[ Ann ][ Artist ][ Writer ][ 2000]

38 posts

Faerie!Reader X Targareyn Family

Faerie!Reader x Targareyn Family

• Reader and Heleana being born twins, reader being the younger

• Heleana being born a dragon dreamer and reader being born a fae dragon

• Being born more fae than dragon, meaning your fire burns bright but not as hot

• Heleana not liking to be touched but never not holding reader

"My sweet girl, let your sister eat. She will not go anywhere, I promise."

"She will die without love, mother."

Alicent sighed, Heleana always said the same thing when her twin sister was brought up. As a mother she loved how close her daughters were to one another. As her children's protector she wanted them to be able live without the other before they are force to leave each other.

• Aegon not understanding his sister's but being their secret protector

Aegon couldn't sleep. Those little girls were evil he was sure of it. Heleana had accidentally scared a young girl with her bugs. Though Heleana did not know what she had done, she apologized with reader's help. Instead the girl took to name calling and picking on his sisters. Even going as far as to desuede a young boy from approaching the younger twin. Aegon stopped his pacing. He knew just how to get back at the unruly girl. The next morrow Aegon stood proudly as the rude young girl was crying over her wine covered gown. He had even convinced her to drink a glass or two before her ruined her gown. Thus lead to her parents scolding her for indulging in her cups.

• Aemond being dutiful to his sisters, walking them to and from studies and activities, walking through doors first so as to combat an attack, pulling out their chairs so they can sit comfortably

• Otto finally separating the twins when they each start their monthly blood

• Alicent, Aegon, and Aemond having to endure the heartbreaking cries from the twins

• Fae reader having such a small dragon they are considered without a dragon

Viserys feeling bad for his daughter as she blissfully trained with her tiny dragon. He could hear Otto's disapproval in his daughter, mumbling to his wife causing her to breath heavy. Viserys shakes his head to dislodge the negative thought. He was here to watch his children and there dragons. Aegon and Aemond spoke Valaryen with ease and perfect accent. Each word that was spoken clearly was given praise by his youngest daughter. She would give praise along with the chirps and purrs of her little dragon. The twins ended up sitting age snuggling with their dragons as the boys trained. Viserys often called his youngest daughter 'Faerie Targareyn' he thought it suited her very well. Not to mention how well she fit into the deceptions of his dreams. Dreams that started when he first became king. Dreams about the most enchanting creature, one who can mend broken thread, a creature who calm raging beasts, but also devour its enemies whole. He saw that creature in reader.

• Aegon not knowing if he lusts for you or just in general loves you

• Heleana spending every moment she can with her sister

• Aemond protecting his sisters with all he has

• Viserys telling his children stories because reader asked him to

• Alicent trying to do her children's hair only to find out how picky they are

• Jace talking to reader in Valaryen, cause that how her and her sister learned

• Luce helping reader and Heleana pick flowers for there moms

• Nyra seeing the dragon blood in reader therfore thanking the gods that Hightower blood wasn't too strong in her half siblings

• Deamon enjoyed his time feeding the dragons with reader, he found it pleasing to know that a gentle creature like her didn't flinch nor cry knowing another being had to die for another

• Otto being the only person who did not like reader, and viscera

Alicent struggled to carry reader as she hung limply in her arms.

"I don't understand you, my fae. It's just your grandfather."

"The ugly evil wasp does not help the rose grow."

"My sweet girl that does not help mum."

"It will." Heleana skipped ahead of her mother to join Luce. Alicent knew she shouldn't have mentioned her father. She looked down at her limp daughter know the scolding she will get for raising such a spoiled girl.

"If I didn't know better I'd say my little fae has died in my arms." Without getting a reaction Alicent leans on the wall and adjusts her grip. With a huff she begins tickling her daughter. Two breaths pass before her light but loud laughter fills the hall.

"Look at this a miracle! My little fae is alive and well." Alicent laughs with her daughter to they both need breath.

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More Posts from Writer-ann-artist

1 year ago

Hi! I love 'the devils ángel'! Would you ever write a part 2??

The Devil's Ángel II


Hi! I Love 'the Devils Ngel'! Would You Ever Write A Part 2??


"Mi amor."

Hiram purred into my ear to wake me up. Which worked, I rolled over and snuggled into his arms.

"Buen día, mi amor."

I spoke into his chest.

"Did Ronnie wake up yet?"

"He did, and I warmed the bottle as you told me to. He even burped when you said he would."

Hiram chuckled as he recalled his early morning.

"Did you go for your run yet?"

"No. It was still early, and you looked so lonely."

He pulled me closer to him, putting his head in my neck. I hum and held his arms as my back was to his chest.

"How about you get ready for your run? There will be food ready for you when you get back."

Hiram responded first with a big kiss on my cheek.

"That sounds like a deal. Mi angel eres demasiado buena para mi."

He kisses me again but on my lips. He's out of bed pretty fast, the morning person he is. I roll over and try to wipe the sleep away from my eyes.


I was feeding Ronnie from my breast at Hiram's insistence. He said he didn't want me to change anything from my routine without him. Just that he wanted to be involved. It was sweet, but I was still uneasy about it since Veronica decided to have breakfast with us. Once I had finished feeding my baby, Hermine came in the apartment. We both greeted each other kindly, but her face remained stern. Since my being here, her and Hiram have been cross with each other. Me and V look at one another, knowing what was going to happen. She looks at her phone, texting someone before getting up to leave for school.

"Adios mi guapo mini yo."

She mumbled to Ronnie and kissed his head. She says bye to her mom and dad before completely leaving the home. With Ronnie asleep, it was easy to hear the private conversation between the married couple.

"You are not taking this seriously."

"I am taking this seriously. My priorities haven't changed, Hermine."

His wife sighs as he doesn't let her talk again. Instead, he gets up and greets his sleeping son. He kisses me on my forehead before mumbling his words.

"Como esta mi hombrecito guapo?"

"Él lo está haciendo bien. Comió bien así que estará durmiendo un rato."

I whisper back to him. He responds with a smile and kisses my lips.

"Volveré más tarde, no me esperes."

"Por supuesto mi amor."

He mumbles a bye to his son before giving him another kiss. He leaves behind Hermine after his goodbyes with a wave.

"I don't blame you, Anna."

Hermine spoke first. I looked up at her, shocked.

"I took him away from you. I gave him a new family to focus on. You should hate me."

I state sadly as I adjust Ronnie in my arms. When I first met Hiram, I didn't know about his family, but it didn't stop me when I found out either. It was impossible to leave him, especially when I found out I was having Ronnie.

"You would not be asking me to hate you if you did all that on purpose. I blame Hiram for putting you and your little boy in this mess."

She steps close and touches Ronnie's head softly. She smiled at him

"He looks just like Veronica did."

We both smile at the thought of our babies.


I was sitting on the picnic blanket Veronica bought for today. She had insisted on getting one that was perfect for Ronnie. I was bouncing my baby boy while Hermine made faces at him. V had found her friends and they decided to walk around the park and talk. There was some press conference being held by the mayor that Hiram wanted us all to be there for, so here we are.

"He looks very cute in this jacket."

"I know right! One of Veronica's friends got it for him. They said he needed to 'represent'."

I giggle with Hermine. I hear feet crunching on some dead leaves, looking up I expect Hiram but instead a find a man. An older handsome man. I could feel my jaw hang open before muttering a pathetic hello. He smiles back at me and shyly waves.

"Did you need something?"

Hermine asked giving him her business voice. The man doesn't look at her as he responds.

"No, no just checking out the little guys outfit. He looks mighty handsome."

He pointed out my baby's jacket. I blush under his gaze. He had a handsome smile.

"Thank you, it was a gift actually."

"Awe shoot, this the little man Jughead was talking about. Now I'm thinking I should have asked more questions about mama."

The way he said 'mama' sent shivers up and down my spine, the same way when Hiram calls me 'Angel'. My cheeks heat up as he kneels down getting a better look at my baby.

"They sure are cute when their this small."

"You mentioned, Jughead. Is he, is he your son?"

God help me if I find another gather attractive. The man smile a proud smile that I see on Hiram's when he talks about his children.

"Yes, Jughead is my boy. If you couldn't tell by our dashing good looks."

He jokes making me laugh. My laugh triggers Ronnie's giggles.

"I see little man takes after mama."

I open my eyes after laughing to see his eyes on me and that dashing smirk that never leaves his face.

"I'm FP by the way."

"I'm Anna."

I smile as he doesn't reach out his hand asking for a handshake, like he knew I didn't like them. Harmine typed something on her phone and signaled she needed to go somewhere.

"I'll be fine."

I reassured her. She was hesitant, but one look at her phone reminded her how important what she needed to do was. Once she was away FP scooted onto the blanket next to me, pulling some leaves with him. Ronnie giggles at the crunching of the dead leaves.

"So, how do you know the Lodge's?"

I laugh as I was answering his question.

"I could ask you the same."

"You got me. We meet through very short business dealings."

I wince at his answer. With I sigh I bring the attention back on me and his original question.

"I don't know how to answer you question. It's,..."


I smile and nodd at him, his eyes looking right back at me. I stared back at him enjoying his eyes on me.

"I'd imagine things get complicated around you."

I playfully scoff making Ronnie laugh.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

FP looks at Ronnie as if they were having a conversation but still talking to me.

"She knows what I'm talking about. Having a mama this hot draws a lot of attention I bet. Especially if she has you around."

I blush hard at his words.

"Awe, I made mama blush."

Ronnie giggles as he talks to FP. The man smiles enjoying the time with the baby. It made my stomach flutter. Until someone cleared their throat. We both look away from each other and Ronnie to look at who was wanting our attention. My smile falls when I see Hiram.

"Evening Lodge, how's the wife. Saw her earlier but business never stops for you guys."

FP laughs at his own joke. Hiram doesn't react. He just stares down FP like he was putting me in danger. I hadn't seen Hiram stare at someone like this since I was pregnant with Ronnie.

"Anna querida, la mía estaba buscando. Algo sobre un regalo para Ronnie."

"Oh, le encantará, estoy seguro. ¿No lo harás, muchacho?"

I speak to my baby making him laugh. I look up and find FP's eyes again.

"Creo que deberías acudir a ella en realidad. Estire las piernas."

My smile falters a little. He wasn't asking a question. But my smile picks up again. He probably just wants to go home he doesn't like being out of he can't dote on Ronnie the whole time. I gather Ronnie's things with him on my side.

"It was nice meeting you, FP."

"Nice meeting you too, doll face."

The nickname made me stutter and drop Ronnie's chupete. FP picked it up for me with that charming smirk of his.


As I stand up I give him a wave and even make Ronnie wave bye. FP laughed and waved back. I smile and carry Ronnie to were Hiram gestured Veronica was waiting for me. Hiram never looked at me only FP. I felt bad that he was so irritated. Maybe I should have stayed home.


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2 years ago

Jughead and His Creepy Girl


Jughead And His Creepy Girl


For so long now I've been coming to your rescue

(Got me thinking I'll get you)

Whatever she asks I'm there. If she needs help in ready, just needs company, already there. She doesn't understand.

And I'm serious when I say I'm over it, I'm over it

(And your fucking lies)

I can't have her, and she knows that. So why do we play this game. God, she's here to-night.

That you'll stick around

Stay on my side of town

She doesn't belong here, but damn does she look good. I'm doing it again aren't I. She starts dancing with Toni. Damnit I am. Here we go.

Now I'm covered in blood

And I'm feeding off your pretty little lies

I can't be doing this. I have girlfriend. God she is amazing though. This feels so right and normal. She keeps saying how okay this is. I can't seem to disagree.

For once why can't you just come and chase me

Dig up my grave and save my body

She trying to leave again. Why won't she stay? It's just us, and no one else. Just stay the night just once.

Now I'm rotting to the bone

But my heart's still beating

Hoping you won't leave me

She says I have to leave Betty if I want her to stay. I dont want her to leave, and I don't want to hurt Betty.

Creepy girls, you're just my style

Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile

We get along in every aspect of our lives. I have never have a bad time with her around. Yes we fight, but that just it. Our fights lead to something more.

Falling victim to your fantasy

Damn, I love it that you're so creepy

She is so convincing. I want to believe her. Heck I almost do, but I can't do that to Betty.

Now you're risking it all

For some creepy girl

I haven't seen Betty all day, but Anna is here. She has been with me all day it's not bad, everyone knows we're friends.

With a blacked-out rage that'll cast a spell

Don't tempt her, she's got those evil eyes

While working on a new article with Anna for the Blue&Gold I got a little carried away. Betty and Veronica came in and saw us. When they turn to leave I call out to Betty and turn to follow after them. Jughead!

Now you're risking it all for some pin-up doll

If she just let's me talk to her. "No Jughead!"

Who drinks in the AM, fucks in the PM

Treats all the boys like she don't need 'em

"She doesn't love you like I do!" "How do you know?" "She only loves you because she couldn't have Archie!" God she is a goddess when she is angry.

Creepy girls, you're just my style

Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile

I have to have her right now. Let me have you. "Jughead are you listening to me!" I'm sorry Betty, but I need her.

Falling victim to your fantasy

Damn, I love it that you're so creepy

"If you are going to look at me like that, you better act on it." "Do you really want me to? Right here?" "You can try, baby."

Creepy girls, you're just my style

Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile

I go in for her neck, she let's me in. In the middle of room we battle each other. Ignorant of the world around us.

Falling victim to your fantasy

Damn, I love it that you're so creepy

With her sitting on the desk legs around my waist. I feel so comfortable here, like home. "Don't leave me Jughead." "Why would I do that?" "Good."

Creepy girls, you're just my style

Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile

Archie and Veronica come back to the room as we start to leave. "What the hell dude." "I thought you were better Jug." Anna smiles holding onto my neck. "I will be outside." God she is so seductive. "Slut" "Face it doll. You're me, just rich." "Anna. Go wait outside."

Falling victim to your fantasy

Damn, I love it that you're so creepy

"How did it go?" "Are you really asking?" "Not really." God damn she is lucky she's hot. "Hey, I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere." "Why is that?" "Because you are amazing, at...well everything. And I want you all to myself."


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2 years ago


Free for use, drawn by me, (any ideas for new ones just ask, will be adding more as i go)


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2 years ago

Two Hunters, One Angel, and a Cuttlefish


Two Hunters, One Angel, And A Cuttlefish


Being a mermaid is okay. We can't do what we used to anymore, but it's okay. The angels still keep in touch, so that is good. We are dying, though. So, being the only friend to the Angels, they gave us a gift. We can now live on land and in our true home, the water. I am so thankful for this gift, but they will never know. We hardly see them anymore. I wonder what happened to our friends. One day, Castiel came to visit. Excited, I dragged him into the water with me. His friends he had with him were so scared calling for him and freaking out. Eventually, we resurfaced, and the two men had very perplexed expressions.

"Sam, Dean, this my friend Calypso. Calypso, Sam and Dean." Sam says hi and Dean just nods.

"Why don't we talk on the dock?"

"Good idea, Cas." While you swam to the dock, Dean and Sam talk to Cas about what is going on.


"I don't mean to be rude, but are you wearing any...?"

"Clothes? No, hehe. What would I need clothes for? I'm in the water." This statement cause Sam to stutter and clear his throat. Dean just smiles awkwardly. After them visiting me, I got into trouble. This causes them to take care of me in the meantime. They found me injured on the shore.

"Calypso, you okay?"

"Oh Cassie it hurts. I don't know what it was. I have never seen a creature like that before."

"It's okay, can you transform in this state?"

"Yes. I can do my best." After transforming Castiel carried you away. Sam and Dean then noticed that you were naked.

"I need to prepare a few things for Calypso at the bunker." Sam caught on and put his jacket around me. He then takes Castiel's place in holding me. Cas then dissapeares to the bunker.

"I like when he does that."

"What? Why?"

"Because I can see his wings."

"Interesting." At the bunker Cas had made a room for me. It was the room with the biggest bathtub.

"Thank you Cassie!" Cas takes care my wounds and let's me rest. While I rest the boys talk.

"So she's a mermaid. And you guys gave them the power to transform from fish to human."

"Not exactly, but yes."

"So what do with her?"

"Take care of her."

"Excuse me what? No I'm no babysitter."

"Dean it's not babysitting."

"Dean, she has no one. The rest of her kind had gone into hiding or died. She has no family left." "What is she to you anyways?"

"I have known her since she was a mer-pup or infant if you will. Angel's and mermaids are very close. They are the only creatures we share our secrets with."


After weeks of caring for me, Sam and Dean have grown attached. They are now used to my sudden 'hug attacks,' as Dean calls them. Sam calls me 'his lil cuddle fish'. I like to cuddle, especially before bed.


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2 years ago

Knives Out

Mr. And Mrs. Ransom Drysdale


Hiram's Family Part 2

Jughead's Creepy Girl


A Cuttlefish in the Bunker

The Arrow

The New Mrs. Merlyn

The Walking Dead

Daryl's Best Friend

House of the Dragon

Aemond's Sad Wife Part 2 Part 3

Aemond's Dragon

Targaryen Faerie

Original Stories

Pure Love

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