Slavery - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Possibly The Most Important Addition This Week On Hozier Liked

possibly the most important addition this week on Hozier Liked

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6 months ago
JD Vance: “I think there’s something comparable between abortion and slavery”

— NewsWire (@NewsWire_US) August 4, 2024

Welp trump can kiss the white house goodbye 👋🏾

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4 years ago
#blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #slave #slavery

#blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #slave #slavery #slaves #australia #aus #prison #prisonreform #prisonabolition #grenfall #grenfalltowerfire #grenfallfire #grenfalluk #loveandlight #loveandlight❤️💫 #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #racist #racistcops #racisttrump #silence #silenceisviolence #silenceisbetrayal

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3 years ago
On This Day, 1 January 1804, Haiti Became An Independent Republic, Following The Revolution Which Had

On this day, 1 January 1804, Haiti became an independent republic, following the revolution which had begun 13 years earlier as a rebellion of enslaved people against slavery and French colonialism. Previously known as Saint-Domingue, it was the most profitable colony in the world, generating greater revenue than all of the continental North American colonies combined. This immense wealth was generated by the sweat and blood of enslaved Africans who were being worked to death in their tens of thousands on coffee and sugar plantations. Shortly after the French revolution, which supposedly espoused the ideals of “liberty, equality and fraternity,” on August 22, 1791 enslaved people rose up, demanding those ideals be realised, and slavery and colonialism abolished. Over the coming years, the rebels successfully defeated the combined armies of the world’s biggest colonial powers: France, Spain and Britain. The 1804 declaration of independence abolished the colony of Saint-Domingue and reinstated the Indigenous Taino name of Hayti. Europe and the US then promptly ostracised the fledgling republic, causing severe economic hardship. In 1825, France finally agreed to recognise Haiti’s independence, provided it compensate former slaveowners to the tune of 150 million gold francs ($21 billion today) - a ransom which deeply impoverished the government and was not fully repaid until 1947. The United States only recognised Haitian independence in 1862, but this did not prevent it from invading and occupying it in 1915. Learn more about this rebellion and others around the world in this book by CLR James:

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3 years ago
On This Day, 1 January 1804, Haiti Became An Independent Republic, Following The Revolution Which Had

On this day, 1 January 1804, Haiti became an independent republic, following the revolution which had begun 13 years earlier as a rebellion of enslaved people against slavery and French colonialism. Previously known as Saint-Domingue, it was the most profitable colony in the world, generating greater revenue than all of the continental North American colonies combined. This immense wealth was generated by the sweat and blood of enslaved Africans who were being worked to death in their tens of thousands on coffee and sugar plantations. Shortly after the French revolution, which supposedly espoused the ideals of “liberty, equality and fraternity,” on August 22, 1791 enslaved people rose up, demanding those ideals be realised, and slavery and colonialism abolished. Over the coming years, the rebels successfully defeated the combined armies of the world’s biggest colonial powers: France, Spain and Britain. The 1804 declaration of independence abolished the colony of Saint-Domingue and reinstated the Indigenous Taino name of Hayti. Europe and the US then promptly ostracised the fledgling republic, causing severe economic hardship. In 1825, France finally agreed to recognise Haiti’s independence, provided it compensate former slaveowners to the tune of 150 million gold francs ($21 billion today) - a ransom which deeply impoverished the government and was not fully repaid until 1947. The United States only recognised Haitian independence in 1862, but this did not prevent it from invading and occupying it in 1915. Learn more about this rebellion and others around the world in this book by CLR James:

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3 years ago

slavery exists today in commercial agriculture, with several cases just in Florida affecting 1200 people in the past 15 years

You Need to Know: The Slavery Conditions on Tomato Farms
Thousands of farm laborers work under slavery-like conditions today in the U.S. and Mexico to grow tomatoes and other produce. This January,
Slavery Exists Today In Commercial Agriculture, With Several Cases Just In Florida Affecting 1200 People

it’s important to acknowledge the domestic enslavement living through prisons and the police, but this system absolutely includes the borders and immigration laws, which exist to produce a slave class of workers who are quite literally non-citizens with no rights so that capitalists can exploit them and retaliate with deportation, often to homelands torn by war or poverty because of the U.S./the West.

there’s a book here, Fields of Resistance, that’s really informative. I’m in the middle of it but it’s been great so far

tldr: borders exist to enslave people

Abolish borders, abolish prisons, abolish ICE, abolish the police. They’re different machines of the same system

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3 years ago

slavery exists today in commercial agriculture, with several cases just in Florida affecting 1200 people in the past 15 years

You Need to Know: The Slavery Conditions on Tomato Farms
Thousands of farm laborers work under slavery-like conditions today in the U.S. and Mexico to grow tomatoes and other produce. This January,
Slavery Exists Today In Commercial Agriculture, With Several Cases Just In Florida Affecting 1200 People

it’s important to acknowledge the domestic enslavement living through prisons and the police, but this system absolutely includes the borders and immigration laws, which exist to produce a slave class of workers who are quite literally non-citizens with no rights so that capitalists can exploit them and retaliate with deportation, often to homelands torn by war or poverty because of the U.S./the West.

there’s a book here, Fields of Resistance, that’s really informative. I’m in the middle of it but it’s been great so far

tldr: borders exist to enslave people

Abolish borders, abolish prisons, abolish ICE, abolish the police. They’re different machines of the same system

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2 years ago
Original Print This Work Is About White Supremacy And The Rise Of Capitalism Being Inextricably Linked

Original print This work is about white supremacy and the rise of capitalism being inextricably linked since the beginning. 🇺🇸 .. #print #printart #racism #capitalism #slavery #originalprint #originalart #originalartwork #originalartworks #hotwheels #consumerism #manifestdestiny #imperialism #democracy #usa #madeintheusa #madeinusa #blm #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesstillmatter #ushistory #printmakingart #printmaker #prints #artprints #artprint #printmaking #printmakers #printmakersofinstagram

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3 years ago

It is true that John Hawkins masterminded the first English transatlantic slaving voyages in the 1560s, but he was, in an awful sense, ahead of his time. After his final voyage returned in  disarray in 1569, the English did not take up the trade again in earnest until the 1640s. Elizabeth I did not ‘expel’ Africans from England in 1596; rather her Privy  Council issued a limited licence to an unscrupulous merchant named Caspar Van Senden, who was only allowed to transport individuals out of England with their masters’ consent: a consent that he utterly failed to obtain.

Black Tudors: The Untold Story

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4 years ago
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.
Hope I Got The Whole Thing. Here You Go. A Lesson On How Language Effects Perception Of Slavery.

Hope I got the whole thing. Here you go. A lesson on how language effects perception of slavery.

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2 years ago
Harvard Reportedly Holds The Remains Of At Least 19 People Of African Descent Who Were Most Likely Still

Harvard reportedly holds the remains of at least 19 people of African descent who were most likely still enslaved at the time of their deaths along with 7,000 remains of indigenous people in their Peabody Museum (one of the largest ancestral robberies in the United States) according to the leaked report originally published by The Harvard Crimson.

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5 years ago

Just some thoughts and wishes from a slave

Would be nice to have someone behind me, stroking through my hair and belly, touching my cock cage sometimes to let me remember who I am and in what place I belong and obviously remind me that I don't have to be anxious about anything.

Touching and pulling at my collar a bit, massaging and kissing my neck.

Someone who would let me feel comfy and loved. Let me be proud to be your slave.

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7 months ago

It's almost like the police are an occupying force that are incentivized to arrest people because the state gets free labor and kickbacks for prisons being near capacity.

Old Habits I Guess

Old habits I guess

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7 months ago

This is a prison industry, which are two words that should NEVER belong in the same sentence, but here we are. Prison labour has made it profitable for big corporations to put as many people as possible in prison for as long as possible, which is part of the reason why wages in the US are stagnating so much - after all, why pay a crew of qualified infrastructure builders 16$ an hour, when you can pay once to rent a bunch of people who will be forced to do the same work for free? Oh, wait, not for free, these guys are paid an average of 0.86$ per day, guess this ain't real slavery after all, except it fucking is, because there is functionally no difference between not being paid at all and being paid so little that you literally can't afford any basic necessity.

A similar logic applies to immigrants as well. Corporations and employers would rather hire a desperate guy from Mexico or Morocco or India on the verge of poverty who would gladly work for 7$ an hours if it means having a chance to not DIE ON THE STREET rather than like, an actual citizens whose rights are supposedly protected by the law, and they can do this because of a system that hase made it convenient to prey on the helpless.

So personally, I suggest looking into #EndTheException. And vote for motions in your city/town hall councils that call for this exception to be abolished.

duskform64 - DuskForm

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4 months ago
Inmates do billions of dollars of work for companies and governments each year. 

A landmark trafficking lawsuit alleges many are being kept in prison because the business is just too good. The suit says it seeks “to abolish a modern day form of slavery”

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) May 11, 2024

Corporate America Never Really Quit Forced Labor

Inmates do billions of dollars of work for companies and governments each year. A landmark lawsuit alleges many are being kept in prison because the business is just too good.

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4 months ago
Inmates do billions of dollars of work for companies and governments each year. 

A landmark trafficking lawsuit alleges many are being kept in prison because the business is just too good. The suit says it seeks “to abolish a modern day form of slavery”

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) May 11, 2024

Corporate America Never Really Quit Forced Labor

Inmates do billions of dollars of work for companies and governments each year. A landmark lawsuit alleges many are being kept in prison because the business is just too good.

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3 years ago

“Only 1% of white people in the US had slaves” is a great example of using a fact for misinformation. That is true, but extremely manipulative bc it cuts out really important details about the statistic.

1) It includes the more populous Northern states that did not allow slavery.

2) It ignores the fact that family units were much larger and only the family patriarch tended to actually own the slaves for the family, meaning there were significantly more slave-holders than slave-OWNERS. So you need to measure by household.

So, using the exact same data (the 1860 census) you can determine that about 25% of households in the south had slaves. In Mississippi alone 49% of households had slaves. South Carolina is 46%. The 1% figure I’ve believed in the past is propaganda to undersell the role of the general white population in slavery and to undersell just how much everyday southern whites benefitted from slavery.

And I haven’t even mentioned that slave owners often rented out their slaves…

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3 years ago
This Country Was Founded By A Group Of Slave Owners Who Told Us That All Men Are Created Equal. To My
This Country Was Founded By A Group Of Slave Owners Who Told Us That All Men Are Created Equal. To My
This Country Was Founded By A Group Of Slave Owners Who Told Us That All Men Are Created Equal. To My
This Country Was Founded By A Group Of Slave Owners Who Told Us That All Men Are Created Equal. To My
This Country Was Founded By A Group Of Slave Owners Who Told Us That All Men Are Created Equal. To My
This Country Was Founded By A Group Of Slave Owners Who Told Us That All Men Are Created Equal. To My

“This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us that all men are created equal. To my mind, that is what’s known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit.” - George Carlin

…PolitiFact going through history to fact check this guy was like that time CNN went through history to dig up dirt on Bernie, and all they found were videos of him planting trees, and telling kids that racism is bad.

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