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Color-coding Their Birthcharts (3 Of 9)

Color-coding Their Birthcharts (3 Of 9)

color-coding their birthcharts (3 of 9)

More Posts from Yoswenyo

2 years ago

      Your first house placements involve Chiron and the North Node, which work very similarly in my eyes. While Chiron represents the pain we attract, the North Node represents what we’re afraid to confront... Here in your chart, they work in terms of your identity.

      Aquarius is where we’re meant to detach from the collective. This can be misconstrued as an individualist sentiment, which is not far from the truth. However it’s more appropriate to describe this as a sense of departure from the shallow associations to our community, demography, society-- as a leap toward the shared aspects of our reality.

      This kind of objective tone is pronounced by the presence of Neptune in the very sign it co-rules. He is specifically dealing with revealing your higher potential. And in sharing that first house with those other two placements, the narrative centers the contribution you will have through realizing healthier identity outside of relationships.

      The outer planets always represent a revolution for the larger part of humanity, to transcend its worldly ideals. Your sensibilities with Chiron should bring clarity around what lessons you attract. So you may overcome any fear around your identity... meaning that you shouldn’t be attached to conditional connections. And instead tune into a genuine self-expression that both attracts the right connections and repels what isn’t meant for you.

My Birth Chart

My Birth Chart

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2 years ago

1st of Dec is World AIDS Day so I just want you guys to know

1st Of Dec Is World AIDS Day So I Just Want You Guys To Know
2 years ago


The meaning of the word “ace” has its roots in the French language. It came from the old French word “as”, which meant unity. For a long time, the ace was used by gamblers as the weakest card and had the least value among all the cards in the deck. Over time, he became the most powerful card in the deck. In some card games (poker, blackjack), players can choose the value of the ace themselves. It can be either a unit or the highest card. One of the reasons for the promotion of the ace from the bottom to the top is the French Revolution. During the uprisings, the ace was a symbol of the dominance of the common population over senior officials and kings. By the way, the word “as” gave rise not only to the playing card. It also applies to people who are the original masters of their craft.

2 years ago
Naotake Matsuoka, From Commercial Photography Exposed, Vol. 1 (1983)
Naotake Matsuoka, From Commercial Photography Exposed, Vol. 1 (1983)
Naotake Matsuoka, From Commercial Photography Exposed, Vol. 1 (1983)
Naotake Matsuoka, From Commercial Photography Exposed, Vol. 1 (1983)

Naotake Matsuoka, from Commercial Photography Exposed, Vol. 1 (1983)

2 years ago
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability,
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability,
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability,
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability,

     In Felix’s case, his placement of Saturn in Gemini highlights the multiplicity of personal accountability, in which he learns expression of his DUALITY. While Saturn shares rulership over this chakra along with the Moon, in Felix’s chart: the Moon is placed in Aries. This reveals the degrees in which life lessons are absorbed.

     I sense that he’s often underestimated because he blends in too closely with his peers. This could mean stunted individuality, in favor of being agreeable or personable. This energy leak takes away from the quality of his identity, which is a huge factor in attaining healthy autonomy. The energy in Felix’s chart can help to present his personal beliefs through his actions, as a way to clear his own path. That way, his ability to consider other perspectives doesn’t distract from his unique outlook.

    I designed this birth chart visualizer to show the energy of the chakra system as they correspond with a ruling planet. I’m practicing CHAKRA DIVINATION an intuitive reading system found and taught by Naomi Goldrich.

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