Damian Wayne X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Ohh for the bird brains event, how about a meet-cute with Damian at a Wayne gala/charity event? Reader could be on the wait staff or a party guest, whichever you prefer!

this turned out kinda weird BUT i’ma roll with it. i hope you like it babe!

𝓁𝑒𝓉’𝓈 𝒸𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 ⎹ 𝓓.𝓦.

fandom dc / masterlist coming soon / @dollsdc-library

featuring damian wayne x reader ( f! )

rating none of my work is meant to be viewed by minors (anyone under the age of eighteen), and i will happily block any that interact with my posts or my blog.

content warning Damian’s been aged up to about 19 in this, he’s a little rude and demanding, but no real warnings.

summary this was supposed to be an easy gig to make some extra cash, but you can’t help but notice Damian Wayne won’t stop staring at you.

word count 1.9k / mini musing

attention do not repost or translate, even with ‘credit’. just don’t do it. reblog instead of like. leave feedback if you enjoyed.

bird brains writing event !!

Ohh For The Bird Brains Event, How About A Meet-cute With Damian At A Wayne Gala/charity Event? Reader

this had been a good idea in theory.

you’d always wondered what the Wayne Charity Galas were like— of course, you’d always imagined seeing them through the eyes of a guest, and not a waitress serving drinks to the sloshed socialites. still, when your roommate told you she’d gotten the job for the two of you, it had been hard to turn down. one of those opportunities that don’t just fall out of the sky for everyone, and the lucky ones must snag them whilst they can.

however, you underestimated just how much booze the .1% could consume in an evening. traipsing back and forth across the ballroom in a constant duck and weave routine to avoid twirling couples, you would get to one side of the party, only to find your tray of champagne completely barren, and would have to trounce back into the kitchen for more.

and, of course, there was the uniform. you felt like a penguin, clad in a black and white romper that was so tight to your body it was giving you a perpetual wedgie. the neckline felt gratuitous in its dip, as did the sleek, black pumps that were murdering your poor feet.

moreover, you could feel a pair of piercing eyes on you every time you made another round. he was posted near the corner, arms crossed and had been wearing the same scowl since you’d first walked in. you knew who he was because of course you did, but you couldn’t find the nerve to actually meet his gaze— keeping your eyes fixed at the flutes balanced on your crystalline tray, instead. why was he glaring so hard? did you really look so out of place? or maybe it was the sheer ridiculousness of your outfit that he was looking at with disdain. but, if that were the case, why did you feel his stare on your face, as if he were trying to catch your gaze? moments felt like hours as you prayed the remaining glasses would disappear faster so you might have a reason to escape to the back again, but it seemed like Lady Luck was having too much fun in watching you stand there, blushing like a fool, trying not to look like you knew he was staring at you.

you fix your eyes to the dance floor, crowded with gorgeous women in gaudy gowns and dazzling jewels and their dapper companions, twirling and dipping them. it was almost like something out of a fairytale, a royal ball where every man’s suit probably cost more than your dented, little Camry parked outside. for a moment, you try to imagine what it might be like to be there, instead of on the sidelines, serving drinks. was it fun? freeing?

“Do you even know how to ballroom dance?” it was a curt question that comes from your left, cutting through your daydream and pulling you back to reality.

it takes you a moment to realize Damian had stepped up beside you, but now that you were aware of his closeness, you couldn’t think of anything else. the warmth of his figure, the softness of his suit, and the hints of sandalwood and vanilla in his cologne. “Um… no, not really.” you replied, bashfully looking towards your feet, “Just what I’ve seen on, like, The Princess Diaries.” you tried to chuckle, to make a joke of it, but he didn’t reciprocate. your awkward laugh hangs in the otherwise silent air and you force yourself not to roll your own eyes. what a lame attempt. you clear your throat, looking at your nearly empty tray. three left. just three.

“Dance with me.”

three words that had you blinking incredulous, unsure if you’ve heard him properly as your attention is directed towards him. he’s staring at you again, eyebrow quirked, both arms folded over his chest and his clear eyes were narrowed. did he look this angry all the time?


“I don’t like to repeat myself.”

blinking again, you zip your tiers for a moment, and that’s when his hand stretches out, palm up, practically commanding you to take it. and you want to, but your hands are full. “I— I’m working.” you offer, sheepish, just as the last flute is plucked from your tray. you’re supposed to rush back and get another round, so you hug the tray close to your chest.

“Clearly. But I didn’t ask, did I?”

“What if I… get in trouble?”

Damian’s gaze hardened, his fingers barely twitching. “You won’t.”

you look down at his hand, and then back up to his face, stoic and expecting you to accept, but you can’t bring yourself to abandon a wage and make a fool of yourself in front of Gotham’s Elite. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Wayne. But I need to… uh…” gesturing over your shoulder, you took a couple of steps back, bumping into a gentleman’s back and sputtering an apology before you turned and hurried towards your roommate. maybe you could walk back with her. she sees you coming, a partial smile forming on her face until she sees the tense expression on yours. you grasp her arm pulling yourself close to her whilst your footsteps fall into a rhythm with her own.

“Hey! Were you just talking to Damian Wayne?” she asks; she sounds starstruck at the mere prospect. “What did he say to you?”

you sighed, “He… asked me to dance with him.” you pause, before shaking your head. “Well, demanded I dance with him, actually.”

her countenance screws into bemusement, “And you didn’t?”

those three words made you feel ashamed; perhaps you should’ve. you frown, indignant, and gesture to the tray in your hands. “No, I’m a little busy, remember?”

“Yeah but, come on, you can’t just reject Damian Wayne.”

why not? you wanted to ask. what the hell made him so special, other than his family name, anyways? what gave him the right to talk to anyone the way he did to you? you reach the door to the kitchen, only for her to stop in her tracks, putting a halt in your step as well.

“Oh, my god, he’s coming over here!”

“What?” you don’t look, you can’t, because your face is already on fire with another blush.

“He’s coming over here!” she repeats, giddy, and urges you to turn around. “Good evening, Mr. Wayne!” she gushes. you follow her lead, sheepishly glancing back up at him. his eyes are just as hard cut, as if carved from diamonds, and his brows are knit together. he doesn’t even acknowledge your roommate, he’s much too busy glaring at you. making you feel two feet tall. you shrink beneath his stare.

you half expected him to tell you to get lost; after all, he could’ve kicked you out of the party, couldn’t he? but, he doesn’t. his hand shoots out, wrenching the tray from your grip with a swift snatch, and he tosses it on top of your roommate’s empty tray in her arms, which she catches and holds tight, watching with big eyes. your heart is beating like a drum, and you swear he can hear it. but Damian doesn’t say a word. his stone features fixed on you, he grasps your wrist, tight, and drags you to the dance floor. he was determined to get this dance. you stumble along behind him like an uncertain puppy dog, looking around. “Mister Wayne, I really shouldn’t…”

“It’ll only be one dance.” he says, matter of factly, pulling you close to his body. you hit his surprisingly solid chest with a huff of surprise, blinking. impressive.

“Everyone’s staring at us.” you mumble, sheepish, feeling gazes of disapproval. you must’ve looked hilariously out of place out there, stumbling, clad in a server’s pantsuit, amidst the modelesque women in their long gowns and sparkling gems.


“So…” you exhale, incredulously, “you might be used to that but I’m more of a fade in the background type of girl.”

Damian’s eyebrow arches, both hands firmly taking hold of your waist. “So then only look at me.” he commands, and you find yourself compelled to obey, eyeline drifting back to his. you reach up, carefully bringing your hands together at the nape of his neck. “And let them fade into the background.” you give a little nod, and he takes the lead.

your steps are clunky at best, and the heels weren’t helping, but instead of allowing yourself to overhear what the other guests had to say about your lack of skill, you simply watched Damian. his eyes would lock with yours every now and then, but mostly he studied your face, as if examining every pore. you noticed he didn’t even flinch when you stepped on his toes, which you did quite a bit. “Sorry.” you whisper, face heated.

“I knew you couldn’t dance already,” he replies, almost flippant.

“Then why did you want to—“

“Because you’re the only one here I want to dance with.” Damian cuts you off, holding you close to his body. whilst the other couples had fallen back into their own waltz, and their partners twirled them, you noticed Damian was holding you too tight to do that. as if he didn’t want to let you go, even for a second. “If that means you trip over my feet a little, I’m willing to deal with it.”

it takes you a moment to realize your mouth is hanging open, and you close it promptly, feeling flushed. what could you say to that?

“I kinda feel like I’m one wrong step away from breaking my ankle in these things.” you admit halfhearted, glancing towards your feet. whilst his move with such certainty, yours are awkward and unsteady. you give a little, awkward chortle.

Damian leans closer to you, so close that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. “I won’t let you fall. I’ve got you.”

there was something about him that was oddly charming. sure, he was incredibly blunt and, honestly, pretty rude, but when he ensured that he’d keep you upright, you believed him. and you felt a wave of relief washing over you. you hug closer to him, giving in to the urge to rest your cheek against his chest while you sway in tandem. his heartbeat was steady; in contrast to your thumping one, he seemed cool and collected. you wished he could give you pointers.

“What happens when the song ends?” you ask, almost fearful to do so. this already felt like some lucid dream that you might wake up from at any moment, the last thing you wanted to do was hurry it along. “Will you still have me?”

for a moment, Damian says nothing. his fingers lock at the small of your back, his chin resting atop the crown of your head. finally, when you’re ready to kick yourself for asking, he responds. “Yes. For as long as I can.”

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2 years ago

Auburn Traditions (Damian Wayne x Reader)

summary: After your wedding, Damian spends the night finding his name in your bridal henna. In the safety of your presence, he can share his true feelings to you. word count: 1,550~ warnings: none Special thanks to @quillsareswords for bouncing ideas around until this fic was born. I am soft for this man. This is the mushiest thing I've written in so long. Literally kicking my feet writing this.

It came as no surprise when Damian popped the question. 

You two flourished beside each other, growing individually in the comfort of each other’s embrace. For years you stood beside Damian. Through high school you helped him study every exam season, said quick greetings in the halls, and even helped him find all his classes his first year. In college you motivated him through finals, went to every pesky orientation, and cheered the loudest when he walked across the stage one final time. 

Almost in tandem, Damian returned the favor. He asked you to Prom your senior year, holding up a shy bouquet of flowers and a corsage. He attended every performance of yours, big or small, because the mere presence of him was more support than you could ever wish for. Damian dragged you to bed on long nights and held you through so many tough ones, never letting go through it all. 

You moved out together years later after you found the perfect forever home and finally made it yours. The walls were painted deep into the night, muted tones swiped onto his nose only for him to fling it back at you. Together, Christmas lights were hung across the house year after year as you danced to the upbeat tunes in your own living room while the fireplace warms you up after a long day in the snow. 

So when Damian kneeled before you, his heart pouring out of his chest as he spoke words of reflection and his own green eyes shining with affection, you had to say yes. A year of bliss with Damian Wayne, your fiancé, soon to be husband. You carved out a section of this chaotic world and made it your own, a section full of adoration and unwavering love. 

The wedding night was one to remember. It was an extravagant night filled with family, music, and laughter. Damian couldn’t keep his eyes off his bride for very long, far too many of the wedding photos showed Damian’s soft gaze towards you. 

Your vows were heartfelt and private, opting to say your true feelings in the comfort of each other and no one more. Damian Wayne, the man of very few words, had the most poetic words fall from his lips that day. Damian Wayne, the man with ironclad emotions, cried in front of you when the vows continued forward—not that he’d ever admit that, but you knew. 

So here you were, the wedding night bliss still radiating off of you as you sat in front of Damian—your husband—on your shared bed. Your outfits were hung up ages ago, torn off the second you could and changed into something more cozy with softer fabrics and looser seams. Bobby pins were scattered across the bathroom sink as you let your hair rest. Damian’s own hair was ruffled, the gel long since worn off. 

Neither of you minded, no amount of makeup or luxurious outfits could make Damian fall for you any harder than he already has. 

“You’re really intent on finding it,” you commented playfully, your voice dipped into softer volume. Your hands rested in his, decorated in vibrant amber. Delicate florals weaved their way across your fingertips and palms, vines twirled across the negative space until their leaves grew on your hands. Mother Earth herself had kissed your hands and let her beauty flow across your skin—her own blessing to the marriage. 

Henna: a tradition that was nothing short of mesmerizing. You remembered the day Damian asked for this, a small portion of his heritage incorporated into the best night of his life. And of course, you said yes, accepting every part of him happily. 

His hands traced along the arabic style that seeped into your skin, spaced out leaves and florals that left a gorgeous amount of free space to show off your own beautiful skin. It wasn’t nearly as intricate as Mehndi, for this style of henna focused on the palms to bring in love and cherish memories. But every dot on your skin was as fascinating as the one before it, carefully placed into a beautiful design. 

“Of course,” Damian responded, his gaze incredibly focused on the detailed pattern on your hands. He flipped over your hands to look at the top. “The fate of the marriage rests on this moment.” 

You snorted, “You just don’t want to admit that I’m the dominant one in the relationship.” 

Damian tsked, “You wish.” 

“Well,” you looked over at the clock, “you have five minutes before that superstition comes true. Better hurry up, bird boy.” 

“There’s no need to rush me, I will find it before the night is over.” 

You hummed in disbelief, a playful tone falling from your lips. The room fell to comfortable silence once more, the only sound was the soft breathing that landed onto the tips of your fingers. 

His hands were so gentle as they touched yours, a faint warmth emitting from his own hands and transferring to yours. Even as he turned your hands this way and that, his fingertips traced along the design. The touch was feather-light, almost tickling the surface of your hand. 

He never touched with much pressure. Even though the dye was a deep rich color, beautifully stained on your hands and wrists, he didn’t dare to wear it thin. Talia herself told you every tradition as she crafted the henna on your hand, happy to play such a significant role in her son's marriage—and welcoming you to the family? She was overjoyed to receive that call. 

So when your henna turned into a darker tone overnight, you immediately knew the deep connection between you and Damian was gorgeously on display. The color signified more than just love and an unwavering bond, but it also represented your place beside your new family, and the love you will surely receive from them. 

“You look beautiful with this on, Zawjati,” he spoke just barely above a whisper, as if the amber design had Damian mesmerized. The words fell from his lips absent-mindedly, a new term of endearment taking flight in an instant. The gesture meant more to him than he could ever explain, from the reconnection to understanding, all the way to acceptance, his heart was unbelievably full. 

You glanced up at him, your eyes met the softened gaze of a man so deeply in love, the rest of the word slipped away. That gaze conveyed more to you than any poetic vow. 

Your heart was equally as full. His simple wedding band was smooth against your fingers, the new shimmer of metal was vibrant against the tan of his skin. Your own traditions having melted into the wedding with the rings, a permanent symbol of the promise Damian made to you each and every day: to love and cherish you.

“That’s a new one,” you said, pushing past the breathless feeling in your lungs. 

He rolled your fingers in his and sparks flew up your chest just like the first day you met him, even after all these years. He hummed in question, his eyes scanning the patterns with deep concentration. 

“Zawjati,” you continued. “What does that one mean?”

Damian shifted slightly, not uncomfortably so, but as if his brain was mulling words around behind his eyes so his body swayed on instinct. “My wife.” 

The smile that broke across your face happened in an instant, a full gleam of happiness filled your body that you couldn’t possibly contain. “Oh?” you teased, as if the words didn’t burrow themselves in your chest to create blossoming trees, “I’ve upgraded now.”

The corner of his lip ticked upwards so slightly you wouldn’t have caught it if you weren’t staring. There was a tint of your lipstick stained on his lips that you didn’t notice before. His fingers toyed with yours, they slipped in between yours with a ticklish touch. 

“I’ve been wanting to call you that for years,” he said it so simply, like that profession didn’t take the air out of your lungs and make your heart flutter alongside it. 

“Years?” you breathed out, stunned by his words. You knew his love for you was profound, but to be looking forward to spending the rest of his life with you for years? Your head whirled from the whiplash. 

“Yes.” Just as simply as the words that came before. “My heart knew who it belonged to the second you entered my life. You were the only one who ever saw me for who I really was, not who I could become. You were the only one who made me look forward to living, not for the sake of saving lives to simply do it again the next day, but to keep coming home to you.”

“You make the future seem possible. You,” he breathed, “you make me want to be better, not because I have to, but because I truly want to. That is why I’ve always been more partial to the other translation of Zawjati.” 

The word rolled off his tongue and your heart danced. “And what’s that?”

His thumb swiped across your pulse point where his name was imprinted on your skin in subtle cursive, easily blending into a vine. He gently brought the point to his lips. 

“My better half.”

Auburn Traditions (Damian Wayne X Reader)

Taglist ♡




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2 years ago

Whipped Like A Motherfu- (Older!Damian Wayne x Reader)

Description: The boys never thought it was possible for their youngest brother to have a soft spot for a woman. Or a soft spot in general. So how will they react when they witness their brother being lovey-dovey first-hand?

This was requested by @beatriceshadowmarvel2 so enjoy!!!

The only warning I got for this is that it has explicit language.


Damian could be hot-headed. And very irritable. Also not to mention annoying at times. Overall he was a complete dick to almost everyone around him. Keyword: Almost. There was one person he would never and could never show any harsh emotions towards. The love of his life, the one he'd die for, the one he'd kill for. You.

The two of you had met during an attempted robbery. But not in the way one would probably assume. It was Damian who was getting robbed, not you. For obvious reasons, Damian could handle himself in these situations. But also for obvious reasons, Damian is the one who usually initiates the attack. It's been a while since he's been jumped out of nowhere. So he was a bit rusty on his reflexes.

You, on the other, had grown up on the rough side of Gotham so you had gotten a headstart on having your reflexes in tip-top shape. At the time of the incident, you had a fresh can of mace. You were walking past when you noticed the man get struck on the back of the head and were taken aback by surprise. On instinct, you reached into your purse and whipped out the black can. Then the rest was history.

That was approximately two years, six months, five weeks, and twenty-two days ago. It was that long ago since Damian realized that he could never love and long someone as much as he did you. But somehow, after all this time, you're finally meeting the infamous Wayne. His family.

And he was not excited.

"Of course, I'm not going to be excited, sweetheart. You didn't have to live with them for eight years of your life and for another two, having to meet up with them for every fucking holiday to exist." Damian scowled as you flipped his eggs onto a plate. He had just entered the kitchen and sat down at the bar of your shared apartment.

You turned around, one hand on your hip and the other lying his plate in front of him.

"C'mon Dami. They can't be that bad if you didn't run away." You offered, running your hands through your boyfriend's messy hair. He picked up his black coffee and muttered:

"Trust me. I tried."

You sighed and kissed his cheek, his freshly shaved jaw still having shaving cream in random areas of his face. "Did your father ever teach you how to shave?" You chuckled, wiping a smidge of cream off his face. You walked out of the kitchen and stood next to him, silently urging him to eat.

He grumbled something Arabic before grabbing your hips and pulling you down to his level. He started rubbing his cheek against yours, which usually you would be fine with. If shaving cream still wasn't on Damian's face.

"Damian! I was finally ready to go and now my makeup is ruined! I think you got some on my sweater, too!" You whined as he let out a laugh. He pulled away and stared into your eyes, his hands on both sides of your face. His green eyes kept observing each little feature you had on your face. The confused posture on your lips. The twitch of your nose as words came out of your mouth but he could only focus on your face.

"You don't need makeup, my love. You don't need anything to change how you look. You're already the most beautiful thing to bless this Earth." Damian said mindlessly, staring into your eyes.

You chuckled, confused about what made Damian come to those words or thoughts. "I'm not too sure what you mean by that, Dami. But I love you as well.". You stood up to your full height and tried removing the shaving cream from your sweater. "But not as much as I love looking presentable for your family so they don't think I'm a South Side junkie." You announced while walking back to your bedroom.

After your little situation was fixed, the two of you left the penthouse and started your thirty-minute journey to Wayne Manor. The drive gave you time to publicise your concerns.

"Dami, what if they think I'm not good enough for you? Or what if they think I'm using you for money? It doesn't help that I'm from the poorest side of Gotham and possibly the entire fucking country. Should I swear in front of them? I know they're all guys and probably swear worse than me but they-" Your rambling was cut off when your boyfriend kissed you right on the lips.

"Damian! You're driving, from the last time I checked. That's how people crash and die from a cell stroke or something." You reprimanded. Damian only chuckled and removed his hand from the wheel of his favorite Corvette.

"One: This is the car that was partnered with Wayne Enterprises to create the first self-driving sports car. It was in Hands-Off mode, sweetheart. Two: You can't die from a cell stroke because there is no such thing. Three: They'll love you I promise. Because if they don't, I can guarantee they will die a slow and pai-".

"That's enough, love. I'll stick to them not liking me." You compromised, knowing it was the best option as you were aware of Damian's threats becoming a reality.

"That's the thing, Y/n. There shouldn't be a reason for them not to like you. You're beautiful, both book and street smart, and the kindest person to ever walk this Earth." Damian was about to continue his rant about how much you were worth when he noticed he was already parked outside the place he too wasn't sure how to feel about.

A part of him wanted to walk in and reminisce on the memories of his youth. The other part of him wanted to drive his car into the side of the house (without you in it, of course), put it in self-destruct mode, and blow the house into pieces.

"I'm gonna fucking kill myself." Damian groaned as he put the car in park. You glanced at him as his face contorted into one of horror as he stared at the now wide-open door.

Four grown men walked out of the door, a prideful aura radiating off them. Damian's eye twitched as he swung the car door open and flicked them off before they even got the chance to utter a word to him. He made his way to your side of the car and opened the door for you.

He reached his hand out to you and helped you out of the car. You readjusted your skirt and reassess your outfit choice.

'Does this make me look like a hooker?' You wondered to yourself as the group approached your boyfriend and yourself.

"Wow. Little demon managed to find a girl that will put up with his attitude. And he... opened the door for her?" The one who you knew was Dick Grayson and your boyfriend's oldest brother. Only because he was on the best terms with Damian that he actually talked about him. But not in the brotherly way people would consider.

"Fucking Grayson. He's always showing off."

"Dick? Just assume the name comes with the job"

"I will not talk to him. Just because he's my brother and helped me out when I was younger doesn't mean I forgot he threw up all over me when he got shitfaced the last time I saw him."

"Guys, don't tell me the spawn of Satan himself actually learned manners and pulled a good-looking chick. I think I'm gonna cry." The one next to Dick wiped fake tears from his eyes. Damian's scowl deepened.

"Here's an idea, Jason. Go fuck yourself." Damian retorted. The new speaker, Jason, rolled his eyes and chuckled. He was the first to approach you formally and stuck his hand out.

"Hey, I'm Jason, Damian's older, hotter, and smarter brother so if he fucks up, you know where to find me," Jason smirked while you shook his hand.

"I'm Y/n. I would gladly take your offer if I didn't know Damian would never fuck up." You replied back, silently wincing at your use of vulgar language.

But instead of sneering at you or commenting your foul language was 'unladylike', Jason howled in laughter and shrugged.

"Offer still stands. Your accent. You grow up on South Side?" He asked, crossing his arms after you dropped his hand. You nervously glanced at Damian, who nodded in affirmation.

"Yep. Born and raised. How'd you figure it out? I'm usually pretty good at hiding it. That and I don't go around at night, begging for a cigarette and three cents in change."

"I'm from there too. At least before Buck-for-Fuck here adopted me. Grew up on Crack row or whatever it's called by the rich." Jason shifted his gaze to his brother. "You got a good one, Demon. You already know how we turn out." He gestured to himself with up and down hand motions.

"It's a good thing she got out before you, then."

"Fuck you, man."

Jason whimpered in fake pain before being shoved out of the way by Dick and the other brother. Dick introduced himself to you in a very formal way, starting it off by kissing your hands.

Damian did not take it well. He pushed Dick's cheek away from your knuckles. "At least ask her first. Don't you have any self-dignity?" Dick frowned but backed off nonetheless. "My bad, little man. I-", the first thing you've picked up from this family is they don't seem to let each other finish as you watched Dick get shoved by his father, who was clearly embarrassed.

You didn't need an introduction from Bruce motherfucking Wayne. 1. He owns the biggest technology company in the world. 2: It's Bruce Wayne. He's probably the one person on the planet who doesn't need to introduce himself. And he knew that too.

But he introduced himself anyways.

"Hello, Y/n. I'm Damian's father, Bruce. I've heard a lot of things about you." Bruce held his hand out as you shook it respectfully. You glanced at Damian, who scoffed at his father.

"All good things I hope, Mr Wayne." Bruce grimaced when you spoke. "Please call me Bruce, dear. Mr Wayne makes me feel as if I was alive when the Civil War was still being considered." Jason snickered before saying, "You probably were. You'd think with the amount of money you earn, you could afford getting rid of those crow's feet." Damian rolled his eyes at his family's antics before pointing at the last brother that wasn't introduced.

"The emo one who hasn't said a word is Tim. He's a bit odd and stays in his room jacking off or playing with Father's computers." Damian wrapped an arm around you as he explained his brother's habits. Tim's face became stoic as Damian shrugged.

"I hope all your stocks drop completely," Tim grumbled, brushing the hair out of his eyes. Damian's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to send a comeback towards his brother before Bruce chuckled nervously.

"Why don't we all go inside and catch up? Also so we don't embarrass ourselves even more in front of Y/n." The boys seemed to all agree and Damian and yourself followed the rest of the family inside.

After settling down inside the manor's living room, Bruce poured you a cup of tea and sat down in between Jason and Dick, Tim sat on the floor, and Damian and yourself sat on the couch.

"So Y/n. Tell us more about yourself. You didn't seem to have any time to do to certain people in the family. You said you were from South Side, right?" Jason clapped his hands and hollered. Bruce gave him a nasty side-eye while Dick slapped his chest.

"I think the more important question is... how the fuck someone like Damian ended up with a sweet little angel like yourself," Tim spoke while drinking something that obviously wasn't tea. Your boyfriend's frown deepened.

"I wouldn't call her a little angel, Timmy. We met because she maced a guy trying to rob me." Jason jumped out of his seat and started a handshake that was created for South Siders to identify each other with. Surprisingly, you still remember the whole thing.

"That's what I'm fucking talking about! You make everyone who still lives in Shitville proud!" Damian pushed Jason back into his seat before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Please refrain from tainting her with your filthy hands." Damian had little spurts where he would switch from casually talking to someone to as if he was talking to the president. Of course, Jason had a knack for making fun of it.

"My dearest apologies, my lord. May I offer my condolences for my idiotic acts?" Jason bowed from his seat.

"Okay, we can try this again. Please don't fucking touch her with your nasty ass hands that we all know you 'forget' to wash. The next time any one of you touches her without her permission, I'll be sure the Lazarus pit can't bring you back to life." Damian snapped. It suddenly became quiet despite the conversation being between two people.

Although it was only two sentences, it was enough to leave the family of undercover heroes speechless. Not about the fact that the youngest member snapped at them. No, they've gotten used to that.

It's the fact he snapped at them over a girl, let alone anyone else in general.

Jason's jaw was slacked and his eyes were wide in surprise. Tim had lost all his secret stash of alcohol as he not only spit out the liquor in his mouth but his water bottle dropped onto the shiny floors. Dick's face was stoic as he processed the fact that his baby brother could actually care about someone as much as he cared about himself. Maybe more.

Bruce's expression was possibly the hardest not to laugh at. His eyes were wide, an eyebrow was arched, and overall just looked weirded out.

Damian groaned in irritation and his fingers twitched in annoyance. He tapped your thigh a few times and stood up with your hand in his. "We're gonna head to my room and sleep off the bullshit from today. Don't bother us." Damian dragged you along like a lost puppy up one of the many staircases throughout the mansion and disappeared behind the thick walls of the hall. Not before hearing:

"Use protection, please! We don't need any more demon spawns running around when we have Damian and Jason!" "Fuck you, Bruce!"


You laid on Damian's bare chest, his pecs acting like a pillow for your head. Your legs intertwined with his and your hands were in the pockets of his black sweatpants.

You were fast asleep, the warmth from his upper body acting as a sedative for comfort. But Damian wasn't asleep. He couldn't fall asleep. Not while admiring the beautiful soul on his chest.

He ran his calloused fingers through your hair, dismissing the tangles in your hair by prying his fingers apart at the ends of each strand. He knew you'd be pissed about the sudden frizziness when you woke up but he didn't care. Not when he'd at least hear your voice.

"Words cannot describe how much I love you, Y/n. You saved me more than the day we met with your can of mace. You changed me and I will always be grateful for your love and affection towards someone like me." He whispered into your ear. He kept whispering poetic words into your sleeping ears. He suddenly stopped when he heard a creak from the corner of the room.

His vision sharpened to see into the darkness of his old room and immediately reached over to his nightstand and switched his lamp on. It illuminated the room just enough to see his family in the corner of his room, recording the scene in front of them.

Damian wrapped his arms around your waist and gave the nastiest glare possible towards the boys. Tim was about to say something, maybe lighten up the approaching argument but Damian brought a finger up to his pursed lips.

"If you wake her up, I will play tic-tac-toe on your throats with my katana." He blankly threatened.

Dick realized there wasn't any bluffing behind his brother's threat, as he had doubted threats from Damian before and that's how he ended up with thumbtacks in his ass and tried to escape the impending doom.

Jason, on the other hand, wanted to see the world burn and tripped his older brother, causing him to trip and eat shit. A thud echoed throughout the room, causing you to stir in your sleep.

"Dami? What was that?" A dagger was whipped out of the nightstand and held by Damian in a way with the intent to throw it at an unsuspecting victim. "Nothing, sweetheart. Just go back to sleep, okay beautiful?" You drifted back to sleep as if under a spell, your hands now on his defined chest.

There was a brief moment of silence that gave Damian time to admire the love of his life. That was until Jason decided to open his mouth.

"Dude, you're whipped like a motherfu-"

A knife flew across the room and landed right next to Jason's head.


This is the first thing I've written in almost a year so lmk if it's ass or gas. BUT KEEP SENDING IN REQUESTS I LOVE HEARING OTHER PEOPLE'S IDEAS!!!

Tags :
8 months ago


pairings — grumpy!damian wayne — al ghul x sunshine!reader

warnings — they’re teenagers in the modern era of course they’re gonna curse (but not a lot), isn’t EXACTLY grumpy x sunshine but it’s okay it’s my one shot 👅

summary — friendship only gets you so far with mutual feelings and the shared yearning for more than that.

notes — hi guys


━━━━━━━ YOU’D MET DAMIAN WHEN school started, in the same advisory you two were paired up since neither of you really had friends. it didn’t bother either of you, since you actually got along.

he was pretty quiet, moody, and didn’t like anyone at school. you were the exact opposite. you were loud, cheerful, and got along with everything. that obviously didn’t mean you were necessarily friends with them.

what made you and Damian click so well was probably the fact that he only really seemed to like you — even if it wasn’t obvious.

even if he didn’t talk, didn’t smile, didn’t seem to have a sliver of an emotion, he still liked you. another thing he’d never been good at was explaining his emotions. he practically despised everyone because they treated him like some sort of bomb.

you pushed his buttons, messed around with him, and always gave him a little bit of a hard time. he didn’t hate it, he could never hate anything you did.

it was probably three months into your friendship with Damian that you hung out with him outside of school. he asked if you could come over, and you happily agreed. the day was normal, except you weren’t picked up by your guardian, rather — you went with Damian.

“hello, i’m Alfred.” you thought he was nice, an old British man that Damian told you had always worked for his family. if anything, he must’ve practically been a part of the family.

you, of course, introduced yourself. it was polite. Alfred seemed taken aback, and the look (or feeling) didn’t leave him when you turned and began talking Damian’s ear off.

the boy, however, seemed to have absolutely no problem with that. he seemed to be hanging on every word, Alfred could see the mixture of fondness and love in Damian’s eyes when he looked at you — too bad you were both as oblivious as ever.

at Wayne manor, you wore a smile as you walked behind Damian and into the large house. he waited for you to take your shoes off after him, his hands stealing away your heavy bag and throwing it over his unoccupied shoulder.

you were then introduced to Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Bruce Wayne. of course, you’d always known who Bruce was — your guardian worked for him now, a feature you didn’t leave out.

Damian, not liking anyone here (except, obviously, you), tugged at your arm. you understood what he meant, even with a lack of words, and promptly excused the two of you.

Damian’s room was pretty plain, and you jokingly shook your head. “who knew you were so boring?” you teased, sitting next to him on his large bed.

you didn’t know then, but Damian actually had you here for a reason. for awhile now, he had found you in his every waking thought. it’s like you had overridden his normal thoughts, becoming the only thing he could comfortably think about.

it had proven difficult during patrol, his performance was lacking and he needed to do something to soothe his thoughts so no one saw Robin as weak.

“i wanted to talk to you, actually.” he muttered. it stopped your thoughts, and you turned to him curiously. he didn’t speak much, and you never pressured him to. when he did, you didn’t make a huge deal of it.

“what’s up?” you hummed, eyes locking in on him.

“i uh… listen, you don’t have to… y’know, feel the same? but… but i really, really like… you.” his sentence was awkward, which made you smile. he didn’t know, but you sure knew, you were head over heels for him.

“i like you too, Damian.” you laughed softly, letting your hand drop to his leg.

“holy shit, really?” he looked up, his normally inexpressive face suddenly unable to find an emotion, settling on utter disbelief and pure excitement.

“yeah.” you smiled fondly at him.

“does this… does this mean—” you cut him off, nodding. he reached forwards and tackled you in a hug, placing a soft kiss on your collarbone. suddenly, he stood up, jumping around happily.

“fuck yes.” he muttered, you began laughing.

this was the most important moment of your teenage years, your boyfriend, jumping around in excitement, because he was with you.

he tackled you into another hug, and you remained glued together until you had to leave.

you slept well with a huge grin planted across your face.


masterlist — reminder that asks / requests are open!!

Tags :
8 months ago

can i order an older!batman!damian x reader they have a lot of children (biologically) and his family and friends does not know, i wanna know their reactions

yes your price is 1 order of creepcast merch for me since there’s 3 days left and i haven’t been able to get my grubby hands on it


pairings — older!damian wayne — al ghul x fem!reader (could also be read as just reader since i never really use she/her much)

warnings — idk actually, pretty generic names for the kids but obviously you can imagine a different name if you want to (i just don’t like using d/n ykwim) (plus i only use them once)

summary — literally just the request but only with the batboys, batgirls, and bruce!!

notes — i hope this is good 😟

Can I Order An Older!batman!damian X Reader They Have A Lot Of Children (biologically) And His Family

━━━━━━━ TO BE FAIR, YOU should’ve told them sooner. well, Damian should’ve, they were his family. but, you’d never forced him too, since your account on instagram wasn’t followed by any of them.

“are you sure you want to do this?” you rubbed your hands along his shoulders, gently. you were due at the Wayne manor in a little for a small lunch, you’d never been one to force Damian into seeing them, since you understood, but you were surprised when he planned on going.

“yeah, i’ll have to do it sooner or later.” he grabbed your hand and peppered kissing along your knuckles.

“mom can i bring my doll?” your youngest daughter, just turning five with no front teeth, walked out of the hall opening holding her old doll passed down from you. smiling, you nodded.

“you gonna remember to bring it home, baby?” you stepped forwards, rubbing your hands through her messy head of black hair. she’d inherited more from her father.

“mhm!” she smiled, turning back to her room with a grin.

“can’t we have more?” Damian wrapped his arms around you, his head leaning snug against your shoulder. you put your hands over his, a soft laugh leaving you.

“not for a little bit, Dame.” you turned around with a grin, gently kissing him. you shared the small intimate moment without hesitation, bonded as one soul in the moment.

“mom! are we going yet?” your oldest, now eleven, walked down the hall. you turned to her, then to your husband, who nodded. your oldest daughter saw it, and walked over to put her shoes on.

getting your other three — your youngest and the middle boys (twins) — and helping them with their shoes, you were all off. the ride was peaceful, your kids finding themselves distracted with either the outside world or the toys you let them bring along.

“have you told any of them?” you had been holding Damian’s hand over the center console, your thumb in a constant soothing motion over his knuckles and the curve of his thumb.

“no, only Alfred. he’s the only one who needed to immediately know. besides, i told him first anyways.” Damian sighed.

“that’s fine, baby. i told you, you never had to.” you brought his hand closer to your mouth, gently kissing it. Damian smiled at you before the rest of the car ride was passed with ease.

Damian, getting out and opening your door, then began to help your youngest get out of the car. you helped the twins out, made sure they had the toys they wanted, and had them follow Damian to the front door.

on the way, your draped your arm over your oldest daughters shoulders, tugging her into you. she basically melted into you, her arm going around you in return.

Alfred opened the door, a wide smile crossing his face. “master Damian!” he was overjoyed, “lovely to see you.” he hugged the man before following up with greeting you and your kids the same way.

he led the six of you upstairs to where everyone else was.

if you could’ve had a camera, you would’ve taken a picture of the moment. their faces were covered in pure shock, staring at your kids. your hand squeezed Damian’s, which you had found yourself holding.

“well, if this isn’t news i don’t know what is.” Dick broke the silence first, stepping forwards and embracing Damian. respectfully, he shook your hand.

“these are our kids, Elliot and Titus,” he gestured to the twins, both holding their action figures and playing around with them — they were Red Hood and Nightwing action figures.

“our oldest, Lorelei,” he gestured to her, “and youngest Regan.” they looked like the two of you. your youngest had all of Damian’s features, and your oldest might as well have been your carbon copy.

the twins looked like a mixture, and you could see everything processing in their minds.

“why don’t you four come with me?” Alfred stepped forwards when he noticed the slight tension in the air.

your kids didn’t argue, following him out to the garden.

“how come we never knew?” Bruce, getting older and older each day, stepped forwards.

“because it was our mutual agreement. i told Damian he didn’t have to tell anyone he didn’t want to.” you defended you and your husbands decision instantly.

“doesn’t matter,” Dick stepped up now, “we know now!” he was grinning.

“did you really buy your kids Nightwing and Red Hood action figures?” Jason was grinning when he spoke up.

“the girls have Batgirl figures.” you informed them with a wide smile, “you might not have known them, but they’ve always known you guys.” you added, your hand rubbing comforting patterns into Damian’s back.

“does this mean we’re all aunts and uncles? well, grandparent for Bruce.” Tim asked. you nodded with Damian in confirmation. a challenging look flashed across all of their faces instantaneously.

“this doesn’t mean you guys can go and spoil them.” Damian said, trying to fight back a smile.

ever since being with you, he’d mellowed out and been less harsh towards people. something you hadn’t done on purpose. he was still mean when he had to be.

“don’t spoil them too much, we still want humble and kind kids.” you corrected Damian.

“i can live with that.” Jason shrugged.

“do they really have batgirl figures?” Cass asked. you nodded again in confirmation, mentioning how it was your idea.

“how old are they all?” Steph had finally asked.

“eleven, seven, and five.” you nodded, telling them which was which afterwards. you couldn’t specifically hear it, but you knew they were all ready to fight over the title of favorite.

after awhile at the manor, you all found yourselves back at home. you and Damian relaxed outside as your kids stayed inside, but every once and awhile, the younger ones would run outside and cause chaos.

“do you feel better now that they know?” you had your head against your husbands chest, listening to him and his heartbeat.

“a little. i… i’m glad they reacted how they did. i thought they’d hate me forever.” Damian admitted with a small laugh. you grinned.

“i don’t think anyone could hate you anymore, you big softie.” you teased him, holding open your arm when your oldest daughter came out to join you two on the hammock.

Can I Order An Older!batman!damian X Reader They Have A Lot Of Children (biologically) And His Family

masterlist — reminder that asks / requests are open!!

Tags :
8 months ago

Can you write a Damian fic when the reader gets close to one of his brothers preferably Jason?


pairings — damian wayne — al ghul x reader

warnings — not much maybe a little cursing

summary — Damian didn’t like how close you were with Jason, and he had no problem making Jason know how he felt about that.

notes — this isn’t the best so i probably messed up the request so im sorry about that 😞

Can You Write A Damian Fic When The Reader Gets Close To One Of His Brothers Preferably Jason?

━━━━━━━ DAMIAN KNEW THERE WASNT anything serious between you and Jason. he had no problem admitting that you guys were friends and liked to hang out. he wasn’t particularly keen on befriending his older brother, but could manage his presence for you.

it had started when Jason picked you up from school, Damian had cashed out on a favor from the older guy because Bruce needed him somewhere when your classes ended.

of course, that wouldn’t be the only time Jason had to pick you up for Damian. Jason honestly had no problem picking you up, since it put him on better terms with the younger boy.

after all, Jason was far too old for you, and since you were with Damian, Jason had no problem befriending you and enjoying time together as friends. if anything, you saw him as more of a fun uncle than your boyfriends brother.

but, you still reminded yourself that that was your boyfriends brother, not your “fun uncle”, and you were fine with setting reasonable boundaries.

“you okay, Damian?” you walked over to where he had been laying in his bed. he had a sour look spread across his face as he stared into his ceiling like it was never ending.

“do you like Jason more than me?” Damian asked suddenly, his eyes remaining glued on his ceiling. you grinned, he couldn’t see you, and grabbed one of his hands that sat on his chest, holding it in your own.

“no, of course not. he’s like a weird uncle, and he isn’t my boyfriend, is he?” you poked at his softly with your other hand, kissing the expanse of his hand softly. he finally looked away from the ceiling, meeting your gaze.

“no, he isn’t.” Damian sighed, sitting up.

“either way, i have boundaries set with him. do you want me to spend less time him?”

“no, no.” Damian sighed, leaning against you. you smiled again, kissing the crown of his head.

on occasion, other than the times that Jason picked you up and dropped you off, you would spend time playing video games or just simply hanging out with him.

you understood that Damian did not like Jason whatsoever, so the only times you hung out with the older guy one on one was whenever you were waiting for Damian.

“were you jealous?” you asked, a small grin formulating on your face. Damian brought his head back up and softly glared, shaking his head. “you totally were.” you laughed. he lightly pushed your shoulder, smiling now.

“i wasn’t jealous of Todd.” Damian pretended to be upset, but you knew it was all a lie.

you dropped it after that, spending the rest of your time with your boyfriend.

the next day, while getting ready for school, Damian sent you a message. won’t be able to pick you up today, Todd will. you replied with a short yet sweet message before finishing getting ready and going to school.

the day passed by in a breeze, nothing interesting had happened (you expected it, your school had always been boring), and you just missed your boyfriend.

walking out of the building, you easily found Jason’s car, opening the passenger side and sitting down.

“what’s up, kid?” Jason held his fist out for a fist bump, you tapped your fist against his, grinning tiredly.

“just tired. how longs Damian gonna be gone?” you asked, attempting to keep the conversation civil and short — you hardly had enough social energy left.

“not too long. just gonna sleep when we get back?” Jason pulled away from the school and drove faster than most others would, but drove safely regardless.

Damian would have his head if Jason put you in any danger.

“yeah, probably.” you confirmed, letting out a yawn.

the rest of the drive, the two of you had fun. Jason was able to make you laugh until your stomach hurt and you were crying.

either way, you were still exhausted when Jason parked outside the house. greeting Alfred and waving at anyone else, you were able to find Damian’s room and fall asleep instantaneously.

Can You Write A Damian Fic When The Reader Gets Close To One Of His Brothers Preferably Jason?

masterlist — reminder that asks / requests are open!!

Tags :
8 months ago

Can u maybe do like a Damian wayne x reader where they're friends and all but sometimes they (reader) tends to zone out a lot and think abt a lot of deep ish things that cause her to make weird faces without even realizing? Like she's much more quieter than usual and when he turns to look at her, he sees that she's visibly very upset but for seemingly no reason.

Oh, and if u want angst, maybe the specific thing she's thinking abt has something to do with him so she's really annoyed and snappy when he asks her what's wrong? Like she's be thinking abt how rude guys in their school are and then it kinda reminds her of Damian. Idk🙈🙉

(*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ

am i good at angst? no… will i try? absolutely.


pairings — damian wayne - al ghul x reader (platonic)

warnings — i tried to write angst but gave up, that’s all (and the ending sucks that’s not my fault (it is))

summary — pretty much what the request is gangsters

notes — i don’t know how to write angst 😞

Can U Maybe Do Like A Damian Wayne X Reader Where They're Friends And All But Sometimes They (reader)

━━━━━━━ YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN THE SIGNS before it was too late. you were sleeping more, food was suddenly too plain, you were easy to irritate, and you felt like you couldn’t do anything.

but, of course, you hadn’t understood when they began, you just blamed it on stress, since you had tons of tests coming up that you were relentlessly studying.

at some point, your grades had started slipping, and your teachers didn’t miss that. you were forgetting to turn in assignments, and whenever you suddenly couldn’t sleep the night before, you started falling asleep in class.

multiple teachers had brought it up after class with you, and you were able to come up with excuse after excuse.

eventually, Damian noticed. Damian, one of the only kids who didn’t ignore you this year, your first year of high school. but, obviously, that wasn’t always the case. Damian had originally been mean, tormenting you alongside all his other friends.

Damian only noticed because of your lack of emotions throughout the time you’d spend with him. on top of that, said time was clearly dwindling.

“hey, hey.” Damian called after you, catching up soon after and walking with you outside, far enough away from other kids so that the two of you could talk without anyone being nosy.

“what’s going on? you’ve been acting weird the past few days.” Damian’s face was clearly concerned, which irritated you further.

sure, you’d been quieter recently, and you almost always had a sour look on your face, but why would he bring it up?

“nothing, im fine.” you defensively crossed your arms over your chest — also doing so for a little bit of extra comfort as Damian seemed to be interrogating you.

“bullshit. talk to me, i’m your friend.” Damian stared at you, face full of worry.

“nothing.” you reiterated, “i said i’m fine, Damian. i’m fine.” you put emphasis on your words.

“you’re not a good liar.” he stated.

“like you even care.” you scoffed, turning on your heel and walking away. you found semblance in the school library, in the back of the room where you doubted anyone would go looking for you in.

with the silence of the room suddenly hitting you, your guard was up and your eyes were relentlessly looking around.

you probably looked angry. if anyone were to look at you, they’d probably think you were pissed off. were you? yeah, probably. why were you mad? you had no clue.

inhaling carefully, you felt your body begin to unwind, your heart rate slowly slowed.

guilt and regret flooded your system. you could then remember the way you’d treated Damian.

he was truthfully your only friend, he hadn’t deserved that.

i’m sorry, you sent the message. i didn’t mean to be so rude, you sent afterwards. he read the messages almost instantly.

it’s fine, not ur fault, he sent back.

sleepover at mine? you asked him, gathering yourself again before making your way to your next class. he agreed, and the day went on swimmingly.

the sleepover was practically the same, nothing bad happened, and it was easier to talk about it with him.

Can U Maybe Do Like A Damian Wayne X Reader Where They're Friends And All But Sometimes They (reader)

masterlist — reminder that asks / requests are open!!

Tags :
1 year ago
Pairing: Damian Wayne X Black Reader

pairing: Damian Wayne x black reader


summary: headcannons with Damian and his black girlfriend

Pairing: Damian Wayne X Black Reader

A/N:my first Time ever posting on tumblr so if I mess up pls be nice and correct me

doing your hair

He would love to do wash day with you all the time.if. You need help with your hair, he is always willing to help.

Damian would love to pick your next hairstyle for you.

Damian I don't know what hairstyle to get?

you should get bohemian braids.you haven't did that hairstyle In awhile.you look really pretty with that hairstyle.

Loves to see your natural hair, he is always amazed to see how much your hair has grown

he keeps a bunch of hair products in his room just incase you need them.

the public

Damian doesn't like to go out. There are always paparazzi outside looking for either him or his family.

When going out with you, he would usually ask his dad to rent a place out so that no paparazzi can disturb you both.

One time, paparazzi caught you and Damian holding hands, and it went viral online.

Pairing: Damian Wayne X Black Reader

And that was how Damian's brothers found out he was dating someone. They would've never guessed that their brother was dating someone.

Damian didn't tell anybody about you only Alfred and his dad.


His pets love you.

soon as they saw you walk inside Damian room hand and hand they knew that you weren't a threat.

while you and Damian are cuddling in bed Damian dog Titus and his cat Alfred always come and cuddle with you guys.

you love to take Titus on a walk.

you love to buy things for his pets even the cow.

A/N:ill do a separate post of y/n finding out Damian is robin and his family meeting y/n

Tags :
1 year ago
karma1love - Karma

You guys should read this book. It just started but it’s really good so far it’s a Damian Wayne x black reader Wattpad idk if you guys read Wattpad but this book is good.

Right my wrongs  d.Wayne
{Why tf do you have a scratch on your cheek you ok? } Yeah I'm good it was one of my pets Oh alright Wait a damn minut...

Tags :
1 year ago
Pairing: Damian Wayne X Black Reader

pairing: Damian Wayne x black reader


Summary:y/n finding about Damian is Robin.

Pairing: Damian Wayne X Black Reader

One sunny afternoon, Y/N and Damian decided to hang out in his room . As they talked, laughter was dancing in the air, Y/N couldn't help but notice a peculiar scar peeking out from Damian's shirt.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she gently touched the scar, her eyes filled with concern. Damian's eyes widened as he realized Y/N had inadvertently discovered a secret that he had kept hidden for so long.

“Damian what happen to your chest”you asked

He knew he couldn’t lie to you.you would find out eventually so he told you the truth.

"Y/N," he began, his voice filled with a mixture of hesitation and vulnerability, "there's something I need to tell you."

Y/N looked into Damian's eyes, sensing the weight of his words. "What is it, Damian?"

Taking a deep breath, Damian revealed the truth he had concealed for far too long. "I am Robin," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I fight crime to protect the people of Gotham."

Y/N's eyes widened, her mind reeling with the realization that the man she loved was a masked vigilante. She took a moment to process the revelation, her heart torn between fear and admiration.

Y/n knew he was keeping somthing from her. He would always leave her house unexpectedly and He would even cancel on dates that they planned.

"You're... you're a superhero?" Y/N said , her voice tinged with awe.

Damian nodded, his gaze never leaving Y/N's face. "Yes, it's a part of me, Y/N. I couldn't keep it hidden from you any longer."

A wave of emotions washed over Y/N - uncertainty, concern, but above all, love. She reached out and gently grasped Damian's hand, her touch offering reassurance and acceptance.

"I understand, Damian. I may not fully comprehend the danger you face or the sacrifices you make, but I love you, and I'm with you," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with unwavering support.

A smiled was plastered on Damian's face as relief flooded over him. He had feared losing Y/N, but her unwavering understanding and love gave him strength like never before.

In that moment, Y/N realized that Damian's scar was not just a physical mark from his battles as Robin, but a symbol of his bravery and his willingness to protect others. She knew that she had fallen in love with a hero.

“No matter what danger you go threw my love. I will always be by your side,” y/n said and leaned in a kisses his lips.

Tags :
9 months ago
Pairing:damian Wayne X Black Reader

Pairing:damian Wayne x black reader


Summary:what y/n would post on instagram

Pairing:damian Wayne X Black Reader

Pairing:damian Wayne X Black Reader

Y/nsleftshoe 20m

who is this man😔?

Y/nfannnnn 13m

who son I gotta fight?

Damianswife 4m

I feel like I seen those hands before.


Y/ndefender 2m ❤️by author

Ew you creep leave my wife alone.

Pairing:damian Wayne X Black Reader

Jasonthegod 1h ❤️by author

I feel like I know this person?


secretlifeofY/N 1h

Idk what you talking about sir.

Damianlover 30m

Wait a minute that’s not who I think it is.

Y/ndefender 1h ❤️by author

Y’all better watch y’all mouth in these comments cause I don’t play about my wife 🤺.

Sza 45m ❤️by author

Omg you guys are adorable.


SecretlifeofY/n 43m

Ahhhhhhh sza I love you 💕💕💕💕.

Pairing:damian Wayne X Black Reader

Damian Wayne 1h ❤️by author

Enjoy those flowers. 💚


SecretlifeofY/N 1h

I will ❤️💕😘

Y/nissuperior 20m

Y’all see what I’m seeing in the comments?

Dickgrayson 30m❤️by author

Wait a minute do I know the person who gave those flowers to you?


SecretlifeofY/n 30m

Maybe 🤷🏽‍♀️

Damian’swife 10m

Wtf is this and who the hell are you?


Y/ndefender 10m

I know you ain’t talking to my wife like that cause I don’t play about her so what’s up?

Tags :
5 months ago
Damian Wayne X Black Reader

Damian Wayne x black reader


Summary:what y/n would post on instagram pt2

Damian Wayne X Black Reader

Cassicain 1h ❤️by author

I love you 💕😘


secretlifeofY/N 1h

I love you more 💕💕

Damianlover 30m

Why are you so close to his family ?


Damian1&only 1h

Fr like I’m wondering the same thing

Jasonthegod 45m ❤️by author

And you ain’t invite me I’m literally just one message away 😞😒


SecretlifeofY/n 43m

I always hang out with you🙄

Damian Wayne X Black Reader

Y/ndefender 1h

My wife baddddddd😍😍

Damian Wayne 1h ❤️by author

You look so stunning


secretlifeofY/N 1h

My man called me stunning 😝😘

BF/n 45m ❤️by author

My bestie teaaaa🍵🍵


secretlifeofY/N 45m

You know it 💕💕

Damian'swife 10m

She’s not even all that she’s so ugly 💀


Y/ndefender 10m ❤️by author

Your mother ugly hoe

Cassicain 1h ❤️by author



secretlifeofY/N 1h

Ahh I love you

Damian Wayne X Black Reader

Jasonthegod 1h ❤️by author

Save some room for the lord


secretlifeofY/N 1h

Whatever 🙄

Dickgrayson 30m ❤️by author

Y’all know damn well y’all not reading that book


SecretlifeofY/n 30m

😭😭leave me aloneeeee

Y/nxdamian 10m ❤️by author

You guys are so cute 🥰

Damian Wayne X Black Reader

Dickgrayson 20m ❤️by author

Dress to impress players are mean😔


SecretlifeofY/n 20m


Jasonthegod 20m ❤️by author

they the reason why i got my account banned 😔


SecretlifeofY/n 20m

Your the reason why your account got banned 😒

Tags :
3 years ago

How would yandere Damian Wayne react to his beloved having a fondness for books? Will he get jealous that she keeps gushing about non existent fictional characters? Lol I have a feeling he will 🤣

I absolutely love this idea, it was fun to write.

Trigger Warning: Abuse

(Not on Damians end but Y/N’s father)

Nothing descriptive and very brief.


Damian had met his beloved at school after she was the only one who didn’t chase after him. She didn’t even seem to notice he was there. He was determined to change that.

The first day they talked he introduced himself, waiting to see her reaction to his last name but gained nothing more than a polite introduction from herself than she returned back to the book she was reading before he interrupted her. If she hadn’t got immersed back into the book than she would have seen the surprised look adorning the young Wayne’s face.

From there on he was determined to know everything about her. He used the bat computer to find out that she lived with her father in a nice house near his own. Her mother died during child birth and she had no siblings. Damian wished he didn’t have ‘siblings’ even if he never called them that. Well... maybe Grayson. But Todd could go along with Drake.

He decided to go to her house to check in on her and his excuse was to gather intel, but what he saw was not what he was prepared for. Damian saw Y/N’s Father yelling at her as if she had nine something terrible. Damian watched as the man cursed out his young daughter making Damian scowl and tighten his hands into fists. But they suddenly stopped fighting so Damian left as he had school tomorrow and he wanted to talk to you then. If he had stayed a second longer he’d have seen her getting locked into the cupboard under the stairs without dinner.

But luckily for her she had books. She read hunger games, Harry Potter, and many more. Even twilight even though she absolutely despised the ‘Bella’ character. But they all had love. She loved to read about love and the feeling of euphoria it gave people.

“Maybe one day.” She thought to herself.

The next day Damian Wayne talked to her again. He made more progress but it was hard to keep her away from her book.

It continued for weeks and then to months. He had slowly broke down her barrier and she finally stopped ditching him to read a book.

After 3 months of talking and Damian following her around daily to make sure she was safe he finally asked her on a date.

She met him at the park during sundown. When she arrived there was a picnic blanket with a basket on it and a couple of cushions. She saw someone walk up to her from where they were sat by a tree and they gently grabbed her hand and led her to the set up.

“Do you like it?” Damian asked nervously. He knew that this date was what determined his future plans. She was his beloved even if she didn’t exactly know yet. If she didn’t like the date or found out she didn’t like him the same way he loved her than she would learn to with force and time or she could love the date and he will spend every moment of the day with her after he asks her to be his.

She smiled widely, liked it? She loved it! It was exactly like something out of a book. A grand romantic gesture.

He smirked at her smile and he just knew he was already successful in gaining her feelings. He noticed the shiny glint in her eyes.

“I love it Damian. Thank you.” She spoke smiled at him and leaned over to give him a hug making his heart spike with happiness.

They had a wonderful date and it resulted with a 2nd and 3rd one. Then he dropped the question and she couldn’t bring herself to say anything but yes.

Even as she noticed that some of the few friends she had distanced themselves from her after she agreed to be Damians girlfriend after the 3rd date.

Even when some of her romance books began to disappear, which is what really made her sad. Once she told Damian with tears in her eyes that a. Few of her books were missing he gave in and hid them in her room for her to find the next day.

That’s when something happens. Y/N’s father was killed in a police shooting after he had assisted the Joker himself on a robbery. Worst part was Y/N found out over the news.

Damian was very happy with the news of the death fo his beloveds dad. He found out about the abuse after he snuck in to her house the second time and heard a lock click with no Y/N in sight.

Damian told his father about the girl and Damian played his fathers weaknesses against him he told him that she was abused and that she needed help. She needed to be safe. That thing that convinced him finally was that Damian told Bruce that she was the one and Bruce’s eyes widened greatly before he moved into a smirk. Of course his son had found his beloved, Bruce was a Yandere too of course, where else would Damian have got the tendencies from? His mother Talia or his grandfather Ra’s? They both would be caught dead saying the four letter word.

That’s how Y/N was adopted by the Wayne’s.

That’s how she ended up staying in the room next to Damians.

That’s how she ended up being with him 24 hours a day, since he got his classes switched so he was in all of hers but when it was questioned it was for academic reasons.

Y/N was sad though. She had no friends other than Damian. Her father was dead, her mother was dead, she had no family. No matter how bad her father treated her all she could think was that she deserved the pain.

A month after the shooting Damians Yandere side began to progress. She wasn’t allowed out of the Manor without being accompanied by him if she was allowed to leave at all.

She had been taken out of school alongside Damian by Bruce at the request of his son who didn’t like that boys and girls were looking at his beautiful beloved.

He was obsessed with his love.

A few months after living in the manor, meeting everyone, and adjusting to Damians possessiveness and rules she was doing okay. She wouldn’t dare go against Damian after he had guilt tripped her after she said she wanted to be alone for awhile and take a walk. Damian was glad that she was so easily manipulated that she didn’t even attempt to fight his love. He had to protect her form the cruel world he had experienced first hand. Her kindness, innocence, and trusting nature would get her killed in Gotham. But there was nothing to worry about because he was there to protect her. He always would be.

But she grew slightly distant from Damian after she began reading the books in the Wayne Library. There was a whole room stocked shelf by shelf with books.

She had been in there reading a book where the main character was trained with a sword and was a Assassin but he fell in love with his target. That’s where Damian saw her after he had been searching for after he began to getting annoyed after being away from her for so long.

“What are you reading My Beloved?” She had gotten used to the nickname and would slightly blush at every use of it. It was another thing that seemed like it was straight out of a book, he was her knight in shining armor.

“It’s called His Mission, His Love. It’s about this dashing guy who can sword fight and is a very skilled Assassin. He falls in love with the girl he was supposed to assassinate for his group of assassins. But he failed it by falling in love. I haven’t found out what happens yet. He sort of reminds me of Finnick from that other book I told you about, Hunger games remember? Well he wields a trident and it looks super cool and...” she was cut off from Damian snatching the book from her hands and shutting it without even marking her page making her lose her page.

“Hey!” She cried out as he tossed the book across the room. He scowled when she yelled at him which result in him standing directly in front of her as she sat on the couch and he leaned down to her height the grabbed her chin making her face towards him instead of that insufferable book he had tossed across the room.

“You don’t need that book got it? You have me, and you only need me.” He spoke looking into her eyes as his face was only inches apart from her own.

“But...” she began to say. She loved books, it was nice to image the love. But she couldn’t exactly say she didn’t know the feeling for herself now after dating Damian. He had done so much for her to keep her safe and well after he father died.

“I can sword fight, I’m a assassin, I am even more handsome and richer than any character in those terribly pointless books. You don’t need them when you have me.”

She looked at him weirdly and that’s when he realized that in a fit of jealousy - over a book character- he admitted by secret he hadn’t told her yet.

“Assassin? Fighting? What are you taking about Damian.”

He rolled his eyes at her but explained.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m Robin. My fathers batman, Graysons Nightwing, Todd is Red Hood, and Drake is Red Robin.” He watched as her eyes widened making him begin to lose himself in the beautiful eyes he loved so dearly.

“Really?” She said in disbelief but it did make sense. But that’s when she suddenly blushed at a thought and by the fact it took her so long to blush Damian was thinking that she was thinking back to her book character again as her eyes darted away from him coincidentally to where the book was.

“What are you thinking about My Beloved?” he demanded in a cool tone that was laced with jealously. He grip on her chin tighten a little more and his other hand laid on her waist.

She murmured something he couldn’t hear which was very surprising as he was so close to her.

“Repeat what you said but louder. Please” he spoke waiting for her to say she was thinkjnt about the assassin from her book but he wasn’t prepared for what she would say.

“I used to have a crush on Robin, he is my favorite.” She spoke then closed her eyes willing the blush that adorned her cheeks to disappear.

This would be the first time that Damian let out a huge smile and a slight laugh of disbelief.

“I pictured him... or well you as the character from my book because of the similarities.” She spoke still lightly dying from embarrassment which worsened when he scooped her up from the couch and into his arms before kissing her face multiple times while she laughed at the feeling. Then he sat down o the couch with her in his lap, not letting go as she tried to climb out of it.

“Stay here My Beloved. Why don’t I tell you real stories?”

And that was how Damian got jealous... over himself.

And how Y/N found out the identity’s of the Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and most of all Robin.

And it all started because of a book.

Tags :
3 years ago

Hey I just read the yandere Jason's todd and I was thinking about how you said Dami was still looking for his darling/soulmate. What if yan damian found his darling at his Schools art room and she has a service dog? Like she loves painting and I saw on TikTok that a dog can paint to so there is a little set up for her dog and another for her. Can I request a story about this? Hope you are having a good day/night!

Thank you so much for this request! I love the idea.

Y/N= Your Name

Y/L/N= Your Last Name

Y/E/C= your eye color

Warning: Major Fluff


Damian Wayne had been stopped after school but a group of squealing girls he had not interest in talking to. They all wanted the same thing, his last name and his money. They didn’t understand he had no interest in any of them.

“Damian! want to go get ice cream with me?”

“Damian! will you help me study for the math test?”

“Damian! Will you be my boyfriend?”

All he heard was them just shouting his name, if those insufferable people wanted to talk so badly why couldn’t they even just talk like normal people? But he had to admit even then he wouldn’t give them the time of day. But he knew with his name he had to seem polite even if he wanted to run away, so he decided to combine the two.

“Sorry, I must go. I need to go get something from one of the classrooms.”

A chorus of shouts started up again with every one of them saying they would go with him.

“Alone.” He stressed before quickly walked or more so ran back inside the school building. He heard them rush after him so he quickly darted into the nearest classroom and shut the door behind him, which happened to be the art room.Damian had his back to the door and he heard the footsteps rush past the door in search of him.

“Hello?” He heard, at first he was worried it was another fan girl that one bombard him but when he looked up and stared into beautiful Y/E/C eyes, it felt as if time had stopped. He admired the girl who was standing in front of an easel in the center of the room. She had on a white shirt with denim overall and a pair of converse. But she was covered in paint, blue in her hair, white on her hands, even more colors covered her legs, shoes, face, pants, and even her white shirt.

After he gained some awareness of how it would come across as creepy if he kept staring he looked down to the smaller easel that was on the floor next to her and saw an adorable dog with their own painting in front of them. There was a plastic sheet on the floor so they didn’t get paw prints all over the floor as their paws were covered in purple paint.

“Hello?” The girl questioned again before he looked back up at her and he finally moved from the door, closer to the girl.

“Hi, sorry to barge in like that.” Damian apologized in a apologetic manner.

“Oh! No worries. It just startled me a bit but then I heard all the foot steps pass the door, too which I assume you were running from people.” She spoke very analytically. Damian feel even more in love. She had a dog, she wasn’t squealing, she was very aware, and she was also very adorable as he saw the paint on her.

“You are very clever.” He replied smoothly making her blush to which Damian smirked.

“Thank you.” She spoke shyly. Damian could tell she was rather anxious so he kept talking to try and ease her nerves. Damian knew he wanted her to be his soulmate as the other bats. But he preferred the term beloved.

“May i see your paintings?”

“Sure.” She spoke nervously. Y/N wasn’t too confident as a person do showing her art to someone was very nerves racking, that was why she was there after school so she could finish her painting and not worry about the people around her, also because her teacher said she could try and see if her dog could paint like she saw others do on Tik tok.

Damian walked over to the girl and he dog and stood rather close to her, looking at the painting quite closely as to have ma excuse to stand next to her.

He looked at the painting and saw a silhouette of Gotham at night, he knew this because there was a image of the bat signal painted towards the night sky.

“This is amazing.” Damian complimented making her blush. She really wasn’t blushing because it was Damian Wayne making the comments but just because someone was making the comments in the first place. Damian then crouched down on the side closest to the dog and let the dog sniff his hand before he pet them while he looked at the dogs painting.

“This is a very cute idea, I might have to try this with my dog Titus, whats your dogs name?” He spoke as he looked at the purple paw prints at were on the canvas.

“His name is Padfoot, after the-“

“Harry Potter series? Sirius black right?” Y/N glowed at the thought of him knowing where her dogs name came from. She was really expecting him to be mean like some of the other people at school when they asked her dogs name. They thought the name padfoot was stupid and she should have named her dog like shadow or something based off the dark fur.

Damian saw her change in demeanor and smirked before continuing.

“I love the Harry Potter series.” 

“Me too! Well you probably already knew that because of the name but-“

“Hey, it’s fine.” Damian reassured as she started to rant and stumble on her words. Damian loved Y/N’s shyness. It meant he had to worry about a lot less people being in the way. Then he realized he didn’t even know her name yet.

“What’s your name?” He questioned in subtle flirty tone.

“I’m y/n! What’s yours?” She did already know his name but she assumed that he would like to introduce himself. He liked that.

“Wayne, Damian Wayne.” He held out a hand for her to shake and she went to do so before noticing all the paint of her hands.

“Nice to meet you, I’d shake your hand but I’d feel bad getting paint on you.” Damian smiled slightly at her kind nature and proceeded to shake her hand anyway that seemed to fit perfectly in his. He didn’t even hardly pay attention to the white paint that was in his hands.

“It’s alright.” He said as he saw her looking alarmed at the paint on his hands.

Damian wanted to move quickly. He wanted to make her his as soon as possible. So he began another conversation and asked her about her life such as her friends, family, what area of Gotham she lived in, if she was single; to which she blushed brightly at as she replied with a quick yes as she never even held hands with a boy before. Damian was pleased with all the answers, and he felt very protective over her as she told him her address. He had to keep her safe if she was just waking around telling her address to anybody. Of course he wouldn’t be just anybody to her but it didn’t mean that she wouldn’t go telling other people who he knew didn’t deserve it know.

Damian didn’t want to go the route Timothy Drake did. He didn’t want to immediately force her to be his. He wanted something that made him feel the love that he was neglected of for years. He found his beloved and he knew that he had to be gentle in a way. But he could tell she was perfect for him.

She had finished her painting and put it over but the others from class the day and Padfoots had dried so she picked up the small easel and put it in her bag.

“I should probably head home now.” She spoke after she put Padfoot back on his leash and washed most of the paint off his paws. Damian panicked slightly as he didn’t want their time to end but, he also knew he could go home and search up everything he could find on the bat computer.

They walked out to the front together and saw Alfred patiently waiting in the car while reading a book. He looked up and saw Damian walking out alongside Y/N and smiled to himself slightly. He knew the boy deserved love, and it seemed that he had found his.

Y/N was tempted to ask for his number, but she didn’t want to come across as clingy or pushy. She had deeply enjoyed talking to him and she wanted to further.

“Pass me your phone.” Damian said with a slight demanding tone. Y/N did so without hesitation making Damian smirk as he typed in his number and put his name in the contact. He sent a messages to himself after and discreetly changed her contact name to ‘My Beloved ❥’ and handed back her phone.

“There, I texted myself from your phoen so we have each other’s numbers. Text me whenever you want.” Y/N smiled brightly at him making him smile back.

She began to wave goodbye and make the walk back home but he stopped her once he saw her start walking.

“Wait you’re walk home? Alone? But you live so far.”

“Yeah, my parents are always working so they can’t come get me. But it’s okay, I’m used to walking home .” But Damian immediately begins shaking his head. He knew the dangers of being in Gotham as he has seen many first hand. He wouldn’t allow his beloved to be so unprotected.

“I’ll give you a ride home from now on okay?” He spoke decidedly. She began to shake her head no.

“I couldn’t ask to do do that-“

“You didn’t ask, I told you. I’m going to give you a ride home, it’s too dangerous out there by yourself.”

“But I got Padfoot to protect me!” She spoke innocently while holding up the shaggy black dog.

Damian looked at her with a look that left no room for argument.

“Fine… but just this once.” Y/N said before following him over to the sleek black car.

“Definitely not only once, but believe what you want to believe. I can be quite… persuasive.”

Damian opened the door for her to get it and he helped her inside before getting in on the other side while Alfred glanced in the mirror every so often.

“Hello. Nice to meet you, what’s your name sir?” She spoke politely looking at Alfred as he looked up in the mirror.

“I’m Alfred Pennyworth. And you are?”

“Y/N L/N.”

“Nice to meet you as well Miss L/N.”

She smiled at him as he saw in the mirror and he slightly smiled back and could already tell she was a kind person. Perfect for Damian and the Wayne family.

Her and Damian talked the whole ride to her house after she gave Alfred her address. Once they arrived Damian tried not to look to disappointed and continued to reassure himself that he would see her the next day for sure. He would also look her up on the bat computer.

They pulled up in front of a nice house that resided in a sketchy area, well all of Gotham was sketchy but Damian remembered one of the warehouse down the street was one of Jokers hold hideouts and he stopped a drug sale a few houses down and not to even mention the-

Before he continue she opened her door and stepped out of the car.

“Thank you for the ride Mr.Pennyworth. Bye Dami!” She said happily as she set Padfoot out of the car as well and made her way into the house. As the door shut behind her he snapped out of his trance of thinking of all the dangers and the fact she already gave him a nickname.

“Beat that Todd.” Damian thought to himself as he was already making more progress in a day than Todd and Grayson had in weeks with their soulmates.

“I presume that’s her Master Wayne?”

“Definitely Pennyworth. She’s My Beloved.”


I hope you liked it ♡

Tags :
3 years ago

Greetings one of mah fave authors :) Hope you're doing well today 💖 Do you mind if I request for some yandere Damain Wayne x reader headcanons or a oneshot where the reader loves to write stuff on Wattpad and Tumblr? Oh, and will he let reader have her own Wattpad/ Tumblr account after he kidnaps her? But lol, imagine the chaos that would go down when people start saying that they love her 😂

Greeting to you as well one of my favorite authors,

I’m doing good thanks for asking ♡


After Damian kidnapped his beloved he refused to let her have her phone for the longest time, he didn’t want her contacting anyone or talking to anyone that wasn’t him or his family. Of course, he tapped her phone with the bat computer so he would see any text or call sent out or received. But, to be safe he had Drake hack her phone and made it so she couldn’t even open the apps. But, after much begging he finally allowed her to use her favorite app Wattpad to read on. He had never used the app before so he didn’t know much about it other than she could read so he didn’t have much of a problem with it.

Y/N was an author on Wattpad as well, she wrote her own stories that gained quite a lot of traction before she was kidnapped and left it on a cliffhanger for months. So, when she finally posts once again her followers went crazy, they begged her to continue the story and she was so happy her story had so many views that she couldn’t deny them this.

Whenever Damian was out she worked on the story and one day Damian came home early and saw her typing.

“What are you doing My Beloved?” Damian spoke as he walked into the room he shared with her. She squealed and jumped slightly into the air from surprise and slight embarrassment.

“Im just writing a story on Wattpad.” Y/N spoke sheepishly and saved her work before swiping out of it. Damian rose an eyebrow and looked at her suspiciously.

“I’ll read it.” He spoke and walked over to the desk she sat at before grabbing her phone and walking over to the bed. She slightly chased after him but she knew she couldn’t prevent him from doing what he wanted.

He clicked view as reader on her story and began the first page, then the second and he kept reading even as she went and grabbed a book from the small library Damian had in his room that consisted only of her favorite books. He continued reading until he reach a page with a small number to the right of a paragraph.

He clicked on it and saw a bunch of comments pop up.

“This is so good.”

“Your writing is amazing!”

“I wonder what will happen next!”

He immediately was alarmed, she could contact people on Wattpad?! He didn’t know that when he allowed her to have the app.

“Y/N.” Damian spoke in a accusingly manner.

“Yes?” She spoke, slightly scared at his tone of voice.

“Why didn’t you tell me you can talk to other people on here?”

Her eyes widened, She knew Damian didn’t want her to be able to contact the outside world. To be honest, she hadn’t minded all that much when he kidnapped her. She didn’t have any family and very few people she could hardly consider friends.

Damian looked at her with a eyebrow raised and a slight scowl on his face.

“Hmm?” He questioned again after she didn’t respond.

“Well, I really never thought about it. I promise I never commented on other things before and I haven’t wrote anything in my stories.” Damian was slightly surprised but wouldn’t show it. “I mean… I like staying here with you. You care for me more than anyone else ever has.” Y/N spoke the last part quietly and quite sheepishly but he still heard making him grin. He turned back to the story after he kissed her forehead and he pulled her to lay on his chest as she read her book and he read hers. It was when he reached the latest chapter and saw the comments.

“This is so good! Please update!”


“I love you-“

“I love your writing.”

“I love this!”

Damian saw the word pop up many times through the next comments and he was growing angry. Nobody loved her, not like he did. No one deserved to love his beloved, they were all unworthy.

“Y/N.” He spoke again with a harsh tone. She looked up at him and he stared directly into her eyes.


“Who are these people? They keep saying ‘I love you’ and love this and love that! I love you! Not them!”

Damian was throwing a huge fit. He was deleting every single comment that contained the word ‘love’ in it and Y/N sat and watched him do so. She felt guilty as they were just compliments for her story and not actually her. He was standing as well, slightly pacing as he continued to dwell.

Once Damian had calmed down a little she walked over to him and held his face in her hands. He looked down at her and his eyes softened noticeably.

“It’s okay Damian. They aren’t really saying they love me, they mean the story. I have never even disclosed who I am on Wattpad. It’s just a pen name.” She attempted to ease but he still felt annoyed.


“I know. You love me, they don’t really. They love my story. I appreciate there support of course but I am yours.”

He was stunned, of course she said it like that as he had drilled it into her head after he kidnapped her, that she was his. But it sounded better as it came out of her mouth. She placed a chaste kiss on his lips to shut it up which worked as he stood frozen for a second while she looked down sheepishly.

He gained back his senses and smirked before truly smiling for a second.

“I love you.” Damian said staring into her Y/E/C eyes. They were beautiful and bright, full of wonder as well.

“And I you.”


Sorry this was short, I wasn’t sure what to put ♡

Tags :
3 years ago

Those Damian Wayne headcanons were so freaking AWESOME!! I LOVED them, thank you so much for going them 🥺💖💖 If it's not too much, do you mind doing a few headcanons of Damian Wayne reacting to the reader's friends dragging her to a fortune teller and convincing her to spend her money on her fortune. The fortune teller tells her that she'll get kidnapped by someone with an obsession for her but reader doesn't believe in all that and doesn't think too much of it. Oh, and the poor fortune teller, why do I have the feeling Damian will kill them?

Thank you so much for the request, sorry it’s taken me so long!

I hope you like it ♡


Y/N didn’t want to go see the fortune teller at all. She thought it was all bogus. How could they possibly know the future? Y/N didn’t believe they could one bit, but her friends wanted to go to a fortune teller and pay them to tell them their future, which would probably be some basic thing like you will get a dog or something like that. Something simple and guessed, that’s all it was.

All of her friends went first, each one coming out with something different then the other like Y/F/N got that they would eventually run their own company. Others were that they would find true love, or that they had some big surprise going to happen to them soon.

Then it was Y/N’s turn. She walked into the room that was covered in many different patterns and colors. Some crystals laid on the table in front of the fortune teller alongside the very basic crystal ball.

“Come forward child.” They spoke and Y/N reluctantly sat on the chair in front of them, putting her hands into the fortune tellers outstretched ones.

They sat their for what was maybe a few minutes while Y/N was growing silently anxious. Why was she making sounds like gasping. The fortune teller seemed to be in shock once they were brought out of the trance they seemed to be in.

“You will find love, or the love will find you. Love stands side by side to the obsession of he who holds you most dear, and they will take you away to cater their need to protect their beloved...” Y/N looked at them slightly spooked, of course they didn’t believe what they said but why would they said she was going to be taken? And beloved? It didn’t make sense. But y/n brushed it off. She didn’t think it was real, who could? She was just told that she was going to be kidnapped by someone, or her ‘love’ as they would call it, as they thought they would be protecting her.

Like she said, it couldn’t be real.

When y/n walked out of the room and her friends questioned that they were told she simply said she would find love or they would find her. Simple.

They left to continue on with their night, getting dinner together before heading home and going to sleep.

But there was someone in Gotham who wasn’t going to go to sleep anytime soon.

Damian appeared back at the fortune tellers place a few minutes after they closed. He heard everything, how could he not? He stayed near Y/N at all times. She would be alone for more than a second if he could help it.

Damian didn’t like what they said. Y/N shouldn’t know what he was planning, he didn’t like that. He didn’t want her to make a opinion of him before he had a chance to make her his.

The fortune teller was about to leave the shop, they exited the room where they told the fortunes and began walking to the front door before they were stopped by Damian who stuck to the shadows.

“Who are you?” The fortune teller questioned in slight fear at the figure blending into the night.

“Her love.” He answered simply and the fortune teller got the meaning. They knew this was the person they saw in one of the visions they had after they had met a young woman earlier.

They shouldn’t have said anything, and Damian agreed to that sentiment.

“You shouldn’t have told her, you could have scared my beloved. You could have upset her. You could have made her get a wrong impression of what I’m trying to do. You could have ruined everything.” Damian growled out holding up a katana threateningly.

“I’m sorry.” They whimpered out weakly at the sight of the balde.

“Oh, you will be.”

And Damian attacked.

Y/N woke up the next morning and did her usual routine before going downstairs to watch TV. She turned on the TV and sat on the couch. She began flipping through the channels before landing on the Gotham news station. She paused slightly, looking at the familiar building. The one containing the fortune teller.

Turning up the volume she listened to the reporter.

“Late last night the store of a fortune teller was broken into. There is no witnesses or camera footage but when employees arrived early this morning they found the fortune teller dead, with a note saying that they never should have spoke. Police are doing everything they can to find the killer but there are no leads nor evidence to aid the case. Stay safe out there Gotham.” They finished before it cut back to the normal program with them talking about Gotham academy’s new principal and things like that.

Y/N couldn’t believe the person they had met the day before, although briefly, was murdered in the same shop she was standing in that day. And what did they mean by ‘they never should have spoke?’ It was rather cryptic.

Gotham was crazy.

And Damian was crazy for Y/N.

No one would ever tell her anything he didn’t want heard, nor anything that could put him in a bad light.

Cause she was his.


Sorry it’s taken me forever to finish requests but I hope you liked it! ♡

If anyone wants to join a tag list let me know. It will be for mostly Batfamily one shots and sometimes a few miscellaneous ones as well.

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2 years ago

Is there any chance I could request for headcanons for yandere Damian Wayne with a reader who's literally fighting tooth and nail against him and keeps screaming "I have a black belt in karate and will kill you once I'm out of here!" Lol I'd LOVE to see his reaction 🤣😂

It has been almost a year since I’ve posted and I really want to get back into writing so here we go. This request is from a long time ago but I started on it and never finished it until now. Let’s hope it doesn’t suck.

Sorry the story didn’t turn out exactly how you requested. It’s my first writing I have done in awhile and I tried to just see where it went.

If you end up seeing this after all this time since you’ve made the request I hope you and anyone else who sees it like it 😆

Damian Wayne x reader (she/her pronouns used)

Warning: kidnapping mention and a few swear words


Y/N was not cooperating with her kidnapper at all much to his dismay.

She refused, absolutely refused to be a damsel in distress, as she got older and when she watched the occasional Disney movie, she would be found yelling at the screen if they made a stupid decision about a boy. Don’t even get her started on beauty and the beast. Yes it was a love story about it’s whats on the inside that counts and she found it nice and all but she couldn’t ever see herself falling in love with someone who forced her to stay with them especially at the expense of someone she cared for.

The night she was taken; she was walking home from work. A white rag had found it’s way over her mouth and she thought she heard a slightly apologetic tone but she couldn’t make out what they said. She had woken up to being tied her up and locked in a room with her ankle tied to the bed with a very soft and silky yet unbreakable material much to her dismay. It allowed her space to go anywhere in the room, even the bathroom that was nearby but it couldn’t even get her close enough to reach the door handle.

Y/N didn’t know who kidnapped them and she was going to find out. She has been looking down, mapping the room in her head trying to think if she could recognize anything. But the room was oddly bare of personal touches. There was no photos of friends or family or even something that would indicate their favorite things. The room was decorated like something off of her Pinterest board, simple and dark look, all it needed were small decorations. The room even had a fully functioning bathroom with some noticeable changes that would prevent her escape such as the thickest most sturdy mirror she’d ever seen as well as a very small window that barely fit her arm. Once she was done looking around after finding nothing, she laid down on the bed exasperated before feeling like she had to do something. And in her mind the solution was to scream…

“I HAVE A BLACK BELT IN KARATE AND I WILL KILL YOU ONCE IM OUT OF HERE.” Of course she wouldn’t actually kill anybody if she had the choice but it wouldn’t have sounded as threatening if she just said she would just run away and forget it ever happened.

Just as she was about to scream at the top of her lungs once again, just to at least gain her kidnappers attention the door opened swiftly and a person stepped in before closing the door behind them and locking it tightly physically as well as a electronic lock with their phone, a program Tim had specially designed for the families significant others that weren’t necessarily there by choice at first due to the Yandere tendencies of the whole family, but they were moved into another room once they had in the families opinion ‘adapted’.

The figure turned back towards Y/N and she recognized him straight away and she didn’t know how to feel.

“Damian?!” Y/N called out in shock at the person who entered the room with a smirk on his face.

“Hello my beloved. I heard your threat, but we both know you do not take karate nor have you ever. You are too afraid to even hurt a spider. But that’s what I love most about you.”

Y/N didnt blush or at least she pretended she didn’t.

“What the actual fuck? Why am I here?” Y/N was trying to sound confident but that was hard when your childhood friend as well as crush was your kidnapper.

That was an unexpected turn.

The few hours within the room quickly became a few weeks then months. Y/N was still inside the room. She had fought hard to get Damian to let her go. She guilt tripped him and yelled at him.

“I know karate Damian! You don’t know everything about me! Now back off! Let me go! I’m tired of this room and I’m especially tired of all your bullshit.”

“And I know even more styles of fighting then you could dream of beloved, now eat the food Alfred made.”

She even hit him a few times although he had attempted to hug her so it was warranted in her opinion even if she was against being violent. No matter how much she liked him before she refused to like him now. Especially with how he refused to let her go.

If he handled it like any other person and asked her out the situation would be much less difficult.

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4 years ago

Damian, externally: As a hero in training, I don’t believe senseless violence is how my father would want me to solve things



Tim: I almost got surprised adopted yesterday

Bruce: What?

Jason: He almost got kidnapped.

Bruce: Oh okay



Dick: It’s not illegal.

Police officer staring into Dick’s car boot which is full of bread because Kori had pregnancy cravings: It’s just... there’s so much...

Dick: But it’s not illegal.

Police officer:


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8 months ago

I really want someone to write mitsuri reader x Damian wayne cuz they could be so cute like im so hungry for this

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2 years ago

Random Art Class Drabble with Slight Yandere! Damian Wayne

according to the internet a drabble is 100 words but i’m too lazy to check so fuck it

(I’m a self taught artist so I’m mostly using Blue Period as a reference for how art classes work-)

“You like to draw cats a lot, don’t you [Y/N]?” One of your peers asked as they viewed your work for this week.

You weren’t one who’d like to talk much when painting. In fact, that’s why Damian opted to sit beside you as it gave him a sense of peace.

Totally not because he was jealous of your art skills and wanted to learn up close, no no no! Absolutely not.

“Huh? Yeah.” You replied. Concise and straight to the point as ever.

“What’s your cat’s name?” Seriously why does this rando keep talking to you? You obviously didn’t want to talk with them. Besides, everyone knows your cat is named Dio. Haven’t they seen your copious amount of posts dedicated to the majestic feline creature? Sure it was your private account that he hacked into but it was still—


“As in god?” The person smirked. So mockingly that he wanted to rip it off and use the bloody mess the endeavor would cause to paint a brand new piece. A piece worthy of being gazed at by [Y/N].

Wait, he means—

“Yes.” You said with a lot more emotion and conviction than you usually have with your responses. It was so unusual that even your ignorant conversation partner spotted it.

“You must like him very much, don’t you?”

“Like a worshipper reveres their deity.”

Damian fell to his knees.

In the middle of class.

In front of at least half a dozen students.


Yeah no. There was no denying it

He fucking loves you.

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