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366 posts

Tell Me About Any Successful Or Unsuccessful Spells You've Done Recently! What Were They For, What Did

tell me about any successful or unsuccessful spells you've done recently! what were they for, what did you do, how did they go right/wrong?

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More Posts from Wolfhoundwitch

7 months ago

Reminder that many new-agers and other neo- spiritual cults have appropriated so much from so many different religions. You are not immune to their terminology and ideology!!!

And even if something is an "open practice" (though it's rarely that cut and dry) you should still research the culture and history, you should still know where it originates from and how it has changed because neo- religions LOVE to ignore the true histories to further their agenda.

Think about terms you might use and research them, discover where they come from and if they're actually appropriate to include in your practice.

The western Chakras were appropriated in the 1800s from Hinduism and Buddhism.

Tarot was originally a Northern Italian card deck used to play card games like Tarocchini.

The "Qabalah" many occultists use today is stolen from Jewish Mysticism.

The wiccan (or pagan) "calendar of the year" was mostly taken from Celtic cultures.

Smudging is an important ritual to many Indigenous communities and it is more than just burning some herbs. (Side note: White Sage is very sacred, and overharvested by Westerners)

Runes were part of Germanic languages long before they were used for divination.

Western Astrology stems from Mesopotamia, and Vedic Astrology originates in Hindiusm.

Things like Starseeds and Indigo children stem from the 1970s (not as ancient as new agers like to believe) and are similiar to the concept of fae Changlings - they're also very ableist concepts.

I'm not going to tell you what you can or cannot do or use in your craft. I have no authority and even if I did, I have no way of forcing you to follow it. All I am saying is please listen to these communities and their voices, and consider the history of the things you want to include. Make the best decision you can based on research and consideration, not what you think sounds cool. (Another side note: cultures, religions and communities are not a monolith, there will not always be one "right" answer, but that doesn't mean you get to cherry pick for the answer you want.)

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9 months ago


Emoji spell to guard you against those who mean to do you harm!!!

likes to charge // reblog to cast

7 months ago


Reupload from my old account but with some changes! I was @fangwitch before.

Part two here.

VisualisationΒ is incredibly useful in witchcraft as it is the base of energy work. From this, you can do all kinds of practices.

You can use visualisation as a tool for meditation, astral travel, and wider spellwork such as sending energy into objects among other things.

So, how do I start?

Here’s a few basic exercises for you to practice. They're very simple and many of you will probably be able to pick it up easily if you’ve already done visualisation techniques!

Exercise One

1.Β  If you're new to visualisation, you’ll need a quiet area where you’ll be comfortable. Even lying in bed and putting white noise in your headphones works. Get rid of all distractions, put your phone on silent if you can.

2.Β  Close your eyes, and imagine a mountain. It's important to remember that not everyone is capable of picturing an exact image in their head - some people only conjure the idea of a mountain or a blurry image instead. Don't get frustrated with yourself, these techniques can be built on over time but should still be personalised to your abilities

3. Allow any passing thoughts to float by like clouds, inconsequential to the strength of your mountain. Breathe slow and deep as they pass you by. Bring your focus back to the mountain each time your mind drifts away.

4. You can use this technique as a way to ease yourself into practicing regular meditation too. Try it for five minutes a day, and you can even expand on what the mountain looks like, what animals might be there, and what it sounds and smells like, in time.

Exercise Two

1. Begin again by getting comfortable somewhere quiet and without distractions. Take some slow, deep breaths and close your eyes.

2. Imagine an apple, any old apple. Slowly, focus in on the details. Does it have leaves, more than one colour? Consider each tiny detail of the apple you’ve created.

3. Next, imagine a knife. Consider the size, the weight of the handle and what kind of metal it might be made of. Once you have an understanding of the details of your knife, take it and cut the apple in half. Focus on the detail inside: Β the colour, how many seeds there are etc. The more detail, the better.

4. Now, use your senses. What does the apple feel like, smell like? Bite into it and taste it. You’re using visualisation to not only see the apple but understand everything about it, how it interacts with the world around it.

5. With regular practice, you should be able to visualise and interact with objects in your mind. Practice often with anything you like.

Thank you for reading. I am trying to write regular lessons again, so please reply or message with any witchy info you would be interested in learning!

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9 months ago

How to read Time with Tarot

:by the-witchyforest




CUPS: Months


If you pick for example 5 of swords, that means 5 weeks of time. The number of the card is the number of the time. If you ask "how soon will this thing arrive?", the symbol of the card is the equivalent of time you need to wait.

Another way to read the time is based on the season.


WANDS: Spring

SWORDS: Autumn

CUPS: Summer


How To Read Time With Tarot

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9 months ago
IG: Servomancer

IG: servomancer