\\ |twenty years of being in the earth| // •ೋenfpஜ•✧๑˗ˏˋᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤˎˊ˗๑✧•ஜenfp ೋ• \\ |Request are Open| //
126 posts
Damian: This Date Is Boring!

Damian: This date is boring!
Y/N: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Damian: Then why did you invite me?
Y/N: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Y/N I'll do whatever I want!”

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More Posts from Yu-huuuu
Hi!!😊 Happy New Year!!<3
I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE😩 If I wanted someone to write it, it's you! I need this with your type of writing 😩💞
Is it possible if you could do a Naruto Shippuden Neji soulmate AU?
A soulmate AU where both you and your soulmate have the same soulmate mark.
Note: The reader is EXTREMELY strong and comes from a clan that wants strong people and they train the members when they are young so they grow up to become strong and there are other clans that are also the same as the readers clan. They call these type of clans 'The Kenji clans.' translates to: The Strong clans.
So the readers mother thought at first that the readers soulmate might not be strong or able to handle the harsh training from the clan to become strong or anything, and the reader also thought on why she would have a soulmate since she's from one of the Kenji clans and her lifestyle is different and he would probably get killed or die cause of the training (yes the training is THAT harsh😭 and if he isn't strong then he'll have to go to do that training) And her mother also thought that, So because of that the mother arranged a marriage for her and and her fiance who was some dude that cames from a clan that's one of the Kenji clans.
The reader understood but didn't want to be with someone she didn't like. So she ended up having a argument. And when she met the guy she did not and I mean did NOT like him AT ALL, she hated His personality and he got on her nerves way TOO much and he didn't want to marry her either but they both were forced.
And came the day of her and her fiances wedding and so on the day fo their wedding the fiance was literally fighting back and saying he didn't want to marry her and he didn't want to be stuck with someone like her, she hated him A LOT. And I mean
to the point she ended up Killing HIM in their OWN wedding. They fought and fought Infront if everyone on their wedding. And then she decided to kill him. She actived a ablitiy she has, called ' death eye' and her eyes started having a skull in her pupils. And whoever she looks at when the death eye is actived, can die because whoever she make eye contact with when she has the death eye actived, they will also have a skull pupils in their eyes and then their head falls of their neck, they are now beheaded. And just the second she looks at them their head will just fall off. Instead of white, Her wedding was just bloody red.
The readers clan are friends with the Hyuga so the Hyuga clan was invited to the wedding.
Then the reader kills her fiance and a lot of people that she just makes eye contact with and they die because of the death eye. And they see her holding her fiances head with a michiveous look and michiveous smile, then suddenly her fiances head turns into a skull because she disintegrates his skin by putting her hand on his cheek, and then his skin starts to disintegrate, and now she's just holding his skull up close to her face and just smiling, the she unactivated her death eye, and everyone already saw it. And then her soulmate mark starts to burn and then they find out she's Neji Soulmate, LMAO.
Btw the soulmate mark that the reader and neji both have is actually a skull🤭
Context: The reader kills her fiance on her own wedding day by using a ablitiy the 'death eye' then her soulmate mark starts to burn and she finds out that her soulmate is Neji🫢
SO SORRY THIS LOOKS SO LONG😭 IT WAS BECAUSE IF ALL THAT EXPLAINING, aside from the explaining, I wrote what this request is in the context!
Btw the reader is the same age as Neji in Shippuden so she is YOUNG, she didn't want to get married at a young age and to some guy who she HATED.
If you don't feel like doing this, or maybe you feel uncomfortable doing it, or you don't want to do this for whatever reason ignore it!<3

[ 🌸 ] Annon! For a moment I thought I had deleted your request haha, sorry for the delay. I hope this is exactly what you requested!
I also hope that all your goals for this year are fulfilled!
characters: neji hyuga ;; some character mentions
genre: fluff ; ;light angst in some parts...
warnings: mentions of the reader not wanting to marry someone cruel;; future dreams destroyed(?);; mentions of future marital infidelities (not with the main couple -nejixreader-);; mentions of spicy stuff;; mentions of blood;; the reader making a massacre on her wedding day;; a hopeful happy ending for the reader?
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enjoy <3

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'angry' would be an understatement to express how you had been feeling during these months...
Your clan was known to be one of the few strong clans that Konoha possessed. And rightly so, they needed strong people, always. You were trained since you were little, you were only four years old when your training began.
'Tough love' that's what your mother called it.
For your clan there was no room for soft and gentle touch, it's not that the people of your clan were inhuman or lacked empathy, it's simply that being a "strong" clan they were Konoha's first line of defense in case of an attack together with other clans. These clans along with yours were called
'The Kenji Clans'.
Your father fought when the nine-tailed fox appeared. Unfortunately, he was just as stubborn as your mother, and he just didn't know when to stop fighting. Eventually, your dad became bedridden with a disease that appeared because his chakra points were weak after that fight against the great beast, he died while you were still in your mother's womb.
You never met him, but you did get to know him and learn what his and your mother's relationship was like through stories.
You still remember the nights when your mother tucked you in your bed and if she was in a good mood she would tell you stories about your father. Your favorite story was the one about their first date.
For you, a 5-year-old girl, the meadow of flowers where they had gone to spend the evening and watch the sunset together sounded so enchanting.
But, nothing compared to the third date, the confession of two lovers under thousands of stars while sharing their first kiss sounded magical, almost like a fairy tale.
You wanted that one day. Finding your soul mate and feeling safe with that person…just like your mother once felt.
Your motivation for enduring the cruel training you were subjected to was that one day you would find that special someone and that you could rest easy, without pain or fear, in their arms.
Finally, feeling safe and appreciated, you just didn't care about their gender, much less their skin color, you just hoped to find your soul mate one day.
That's why you found it cruel to have the only thing you wanted to be taken from you, even though a part of you was okay with it.
“You…did what!?”, you tried to control your own anger, but you failed. You had barely arrived home from running errands only to find a very badly behaved Youth and other people with a bad temper. As soon as they left, your mother invited you to the living room to tell you the reason for the visit of those people.
The woman in front of you and the one who gave birth to you raised a thin eyebrow. "Why are you acting like that in front of your own mother? Besides, I thought you agreed with me."
you exhaled trying to control your urge to yell at her, "I was, but I never thought you would do something like an arranged marriage"
Your mother let out a mocking snort, “how selfish of you, my child, are you going to let your soul mate suffer through training as cruel as our clan's?” she spoke, but before continuing she used a serious voice "you know that not everyone can handle our type of training"
You knew, you knew that not all people could handle the hard training.
years ago, one of the girls from your clan had found out that her soul mate was a boy from the Uchiha clan. The poor boy had not endured the training, which did not make him worthy of marrying the girl. As stubborn as the people of his clan were, the Uchiha boy had promised your clan leaders that he would return the next morning to do the training again and this time he would endure it... Unfortunately, the massacre occurred that same night, so he could never keep his promise to come back.
There were so many better or worse stories than that.
There was one in which a boy from your clan discovered that his soul mate was a civilian, a simple baker from a humble family. Needless to say, for the young woman's safety, he decided not to stay by her side.
Although you could say that; that boy was still in love with that young woman despite having a wife and a son, he seemed not to be interested in his family. It was something sad and bitter to see him with a family, but always thinking and surely longing for that civil woman, something told you that one day he would have an 'adventure' with that baker.
Your mother, in order to avoid something like a "tragic fate", decided that it would be a good idea to get you married before you met your soul mate. Which was one of the many reasons you were mad at her, you didn't agree to get married, especially so young. You still had so many things to do!
But of course, in the eyes of your clan you would be seen as selfish for not wanting to get married...
Your desires... All your dreams no longer mattered and there was nothing to do to stop the anguish that was blooming every second in every part of your being.
Neji wasn't interested. keyword 'was', he no longer knew what to think as he watched the scene in front of him.
The only reason he had come to this engagement ceremony was because Hinata had asked him to accompany her, and he had to protect her in case something happened. As the daughter of the leader of the Hyuga Clan, Hinata had to occasionally attend important events when her father was not available. This was one of those occasions.
"C-come on, Neji...it won't be s-so bad!"
She had been trying to cheer him up with her sweet words, surely his face must have looked more serious and bored than usual this morning. She had been very thoughtful of her to want to cheer him up, but sadly it hadn't worked.
He further placed his muscular body protectively in front of Hinata, preparing to attack and defend in case an attack was directed at his cousin as he activated his Byakugan.
The named bride; "Y/N", had gotten out of control, she had killed her own husband after a silent argument that had occurred mid-vote and had only escalated until you just... well, you killed a few people with your ability just by looking at them. The decapitated bodies of various people adorned the place, ruining the pure and beautiful aesthetic for a more macabre one.
Before all that chaos happened, you looked so beautiful and virginal when you entered the main hall that even Neji's heart fluttered a little when he saw you.
But, he could not look at you or think about you in such an intimate way as it was to see you as something 'beautiful', because; First you were engaged to someone and it would be vulgar of him to think of you that way, and second this kind of thought and emotion was only supposed to be directed at his soul mate.
Now, as you hold the skull of your ex-fiancé and soon-to-be husband while maintaining a macabre smile, he wonders if it was just anger that made you act in such a vile way, or you were just like that, someone cruel who only disguised herself as a gentle being.
He has so many doubts in his mind, but he can't come to a conclusion, his only thought is to protect his precious cousin who is behind him.
He was about to finalize an escape plan to get out of this chaos until he feels a slight burning sensation on the left side of his neck that makes him grunt a bit, worrying the few people left alive around him.
Amidst all the commotion Hinata had asked him if he was okay, he was about to reply when you made a slight strangled sound as you held the left side of your neck dropping your ex-fiancé's skull.
When you finally removed your hand from your neck, Hinata gasped.
“She… y-you… N-Neji! You two have the same mark… you're soul mates!”
. . .
. . .
. . .
what the f-

* shock-shock-shock * I wonder what will happen next...

Zenitsu: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Y/N: You're like 15 years old
Zenitsu: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!

𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥

[ 🌸 ] It's your fault, you put the idea in my head and I couldn't resist- Also, I really didn't know which characters to write with, so I wrote the ones that were in your tags, I hope this isn't disappointing bby u.u
characters: naruto uzumaki;;neji hyuga;;shikamaru nara;;sasuke uchiha;;kakashi hatake;;gaara
genre: fluff;;light angst in some parts...
warnings: sweet writing that can make you sad;;mentions of deaths of various characters due to old age (also some being killed by sasuke_bad duck), reader dying once due to childbirth;;reader being an alien...;;a human and an alien together? a strange romance, but can it make you happy?, yes. but it's sweet and not a toxic romance so it's ok :D;;
enjoy <3

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naruto uzumaki
- are you a what?
- A Gem? Is your body not real?? Is it an illusion of your gem?
- Wait, wha-?
- confused child confused child
- "You are from space... does it mean that there is life on other planets?!"
- he went from confused to proud
-“I can't believe it, I conquered an alien-- my partner is an alien!-” //proceeds to laugh maniacally// “I'm better than sasuke!”
- anyway
-He stopped being so happy when he knew that his life was short compared to yours
- You would see him grow old and die, it was something bittersweet for our boy
- He didn't want to leave you alone.
- But if you were sure that you still loved him despite everything, then he would accept it.
-After all, for you to hear him and feel his body next to yours while he slept was going to be enough, right? It had to be for now and until the end of the universe...

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neji hyuga
- awww, my sweet and serious boy
- Anyway
-The boy was surprised, although he did not want to show it
- he suspected that you were going to say something like that
- And his suspicions began when he saw your radiant gem for the first time.
-At first he thought it was just an accessory that you carried
- Aa~ How wrong he was
- "So... you come from space?". "Yes". "And... what does it look like?"
- He will listen to you for what seemed like minutes, when in reality it was hours
-He was surprised when you told him about the different and millions of galaxies that existed
- moving on to another topic
-He was a little worried when you told him about what would happen to you if you got pregnant
-Needless to say, his plan to have children with you was annulled (as much as it hurt him deep down)
-He prefers to spend his short life with you instead of "taking" your life and leaving him alone with a child
- If you let him stay by your side, neji will be the happiest man on the planet. That I can assure you!
-And even if, for you, it was only a short period of time in which you would be by his side until he died of old age. You must understand that for Neji it was always and will be more than enough to spend his whole life until his last days of living with you, lying on his soft futon, while you gently caress his previously brown hair, now gray due to at time.
And as you tried not to cry, you gave him one last small but sad smile before he closed his tired eyes, never to open them again.
- maybe in another life you would find him again to love him once more

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shikamaru nara
- Hey, Shikamaru is a smart boy… seriously
- But-
- "You are too annoying, woman.", "… I'm not a woman", "Wha-?"
- Uhhh, it happens... that he doesn't suspect anything of you
- ... you had to explain many things to him
- "Very well, let me see if I understood... you are not a woman but a space rock that has a life of its own and your body is not really your body but a hologram of light" //take a breath// "you are more complicated than a woman, how troublesome…”
-Anyway, he understood what you were the first time, so yaAY
-He loves you
- and you love him
- They're both troublesome and that's okay, right?
- A problem couple :D
-Shikamaru surely would have laughed at the way you remembered him after his death due to old age
- Since you would always remember him as the first "problematic" human, you came to love lmao

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sasuke uchiha
- he actually didn't find out why you told him, he found out because you did 'pOOF' in front of him
- It was an attack in fact
- Someone impaled you with a kunai out of nowhere and instead of blood you just went 'poOOF'
-He was terrified and angry, so he took out all his frustration on the bandits who hurt you
- Poor boy
- As he did not know what was happening, he grabbed the only thing you left behind before you vanished, and that was the precious gem that he now held in his hands.
- Several weeks passed, he always watched the precious stone in case there was any clue to your whereabouts, until one night the stone began to shine and well you appeared with a new set of clothes and also without any scratch on you - Which obviously puzzled Sasuke, since well... you were hurt
- You had to tell him, pfff
-Now that sasuke knows the truth, he must change his plans with you
- He cannot have children with you, since you would abandon your life, and he does not want to "kill" you
-He wants to be with you until well- he dies and yes, you fulfill his wishes
-Unfortunately, the legacy of the uchiha clan dies along with sasuke at the end, remaining as a legend of what once was
- And you remained as the last being that came to be close to one
- In another case, if you manage to convince him that it's okay, since a part of you will become your child and that you really want to have this child with him, then He (with a lot of pain) will grant your wishes
- Having at the end a child half gem and half uchiha
- Sasuke would love his son to pieces, but even so he can't help but miss you every day, but it's what you wanted, right?, and if this was going to make you happy, then he would try to be happy too…

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kakashi hatake
- Aa~, what a surprise
- Honestly, he was surprised to learn that you were not a human
-Actually he found out suddenly
-He had taken a lot of trust in you and simply told you about his bitter past, you- deciding that it was not fair that only he told you about his origins, you told him about where you came from
- he listened to you carefully
- Actually, the egotistical part of him is happy that you are not going to die before him or something similar But then comes the realization that hits him in waves...you will be left alone...perhaps forever, watching the people you came to love to die of old age.
- It was something bitter for him
- But in any case, he would always try to be by your side until, well, he died.

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- my sand boy
- Make me a sandcastle, daddy-
- Just kidding lmaoooo
- He was just surprised that you weren't a human
- But who is he to judge?
- As for having children, you can adopt and raise them as your own
- Forming a happy family!
- Although he does not live as long as you, a part of him is a little happy that you will be able to do so many things, meet and explore new things, and you will be able to take care of the plants that you planted together
- The other part of him doesn't want to leave you.
He really doesn't want to do it.
-But he knows that it is impossible to live the same time as you
- It's something bitter, I know... death will be what separates you in the end

* at first I wanted to put the reader with several of the characters when they were children and her being a mother figure... but then I realized that it would take a lot of work to do it and that few lines would not serve to tell the whole story of the characters with the reader.
* I wanted to put more drama, but I just put the important thing first mmmm
* before, it was going to be a bit more bitter, but I felt bad when I finished reading the original work that I just started from scratch (again)
* I always found the gem pregnancy in steven universe interesting... maybe that's why I mention it frequently u.u
* rose quartz it’s my favorite character uwu

Can someone make Naruto character headcanons where the reader is a crystal gem? I can’t get this concept out of my head and I WANT ITTT

Miroku: Now I will proceed to do something that I called flirting with death
//proceeds to touch Sango's butt//

Y/N: -pointing- May I sit here?
Sesshomaru: That’s my lap
Y/N: That doesn’t answer my question, Sessh