wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery
Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery

"I wish I could make crack post art, but I always end up putting way too much effort into my art." -"well then it's a well developed sh#t post."

305 posts

Decided To Make A Reference For Larkin!


Decided to make a reference for Larkin!


Challenger number: 602

A really soft boy

Just really loves his pokemon

Usual curry rank: copperajah - charizard

more in depth character info under the cut!


Larkin is the adoptive brother of Leon and Hop! Also both of the podswick moms are his moms because they are a lesbian couple. Larkin has always been extremely camera shy as well as weary of strangers, so the media doesn't really know much about him. Larkin learned his cooking skills from his moms, and can often be found helping around the kitchen. As kids, Hop was the defacto leader and would come up with plans to get up to shenanigans while Larkin would just be along for the ride.

Hop honestly could have convinced Leon to endorse him years ago, but Hop wanted to wait until Larkin was ready so they could set out on their gym challenge together. That's not to say Leon hadn't seen Larkin's potential. Larkin had always been really good with pokemon, but didn't have the self confidence that he could be a pokemon trainer for a long time, basically up until roughly a year before the events of the game. Leon was absolutely ecstatic when Larkin asked for a pokemon of his own, which lead to leon bringing the three starts for larkin and Hop.

To quickly sum up Larkin's personality, he's shy, quiet, easily startled, very kind, and would honestly rather spend time with pokemon than people. He's just a really soft smol bean of sweetness and wholesomeness.


Zeph'vatan - female, naive, thoroughly cunning.

Helps larkin out when he gets flustered.

"Larkin protected me when I was smol, so now that I am tol I protecc Larkin."

Nadik'fae - female, sassy, mischievous.

Enjoys being dramatic and trouncing her opponents.

Messes with Bede every time she sees him.

Pi - male, relaxed, altert to sounds.

Doesn't know how he got here, but honestly adores Larkin, so he's happy.

Mew - mild, takes plenty of siestas.

Likes to nap on larkin's shoulders, in his hood, etc.

Is honestly just realy excited to be going on an adventure.

Loves to greet new people, which often leads to a lot of people gawking, because, you know, random kid walking around with a god.

Cuddle Pup - female, timid, alert to sounds.

Was a little unimpressed by larkin at first, warmed up to him.

Acts all tough but is really just a big softy.

Majora - naughty, mischievous

Is honestly afraid of everything

Has anxiety, Larkin is their therapy human

Their mischievous side didn't appear until they bonded with Larkin.

Fun facts about Larkin!

His outfit and overall style is inspired by zacian.

I know that there is a story behind why I chose the number 602, I just can't remember for the life of me why I chose that number. Ironic, considering that I distinctly remember spending time overthinking it waaaay too much.

Originally I was planning for Larkin to have a more mischievous personality, instead I got the human embodiment of a sobble.

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More Posts from Wolf-pearl

4 years ago

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Well, there was one exception though...

Ok So Larkin Has An Eternatus Named Majora On His Team, Yeah? And When I First Got Majora This Whole

For some reason these two instantly bonded


Ok So Larkin Has An Eternatus Named Majora On His Team, Yeah? And When I First Got Majora This Whole

Have a kitsune with her eldritch cosmos dragon.

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

Hey, so you know how eternamax eternatus is a giant hand?? Well, uhmm, I may have a cursed bit of evidence to the contrary.

So when you throw a pokeball at eternatus it opens it's "finger tips" and then closes in on the pokeball, clearly trying to investigate it. Eternatus then appears to recognize what it is and freak out. This means that eternatus uses it's "fingers" to see.

In conclusion, the fingers are not actually fingers they are either eyes or heads. Have a nice day!

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4 years ago

How has Majora and Cuddle pup been doing since they get along with each other

How Has Majora And Cuddle Pup Been Doing Since They Get Along With Each Other

They've been doing well~ majora is setting in and less terrified of everything too!

How Has Majora And Cuddle Pup Been Doing Since They Get Along With Each Other

They are even starting to bond with the rest of the team ^_^

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4 years ago

Update: I can confirm that eternatus' horn membrane is elastic.

Update: I Can Confirm That Eternatus' Horn Membrane Is Elastic.

So I've been studying eternatus' anatomy and realized a few things:

1) the clear walls between the ribs are definitely an elastic membrane, would probably feel a bit like latex to the touch. (Realized this bc the membrane isn't flat like it would be if it was crystalline, it is concave like fabric pulled over a frame). This brings up a question about the membrane connecting its horns. I always thought they were the same.... tissue? substance? But the horn membrane looks more rigid.

2) there are freaking divots in its spine???? How the heck haven't I noticed that before?

3) the way its back spikes line up when it's moving makes me think it used to have a membrane connecting them, a little similar to spinosaurus.

4) the way it moves reminds me of aquatic mammals... now I have the image of eternatus with fins, flippers, and a whale tail...

5) eternatus is far more heavily based off of eastern long dragons than western dragons. This brings the long whip like structures on its shoulders further into question... just what are they?

6) eternatus' back legs actually make slightly more sense knowing that it is an eastern dragon, some traditional art of long dragons have similar hind legs.

7) those strange whip like structures on eternatus' shoulders... I still don't know what they are. When I first saw eternatus I thought that they were wings. But after watching eternatus move in camp I'm not so sure. They don't move like wings would, they act more like tendrils.

Also the way it moves its head makes it look like it's super curious and that's frigging adorable.

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