Cdream - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Chapter 1

Dream reference

So like, Warden hybrid Dream stuff. We need more of it, both here and on ao3, and after finding out that the concept existed a couple months back, I went on a search to read any and all fics about it. There were only like 23 : (

Very sad, yes, but I had a splurge of inspiration and began to write this! So, those of you who enjoy warden!Dream, come get y'all Juice!

Also, this is gonna have multiple chapters n'stuff.

Ah! I forgot! Thank you to @da3dm for proofreading!!

(Btw, qué la chingada means what the fuck)

Chapter Two (Pending)

Word Count: 2,084

Warnings: Description of transformation, Violence, Blood, Mentions of torture, Mention of injury, ect.

His mask broke with a bone-chilling crack, and with it shattered his last secret, his last hope of surviving. The enchantments laced into the cool white porcelain that kept it firmly stuck to his face fractured, revealing, pale, milky green eyes, his scarred, fear-scrunched nose, his bared lips that barely covered long, sharp teeth, and most terrifying of all, the enchantment that suppressed all of his hybrid features vanished.

Cold terror washed through Dream when he felt the masking enchantments fade, felt the scraping, creaking sensations as his antlers regrew, as his ears sprung out, as all of his hybrid features materialized back onto his body.

His chest cracked and fissured as it split, followed by a repeated crunching when his ribs broke and poked out in a spiky cage protecting his organs. Dream's booming-drum heartbeat filled the tiny space of the cell, pounding through every other little scuff and scrape of fabric against obsidian and echoing firmly in his newly-sensitive eardrums.

His long, thin, tufted tail tore through his suddenly too-short pants and slithered out behind him, immediately curling fearfully around his lengthening, thickening legs. His arms stretched longer, sticking out from the already torn sleeves of his prison uniform, while his hands grew bigger and gained vicious-looking claws on the end of each of his fingers. The seams of his shirt strained, and a few even popped, when his shoulders broadened and his torso thickened, stretching the thick fabric to the max.

He even grew a full two feet taller, now towering an entire head over Quackity, even as he was on his knees.

"Oh, Christ!" Quackity recoiled, yanking his arms away from Dream's shifting body. Horror and disgust was smeared all over his face, and his shark-like teeth were bared defensively.

"¡¿Qué la chingada?!” The avian stepped back a few paces, eyes wide as he stared at Dream’s true form. He sputtered, obvious shock coloring his tone. “What the–wha–Are you a fucking warden?”

The avian's eyes danced sickeningly over Dream's body, obviously not needing an answer from the prisoner.

A slick smile slowly spread across his torturer’s face, like hot lava spreading over the ground, as obvious thoughts and ideas started to pool in his head. Quackity stepped closer, fingers twitching as he stared at the trembling figure of his victim. His gaze suddenly latched onto Dream's dull eyes, and a frown creased his brow.

"Wait," Quackity yanked the hybrid's head down with a hand on his chin, peering sharply at Dream's face. Dream forced his eyes to go vacant, hoping, no, praying, that Quackity hadn't seen him actually seeing.

"Are you actually blind?" The avian questioned incredulously. He jerked Dream's head closer, inspecting the cloudy orbs in Dream's eye sockets. "Like, actually, like a full warden?"

Dream managed a choked whine, panic and gut-wrenching fear twisting his throat until it felt like he was being strangled. 

"Answer me when I speak to you, Dream." His torture's tone turned his blood to ice, and he had to stop himself from shuddering.

"Y-y-ye-es," he finally managed to stutter out. Terror was clogging his throat, clogging his airways, and he could barely breathe. Dream was vaguely certain that he was going to pass out.

"Yes, what, Dream?" Quackity curled a hand around one of Dream's thick antlers and yanked, painfully wrenching Dream's head at an awkward angle. 

Dream yelped, stuttering out a weak "y-yes, Sir," and God, he hated it, hated being so easy to bend, hated being so submissive, but it had been beaten into him, and he didn’t think he’d ever get the opportunity to even try to recover from breaking and try being himself ever again.

Of course, Dream wasn't actually blind, like his fully blooded cousins. His eyes were just naturally dull and cloudy.

But…he'd been threatened with being blinded before, before he got the hiding enchantments on his mask, because he was half-warden and his tormentors thought it would be funny. Ironic. He'd gotten out of that situation unscathed, but…here, with Quackity? There was no getting out, here. Quackity could blind Dream, if he wanted. There was no one to stop him. Hell, now he might just gouge Dream's eyes out, just because he thought Dream was blind and didn't need them. Dream hoped and prayed that it wouldn't come to that. Hoped Quackity wouldn't think of that.

"How the hell have you been doing all the shit you've done, then? If you’re fucking blind?" His torturer hissed suspiciously, using the hold he had on Dream’s antler to tug him closer. Dream suppressed a whimper, and, shockingly, an irritated growl. Where the hell had that come from?

"E-echolocation. Hearing. Sm-smell." Dream blurted out the first possibilities that came to his mind, desperate to sell his newest bid for just a tiny, tiny chance of hope that Quackity would believe him.

"You've been smelling us?!" Quackity exclaimed incredulously. His grip slid from the antler, releasing Dream from the painfully awkward angle. "That's fucking creepy!" He took the bait, blindly believing Dream's lie. 

The avian's nose wrinkled, but he moved on all the same, eyes roving over Dream's antlers and ears, then moving down to his chest, where a soft teal glow was filtering through the overly stretched material of his shirt. The avian's hand moved to pluck at one of the wooden buttons, all of which were straining to keep both sides of the fabric together. Dream flinched.

Quackity dragged his fingers down the front of his bright orange shirt and tugged at it. Dream's heart sped up, the harsh sound echoing heavily around the small space of the obsidian cell. Quackity heard his pounding heart and almost seemed to brighten, a horrible shine lighting up his single working eye.

With a horrible tearing sound, the front of Dream’s shirt was ripped open, taking away the last of the hybrid’s weak protection against his torturer. Panic overtook Dream, and he scrambled back, as far as he could until his spine was pressed against the wall, but it was no use. Quackity followed determinedly after him, a wicked, overeager smile curling over his scarred lips as his eyes danced over Dream’s exposed chest.

The avian ran his fingers down his exposed ribs, fingernails scraping sickeningly against the bare bones as he seemed to admire Dream’s unprotected insides. Dream could see the cold glint of greed in Quackity’s eyes, and it truly scared him. 

Wardens were hard to kill, and that made their drops valuable. It made their antlers, their claws, their hearts, even their teeth, any little bits of their body that people could get their hands on, incredibly sought after. That meant–that probably meant that Dream, in Quackity’s eyes, was now nothing more than possible revenue. So, damn right Dream was scared. He had just been reduced from 'plaything' to 'merchandise.'

A cold finger prodded at one of his lungs, eliciting a sharp, choked yelp out of Dream from the almost jolting sensation against his delicate flesh. Another sharp jolt, more poking fingers, and then Quackity sucked in an awed gasp.

“Holy shit,” Quackity murmured, hooking a finger around one of Dream’s ribs and tugging at it. Dream leaned forward obediently despite his terror, silently cursing himself for the mindless action. His torturer’s next words almost had him suffocating, the weight of his own fear almost too much for him to even breathe. “Is that–That’s your heart,” Quackity breathed, as if Dream didn’t know his own body. "Like, actually your heart." The glow of his pulsing heart bathed his torture's face in a sickening teal light. The color was usually beautiful, comforting even, to Dream, but now it was twisted horribly, pulling ugly shadows on Quackity's scarred, eager face and clashing horribly with the light the wall of lava caging them in provided. 

Dream whimpered, flattening his ears and turning his head away as Quackity's hand inched nearer and nearer to his most important organ, the thing that fucking kept him alive. His heartbeat, already unhealthily fast, sped up to the point of pain. The booming, staccato thud seemed to drown out every other sound in the cell, and it was the only thing that Dream could hear. 

When Quackity’s fingers finally brushed against the frantically throbbing muscle, something in Dream reared its head up from some recently-buried part of his mind. Something dark, feral, and Wild. 

A heavy, twisted growl poured out of his throat, and suddenly, he was gripping his torturer’s wrist with a fist of thick, heavily armored claws so harshly that Dream could hear the man’s bones crack.

Quackity shrieked, both in pain and indignation, and then there was a netherite sword being swung at Dream’s skull. Dream tilted his head and let the deadly blade sink into his antler with a sharp tunk! His furious growl built up louder, and he used Quackity’s arm to brace himself as he pushed himself to his feet. There was an audible snap of bones, and Quackity’s screamed curse rivaled the volume of Dream's own feral vocalizations. Dream stretched up to his full height and was forced to hunch, suddenly too tall for the small cell when his antlers and shoulders scraped against the ceiling. The netherite sword was torn from Quackity’s grasp when he stood, too firmly lodged in Dream’s antler for it to be easily ripped free.

Quackity, meanwhile, was screaming into the ceiling for Sam to “Get him the fuck out of here!” and had pulled out a shield with his uninjured left hand.

Dream’s grasp on Quackity’s arm slipped off when the warden hybrid reached up to tear the sword from his antler, and it was thrown to the side with a metallic clatter. His torturer was backing away with the shield raised, eyes widened comically as they followed the path of his sword.

Suddenly, Dream pounced, diving towards the avian like a large, enraged bear. His clawed hands crashed through the avian’s shield, the brute power driving the blow crushing the rectangle of wood like a mallet to a block of butter and continuing to cleave a nasty series of deep gashes across the man’s side and stomach. Quackity had managed to turn, just in time, to avoid the potentially fatal blow, but was not fast enough to dodge it completely.

The thick scent of blood filled the cell, mixing in with the burning stench of molten rock and the lingering, heady smell of healing potions from the past sessions the avian had held with Dream. Quackity cursed again and stumbled away, shaking off the splintered remains of his shield and backing up to the bright, blinding orange of the lava wall.

“Go to the corner!” Sam shouted through the intercom, confusion audible in his voice. “What the hell’s going on in there?” Quackity didn’t deign to answer, seeing as their huge, furious, half-warden prisoner was currently attempting to eviscerate him.

Dream was too lost in his panic-driven instincts to rely much on thought and logic, so when he lunged towards Quackity with a bloodcurdling roar and outstretched hands, he didn’t think much of it when the avian dove underneath him and scrambled to the shallow pool of water in the back corner of the cell.

Dream’s hands dipped into the lava, to no effect other than a warm, almost burning heat surrounding his fingers, but he paid it no mind. He spun around, splatters of burning lava flying from his hands, and latched his focus back onto Quackity. The man was pressed into the corner, standing in the shallow pool of water meant for respawning in. 

The avian's thin chest heaved, and his unbroken hand was clutching at the wall behind him. He had nothing to defend himself with, a fact that made something inside Dream coil with pleasure.

His torturer had nowhere to go.

Dream lunged, and Quackity disappeared in a rain of potions and shattering glass. Dream smashed against the wall with an earth-shaking screech, deadly claws raking chips in the rough obsidian blocks. His assailant, his prey, had escaped. A displeased snarl had him baring long, razor sharp fangs, and his tail thrashed angrily behind him.

His inexplicable fury died out suddenly, leaving Dream feeling weak and strangely empty. He slid down to the ground, body shaking, and curled over his legs with a whimper.

What had just happened? What had he just done? Oh God, Quackity was going to kill him for real now.

Dream wanted to throw up.

He was so fucked.

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2 years ago
Dream Reference For My Fic Warden

Dream reference for my fic Warden

Accompanying chapter (4)

I'm too lazy to add the chest and lectern and stuff, so im making it a part of the story that big Q got rid of them

Also Quackity size reference + without the hair so you can actually see Dream's guts : )

Dream Reference For My Fic Warden
Dream Reference For My Fic Warden

Gonna drop the accompanying chapter to this pic maybe tonight or tomorrow, dunno yet

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11 months ago
Lol, I Censored The Swearing Because I Drew This On My Phone Inside My House.enjoy The Chaos That Is
Lol, I Censored The Swearing Because I Drew This On My Phone Inside My House.enjoy The Chaos That Is
Lol, I Censored The Swearing Because I Drew This On My Phone Inside My House.enjoy The Chaos That Is

lol, I censored the swearing because I drew this on my phone inside my house. enjoy the chaos that is the Dreamwalker AU, in which no one can parent but people kind of try (I think).

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10 months ago

hello i find your art quite delightful 👍👍 would eat as a meal 👍👍

uhmmm hcs …..

-dream is honestly just a guy. he has scars and missing fingers and white streaks in his hair but he’s completely human under that mask and Also he’s probably painfully *young*. like. 25 or smth,,,,

-wilbur is phil’s bio kid -> phil is an avian -> wilbur had wings, but they were blown off in The Explosion and didn’t come back after the revival. phil is only missing one wing but for the same reason

-too much angst. techno wearing lots of gold jewelry and giving phil + ranboo a bunch too because gold is very significant in piglin culture

-sapnap has a lot of physical reminders of his friends / finances (q, karl, dream, george) because they’ve all ditched him in some way or another, and he misses the feeling of having them around :[

-dream was always really close to the lava wall in prison, because the warmth reminded him of sapnap & the fact that his hugs were almost painfully hot (because he’s a fire demon )

ok ill stop angsting your inbox now < 3

AHHH! Thank you! I'm happy it looks edible. Most of the time while I'm cooking it feels like the tubbo toaster fire.

I kind of have this headcanon, too. I like the idea people freak out when Sam tells them Dream doesn't have his mask in prison and then they see him and they're like "oh. Oh. I'd... pass that guy on the street and not blink twice."

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal


He misses wings sometimes because they were warmer, I imagine. Phil has balance issues and Techno jokes it's because he's old because neither of them want to deal with that shit.

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

3. AW.

I imagine Ranboo loves this. They flip out at the attention and get more piercings just to show off what Techno gives them.

Phil is calmer. He just keeps a hardcore heart clip on his jacket and that's about it. The rest he hangs up around the house.

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

4. Sapnap!

Wasn't really sure exactly what kind of reminder you meant, so I went for stuff he keeps on his person!

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

5. Quackity stops burning Dream after he realises he's pretty desensitised to it.

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

Maybe that's why Dream kept walking into the lava.

He missed being warm.


And to all the other people who have been sending requests, working on them now! I love them, they're so awesome!!!

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10 months ago

Dream gets a small handheld radio in prison to bring him out of a comatose state from lack of stimulation. He doesn’t acknowledge it when it’s placed next to him, but he listens.

RE: your post about drawing dsmp headcanons.

I imagine it only plays one radio station from Las Nevadas... On a more lighthearted tone, Heatwaves begins playing and Sam considers throwing it in the lava himself.

Dream Gets A Small Handheld Radio In Prison To Bring Him Out Of A Comatose State From Lack Of Stimulation.

THANK YOU KINGOFBOX, you gave me an excuse to practise cDream's prison hair <3 :D

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c!Dream is a tragic villain, not in the sense that he was molded into a terrible person by forces outside of his control, but in the way that every single decision he’s ever made has been the worst one possible. Like, he was respected, he had friends, he had so much going for him. But instead of being content, instead of quitting while he was ahead, he chose to be a child abusing mass murderer, and every step of the way you’re just left asking Why? Why would you throw away your life like this? How can you be this stupid? How don’t you hurt? And it’s awesome.

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4 years ago
Some Screenies Of Something Id Like To Finishtill My Birthday In March :)I Have Only, Like, 20% Or So
Some Screenies Of Something Id Like To Finishtill My Birthday In March :)I Have Only, Like, 20% Or So
Some Screenies Of Something Id Like To Finishtill My Birthday In March :)I Have Only, Like, 20% Or So
Some Screenies Of Something Id Like To Finishtill My Birthday In March :)I Have Only, Like, 20% Or So

Some screenies of something I’d like to finish ‘till my birthday in March :) I have only, like, 20% or so ready, and it’s kinda hard bc of being exhausted after school, but I’m trying my best!

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4 years ago

Completely random thought (mb will delete when it’s morning and I’m less sleepy)


Remember Dream wanting to kill Tubbo at the Final of the Discs Saga? And like. Tubbo was supposed to be Dream’s first revival attempt, then? And since Dream didn’t need him, it wouldn’t be a pity to use him for getting knowledges about death. I mean. Tubbo’s just a ‘pawn’ to him.

K, I’ll go sleep, I think Have a nice day!

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4 years ago
33/50Some Of Other Shots: Here, Here, Here, Hereand Here!I Struggled A Lot With This One!And I Could

33/50 Some of other shots: here, here, here, here and here! I struggled a lot with this one! And I could not draw a good-looking armor, so I made it really simple for Dream. But Tubbo, Tommy and (not very visible) Technoblade have a reasons to be armorless (L’Manberg’s rule and invis pot) Also I feel much better now! Mb from now on the drawing process will become a bit faster :з

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3 years ago
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never
Todays My Bday! (3/30)As Promised, Here Some More-better-quality Shots I Made During Feb+MarchI've Never

Today’s my bday! (3/30) As promised, here some more-better-quality shots I made during Feb+March I've never thought to be able to be even so close to finish this lil’ project of mine, but here I am! I still need to get some other shots done, but I’m pretty positive that I’ll finish them at some point surely (like, this or next week, I think) Also I’ve got my first 100 followers?? POG??? --- Also please do NOT repost or edit or use these. Reblogs are appreciated :) --- UPD: There was a wrong order between some of the pics, but I fixed it!

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3 years ago

Yay! I've made it! Hope you enjoy the result! Gonna post the shots in parts soon :) Also!! Reblogs are very appreciated, but Please, DO NOT repost this

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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
Random And Quite Sketchy Idea For An Au I May Never Finish.
Random And Quite Sketchy Idea For An Au I May Never Finish.

Random and quite sketchy idea for an au I may never finish.

Here's Dream as an owl

Also, I won't be able to post much for a while due to exams :(

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