After A Shitty 5 Months Things Are Starting To Look Good... I Have An Audition To Be A Singer At A Cruise,
After a shitty 5 months things are starting to look good... I have an audition to be a singer at a cruise, any suggestions on what I could sing? I have no idea the kind of music they play at cruise ships 😅
seattlite09 liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Witchvspatriarchy
Ah yes, I just remember that hes said the first time he wore his spider suit it didn't fit cause the stunt wore it first... my mistake. Honestly. For Brie, I do remember hearing she didn't have one somewhere? I'm almost sure it was an mcu interview or special 🤔 maybe a pr tactic
Do you know if Margot Robbie has got a double too? Last time I checked she didn't have one, or at least a lot of press said she didn't. Was it a pr tactic like Brie's?
The fact that the only ppl in the MCU that did and still do their own stunts are Brie Larson and Tom Holland should be enough for sexists and boomers to fuck off but noooooooo
Feminists reunited in the streets of Argentina for "educación sexual para decidir, anticonceptivos para no abortar, aborto legal para no morir"

Sorority and Feminism
Sorority, sisterhood and girl gang support are elements of feminism.
It is often said becoming a feminist is joining a sorority. Which is kinda true - but what is a sorority?
Sororities are values based social organizations that are founded to provide women a safe space to gather and share, this groups are often-times women exclusive and provide intellectual and social connections amongst women to form strong bonds, gain meaningful lifelong friendships, develop leadership and professional skills and be a part of something bigger than themselves.
So yes, feminism could be described as a type of sorority, if you will.
The problem is when radical new feminists think being part of the feminist movement and embracing sisterhood and the whole "dont tear each other down" is the same as "do not ever question anything a fellow female does or says".
It's important to call out ignorant, problematic, bad, bigot and poor in taste behaviour - it doesnt matter who it comes from. A woman, a man, or a nonbinary pal.
Being part of a sorority,specially in feminism, also means helping each other grow too, and more often than not that means calling out people. So please do, but be respectful and assertive, not hostile and aggressive.
Also, if you're a feminist, dont be afraid to be wrong. We're all unlearning a belief system. We all have internalized misogyny because we all grew up in a patriarchal society and feminism is about growing and healing, and none of those are a linear process. You are allowed to be wrong, and mess up, but fellow feminists may and will call you out on it (as long as they do so with respect and tolerance), take it as an opportunity for growth for you - it's okay to acknowledge your mistakes. It's a very healthy thing to do.
Girls support girls and empowered women empower women does not mean turning a blind eye to women in the wrong - or supporting women blindly. This things do not cancel critical thinking. This means to stop actively participating in the patriarchy's way of diminishing women and piting them against each other. Like, who wore it better or when it was heavily implied by every male critic that if wonder woman failed (was bad) it was proof of how women aren't meant to be superheroes in big franchises even though there have been male centered superhero franchises that have flopped and they get the chance to keep trying. It means to stop calling each other sluts, and bitches and stop falling for the patriarchy's trap of "not being like other girls", to stop judging your fellow sisters for doing or saying things you wouldn't judge a man for, to acknowledge that women should have agency over their lives and bodies to make their own decisions, even if those decisions are not ones you would not make yourself. It means to support other women in life and have each other backs in our fight against an oppressive system.
Feminism fights to destroy and change all the perceptions about women (and men) that are harmful - including that women dont rape, are abusers, or kill (they are rarely the perpetrators, but it happens). Seeing feminists defend Amber Heard or JK Rowling because "shes a woman and feminism is for women" are one of the worst portrayal of feminism today.
Feminism does not mean supporting every single woman just because they're a woman. Don't be toxic on your feminism.
Birthday Witchery

Because you deserve the best on your birthday!
Witchy Things To Do:
Birthday magic
Cute little suggestion
Some ideas of what to do!
More ideas of what to do!
Birthday spell
Morning birthday spell
Simple lil’ birthday spell
Candle and cake birthday spell
Masterpost of wish spells
Tarot Spreads:
Birthday spread (5 card)
It’s my birthday! Spread (7 card)
The yearly spread (11 card)
Emoji Spells:
To feel like royalty on your birthday
Happy birthday emoji spell!