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All About Auras

All About Auras

An aura could best be described as the energy given off by someone or something. Supposedly, everything has an aura, even an apple. Many people are able to either see or ‘sense’ auras, which may appear as a haze of light or colour surrounding something.

The colour an aura appears can have many correspondences, which can relate to someone’s mood or spirituality, or can be because of external factors such as light intensity. It’s even said to be possible to tell if someone is pregnant from the way their aura appears.

Common misconceptions about auras:

It is always the same colour.  - This is untrue, as auras tend to change colour when affected by many different factors. However one colour may be dominant.

It is always the same shape and texture.  - Nope, they could appear hazy, smooth, or spiky. Some could have auras spanning an inch from their bodies, but others could have auras reaching out to a metre.

There is scientific evidence for auras.  - Again, untrue. Despite many people being able to see auras, there is no way to measure them or comprehend why it is even there.

Your aura is a shield.  - Whilst it’s possible to utilise your energy to shield yourself from things through visualisation, your aura alone is by no means a barrier against spirits and vampire-like entities looking to ‘feed off’ your energy. Learn how to ward yourself.

There is only one colour at a time.  - Your visible aura can actually be a mix of colours. However, there are also seven different extents of your aura, ranging from physical to spiritual, which could all be a different colour at one time.

It is especially important to note that auras are constantly changing. This could be seen as Anicca, or impermanence, in which the Buddha taught that nothing is permanent and everything is constantly changing. The aura reflects this truth in ourselves and those around us.

Seeing Your Aura

Some people are able to see auras with ease without a whole lot of practice, whereas others might never be able to comprehend the aura. It is common for many witches to practice with seeing their aura.

Here is a simple exercise which will help you to begin seeing your aura. This is what I tend to get people to do often when starting with auras. If inexperienced, it is important to practice often in order to get better!

You may want to begin by meditating or casting a circle in order to have a better focus on your aura. Make sure you are calm and in the mindset to concentrate.

Find a blank area, such as a white wall or a sheet of paper, and hold your hand out to it. It is important that you don’t get distracted by the colour of the wall or anything on it.

Rather than focusing directly onto your hand, shift your gaze to look just past it. For instance just past your fingers, but not the space directly between your fingers.

Focus on this space. To avoid distracting yourself, practice steady breathing as you would in meditation.

Eventually, you should begin to see a haze of light surrounding your hand. At first it may appear small and even colourless, but keep practicing and you will start to see it even better.

Colour Correspondences

The colour of an aura can have many connotations, and can be dictated by thr shape and texture too. But here is a guide to help you with the typical deciption of simple aura colours.


Centred/grounded, passion, anger, energetic.


Power, confidence, outgoing, good health.


Spiritual awakening/awareness, playful, happiness.


Healing, good communication, jealousy.


Intuition, calm, clairvoyance, honesty, fear of the future.


Daydreaming, spirituality, artistic, psychic abilities.


Newness, purity, reaching enlightenment, angelic.


Negative feelings, blocked energy, potential illness.


Grounded, tied to the outdoors, afraid to let go.


Loving, sensual, psychic gifts, dishonesty.


Physical and spiritual wealth, awakening of higher thought.


Enlightenment, protection from divine entities, guidance.


A rainbow aura can indicate a healer, a new soul, or reaching enlightenment.

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7 months ago


Reupload from my old account but with some changes! I was @fangwitch before.

Part two here.

Visualisation is incredibly useful in witchcraft as it is the base of energy work. From this, you can do all kinds of practices.

You can use visualisation as a tool for meditation, astral travel, and wider spellwork such as sending energy into objects among other things.

So, how do I start?

Here’s a few basic exercises for you to practice. They're very simple and many of you will probably be able to pick it up easily if you’ve already done visualisation techniques!

Exercise One

1.  If you're new to visualisation, you’ll need a quiet area where you’ll be comfortable. Even lying in bed and putting white noise in your headphones works. Get rid of all distractions, put your phone on silent if you can.

2.  Close your eyes, and imagine a mountain. It's important to remember that not everyone is capable of picturing an exact image in their head - some people only conjure the idea of a mountain or a blurry image instead. Don't get frustrated with yourself, these techniques can be built on over time but should still be personalised to your abilities

3. Allow any passing thoughts to float by like clouds, inconsequential to the strength of your mountain. Breathe slow and deep as they pass you by. Bring your focus back to the mountain each time your mind drifts away.

4. You can use this technique as a way to ease yourself into practicing regular meditation too. Try it for five minutes a day, and you can even expand on what the mountain looks like, what animals might be there, and what it sounds and smells like, in time.

Exercise Two

1. Begin again by getting comfortable somewhere quiet and without distractions. Take some slow, deep breaths and close your eyes.

2. Imagine an apple, any old apple. Slowly, focus in on the details. Does it have leaves, more than one colour? Consider each tiny detail of the apple you’ve created.

3. Next, imagine a knife. Consider the size, the weight of the handle and what kind of metal it might be made of. Once you have an understanding of the details of your knife, take it and cut the apple in half. Focus on the detail inside:  the colour, how many seeds there are etc. The more detail, the better.

4. Now, use your senses. What does the apple feel like, smell like? Bite into it and taste it. You’re using visualisation to not only see the apple but understand everything about it, how it interacts with the world around it.

5. With regular practice, you should be able to visualise and interact with objects in your mind. Practice often with anything you like.

Thank you for reading. I am trying to write regular lessons again, so please reply or message with any witchy info you would be interested in learning!

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7 months ago


A continuation from lessons in visualisation.

In this lesson, we will explore further techniques, how to maintain regular practice, and alternatives for visualisation for those who might find it harder than others.

Alternatives to visualising

Some people will struggle to visualise, whether that is because of their mental or physical health, an inability to sit still or to focus, or they cannot picture an image in their mind.

It is important to remember that we have other senses. Visualisation doesn't rely on sight alone, and though it may sound that way, it instead makes the basics of spellcasting and meditation inaccessible.

☆ Forget trying to picture things, that's not the be-all end-all. Try to feel things. To smell and hear and taste, to love and hate. Consider raindrops falling on every inch of your body, moving slowly from your head down to your toes; let the water cleanse you as it rolls off your skin. Even if you cannot see them, your body knows the sensation and the smell of rain on your body.

☆ If any type of sensory imagination is too hard, play music in the background instead. It doesn't have to be calming music in particular, just something you can enjoy and zone out to. (I have been known to meditate and even nap to breakcore). Let the rest of the world fade away as you absorb the music fully, listening to every note individually and as part of the whole. Alternatively, you can try counting. Just start counting, out loud or in your head, up from 1 or down from 1000, and let that be the only thing your mind focuses on - the steady rhythm of the numbers.

☆ Consider using white, brown, pink or green noise to help you focus too. White noise doesn't sound good to everyone, and the various types use different frequencies which can be soothing for some.

The whole idea is to move away from the focus of seeing things in your head, while still allowing you to build up energy when concentrating on an end goal like meditation or a spell.

How do I practice regularly?

Methods of visualisation can very easily be simplified to make them faster and easier for regular practice.

☆ You could try seeing or feeling the energy around you or around an object such as a crystal or a tree, or the energy moving through your body.

☆ Try closing your eyes when it’s sunny and recalling the feeling, smell and sound of rain. Or the other way around. Feel the warm sun on you in the winter, or a cosy fire in your hands.

A good idea is to practice during meditation as often as you can. Remember, being able to visualise in some form is incredibly useful for energy manipulation. (Including but not limited to shielding, centering, grounding, manifestation and wider spellwork).

As always, thank you for reading. Please drop a message/ask if you want to see anything particular in future lessons.

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7 months ago
Introduction To Shielding

Introduction to Shielding

If you haven’t already, check out my lessons on visualisation for the basic knowledge you’ll need to begin practicing shielding.

So what is shielding?

Shielding is a manipulation of energy, used to create a barrier between yourself and unwanted, usually negative or malicious energies. It’s a basic aspect of spellwork that everyone, beginner or experienced, should use to keep themselves safe.

What can I use shielding for?

Some beginner-level uses for shielding are drawing a circle, or casting a spell. A more experienced individual might use shielding in astral travel or spirit work, where there are a lot more malicious energies involved. Personally, I use shielding as often as possible, for instance when I do tarot readings, spells, spirit work, shadow work, and especially cursing. It gives that extra guarantee that you won't flood your personal space with unwanted energies.

Other uses include shielding against real-life dangers, to a certain degree. I often shield when I am walking through town at night for extra protection. But please remember to take other measures too! Call someone, pretend to be on the phone, plan your route, and even carry pepper spray if it's legal where you are.

An easy shielding method:

The easiest way to explain this is to think of your energy as a physical manifestation. Think how power attacks are shown in anime or cartoons - a streak of colour or light, or an element. Make it personable to you: fire signs (Leo/Aries/Sagittarius) might visualise fire, or a red energy or light etc.

Firstly, some people prefer to cleanse before shielding. I don't think its all that necessary but the choice is yours.

Begin by easing yourself into meditation. Get comfortable, and use whichever technique works for you. I have various methods for this in my visualisation lessons if you are struggling.

Attempt to visualise the energies surrounding you in your mind. It might be a swirling colour of light, almost like a cloud of dust. It could be flames, it could be water. Maybe try to see it held within your hand.

Now, attempt to shape this energy around your entire body. You might want to start with a bubble or a cube surrounding you. Feel this shape surrounding and protecting you. Visualise negative and unwanted energies being held back by it.

You can also layer shields, so if you are working with a particularly malicious energy you might want to have multiple shapes surrounding you, all within each other. You can also work with deities or spirits to ask them to shield you too.

Shielding Incantation

When I am shielding, I recite a spell as well as using visualisation techniques.

The shield of protection, I carry it strong, No ill wishes or trouble shall come along, You cannot harm me, or weaken my soul, My light is my weapon, and peace is my goal.

Try it out for yourself and let me know in the comments how it went! Thank you as always for reading. Please message for requests.

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