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Wideeyedloner - A Feeling; A Heartbeat; A Hater.
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「もう独りで歩けない 時代の風が強すぎて Ah 傷つくことなんて 慣れたはず だけど今は・・・
Ah このまま抱きしめて 濡れたままの心を 変わり続けるこの時代に 変わらない愛があるなら
Will you hold my heart 涙 受け止めて もう壊れそうな All my heart」
me: i gotta be careful i don't want to get TOO into spn and destiel and then lose all sense of reality like some weirdos.
misha collins: castiel has appeared to me in my carpeting.
Both of them deserve the world and more. Both of them believe themselves to have messed up beyond repair resulting in self hatered. Both of them believe their partner deserves the world and will try to give it to them a million times over.

the ninth doctor was lowkey so under appreciated. he was the perfect combination of rascal (mostly) benevolent god and slut

‘‘- You talked Wallace into sacrificing himself’’ ‘‘- No, I didn’t. I… presented a situation.’’ - (4x09 Miller’s Crossing)