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Post Darkening Disciple Luo Binghe AU Where He Already Met Meng Mo And Hate Shen Qingqiu.

Post Darkening Disciple Luo Binghe AU where he already met Meng Mo and hate Shen Qingqiu.

For some reason teen Binghe get stuck with babysitting his de aged Shizun and try to get back at him for every thing he did to him. But the small kid take everything thrown at him without a complaint, without shedding a single tear. Just glaring and baring his teeth angrily as he endure everything thrown at him, daring him to do his worse, with the fire of revenge burning in his eyes even brighter than Binghe’s own.

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More Posts from Yipyupyop

2 years ago

hi hi i really enjoy your writings, and always look forward to what you post! i'd like to request a scenario where optimus crashes and is stranded on a random planet and has to revert back to his wild base coding to survive, the local creatures saw this feral cybertronian and decided yea this guy's one of us now.

What an excellent request! Time for some more feral Optimus! It has been far too long since I had the chance to write about him just being a wild little gremlin.

Not According to Plan

It wasn't exactly his plan to get sent spiraling off course on his way back to Cybertron, but then again, Optimus wasn't really expecting to be brought back to life and pitted against the Fallen either. There really wasn't much he could have done when his transport back to Cybertron got intercepted by rouge pirates, forcing him and all others on board to rush toward the escape pods as the ship's engine was damaged, threatening to explode. But considering his luck, he really should have known that something like a stray meteor hitting his pod was a viable possibility.

He was quickly sent hurtling away from Cybertron and toward a rather unassuming planet to the far end of Cybertronian space. All he could do was leave a signal trail and set up his beacon to give others a vague idea of where he had been sent careening off to. It only took him around a day and a half to crash land onto the surface of the planet. And another half a day to climb out of the wreckage, drag his beacon out into the open, and get a good look around.

It rapidly became obvious to Optimus that the world he had landed on was once a colony world from Cybertron's golden age. He could see the remnants of old Cybertronian inspired structures, abandoned mines, and of course after accidentally stepping on it... he could see the sad remains of a bot long dead, once infected by the rust plague. Upon learning this, it dawned on Optimus just how slagged his situation was. Even with a beacon and a signal trail leading directly to his location, next to no ship would dare come anywhere near. Planets like the one he had landed on had long since been written of as dead, quarantined, an unsuitable for habitation by most technologically advanced species. Unless a bot had a death wish, they wouldn't bother coming to his location, even if he was the Prime. At most they would sent a drone to pick up the Matrix from his corpse after his life signal puttered out.

While there was still a solid chance that one of his former team would take the risk anyway and come pick him up, Optimus could predict that even in that instance, help would still be a long way off. And so settling in for the long haul, Optimus got to work.

The first thing he did was shut off all nonessential systems. Everything from his high maintenance battle protocols to his extra sensors were shut off, leaving only his base systems in operation. His initial observations pointed to some energon being present, but with his huge frame, operating at optimal levels at all times was an excellent way to die of starvation. And so after shutting off his nonessential systems, Optimus went about tearing his pod apart, using what he could to construct a simple base. The end result was a small hovel, only just big enough for him to hide away from the elements in. It felt more like a cave than anything else, but Optimus made do, he had lived in worse conditions.

Once shelter was taken care of, Optimus spent the next several days running off his reserves, scouting for sources of energon and potential threats. He found a few energon deposits, but they were small, and likely would do nothing to keep Optimus alive with his bulky build. Thankfully threats for a mech of his size seemed to be near nonexistent, at least animal wise. But still he did not stray far from his shelter, worried that something would come and attack him, breaking the suffocating silence of the seemingly dead world. The territorial hazards were not nearly as bad as Cybertron, merely irritating. Huge dust storms and acid rain regularly scoured the landscape, often leading Optimus to sit it out wherever he could but ultimately being more of a pain than an actual threat to a warmachine like Optimus.

Time passed quickly on the near silent world filled with the corpses of the dead. The nearby energon deposits were exhausted within weeks, leading Optimus to abandon his shelter and instead take up a more nomadic lifestyle. His frame and his mentality also swiftly shifted to match his circumstances, the Matrix quieting its prodding as there was nothing for him to protect. And without the Matrix hounding him at all hours or a whole world to care for, Optimus was left with only his thoughts and instincts. By the time month four of his time on the dead world rolled around, Optimus had completely returned to his wild state. With no need for complex thought, morality, or anything else beyond the natural drive to survive, there was nothing stopping him from falling back into his previous state before his integration into society.

He looked completely wild. Without plentiful energon his frame slimmed down drastically, giving away most of his raw power for speed, endurance, stealth, and heightened sensory capabilities. His armor deteriorated with the constant abuse from the weather and lack of energon, becoming a dull gray largely matching the landscape. His traits normally kept dormant by the Matrix reemerged, fangs, claws, and more jagged armor growing in as time passed. Biolights also started to emerge on his frame, allowing him to have greater visibility on the dark world.

He travelled around the surface of the dead world, no thoughts beside his next meal and the desire for a pack occupying his processors... that was until around month six when he came across the first signs of intelligent life on the world. He found a small bot around double the size of a human with a nasty wound on its leg. To Optimus it looked like a sparkling, and with fatherly instincts and his desire for a pack being so strong he couldn't help but pick up the bot and take it with him on his travels. The bot was of course not pleased, flailing, screaming, and panicking in its native tongue for days as Optimus nursed it back to health and did his best to take care of it as he would a sparkling.

After around a week the bot calmed and seemed to sense that Optimus had no desire to hurt it, only to care for it. The bot and Optimus bonded over the course of a handful of weeks, the bot coming to see that despite Optimus's monstrous size, he was a gentle giant. And so with a great deal of effort on its part, the bot managed to convey to Optimus its desire to take him to another location. Optimus eventually understood, despite being feral, and was led deep into the cave systems beneath the world's surface. It was there that he was met with a whole tribe of bots much like the one he had taken in.

There were some difficulties after his initial arrival, but the bot managed to calm its fellow tribesman and prove that Optimus was no threat. And while the tribe had issues with the idea of feeding a mech of Optimus's size at first, after the bot proved that Optimus could hunt for himself, most other complained cleared up. As for the Prime, all he saw was even more parentless sparklings and so immediately came to see the tribe as part of his pack, and therefore under his protection. And soon enough a tender alliance was formed.

Optimus became a member of the tribe, serving as a powerful guardian and warding off the far larger animals living in the caves. He would hunt the huge worms that tunneled in the caves, bringing them back to the tribe who always celebrated and drained the energon from the creatures. He would travel across the surface with the bot he had originally rescued to collect old relics from the surface (Optimus would later come to learn that the bot he had rescued was a historian, hence its reason for being on the surface at all). Optimus would also help the tribe move things, like huge rocks and other obstructions from the tunnels to give the tribe access to places previously unavailable to them. And when not working, Optimus lay on the ground in the tribe's small village, playing with the sparklings who were barely the size of his digit. He loved to hum to the sparklings, allowing the rumble of his frame and the warmth of his spark to comfort them.

By the time Optimus had been stranded for a year on the deserted world, he had become a centerpiece in the tribe. He was their guardian, their protector, their gentle giant. And despite only operating on instinct, Optimus began to pick up the language of his adopted pack, learning that the name he had been given was [Star-sent-Savior}. He learned of the tribe's struggles with providing for themselves and collecting energon with so many creatures of the deep. He learned of the hardships they faced travelling across the surface to collect relics from their past, of which they knew little. And lastly he learned of how rare sparklings were due to how few managed to be collected from the hotspots on the surface before they died.

Despite not having the mental processing capability to understand the deeper meaning of anything said to him, Optimus could comprehend the basic idea. And as he went about making the lives of the tribesman easier, saving sparklings from the surface, retrieving relics, and hunting. He came to be heralded as a god-like entity, hence his name [Star-sent-Savior]. When all was said and done, the tribesman accepted him fully and carefully painted his armor in glittering shades of blue, weaving tales describing his heroics and making murals on his plating portraying his glory. The sparklings loved him and recharged against his side every night, leading Optimus to hum to them and curl around them as he would his own sparklings. The older tribesman made him a space in their village, carving out a den in one of the walls of the tunnels for him to rest in when the day was done. And the bot that Optimus rescued first came to him each day, reading to him and telling him of the history of its kind, leaning against him and speaking of all that came to mind. All the while Optimus listened quietly, only the low rumbling of his frame giving an indication of his state.

Two years after being stranded, a sign of help finally seemed to appear.

Bumblebee, his team, and Ratchet had arrived on the planet's surface in response to Optimus's total radio silence and beacon. They scoured the surface, following his life signal until they arrived at the entrance to the tunnels. They entered and followed the signal, expecting to find Optimus in stasis in some dark corner or hiding out near an energon deposit. They certainly didn't expect a very feral, very protective, and very angry Prime to be guarding a whole tribe numbering around a hundred small bots. And they most certainly were not prepared to be attacked on site, only for the Prime to stop after few attacks as he seemed to recognize them.

With Optimus refusing to separate from his tribe and the tribe refusing to let their guardian be taken from them, Bumblebee, his team, and Ratchet were left with quite a debacle. And so began to long process of returning Optimus to awareness in order to reason with him, all while attempting diplomacy with the tribe to figure out how they survived the rust plague.

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2 years ago

I just finished reading “Remnants of the Wild” and I simply love the Feral Orion au (and your content overall). So, what would happen after he gives up the power of the matrix to put unicron to sleep and reverts back to Orion? What if instead of going to the nemesis with Megs, the team manages to lure him back to the base? I bet he would be really unhinged

OH my goodness. I love this thought so much.

If Optimus were to revert back into being a wild Cybertronian I have no doubt in my mind that it would be complete and total chaos, especially with his more civilized frame. It took Alpha Trion nearly a vorn, a whole vorn, just to make Orion somewhat civilized. The team would stand no chance of taming him since they would have him for what, like a week or two? Maybe a month at most before they could get his memories back?

It would be a disaster.


Feral Orion Returns

The very first thing that would happen after the memoryless Orion wakes up should be obvious. Of course he would attack the mech pointing a blaster at his helm.

Megatron would be far too startled by the sudden feral behavior to do much of anything except swing wildly as Orion runs circles around him, biting, clawing, and doing his best to rip Megatron to pieces. By the time the team arrive to pick up their Prime, Megatron is already hightailing it through a ground bridge and Orion is prowling around scared out of his wits and highly aggressive.

The team would likely have been the next victims of Orion's fear induced aggressiveness if he didn't recognize his own spark signature all over them. He would be less hostile after feeling their familiarity but would still be on edge and refuse to approach for quite some time until energon was brought into the mix.

Orion has never been a fool, even when he was wild. He would understand some of what the team were trying to accomplish by leading him along with energon, even if their sounds mean nothing to him. But not understanding what is going on and being stuck in a frame most definitively not the one he remembers being his, Orion would go with the team after no small amount of coaxing.

They would likely have to push him through the ground bridge as generally giant glowy things in the wild tend to mean danger.

From this point onwards it would be complete and utter chaos as no bot, not even Ratchet knows how to handle a completely wild Orion Pax.

Orion's mentality

Orion would spend at least the first three days just adjusting to the team and the children.

Then once he is comfortable and comes to the conclusion that they have energon and don't intend to hurt him, he would become rather social and curious.

Bumblebee would be subject to rather unusual pampering as to Orion he is barely bigger than a sparkling.

Orion would constantly keep Bumblebee by his side and drag him back by his neck guard whenever he inevitably attempts to wander off.

He would not understand his spontaneously adopted sparkling's desire to consume his energon in such a weird and pointless way.

Why take small sips when chugging the energon is more efficient and leaves nothing behind for scavengers to steal?

Bumblebee's odd desire to mess around with the glow screen and the small not-mech-not-mechanimal creatures would baffle him, but he would allow it so long as he remains nearby.

Sparklings must be watched in order to keep them safe from predators, even if the sparkling in question is not really a sparkling anymore.

Ratchet would be a bit of an enigma for Orion as the seeming leader of the pack would allow himself to get yelled at one moment but demand respect the next.

It only threw him off more when Ratchet's first response to seeing him is to treat him like a sparkling (by his wild standards).

The medic would constantly check on him, bring him energon, teach him things as best as he could, and use his own EM field to sooth him when he started to feel upset.

Orion is not quite sure how to categorize Ratchet on the pecking order of his new pack but he tends to treat the medic with respect and does not growl or otherwise make a scene around him.

As for Arcee and Bulkhead, Orion finds them just as strange due to their constant proximity to the not-mech-not-mechanimal creatures.

He firmly believes there is something wrong with them because of how fondly they treat the odd squishy looking creatures.

No reasonable mech (in his own opinion) would ever take on such useless, obviously prey animal like creatures without there being any purpose.

He has yet to see any purpose behind their choice to take care of the not-mech-not-mechanimal things and so treats Bulkhead and Arcee as equals, if a little lower on the pecking order than him,.

This leads him to be completely alright with growling, ignoring them, and asserting his dominance through flared plating and bared fangs when necessary.

He would also find the dynamic between the pack which he found himself integrated into to be incredibly off-putting.

They don't communicate with EM fields and keep them tucked away, much to Orion's confusion and irritation.

Their body language is filled with unnecessary movement and confusing to a simple and straightforward mech like Orion who can't figure out what they are trying to say no matter how closely he watches.

Orion's Habits

Not really understanding what is going on Orion would resolve to do whatever he feels like as there is no hunting and nothing to do besides keep an optic on the sparkling he adopted.

This would lead him to harass the human children as he tries to figure out what they are.

That would end quickly the moment Arcee and Bulkhead get involved.

He would also prowl around base, searching for hiding spaces and eventually figuring out how to get into the rafters of the base, much to the combined fear of everyone present when they look up and see a huge set of piercing blue optics staring into their sparks.

He would also make a stash of energon cubes in some dark corner, never to be discovered until months after the matter and long after his memories are returned.

He would also probably try to dig a hole in the ground at some point after feeling a little too exposed, but this would also be stopped quickly after Ratchet gets involved.

Instead Orion is given a bunch of empty crates to do with as he wishes.

He would build a cave like structure and defend it like his life depended on it.

Orion would also start randomly chewing on things as in his previous frame it was necessary for him to file his fangs down occasionally.

On that same train of thought he would also leave scratch marks everywhere like some giant cat for the exact same reason but instead for his claws.

He would also have some rather spectacular moments of clumsiness as he would not be used to his infinity less wild frame.

He would probably try to climb up the walls or something only to land on his aft after realizing his pedes are flat and aren't claw like anymore.

Orion would 100% try to eat dirt when feeling peckish only to realize it has no energon and is literally just dust and gravel.

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2 years ago


aaaaaaaaaaalrighty folks! strap in bc its AU STORY TIME WITH TECHNI!!!!!!

*cheering and clapping*

and since y'all like it so much,


Orion is a smart cookie! he knows that there's some Fuckery going on. And really? Ratchet? As a crazy warlord? When Megatron is standing right there and very clearly is crazy as a bag of cats and has literal faceless minions?

Pull the other one, Orion ain't buying it.

So he plans his daring escape! It goes like this:

He walks up to a Vehicon and goes, all polite and shit "I need to go down to the planet below. These are the coordinates."

And ofc the Vehicon (it was Steve) just does it bc it's Orion Pax! Megatron vouched for him! Megatron said that he could lie for shit!

Which is still true! Orion Pax can't lie well. But he can manipulate. those big blue optics got him whatever he wanted. And he wants off this ship

Now he's on the surface, alone.

First order of business? Getting away from the scene of the crime.

...once he figures out just what the fuck he transforms into.


oh man this poor boy lmao

(ps main blog is @/i-mean-technically where this AU originated)

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2 years ago

another thought about jaskier as maglor: geralt finally hears burn butcher burn performed and jaskier has to frantically explain that no, it’s not about you geralt I swear, it’s about my annoying brother with an unfortunately similar moniker, he broke my lute once years ago and I said that I wished he’d been the brother to die in the fire—

(and if the butcher of beleriand would be upset at being rendered scapegoat for his older brother’s romantic spats, well, he’s not exactly around to defend himself)

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2 years ago


Added sect leaders + some additional designs for the different time periods/stages for some of the characters!

ALSO! if anyone wants to use these designs for art or edits or fics, please feel free to, i'd be so honored! all i'm asking for is to tag me/send it to me so i SEE AND DIE OF HAPPINESS

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