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As A Life Path 8, The Major Lessons In Felixs Life Are Ruled By Saturns Placement In His Chart. People

As A Life Path 8, The Major Lessons In Felixs Life Are Ruled By Saturns Placement In His Chart. People

As a life path 8, the major lessons in Felix’s life are ruled by Saturn’s placement in his chart. People ruled by Saturn tend to achieve an understanding of their greater potential. The value and meaning of this achievement depends on how naturally the native has defined their life purpose. While Saturn represents severity and authority, it mainly symbolizes the quality of autonomy that one is able to embody.

In Felix’s case, his placement of Saturn in Gemini highlights the multiplicity of personal accountability. The Red aura resonates within abilities of the Root chakra, which rules Scorpio. While Saturn shares rulership over this chakra along with the Moon, in Felix’s chart: the Moon is placed in Aries. This reveals the degrees in which life lessons are absorbed.

I’m picking up on an energy leak through the Throat chakra. I see that his conscious expression is affected by detached thoughts and underdeveloped concepts. He would have to work on defining his passions in differentiation with those around him. I’m getting that he’s underestimated because he blends in too closely with his peers. His individual growth gets stunted if he molds motivation around who is likely to agree with him.

This energy leak takes away from the quality of his individuality, which is a huge factor in attaining healthy autonomy. He’s meant to present his personal beliefs through his actions, as a way to clear his own path. However, his ability to consider other perspectives can distract from his unique imagination. With his jovial attitude, he may get swept up in trivial causes that lack direction. If he could differentiate his personal visions in life then he would realize stronger passion to build motivation and connect with causes that matter.

During the months of February as well as November, Saturn is a stronger influence for Felix. There are seasonal activations of his Aquarius and Sagittarius placements which surface insight around recovering from obstacles.

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3 years ago

self-transformation in my expression of duality

during my month of JUDGEMENT; with the moon’s influence over the earth star chakra, the lessons within my 3rd house are brought to surface

i’m reading a spanish book that my aunt lent me and i haven’t decided if i like it; “Manual de Supervivencia” by Marta Salvat

i’d already read “Tu Eres Yo” by the same author for the same reason; my aunt directly recommended it + while i’m realizing this is great practice for my spanish i also feel really conscientious of the fact that my aunt gave me these books despite the fact that it’s a proficient level of spanish vocabulary, all the while she is constantly correcting me when i speak spanish

it really gets me so pressed as it interrupts my train of thought, i really could appreciate the gesture in general except... it’s not helpful coming from family that hasn’t been apart of my life growing up... it’s very patronizing + not at all the way that i learn personally

with the lessons of my 3rd house PLUTO, i’ve learned how to live in my own path + repurpose the pain of being socially ostracized into my individual self, i’m not meant to wait around for ppl to explain things to me bc i’m actually a natural inquisitor, i’ve always managed to entertain my own interest/curiosity although society would rather expect that i assume the pity of growing up without proper “culture” or “traditions”

ppl have always treated me like i was different despite the fact any taboos i broke were on default of my life’s circumstances... i believe part of my self-transformation means acknowledging what makes me so different, its the way i know how to recognize the unconscious beliefs that ppl chastize their selves with + i use that to guide myself in investigating my own beliefs

!!! anyway i’m very happy bc i love these books for what they are, its helping me integrate spanish through spiritual concepts which i already understand, the author Marta Salvat goes deeply into the unconscoius projections which we navigate to understand eachother’s internal world

 ??? it was just so confusing that someone who doesn’t spend time with me to give me a beautiful gift like that LOL but it’s clearly bc my family unconsciously doesn’t see themselves as worthy with enough insight to help, which is perfectly find considering that i know my personal destiny now

quality time is super important for me to receive from my learning environment, but i didn’t have such relationships as a child no less estranged from my birthplace... i think its very dense for them to expect that i should be a fluent speaker, it really hurts my feelings as my elders blatantly deflect their responsibility over my education

though the books i’m reading are quite literally giving me confirmation that i need to focus on improving for me-- speaking spanish or whatever it is; i’m not the same little kid who gets overwhelmed by unwanted attention doing anything to avoid it, i actually recognize when i’m doing something unexpected that could change the coarse of my growth, i have to want that growth + teach myself

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3 years ago


the cards i pulled for myself under the full moon: 

X of Cups -- Page of Wands -- Knight of Cups

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my mental state is better for the realization that i know what i want, i recognized that my love language is quality time + i can’t expect that from everyone bc i know that we’re only able to give in the way that we know ourselves to be capable, but i used to take rejection seriously personal as i struggled to accept my social anxiety throught adolescence, which was really just my underdeveloped indicator for psychic boundaries as a clairsentient person, so being in this new dynamic where i’m reintroducing myself to family who only knew me as a toddler is a direct challenge of expressing my personal truth

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3 years ago
Im Always Drawn To Documentaries With A Willingness To Learn Something New, But I Personally Felt As

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3 years ago
!!! Casting December Maurables Early:
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!!! casting december maurables early:

loona’s wong kahei, weeekly’s lee soojin, everglow’s wang yiren, & fromis’ jang gyuri

this transparent style is perfect to feature on your blog. i’ms super stokeddd bc i think i found a good balance for the editing techniques that i use

hmu if you have a request i’ll make you a kpop maurable for free! but otherwise your personal maurable would be 5 USD + it comes with a mini analysis

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3 years ago
As A Life Path 8, The Major Lessons In Felixs Life Are Ruled By Saturns Placement In His Chart. People

As a life path 8, the major lessons in Felix’s life are ruled by Saturn’s placement in his chart. People ruled by Saturn tend to achieve an understanding of their greater potential. The value and meaning of this achievement depends on how naturally the native has defined their life purpose. While Saturn represents severity and authority, it mainly symbolizes the quality of autonomy that one is able to embody.

In Felix’s case, his placement of Saturn in Gemini highlights the multiplicity of personal accountability. The Red aura resonates within abilities of the Root chakra, which rules Scorpio. While Saturn shares rulership over this chakra along with the Moon, in Felix’s chart: the Moon is placed in Aries. This reveals the degrees in which life lessons are absorbed.

I’m picking up on an energy leak through the Throat chakra. I see that his conscious expression is affected by detached thoughts and underdeveloped concepts. He would have to work on defining his passions in differentiation with those around him. I’m getting that he’s underestimated because he blends in too closely with his peers. His individual growth gets stunted if he molds motivation around who is likely to agree with him.

This energy leak takes away from the quality of his individuality, which is a huge factor in attaining healthy autonomy. He’s meant to present his personal beliefs through his actions, as a way to clear his own path. However, his ability to consider other perspectives can distract from his unique imagination. With his jovial attitude, he may get swept up in trivial causes that lack direction. If he could differentiate his personal visions in life then he would realize stronger passion to build motivation and connect with causes that matter.

During the months of February as well as November, Saturn is a stronger influence for Felix. There are seasonal activations of his Aquarius and Sagittarius placements which surface insight around recovering from obstacles.

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