Written-in-my-pages - Written In My Pages

Hey, hello!
Call me Zachariah! (or Zach/Zachary)
I'm autistic, and my posting schedule is "whenever I want" so. ðŸ˜
I'm a horror/robot/murder enthusiast, but my current hyperfixation is anything sea related (well, more specifically, sea monsters).
I write/read/draw (I mainly draw ngl lol) ((EDIT: ART ACCOUNT HAS BEEN CHANGED TO MY STUDIO NAME <33))
Find me on other socials! A03 here , Caard here !
"Written in my pages, between each Universe" (which is an ongoing series; part two is called "the story lives on") Is the main thing I will post about on this account....hence my username lol, BUT I'm working on other fics, such as "I am no angel, but I am your saviour"
I ramble about anything possible. Whatever comes to mind will be posted, really. Or updates about my fanfictions!
Never be shy to interact! I love posting interactions with you all! <3

Stay hydrated! you are loved, be strong for me!
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Just a small update
Written in my pages IS still being worked on...however, I'd like to say that the chapter 14 is going to be a little delayed; I've been working my ass off on other projects (Art, mainly), and over all have other stuff to work on! But, just because i love you Tumblr users, You can have a small sneak glimpse at what chapter 14 is to come:
> Set in 'old-times' where ships sailed and fables soared like birds in the sky; shanties and songs of hostile people or of folklore making noise in the air along with seagulls and other birds. Fish fear man, but what fears man MORE is the monsters that lurk below, only wishing to be kept at peace as they lay deep below the surface....
Hehehe that's all your getting for hints...stay tuned!
For those who haven't read the previous chapters, check it out here!
P.S should i make my own tag for people to find my posts easier?
Facts about my story :D
- I tend to enjoy writing more fantasy-like chapters, yet i also adore things that AREN'T fantasy and are very real. (for an example, chapter 3 + 4 are more realistic whilst chapters 8, 10, and 11 are far more fantasy).
- I also tend to stray from stuff like kisses, and instead write things such as cuddles, hugs, and other times that can still be intimate without kisses or nsfw! I'm not asexual i just really like the idea of intamacy in smaller things.
- I write what I feel at the time (most times, that is) and so some chapters are more sad whilst others are far happier. also for plot reasons.
- Mixing universes (for example, chapter 13--its not really mixing universes, but shh.) plays a small role for lore but god i love to write it.
- giving spoilers for things such as the Stormbringer light novel, BEAST!Bsd, (and slight spoilers for the actual bsd manga) is fun. I try to write the spoilers simple enough so others can understand whats happening without having read things like BEAST!bsd and Stormbringer!!
God, someone should stop me from writing more of these. anyway, expect most posts on Tumblr to be updates on what chapters are coming out, what will be delayed, and overall updates :D !! (I'll definitely need to link this Tumblr account on the notes of A03 sometime so people know this exists xd )
Silly thing :D
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
In love with tragedy
Through the mud and into the blood
SSKK depression
"Stupid fucking double black and their doomed having asses" (literally the title of the Google doc idea)
@anticidic , @sing-to-me-sweet-temptations (shh. not my other blog at all. shhhh.)
!!! THIS
Dear Beloveds (Writers),
Hello again. ~
I have a few things I would like to say to you... please take these messages to heart instead of arguing that they don't pertain to you because yes, yes they do. They pertain to every one of you.
1 - I don't care how impatient your readers get as you're taking your breaks, you deserve to have them. Not just because you're putting out writing, but because you exist. Even when you're not in the midst of writing, which can be a really draining activity of its own right, but because you exist, which can also be exhausting. Please take care of your mind. Your readers can wait.
2 - Quality over quantity. It's better to have fewer readers/followers but that respect you and your time and are patient and kind to you than to have thousands of them that have no respect for you. Choose quality over quantity every time. It's better for you and your mental health.
3 - Your mental health should always come first. Feel exhausted? Get rest. Feel burnt out? Take a break. A reader constantly bringing you down? Block them. It's okay. You'll have other readers. Your mental health comes first.
4 - FANFICTION IS REAL WRITING. They're putting in the time. They're putting in the research, the effort, the blood sweat and tears. They're doing all the same work original fic writers are. Sometimes even more, so respect them as writers. Support them. Love them and appreciate them. Stop being elitist about writing. We all struggle, stop making it worse for them.
5 - Thank you. You are wonderful and deserve so much love and support for what you do. Remember that you are appreciated, even if it doesn't feel like it. You are loved and appreciated.
I only have like two WIPs how do people always manage to have so many LMAO for those curious;
"In love with tradgedy"
"Through the mud and into the blood"
( and of course, "Written In my Pages, Between each Universe" )
can you tell I like dark titles
Thanks for the tag @diary-ofamadwoman !! ✨
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
with me, disaster finds a playfield
foiled fables redux
chuudazai bitching oneshot
grimdark fairytale shit
fyozai soulmates au but not really hehe
domestic skk but one of them is dead
decay of angels dazai pt 2 baybeee
Tagging: @darke-faerie @mothboypoison @ohhcinnybuns @twinksintrees @flyolai-brainrot @written-in-my-pages @that-one-raccoon @iamthemess