writerfromthestars - writerfromthestars

| They/Them | current obsessions: DP X DC, Harry Potter | is there a rhyme or reason to what I post? not really, no, but it's mainly fanfic stuff. AO3:: writerfromthestars

61 posts

Yay Part Four The Silence Of The Robin's.

Yay Part Four The Silence Of The Robin's.

Yay part four the Silence of the Robin's.

Pretty angsty NGL

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More Posts from Writerfromthestars

9 months ago
I Got Inspired By This Tiktok:

I got inspired by this tiktok:


And I wrote a fic. Here's the result. I'll update again. Eventually

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6 months ago


so i've seen a bunch of things where jason, or damian, or tim, or dick adopt danny. hear me out. Cass does.

Cass adopts Danny.

Danny gets de-aged, and dumped in Gotham to keep him safe from the GIW and Vlad and his parents. Cass is very liminal because of her time in the league, with a mainly empathy-based power set, and during one patrol, she feels something weird coming from an alley. 

She turns off her comms, then goes to investigate and finds smol Danny in a dumpster, trying to find food. He immediately clocks her as liminal so he trusts her purely because he knows she won’t turn him in to the government. Cass, meanwhile, is drawn to the small child, and turns her comms back on long enough to say “Babs, Bat-doption papers,” before scooping up the toddler and bringing him back to the cave. 

Danny is strongly reminded of Jazz, and he is completely fine with whatever is happening, because this liminal woman dressed as a bat found him, and then used empathy and a little ghostspeak to communicate what is happening, so he just relaxes into Cass’s arms.

Cass returns to the cave, and when asked why she has a child, she simply takes the stack of adoption papers Babs has set up, along with a tablet, puts her new kid to bed and falsifies some records to make him her legal son. Any attempts at questioning where she got Danny result in neutrally blank looks and Cass’s insistence that he is, and has always been, her son.

Bruce had been forced to bed early by Alfred for this patrol, and by the time he wakes up, eight hours of much-needed rest later, his children have come to the agreement that it’ll be really fun to fuck with his head, so he wakes up to a small child jumping on him, and, wondering whether he sleep-adopted another child, inquires as to Danny’s origins during breakfast. When he does, Tim looks shocked, Damian’s eyes widen as if he can’t believe his eyes, Cass looks betrayed, and the rest of the table just freezes. 

Hurriedly trying to fix his misstep, he asks what he said wrong, and Steph wraps her arm around Cass, picking Danny up, all while looking disappointed. 

Alfred finally breaks the silence by asking “Master Bruce, have you forgotten your grandson?” 

Bruce bluescreens. He figures out six hours later that while the kid is legally his grandson, he wasn’t present until last night, and he goes through the same process of questioning Cass and Steph about where they got the baby. The two women refuse to give any answer other than “he’s ours”.

Danny has now been adopted by a whole family of Liminals. There’s even a halfa, who reminds him a little of Dan, and he is very happy.

Duke absolutely adores his nephew. He quickly becomes Danny's favorite person outside of Cass, Steph, and Alfred.

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9 months ago

When you wake up at 1 am with the burning desire to write but no actual ideas

When You Wake Up At 1 Am With The Burning Desire To Write But No Actual Ideas

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6 months ago


Danny's core was broken, shattered and almost irreparable. The damage would take decades to heal in his teenage body, seeing as it didn't have much room to grow or mutate to adult size. The only option is to de-age him and let him rebuild his ghost core naturally.

The issue with this is that he can't be in the infinite realms while he does so if he wants to conserve his halfa status. Too much ectoplasm at once would overload the kids body and kill him, while to little would ensure that he developed just a little to liminal to be ordinary, but not liminal enough to be considered a halfa.

The obvious solution? Send the kid to a location on earth so steeped in ectoplasm that he will have no problem filtering it form his surroundings, even with a broken core. The issue with this? The only place to match this criteria is either the compound of a psycho assassin demon king, or Gotham city. Obviously, they're not sending Danny to this League of Assassins, leaving Gotham. The issue lies in the fact that Gotham has a huge amount of ectoplasm, but it's been so corrupted over the years that unless a liminal is born there, the sudden overload of rotten ectoplasm is enough to put most limimals down for the count for at least a couple years.

The solution? A halfa guardian. The only issue is finding one. Clockwork refuses to let Vlad take custody of Danny, Dani is too young, and Dan too volatile. Luckily for them, there is a halfa currently residing in Gotham City, specifically, the Red Hood, the Avenger of Spirits, a moniker granted to him by the many people who died in Gotham that he, well, avenged.

He fits all the criteria for a guardian. He can keep the de-aged Danny safe because he's Red Hood, no one in the infinite realms can argue with the placement because he is also a halfa, he is Jason Todd, the son of a billionaire, and can teach Danny how to win people over, not to mention the fact that he is a crime lord, and can teach Danny how to run a, well, not quite a kingdom, but close enough.

Danny is de-aged, losing his memories of anything after about the age of two years. Jason wakes up one morning to a toddler on his doorstep with black hair with a white streak and Lazarus green eyes, tucked into a fluffy red blanket with a stuffed ghost plushie and a letter.

The letter essentially says:

Jason, you are the best option to raise him. His name is Danny.

Jason, quite understandably, freaks out.

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