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Life Path Spectrum
Life Path Spectrum
the lessons of your life path depends on your ruling planet which corresponds with your life path number. while everyone is on their own life path, we are also each cycling through our own monthly cycles. this means that each month within a given year will present a focus towards the different lessons within your personal chart. so you have a ruling planet guiding you through your life purpose, but you also have monthly themes which are meant to progress that growth...
! my guides describe this phenomena as having a prominent color varying through different palettes or schemes. your prominent color being represented by the chakra corresponding to your ruling planet. of course the palettes/schemes are representing the changes according with the monthly theme.
using the chaldean numerology method, we can find our life path + ruling planet. to then interpret with the corresponding chakra color!
clearly, we listed two more planets than there are colors in a rainbow... we’re actually working with ten chakras total, though we retract PLUTO’s life path zero for obvious reasons! that leaves us with just two extra colors:
SUN = violet crown
MOON = indigo third eye
JUPITER = orange sacral
URANUS = blue-green high heart
MERCURY = blue throat
VENUS = green heart
NEPTUNE = magenta soul star
SATURN = red root
MARS = yellow solar plexus
PLUTO = black earth star
add up the digits in your full birth date, and reduce until you end up with any number from 1 through 9 exclusively. that is your life path and then assigns your prominent chakra color! but for your monthly cycle you will only take the digits of your birth day + month. that number (1 through 9) you then add 1 month to reveal the color which starts your monthly cycles.
for example, as life path 8, my ruling planet SATURN assigns me the prominent color of the root chakra: RED. while my birth month + day = 9 so my month cycles begins at 10 = 1. the SUN adds VIOLET to my palette during the first month of the year, INDIGO during the second month etc.
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More Posts from Yoswenyo
The cards I pulled for myself:
V of Pentacles -- X of Cups -- VI of Wands
December begins my personal month of The World... which represents Jupiter’s influence over the Root chakra. Jupiter sits in my 6th house where I learn how to contribute through my lifestyle. My emotional state has been recovering from isolation, I can tell because even while my time online has averaged to 9 hrs a day the past three years, I’m not taking on and digesting all of the energy in the same way.
I used to wallow in my envy for others who seem to have it better than myself, and I allowed that to take from what happiness or peace I found in my own life. I recently commented on a discussion about learning appropriate language to express your intellectual opinions and the irony of engaging in nuanced discourse with people who won’t ever understand your point of view. I realize my experience in both of these sides, for example in my lack of education I compensate by teaching myself with whatever I have access to. The 5 of cups shows how we measure our values based on what is structurally coveted. By depicting two sickly characters waging against the harsh of nature while the Church window glows over them. I’m emotionally mature enough to understand the poverty that my “privileged counterparts” face, is just a different form. (My guides tell me it’s a lack of character value.) My mental state has cleared up so much. I think I’m still too obsessed with social media and I definitely catch myself reading far too deep into arbitrary information. But I also recognize my inner voice apart from the collective consciousness. Which I feel that is what I find addictive about the internet-- as a looking-glass into the collective. I no longer take my own emotions out of context from where they belong: in myself. Social media is especially confrontational about what people feel, constantly in demand of emotional exchange. People learned to bet on false projections which they know cause arguments or controversies, because that’s how they find the attention they need. I have an entirely new approach to utilizing the internet in a way that allows me to appreciate connection with the collective. I believe this connection is what motivates me to share ideas and stories. (My guides want me to write about my addiction.)
the cards i pulled for myself under the full moon:
X of Cups -- Page of Wands -- Knight of Cups
my emotional state has taken a huge improvement in the last month, it’s been like six months since i moved out of pennsylvania back to puerto rico + what was difficult at first was reacquainting with estranged family, because i held a lot of shame around not pursuing contact with them in the past ten years, but i realized that narrative was negating my experience as a child immigrant, the anxiety i was internalizing was distracting from the opportunity to learn about my family and immerse myself with the place i was born
my mental state is better for the realization that i know what i want, i recognized that my love language is quality time + i can’t expect that from everyone bc i know that we’re only able to give in the way that we know ourselves to be capable, but i used to take rejection seriously personal as i struggled to accept my social anxiety throught adolescence, which was really just my underdeveloped indicator for psychic boundaries as a clairsentient person, so being in this new dynamic where i’m reintroducing myself to family who only knew me as a toddler is a direct challenge of expressing my personal truth
my water houses are all ruled by fire signs, which this pull is bringing a focus to as chiron transits my 8th-- the house of my natal saturn, planet of my life’s lessons
my current manifestation cycle is pointing towards the kind of work that is possible for me through the type of values that i exude + what is inherent to my journey, it’s very important for me as a writer to recognize my voice, that means understanding the influences behind my personal experiences a.k.a what beliefs i allow to drive me in life

I’m always drawn to documentaries with a willingness to learn something new, but I personally felt as though I’d already known– and recognized this story. The subjective testimonial-style interviews really allowed me to meld the shared world of influences which only extend as tribute through Dash Snow’s artwork.

As a life path 8, the major lessons in Felix’s life are ruled by Saturn’s placement in his chart. People ruled by Saturn tend to achieve an understanding of their greater potential. The value and meaning of this achievement depends on how naturally the native has defined their life purpose. While Saturn represents severity and authority, it mainly symbolizes the quality of autonomy that one is able to embody.
In Felix’s case, his placement of Saturn in Gemini highlights the multiplicity of personal accountability. The Red aura resonates within abilities of the Root chakra, which rules Scorpio. While Saturn shares rulership over this chakra along with the Moon, in Felix’s chart: the Moon is placed in Aries. This reveals the degrees in which life lessons are absorbed.
I’m picking up on an energy leak through the Throat chakra. I see that his conscious expression is affected by detached thoughts and underdeveloped concepts. He would have to work on defining his passions in differentiation with those around him. I’m getting that he’s underestimated because he blends in too closely with his peers. His individual growth gets stunted if he molds motivation around who is likely to agree with him.
This energy leak takes away from the quality of his individuality, which is a huge factor in attaining healthy autonomy. He’s meant to present his personal beliefs through his actions, as a way to clear his own path. However, his ability to consider other perspectives can distract from his unique imagination. With his jovial attitude, he may get swept up in trivial causes that lack direction. If he could differentiate his personal visions in life then he would realize stronger passion to build motivation and connect with causes that matter.
During the months of February as well as November, Saturn is a stronger influence for Felix. There are seasonal activations of his Aquarius and Sagittarius placements which surface insight around recovering from obstacles.

As a life path 5, the major lessons in Yooa’s life are ruled by Mercury’s placement in her chart. People ruled by Mercury tend to iterate the world through their conscious sensibility. The accuracy and tangibility of this sensibility depends on how strongly the native retains information. While Mercury represents the consciousness itself, it mainly symbolizes the quality of information one is able to retain and apply.
In Yooa’s case, her placement of the Mercury in Libra highlights harmony with others as the method of building personal experience. The Blue aura resonates within abilities of the Throat chakra, which rules Taurus and Gemini. In Yooa’s chart: the Moon and Black Moon Lilith are placed in Gemini, revealing the level at which she is able to absorb reality.
I’m picking up on an energy leak through the Third-Eye chakra. I see that her subconscious reality is limited by certain beliefs. She would have to work on expressing her emotions in a way that promotes honesty and relatability. I’m getting that she’s quick to retreat into her internal world. Her ability in detaching from her surroundings can misdirect her attention from the present.
This energy leak takes away from the quality of her attention, which is the main aspect of retaining conscious information. She’s meant to express her beliefs honestly in a way that hold true to the situation at hand. However, her ability to communicate clearly can also impose upon her imagination. If she could express her ideas in transparent ways then she would realize how that generates esteem for those around her to share from their own experience.
The stellium of Libra placements in Yooa’s chart is notable as a focal point with respect to the lesson’s she’ll have to work through in this life. There’s a deeper fear of mediocrity which can manifest as procrastination. By involving herself with many pools of interests she causes distraction from her own skills. So she is here to work on expressing her ideas in ways that allow for deeper connections between people.