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What I'm gonna write right now could be triggering for a lot of people so if you're sensible to gruesome stuff do not read - but if you read it I ask of you to help us by reblogging and sharing and supporting us on this fight against gender violence ♀️💚
Yesterday, a 25 year old girl named Ingrid Escamilla was murdered by Erick Francisco, her 45 year old boyfriend. He stabbed her on the throat with a kitchen knife, skinned her from the face to the knees, and removed her organs and discarded them by drainage - all of this while his 15 year old autistic son held witness of the atrocity. Erick confessed to Ingrid's murder and yet people on social media have been saying is her fault for dating a much older man, for being lazy and trying to get "a sugar daddy", for not taking care enough of herself. And if that wasn't enough, pictures of her corpse have been shared publically via social media, almost going viral 💔

In the past few years mexico has had a feminist rise given that statistics show 10 women are killed every day in mexico city alone, 66 out of every 100 women suffer a form of gender violence in mexico, 1 in 5 complaints ends in conviction, 27.93% of pregnancies are from girls from 10 to 18, in 2019 there were 5350 feminicides and 7526 women were vanished from earth.
Women have marched, sang and danced, and vandalized monuments, and people got mad and said "we dont need feminism", "that's not how women should protest", "feminists are criminals", with a hashtag becoming really popular among women: "they dont represent me".

Ingrid was one of them, tweeting in March "feminism has to end if your best argument is that (we need it) because we are women, WE ARE PEOPLE and your life is not more important than a man's life stupid beast"

Yet, the feminists are fighting for her killer to be convicted and for it to be classified as a feminicide - the reason I'm telling you this is because I hope you'll realize that feminists fight for you and are your best friends. The best support system you could have.
But HERE is the reason I call for your support - the president has proposed to eradicate the term feminicide while stating: "I dont want feminicides to overshadow the presidential raffle". 🎫

If you're not from Mexico you wont know that the president promised during his campaign to sell and not use the presidential airplane. However he was "unable" to sell it and hes planning to raffle it amongst the mexican people, each ticket to enter the raffle costs $500 pesos - which is a lot. And it has been implied that people wont be given the plane but a prize in cash that's not even a 100th part of what the plane is worth. ✈
We cant allow our president to eradicate the term feminicide. We just can't. Itll make things worst for the victims and every single woman in mexico. This is a great act of violence towards women and it's coming from the most powerful person in our country, please spread the word about what he wants to do to us. 🤮🤢

if a woman is considered “dirty” and “defiled” after being touched by a man, you should stop blaming the woman and start blaming that man.
if i were a feminazi i’d be genociding the men by the millions and putting them in thousands of different concentration camps but i’m literally asking for gender equality it’s super simple
just putting this out there:
do men realize how much power they give women when they ask for a blow job? i mean honey your dick is in her mouth treat her with respect or get castrated, bitch.

throughout history it has been a man's job to provi...
no, throughout history men have actively prevented the independence of women, they have actively prevented our mobility, rights to an education, and livable income. they're abused our reproductive capability and passed us around like properties, they're used religion to rationalize their hatred of use, and to put us in place of subordination. so y'all can shut the fuck up about men being "providers" like it was some benevolent gesture, in an attempt to rationalize sexism
“you should smile more”
yeah, i’ll smile when you’re actually funny, try harder clown
imagine if women were like “gosh when i’m around men i just can’t stop myself from kicking them in the dick” and then men get upset and women just say “that’s what you get for being alone with use, you were basically asking for it”
when a guy asks you if it's your "time of the month", just casually say "no, it's not the full moon yet" and walk away
to the creepy men i have encountered in customer service:
i am not your sweetheart. i am not your darling. i am not your honey, sweetie, or babydoll. only thing i’m gonna be is the last person you see before i shovel dirt over your body if you keep this up
!!makeup is not false advertising because women are not a product to be sold to men!!