“You both are young to have a kid. I don’t support it.”your mother said. “ all due respect ma’am it’s our decision. Especially hers. It’s her body.” Megumi spoke and with that you grabbed all your things and moved in with him and Gojo. Time went on by then fuck.
“ Megumi! Umi!” You yelled seeing the sheets and your stained shorts. He rushed in shocked seeing what’s in front of him. Gojo came in behind him. “W-what?” You said. “Miscarriage…” Gojo said leaving the room feeling hurt that his son who was excited to be a dad have this happen. You and Megumi held onto each other crying. Mourning. “I-it’s okay. We’ll be okay. Don’t hold anything back. Cry.” He said. He stayed strong. Crying along with you but strong.
“N-Nanami…return the clothes..we won’t be n-needing them anymore” you said voice cracking. Tears running down your cheeks. He took the hint. Immediately held you in his arms tightly. “I love you and our little one..I’m sorry this happened to us.” He said. He didn’t cry but his feelings were bursting out. He told himself he has to stay strong to make sure you won’t shut down. “Our baby is gone” you cried. Heartbroken. You both were. “It hurts..we can try again once we’re ready. I love you y/n.” He said.
“ why haven’t you told me?” He confronted you. He was hurt. Hurt that he lost his baby. Hurt that he has bad news for Megumi. He was also excited. “I…I didn’t know how. Y-you were so happy and…I couldn’t ruin it for you.. I panicked!” You responded crying. Leaning on the table feeling faint. Gojo walked over holding you up. “Shh sweetheart..everything is going to be okay. I’m here. I won’t lie and say that it’s going to be easy but I know we will be okay. I promise.” He said. Helping you sit on the couch. Megumi walked in checking your pressure, pulse and oxygen levels. “Mom..we’re getting through it as a family.” He said.
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More Posts from Xkaidaxxxx
Eren x Reader
Mentions: pregnant, verbal abuse, angst.
Will have errors. 2:57am writing.
Minimal 18+
Minors don’t interact.

During the time the scouts were capturing Annie. You saw the destruction. The buildings falling, the awful sounds of people screaming. You saw it all at a distance. Your home was perfectly safe. You were lucky your side of town wasn’t destroyed. Not a single scratch.
Just because there wasn’t a scratch doesn’t mean you weren’t hurt. Your mother died that day. Only you and your father remained.
One day you were walking around taking in the damage titans do. Thinking :If it’s scary with only two titans…imagine what the scouts see outside the walls.
You tripped over some rubble landing on your stomach. Your dress definitely got stained. “Oh here let me help you.” A guy said helping you up. Your eyes widened. “It’s you..Eren Yeager…Titan.” You spoke backing away.
Eren saw your used to be clean cut dress. Your jewelry and purse. He’s never seen such a beautiful sight. His heart stopped for a second.
“ please don’t be alarmed. I only need a breather right now” he said. You relaxed. “ I’ve always wondered what it would be like beyond the walls…the scouts are brave. You’re discovering the answers people ask themselves.” You spoke sitting down with him at a nearby bench. “ the answers are difficult to find. It can drive you insane. I’m not giving up.” He replied looking up to the stars.
You looked over at him smiling softly. You stared at his beautiful features. His nice sharp jawline. His lips. His eyes. You’re blushing.
“ I’m Y/n. It’s very nice to meet you Eren.” He chuckled, “Yeah nice to meet you too.” “ Eren. Let’s go.” a girl said grabbing his arm. She must like him. Maybe that’s his girlfriend? “ Mikasa. I’m having a conversation with someone.” He said taking her arm off him. “I umm..if you really need to go I understand.” You said. “ We don’t have the luxury to have time off like you and your people.” She said rudely. You frowned. She’s right.
You live a comfortable life. You have a nice 2 story house. Fancy clothing and accessories. Wonderful meals everyday. You have luxury other people don’t have. All that makes you grateful for what you have. The situation was definitely awkward as hell.
“ Hey we can meet again. Tomorrow at midnight.” He proposed. You knew you shouldn’t be doing this. Making friends with people think is a criminal but you couldn’t help it. Something inside you just exploded.“ O-okay yeah definitely. We can meet here.” You replied standing up from the bench fixing your dress.“ Have a nice night lady y/n.” He said waving goodbye. “Bye Eren.” You said making your way home. Your hair blew from the slightly wind. You were feeling something you’ve never felt before. You were charmed by his kindness and beauty.
You’ve been meeting Eren a lot the next couple months. Sometimes you’d sneak out of town. Especially when your dad was working. You felt like a total rebel. There was a time where Eren, Armin and Mikasa needed hiding. You allowed them to take shelter at your house. You couldn’t believe you allowed it but you had many moments with them.
“ Is there really such places?” You asked Armin. Very curious. “ yes and one day we can get to see it. Isn’t it exciting. A huge ocean. Hot red mountains. Land of only sand for miles.” He replied. You were amazed by his knowledge. You looked out the window. “ it is exciting. I wish I could tell others here…but they’d think I’m crazy. All they know is titans roam around all the time waiting to kill.” You replied with a sigh afterwards. You wished maybe in your next life you’d be able to see everything Armin described to you.
As nightfall came and the night was dark and silent. Eren came upstairs from the cellar.
“ You’re so beautiful.” Eren spoke as he saw you undress from your beautiful long blue dress. You two got carried away. Allowing lust to take full control. You were both on your bed. You gave yourself to him completely. He gave himself to you. It was a night of pure bliss.
“ s-so good y/n” he groaned hiding his face in your neck. Your body trembled with pleasure. “Eren I feel something” you spoke and suddenly moaned out loudly. “ yeah my love? Feels good doesn’t it.” He chuckled thrusting harder. You can hear the squelching and the slapping of skin. Your body was overflowing with pleasure. You felt him deep inside you. Eren reached your special spot. “ y-yes a~ah. Uhh e-eren. There. Just like that.” You said scratching his back. He hissed but continued. You both were losing your minds. Lust overtook your minds. Moans and groans bounced off the walls. The room smelled of sex. Your bodies were sweaty. You didn’t care who was hearing. You were consumed by the pleasure.“ E-Eren. I love you. I- close..” you said and released. “ I love you y/n” he groaned releasing his thick white cum in you. You milked him perfectly. Every last drop. After you both were at a clear state of mine. You both realized what you’ve done. “ I- okay…maybe there’s not a high possibility?” He said. “Are you kidding?” You replied with a dumbfounded look on your face.
Both of you were in a bad situation. You were both young. 17. You’d be wanted gone. It’s improper for a lady to be pregnant without a husband. No one besides his childhood friends knew you were dating.
“Eren. What are we going to do?” You asked as he cleaned you up. “I can’t drag you into the scouts life. You’re the safest here.” He replied getting the bath ready. “ No I’m not. I’m single to everyone here. I can’t just suddenly be pregnant without being married. Gosh. My father is going to kill me. I’ll be the fucking scandal of the year.” You said almost crying. You held your tears back. Dominating your feelings. “ it doesn’t matter. The baby is important. More than people’s stupid opinions.” He replied.
3 months passed and you couldn’t hide your pregnancy anymore. You finally decided to confess to your father about the entire situation.
“ I became friends with Eren Yeager. We fell in love and I sheltered him and his friends the week you were out of town. Things got heated and now I’m here 3 months pregnant.” You said quickly and almost out of breath. Your father took awhile to process the entire thing. “ from now on you’re not allowed to leave this house. You’re a dirty woman without a husband. Knocked up by a criminal. I’ll figure things out for you.” He said. You didn’t cry of course. You saw this coming.
Weeks passed. Armin and Mikasa always brought eren to you when they weren’t busy. “ 4 months. That’s exciting. I know things are very rough right now but we’ve got this.” Eren spoke trying to be optimistic. You knew this was a shit situation. He was at risk everyday. You weren’t surprised if he died the next day. You all heard the door opening downstairs. “ Eren we have to go.” Mikasa spoke urgently. “ I love you y/n. I love you so much. Our baby too.” He said hugging you. “I love you too.” You said crying hugging him tight. “ Eren hurry.” Armin said. “y/n? Sweetheart? You there?” Your father asked knocking on your door. You said your goodbyes. “ yeah dad come in” you said wiping your tears. As he walked in. “ I want you to meet someone.” He said. You made your way downstairs with him entering the living room. “Y/n this is William Jones. He’s taken an interest in you. He is aware of your situation.” Your father said. “ Hello lady y/n I’m Mr. Jones. It’s nice meeting you.” He said kissing your hand. “ it’s nice to meet you as well Mr. Jones. I do have a question. Why have you taken an interest in me?” You asked sitting down carefully. “ You’ve always known men desire you. You’re young, beautiful, healthy. Overall perfect. You’d make a great wife. I’m wealthy. I’m 26. I need to marry already and have an heir to my business.” He replied. You did have the skills of a wife. You cook, clean and you care.
You married William Jones. The wedding was beautiful. Your dress was beautiful. It brought out your beauty. Your invites were so excited for you. There was one flaw. The person you wanted to marry was Eren. “ y/n do you take William Jones as your husband? To love and to hold.?” This question made you cry. You pretended it was Eren holding your hands and standing in front of you. “yes. I do.” You stated. You imagined Eren was the one putting the ring on you. The one who kissed you. You didn’t allow the sadness completely take you. You did enjoy dancing and eating cake.
Even after the wedding there were days Eren would visit. He hated the fact that you’re married to someone else. He knew it was for the best. He knew you’d be in good hands. That you’ll have a good home and a good life. He loves you. He always says that when greeting and leaving you.
“It’s a baby boy.” Your doctor said. You smiled and suddenly your vision blurred. Birthing was hard. When you woke up. William was by your side holding the baby. “ my baby boy.” You said sitting up carefully. “ what are you naming him?” He asked handing him to you. You held him in your arms. He’s so precious. “ Eren his name will be Eren.” You said happily. The baby cried. You pecked his head softly. “ shh shh my love. It’s okay.” You comforted him. He stopped crying. He knew he was in his mother’s arms.
Months passed and Eren would visit. In secret. “I love you buddy. I’m sorry I can’t be with you and momma everyday. I’m happy I get to see you grow. You’re so strong and healthy.” Eren said to his son. You smiled. “He looks like you very handsome.” You said allowing him to carry baby eren. “ that’s our son. He’ll have girls crushing on him left and right. He’ll be a gentleman. Treat women with respect. He’ll be strong and honest. Very intelligent and hardworking.” He replied.
Years passed. Baby Eren is 2 years old now. Some nights Eren would come over only to visit his son in the middle of night without you knowing. “ Sasha is such a fun girl. She’s hungry 24/7. She always makes the group laugh with her silliness. When she dies things will be different.Oh and then there’s Levi. He’s the exact opposite. Very grouchy. Works us to the bone everyday but he has a nice side. Although he doesn’t show it much I know he cares. Armin..he’s my best friend. I know none of us would be alive if it weren’t for him. He’s very intelligent. He’s shy. It’s cute. He keeps me grounded. Mikasa..she’s always behind me. On my ass. Shes also kept me alive. I cherish them so much. They’re my family. Then there’s the commanders. Crazy but smart. Erwin is a monster. Risks a lot of things. Comes up with amazing plans. They almost always work. He’ll die in the near future and the Hange will commander. Once she dies it will be Armin. Hange is strange. She’s not only a scout but a scientist. She is in love with studying titans. She loves studying on how I heal fast and how I trigger my power. Both commanders have all my respect. Captain Levi too. Jean and Connie. Those crazy fuckers. Together they’re dumb and dumber. You’ll have fun days with them. Everyone I care about are good people. They all don’t give up. They all have strong hearts.” Eren said. He told him many moments he’s had with his friends.
“ My little Eren. Don’t forget I love you. You must take care of your momma when you grow up. I love you very much. I’m sorry I won’t be able to be here for you both. I’m sorry for all the horrible things I’ve done and the ones I will commit.” Eren spoke to him. Tears slipped from his face onto the baby’s clothes . “W-what’s going to happen eren?” You asked. You felt something in your stomach. You felt nauseous. “ E-Eren tell me.” You said crying. “ y/n I love you. I promise you the world will change. Titans won’t be something to be worried about anymore. You’ll have freedom.I have to go but remember all the moments in time we’ve had together. I’m in love with you. Thank you..for birthing our son.” He spoke and kissed you afterwards. “ I’m in love with the you too.”
You cried your heart out for days. You knew he was never coming back. William finally knew why.
“ You really love him?” He asked you carrying eren. “Yes and he’ll always hold a special place in my heart.” You replied looking at baby Eren. His full name Eren Yeager Jones. You didn’t mind Jones. After all you are married to William. “ I know I’m not him but I’ve always promised you a good life. I’ve kept my promise and I always will. You’re my wife. Yes I did it out of interest but..I’ve grown to love you. You’re smart, stubborn and genuine. Little things you do made me fall for you. I’ll always treasure you and baby Eren. He’s not my son by blood but he is by heart.” William said. It made you burst into tears.
“Armin you have to promise me you’ll visit her and baby Eren often with Mikasa as well. You 4 are the most important people in my life. I love you all. I’m sorry for all the horrores I’ve committed.” Eren said to Armin. “ We committed them together. I promise I’ll visit them. How could I not.” He replied.
3 years have passed.
“ I finally get to meet Eren.” Levi spoke. The 5 yr old stood beside you. Levi stayed silent as he stared at your son. “ Happy Birthday Eren!” Jean said setting his present on the table.
Ever since baby Eren was born. His father spoke about his friends to him. Told him stories about the good times he’s had. Baby Eren thought hard.
“Momma that Levi.” He stated waving Hi to him. Your looked down at him. “ how do you know?” You asked. “ Dada told me about his friends. He said Levi was grouchy but has a nice side.” He sat on the chair. “Dada said friend Sasha loved food.” He continued.
Jean and Connie couldn’t help but tear up. They had lumps in throat. Everyone was confused and shocked on why and how he knows that.
“ What else did he say bud?” William said carrying him. “ that his commanders were crazy but very smart. That uncle Armin is shy. He said it’s cute.” He giggled. You pecked his cheek. “ Dada said he loves everyone.” You smiled. Eren did commit so many horrifying things. Murdered so many man women and children. He went about it the wrong way. He was aware of that. Regardless of all that he never stopped loving his friends and family.
“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Eren happy Birthday to you.” They all sang. Baby Eren blew the candles out. His wish was so lovely.
“ what did you wish for kid?” Levi asked. “ I wished for a bike.” He lied. “ Well it came true.” Jean said pointing at the wrapped bike.
Eren’s true wish was that his friends and family stay happy and live long lives just like his dad wished too.
“ woah!” He exclaimed seeing his awesome blue and white bike as he unwrapped it. “ say thanks to Uncle Jean.” You said. “ thanks uncle Jean. Thanks everyone for my presents.” He thanked everyone with a blush on his face. He looked so much like Eren. His teal blue eyes. His long lashes and adorable nose. His brown hair. “Open mine next.” Armin said setting a box infront of him. Eren struggled to open it but eventually did. He looked around it. It had children’s books. Pencils journals for school. Most importantly.Photos . Eren picked up the frames and looked at the photos of a man. He knew it was his father. “ It’s Dada.” He said crying. “ Oh sweetie.” You carried him. Looking at the photos. It was Eren holding his baby boy close to him and one with the 3 of you. You looked over at Armin. “ You guys weren’t looking.” Was all he said. William rubbing your lower back towering over you and eren. “Eren you are so loved. You’re so special and precious to everyone here.” William spoke. “ I love everyone dada. You and mama and uncles and auntie too!” He said crying.
“ you jealous you didn’t have a kid with Eren?” Levi asked Mikasa. Teasing her. “ I’m still in love with Eren. He didnt feel the same. That doesn’t mean I’m jealous that I didn’t have a child with him. I’m glad to see a part of him is still in this world.” She replied. “Me too.” Levi replied.
Levi and Mikasa understood each other. Clearly.
As time passed by. Your family grew. “ one more?” William asked hugging you from behind as you cooked. “ Will. That would be our four one.” You replied smiling. “One more wouldn’t hurt.” He said pecking your cheek. Eren still holds a special place in your heart. You thought about progress in your life. You have a wonderful man by your side a beautiful son and a good life. Baby 2 came then 3. “ one more wouldn’t hurt. Let’s do it.” You replied finishing cooking. “ I love you y/n” William said. He set up the table. “Grandpa!!” Eren yelled running to him. They hugged. “ Dad just in time.” You said. “ you noticed the flowers in his hands. “ you’re coming with us?” You asked. Your father didn’t like Eren for leaving you. Although he had no choice. After lunch you were going to Eren’s grave. “ it’s about time. I shouldn’t be mad. He’s given me such a cute grandson” he said walking to the table with baby Eren. Your tears slipped. “ oh my love it’s okay.” William wipes your tears. You smiled. You’re happy. With your family. William served dinner. “ yum yum!” Baby Eren exclaimed.
You visited Eren twice a week with your family.
William, your kids, your father, Mikasa and Armin.
Erens birthday toys:
Family photos
Children’s stories
Stuffed teddy bear
Art book with watercolor paints
Toy cars
Sling shot
Animal cookie cutters.
A weird jumping thing Levi made.
Small trampoline.
Eren loved all his toys.
Megumi x Chubby Reader
Apologies for errors.
Mentions: Body shaming, bullying, self harm , suicidal thoughts

After the whole punishment things went back to normal. The assholes were still visitors. “ Hey do you guys want to attend a party? It’s family one. 100% fun.” Nobara invited. “ when is it?” Yuji asked stretching. “ Tomorrow.” She replied. “ we’re going. Please.” She held your hands. You sighed. “ Alright well go. I just need to go shopping…for new clothes and bedsheets.” You replied with a frown. Going back to your dorm. You didn’t want to cause a depressing scene.
They day went by. Shopping was difficult. You struggled buying clothes. You’d constantly be going in and out of dress rooms. Everything was almost too much for you. The next day you were with your friends at Nobara’s family party. You guys did not understand the dress code. At all. You were overdressed along with Megumi and yuji.Nobara was the normal one. “ Nobara you said it was a family party. Not a hangout.” You said a bit nervous. “You guys are fine. Now let’s dance. Yuji come on. You’re my partner.” She said dragging him to the dance floor. She gave you a wink. She knew you had a crush on Megumi. You and Megumi stood there awkwardly for about 5minutes. A guy walked up to you. “You taking her to dance or can I take her?” He said. Megumi instantly went protective/jealously mode. “ Keep walking. She’s my partner.” He replied then took you out to dance. His actions made you blush. “ Keep your hands up here Yuji.” Nobara said replacing his hands on her waist. You couldn’t help but giggle. Only yuji would be brave enough to try that. You gasped as you felt Megumi’s hand on your waist. It felt strange. You were a bit uncomfortable. The touch was something unknown to you. “ relax your body. Follow me okay.” He said guiding you. You slowly got comfortable. The distance between your bodies decreased. You felt safe. You were at peace. He was too. Nobara sat down with Yuji. “ He’s down bad for her, you know that right?” He asked Nobara. She nodded at him and took out her phone. Snaps were heard. “ Nobara really. That’s a shitty angle. More to the right.”
“You’re doing great.” Megumi commented. “ Thank you.” The moon was out. Stars burning bright. “Are you glad we decided to come?” He asked making you twirl. “ Yeah. I’m having fun dancing with you.” The breeze made you shiver a bit. “ Are you cold?” He asked. “No I’m alright.” You didn’t want to stop dancing with him. You also didn’t want to embarrass if he gave you his coat and It wouldn’t fit. “After this…do you want to watch movies. In my room?” He asked. Your innocence showed. “Yeah that’s great.” You smiled. Once the song ended you guys sat down. Nobara and Yuji had stupid grins on their faces. You rolled your eyes.
Back at the dorms you all said your goodbyes. “Do you want to change?” Megumi asked you. “Yeah you can come in.” You said picking out some pjs and changed in the bathroom. Megumi couldn’t stop thinking on how sexy you’d look while changing. You took your makeup off and then walked out. “Do you just want to watch movies here?” He asked. That guy was getting so many ideas. You nodded and climbed into bed, turning on the Tv. He sat next to you getting comfortable. After 2 movies he finally decided to make a move. He touched your hand softly. “ Hey let’s take a break.” He said pausing the movie. You looked at him weirdly. Who takes breaks watching a movie you asked yourself. “ is there anything you want to do?” You asked shifting your body towards him. He stared at your lips. You noticed. “ Megs?” He leaned in. Your heart was beating fast. Your lips touched. Things were getting heated. “ M-megs.” You said. He didn’t care. You continued making out with him. Eventually he hovered over you. “ I’ve been waiting for this y/n.” He ran his hand up your shirt. You felt nervous and scared. “ Megumi! Wait!” You said moving his hand before it would touch your breast. He looked at your expression. “ I’m sorry y/n…lust took over me. I really like you. I went about it the wrong way didn’t I” He said. “ a little bit…I mean..I like you too. It’s just I’m a virgin. I’m not ready. I want it to be special. Sorry megs.” You replied. He nodded. He looked like a fuck boy. Asking you to watch movies then wanting to fuck you.
The next couple days passed. Very awkward.
“ you did what!?” Nobara yelled. “SShhh dude!” You yelled. No one would hear. The female dorms are almost sound proof. “ I can’t believe he would do such a thing it doesn’t even sound like Megumi. What the fuck. What happened next. Did it happen? Did you guys have sex?” She asked. You sighed, “ No we didn’t . It didn’t feel right to me. I don’t want my first time to happened after a party and movies. I want it to be special. I was also scared out of my mind.” You replied. “ You better have condoms ready. You never know. Maybe things could get very heated and you won’t care how it happens” Nobara said beginning to curl your hair. “ I don’t even know his..you know.. his size.” You said blushing. “ I mean it must be a good 6inches…maybe 7.5 since he’s a quiet one. The quiet ones always range from 7 and up.” She said. Your mind was just short circuiting. “ w-what! You think he could be bigger?” Nobara laughed and then it hit her. “ Wait. Hold up? After all that he didn’t ask you to be his girlfriend? What a piece of shit.” You couldn’t help but frown.
You thought maybe he only said he liked you because he wants to get in your pants. He just wants a good fuck. He wants a virgin and not some used up girl. Maybe he just wants your confidence to boost up? Maybe he pities you so he’s forcing himself to be nice.
No guy would ever want to have sex with you.
“ Hey Gojo…the female species like you..how do you..charm them?” Megumi asked. Swallowing his pride. “ I’m asking for a friend.” He quickly added. Gojo already knew Megumi drools over y/n. He raised the kid. “Right well tell your friend to be himself. If he really wants to show her even more. A little gift wouldn’t hurt. A few compliments. Flirt. Don’t over do it. Then it would make them look weird.” Gojo replied and looked at Megumi. He was actually typing it down. “Alright. Cool thanks. He really needs the help.” Megumi spoke. He stood up and as he walled away Gojo said, “ She really likes you Megumi. You’re doing great.” Megumi tensed up abit. “Really…d-..um..d-dad.” Gojo’s heart was happy. It was the first time Megumi called him Dad. He held his tears back. “ Yeah bud. Just go for it.” He replied. They both smiled and went on about their day.
Megumi decided to skip team training and go shopping for the perfect gift.
He knows you love art and Taylor swift. He walked into a shop. He went around the shop 5 times. “ are you buying something for your girlfriend?” A old lady asked. Megumi looked at her and nodded. “I’m struggling a bit.” He admitted. “ follow your heart young one.” She said and left. Megumi went to many stores. He found a beautiful red scarf. He decided to match it with a black cardigan. Once he bought it he was 100% sure you’d love it. A girl walked by with a Taylor swift shirt on. “ alright I’m buying her everything she previously owned of her merchandise.” The day went on forever.
“It’s almost lunch time what could this idiot be doing?” Yuji complained. He missed his best friend.
“Megumi i said to not over do it.” Gojo said seeing the presents. “This is not over doing it trust me.” He replied texting Nobara.
Megumi: Bring y/n to the classroom I’m asking her out.
Nobara: Holy shit okay.
“Guys come on I forgot my books. Come with me.” Nobara said. You and Itadori followed behind. You saw Gojo at the entrance. “Did we have team bonding today?” Itadori asked. Gojo grabbed you and forced you inside. You saw many gifts. “T-These are for you..from me..I really like you y/n. I have for a while. Do you want to be my g-girlfriend?” Megumi confessed. His cheeks were bright red and his palms were sweaty. You were shocked. Why would he buy gifts. All he had to do was ask.
Your negative thoughts popped up.
Maybe this is a fucking joke
He’s just playing games there’s probably nothing in those bags
He’s laughing at you
“I..um..no. No” you said. Everyone could feel the tension in the room and walked out leaving you both alone. “W-What?..why? I thought you liked me. Yo-you told m-me.” Megumi’s voice cracked. Tears slipped. “I really like y-you. Y-you’re mean. You confessed to me..this is mean.” He continued. The past is holding you back. All the actions and words said by your ex classmates haven’t gone away. “ I do like you Megumi so much..it’s that I’m scared..no one has seen me in a romantic way…I’m fat…I have chubby cheeks. My stomach fat is visible. My thighs are fat. Every time I sit down my fat rolls. It’s embarrassing. Next to anyone I look awful. Next to you…I’d only embarrassed you. You’re too good for me..I’m fat.”you replied crying. You didn’t know what else to do. “ I d-don’t care if you fat skinny or in between. I love your chubby cheeks. The way your thighs look with those thigh high socks..and your rolls are beautiful. It makes me smile. You’re too good for me. You’re just everything. You complete me. Before you I was..just quiet..didn’t do much..out of touch with the world..you changed that for me..you even gave me courage to finally call Gojo..dad..I really like you. I know all you said was the past that’s talking. Move forward with me. Please. Y/n let me love you.” He said taking your hands in his. He gripped them lightly wanting an answer from you.
Both of you cried ugly.
“ y-yes okay..yes!” You said. He held you in his arms. Gojo gave Megumi a thumbs up from the window. Itadori took photos and Nobara was losing her mind on how freaking cute that was. “ there’s more to love. Now open your gifts.” Megumi said while letting go. The team walked in. Itadori started recording. “Spoiling your girlfriend already.” Yuji said. You took out the red scarf and the black cardigan. “ holy shit I know exactly what to pair this with!” You said. “The black jeans and the booties!” Nobara yelled. You nodded opening a box. You gasped. “Megumi you did not. You got me all the albums I had!?” You asked. Almost dying in the process. “ RIP ME I DIED DEAD!!” You yelled saying it in unison with Nobara. The guys just stared at you girls in a wtf face. You opened another box. All the Taylor cardigans with the cassettes and a cassette player. You couldn’t believe this shit. You basically got what you had and even more Taylor merchandise. “This one is extra special.” He said. You opened the box and took out the quilt and cried. “I used the T-shirt’s your grandma used…I remembered them and bought them brand new..I did prick myself a lot. It was not easy.” Megumi said. You’re definitely keeping him forever. This is the sweetest thing on earth. You called your grandma. “Grandma. I’m gonna die. You remember the guy I talked to you about. I’m dating him now. He fucking recreated the quilt you made me.” You said. “ That’s very sweet of him. He’s head over heels for you. Definitely a keeper. That’s funny there was a boy going crazy for finding a perfect gift.” Your grandma responded. “He was very handsome. Nice black hair with blue eyes. He wore a school uniform.” She said. You smiled realizing it’s Megumi she was talking about. “Wow grandma you can remember him but not my favorite song” you said teasing her. “ I’m happy for you sweetie bring him over for dinner one day. I have to see my show. Bye.” She hung up. “Y-You talked to her about me?” Megumi teased. “Shut up…” you replied. He gave you a quick kiss. “My Megumi is all grown up.” Gojo said snapping photos. “Definitely scrapbooking these.” Megumi groaned. “Dad stop. You’re embarrassing me.” “Oh hush Megumi. Let him be. Now that you’re officially my boyfriend we’re going on a date. Right now.” You both held hands leaving the room. “ Bunny.” Megumi said. “ Kitten.” You replied. “Where are we going?” He asked. “I’d go anywhere with you. Mhm let’s get lunch.” You replied. Being with Megumi feels good. Natural. Like the universe wanted it to be.
Future dates:
1) pottery date
2) arcade
3) baking together
4) cute picnic
5) eating too much and throwing up
6) painting portraits of each other
7) decorating phone cases
8) bungee jumping
9) romantic dinner
10) roller skating
Husband Nanami x fiancée ft. Gojo
spoiler (anime watchers)
Mentions: pregnancy test, second love, fluff, angst, happy ending
“I have a surprise for you babe.” You said as he took his tie off. “That’s great sweetheart. Thank you.” He replied smiling and taking the box from your hand. He was hoping it would be something simple. “What do you think?” You asked seeing his shocked face. Your heart started pounding. Your nerves were wild. “God this is perfect!” He responded taking the engagement ring out. “Yes!yes I do!” You yelled happily.“I haven’t even asked you yet sweetheart.” He replied sliding the ring on your finger. Engaged and a wonderful baby on the way. This is perfect. You both always talked about moving to Malaysia. Have a perfect home and a great view of the sea.
It’s awful the universe took those plans from you and Nanami. Cruel
He read the message and put his tie back on. “I’ll be back as soon as possible okay sweetheart. I love you and our little one very much.” He said. “ kill those curses babe. Do your best. Be safe. We love you too very much.” You replied.
You got to say I love you and he did as well. Your last ones.
Earlier that day everyone was well aware of what was going to happen or at least had a feeling.
Morning of the shibuya incident:
“Gojo… Do you still love her?” He asked. Gojo and Nanami fought for you endlessly. Until you chose Nanami. Even then Gojo continued loving you. “Yes I do.” He replied. “ If something happens…take care of her. Show her how much you love her..so she can move on. Keep her safe.” He said. They looked at each other and nodded.
Next day.
You opened the door. “ H-Hello ma’am. I’m yuji..may I come in?” You nodded noticing he held Nanami’s weapon as he walked in. “I‘ll make it quick…Nanami’s dead.” He said. Dropping the bomb. Your heart broke into millions of pieces. “N-no.” You said leaning against the table. Yuji saw your ring. His wife? No..his fiancée. He also saw the pregnancy test on the table. “His knife..no body..” he said. You cried.
Three years passed. During your pregnancy you stayed strong for yourself and the baby. It was a little girl. She looks so much like her daddy.
She turned 2. Around the time Gojo was unsealed. “You’re still bringing more gifts?” You giggled as he showed you many cute outfits. “Gojo” yumi nanami said pointing at him. He carried her. Yumi giggled. Gojo spoiled her rotten. She leaned against him yawning. She clutched his shirt, “ two dadas.” Your eyes widened.You did tell her stories about Nanami. Showed her videos and photos. She loves her dad.
That little girl with such a beautiful heart knew her mommy will fall in love with another man.
A man that loves her so much.
Satoru Gojo
She was right with in 3 years. Gojo showed you all his love towards you. You fell in love with him. You both wake up early getting Yumi and yourselves ready to start the day. Have family fun every weekend. Show up to her awards and every school events. Gojo having princess tea parties with her. You guys dancing to her favorite Taylor swift songs.
Having a few rough days with her fits.
A beautiful family.
OKAY I got an idea! Dnnshdjsd
I’m thinking of writing a story about Gojo. How the he’s best friends with the reader. The reader loves him.
The reader has been dropping SO many hints and Gojo is oblivious.
Until the reader tells him with no shame and no regret.
Gojo x best friend
Spanish and English
Mentions: provocative scenes, sex scene, dirty talking, squirting, loud moaning, whimpers, smut
12am writing sorry for errors
Example 1:
You were at the beach with Gojo. You “dropped” your water bottle. “fuck. I swear que tengo manos de mantequilla.” You said bending down making sure your breasts were out a bit. You’d think he’d notice and get hot and bothered. That didn’t happen.
Example 2:
“Gojo I’m cold. Tengo frío. Is it okay if I can sleep with you?” You asked standing at his bedroom door. Wearing short silk shorts and a matching top with no bra. “ tengo pijamas que puedes usar” pointing at his winter clothes section. “Thanks so much” you replied taking his pjs.
Example 3:
You giggled holding his arm. Flirting. “ let’s get on the roller coaster. Solo promete tomar mi mano! I get nervous at the start” you said. “ I promise. You’re such a loser.” He replied. You purposely brushed your finger tips on his hand. He had no freaking reaction it’s beyond stupid.
Example 4:
“Hey Gojo, you’re finally here handsome.” A girl said walking up to him while you cleaned your weapon. “ yeah I’m usually late.” He replied. His body language said it all. His flirtatious ass. You walked over. “Gojo come on you promised me lunch today.” You said with lovey dovey eyes and cute voice. “ cualquier cosa para ti” he replied. “Who’s this?” The girl asked brushing his arm. “This is my friend. We grew up together.” He replied punching my arm. “ wow good to know. Maybe we can go out to dinner sometime.” She said placing a piece of paper in his pocket. You were extremely jealous. Of course at the end of the day. You shared a home with him. He came home to you.
Day of confession.
“ Gojo me tienes asta la madre!” You yelled annoyed and tired of him not realizing how much you love him. “What did I do this time?” He asked genuinely confused. You both had just came back home from your family gathering at your parents house. “I’ve been dropping hints since forever! For years! It’s crazy how oblivious you are. I love you.” you said. Getting close to him. “ Te amo mucho. Me compré este vestido solo para ti. Para que me vieras. Para que por fin pensaras que soy muy guapa. I bought this dress so you can take it off.” You confessed. “ I do see you…you really are beautiful and a great person.” He replied and gulped as you made him sit on the couch. “Only bought this dress so you can take it off Gojo.” You said seductively. Straddling him. “ don’t you want to take things slow. I mean you’re a virgin. You’re getting hot hearted right now. He spoke placing his hands on your waist. “Mhm I need you” you replied grinding. He whimpered. “Y-y/n. Let’s compromise. Sólo te comeré esta noche, okay.” He replied carrying you upstairs. You giggled. He undressed you and teased you in the process. “Gojo por favor.” You begged while he kitten licked your pussy. “se paciente or I’ll only tease you more.” He replied. Slapping your juicy cunt. You moaned. He sucked on your clit. “ h-ahh” Gojo looked up at you. His eyes screamed you asked for it. He ate you out like there was no tomorrow. He wouldn’t stop even though you begged him. “Gojo! Nghm. Fuck fuck. G-ojo” you said with a hiccup. You had so many orgasms just from him eating your pussy. “Mhm..mhm..” Gojo hummed sending off vibrations. Your body was on overdrive. “ Comételo bebé, es tuyo, es todo tuyo así..asi!! Si si si!!” You yelled about to release all over his face. His face was covered by your cum and juices. His mouth left your clit. Whining, you wanted this, wanting him to stop but at the same time you wanted all of him. His hands took over. He rubbed your sensitive clit as fast as he could. “Gojo! Gojo! Gojo! Gojo! Fuck G-Gojo!” You came and squirted all over him. He smirked giving your cunt a soft kiss. You shivered. “ Te amo mucho.” Tears slipped. “Was it too much?” He had a worried expression. You nodded “un poco…pero me sentí bien.” You replied. He left for a moment and then came back to clean you up. You blushed. He took his time opening your folds. Cleaning the juices that leaked down to your hole. He wanted to make sure you’re all clean so you can sleep comfortably. “trabaja conmigo” he spoke as he dressed you in his shirt and sweatpants with your help. Poor Gojo. He was hard. He wanted to devour you. Make you come around his thick long cock so many times with different positions. You noticed him. “Te puedo ayudar?” You asked thinking it’s not fair you’re the only one who received pleasure. “ No estoy bien. It’ll go away plus I want you to be 100% ready. Me gustaría ir paso a paso.” He replied smiling. You nodded relaxing. You were scared he would say yes. You knew you wouldn’t be able to handle it. “ so when the times come when you completely ready we’ll both enjoy it. To the max as well.” He winked at you smirking. “Thanks for understanding me. I want to take it easy as well. I don’t want to rush things.” You replied cuddling up to him. “Good girl. Let’s sleep. I love you so much y/n” he said. “Yo también te amo” You both fell into a deep slumber. Holding each other for dear life. Now that you have each other you guys don’t want to lose one another. Love blossom tremendously. It will continue to.