshole- and he’s pleased when he sees it out and about with you while you run your errands or go out with friends.

He hides it under the guise of “need to make sure your ass ain’t cheating on me.”

But that’s not true. You know that’s not true.

A little possessive, maybe, but it’s not like that.

Bakugou has to know your location at all times because he knows how dangerous it is out there, how something could happen in an instant and he needs to be right there when you need him most. He’d stop battles, abandon his job, blow himself and others up in any chance to get to you if you needed him.

He knows the addresses of all your friends, family, every hospital in the area. He knows the vin of your car by heart, he knows your schedule, he’s so crazy about doing his best to keep you safe that it’s almost cute.

Nuzzling your head against his chest while he confirms your location on his phone, you give him a chuckle, making him hum in acknowledgment.

“Think you’re growing soft on me, Katsu,” you mumble, a loving thumb stroking over his collarbone.

He scoffs and offers you a scowl, “what are you talking about?”

“You just wanna keep me safe always, don’t you?”

“I don’t give a shit what you do, ain’t my job to keep you safe.”

It kind of is, but you let that die on your tongue and replace it with a kiss against his jawline, chuckling when he angles his head for more of your sweet affection.

“You falling in love with me or something?” You purr, laying your head back down against him to let his cheeks flush in peace.

He laughs out a bark, but you hear his heart-rate pick up a bit under your ear.

“Can’t stand your bitchass. Idiot.”

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2 years ago

warnings : fem reader, slight smut (mdni), fingering (f receiving), teasing, cursing, making out, mentions of multiple orgasms (f receiving), established relationship

word count : 0.8k

Warnings : Fem Reader, Slight Smut (mdni), Fingering (f Receiving), Teasing, Cursing, Making Out, Mentions

Not unlike most in Kenma’s life, the way he kisses is lazy.

Soft, pliant lips part as they press against yours, tongue dragging across your lower lip, letting out a soft, content sigh at the taste of the remnants of lip balm. With spit slicking his lips, Kenma parts your mouth with his tongue, pressing down on your own, head rushing with exhilaration at the way you suddenly tighten your fingers near his waist. The fabric of his hoodie bunches underneath your hands, and with a grin pressed against your mouth–almost smug in nature–Kenma leans into your touch. 

“You good?” he lets out a chuckle from under his breath, the warmth of it mingling with your own. 

Kenma pulls away to get a better look at you, and a thick spread of something warm and sweet fills his chest when you let out a soft sound of protest. You’re no more than a hairs-width away; Kenma’s lashes brush against your temple as his eyes flutter shut, swollen lips parting when you gently rock your hips down onto the two fingers he has buried between your thighs. 

“Aha,” he lets out a breathless laugh when you clench around his fingers, pressing them knuckle-deep and wiggling them until they brush against the spot that has your body nearly folding around his, head dropping to rest against his shoulder. 

“‘M perfect,” you mumble against the crook of his neck–nearly a groan. Your lips move against his neck, and despite the lewd way his fingers pump in and out of your cunt, Kenma can’t help the blush that warms his cheeks at the almost-innocent feeling of your mouth grazing his pulse point. 

Kenma’s eyes open to get a better look at you, and he licks his lips at the sight of your thighs spreading further apart on his lap, rocking your hips down to feel the rough pads of his fingertips pressing inside you.

His throat goes dry, and Kenma’s cock throbs against your thigh when you let out an airy moan of his name.

“Mhm. Perfect for me and my dick,” he says when he’s finally able to compose a sentence, jaw slackening with awe at the feel of your slick dripping down his wrist. 

Curling his fingers towards him, Kenma carefully watches your reactions; his sweatpants are ruined from where pre-cum beads and dribbles from the slit of his cock, and the wet spot only grows as he lets you fuck yourself on his fingers, grinding and pulling them deeper inside your cunt. He begins to breathe a bit faster, harder. It’s all Kenma can do to watch you make a mess on his lap, moaning his name so prettily in his ear for him.

“So let me ride it. Wanna feel you,” you retort, pulling away from his neck to face him. 

Your request only further steals the air from Kenma’s lungs, and at the sight of your eyes heavy with need, it’s almost enough to make him fold.

Instead, Kenma merely smirks, enjoying the way your pussy tightens around his fingers when he drags them down your cunt. “What? This isn’t enough?” he teases you, voice dripping with something akin to arrogance. As if to punctuate his words, Kenma presses them deep inside you, tongue coming to press against his bottom lip when you immediately keen in pleasure. 

“Y-you know what I mean, Kenma. Let me fuck you,” you attempt to convince him, and the increasingly needy tone in your voice does nothing to aid Kenma’s restraint. He wanted to enjoy this for a bit longer, but if you keep looking at him like that, grinding on his fingers, he knows that resolve to tease you will crack. 

Gathering himself, Kenma leans back against the couch, spreading his legs a bit wider and offering you a lazy, lopsided grin. “Hm,” he pretends to think on it, smirk only broadening as he continues slowly fucking his fingers into you. “Nah. Wanna watch you ride my fingers a bit longer.”

“Fuck you,” you immediately shoot him a glare, but the complete lack of bitterness in your tone, paired with how your slick steadily coats his fingers, only has his dick stiffening even more.

Kenma’s eyes dart to your lips, and a rough sound falls from his mouth when he imagines the sweet sounds you’ll let out when he fucks you. A strand of hair falls in his eye, but neither of you bothers to move it aside, too enamored with the moment.

“That’s not very nice to say to the person who’s about to make you cum. You should just let me kiss you instead. Wanna feel that pretty mouth of yours,” Kenma says. He leans closer, a hand moving to the nape of your neck to pull you to him. You oblige easily, lips parting to press your mouth to his in an eager, messy kiss. 

Kenma’s mind immediately melts; a rush thrills through his body, pressing rapidly against his heart until it swells with affection for you. He squeezes you closer, succumbing to the wet, open-mouthed kiss, moving his lips lazily against yours.

And, while you’ll surely complain about him going so slow, Kenma is sure you won’t be complaining about the multiple times he makes you cum, no matter how lethargic his actions. 

He likes to drag out your pleasure, after all. 

Warnings : Fem Reader, Slight Smut (mdni), Fingering (f Receiving), Teasing, Cursing, Making Out, Mentions

haikyuu mlist.

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2 years ago

I wanna give Luci a lil break from being tortured lol Can I ask for him and the letter c? Congrats on 3k!!

🎉3k celebration 🎉

c - courtship, what do they do to hint at wanting to get together? is it obvious they’re courting you or subtle? 

Lucifer thinks the smaller gestures are subtle enough for no one to notice. He thinks no one bats an eye when he stays back to walk you to RAD after breakfast, or how often he tries to eat lunch with you, or how quick he is to make you coffee in the morning (he’s memorized how you like it down to what your favourite mug is), or if he has to scold you the threats are so weak behind his words that you wonder why he bothered at all. 

But everyone notices. Asmodeus, who asks if Lucifer wants to know your shoe size or clothing sizes or what style of clothes you want to wear. Leviathan, who casually drops in sentences the type of movies you like, in case Lucifer somehow manages to find himself trying to buy 2 tickets to a movie. Mammon, who starts making gagging noises when you and Lucifer stare at each other for too long, begging for you both to get a room. He stops when Lucifer glares. 

It’s worse when Lucifer attempts to be coy, where everyone in the group chat that excludes you calls him out on how he clearly likes you. Only for him to say he doesn’t know what any of them are talking about. Belphegor, Satan and even Solomon have receipts to prove him wrong. “Oh yeah explain these.” Photos of Lucifer giving you his coat to stay warm, Lucifer pulling you close under an umbrella as you both walk in the rain, Lucifer listening to you tell a story with his chin resting in his hand with a warm smile on his face and Lucifer is not impressed. 

“Where do you get those photos? Delete them now.” Lucifer audibly groans when Diavolo comments on how happy you both seem together, and remarks that he cannot wait until Lucifer finally confesses as you’d both make a great couple. It’s then followed by a spam of stickers nodding in agreement. 

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