Hashirama Senju X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Hi i'm new and i read and saw a lot of your work and all it's Amazing, i'm Just in love with your work,of i don't bother could i request a kakashi or hashirama or tobirama x self harm Reader,an headcanon or drabble where they found their lover cutting herself, Sorry if i bothered you or if i messd somethings up,cause i don't what Is a drabble but i think it's like a One shot bye

A/n: thank you so much for your kind words, I really do appreciate all of them and I seriously apologize for this being so late. Hope it's to your liking. On a more serious note, hope you all are doing well, take care<3

Warnings: Self harm, mention of knives/blades, blood, angst, sprinkle of fluff, some grammar mistakes maybe.

Characters: Kakashi, Tobirama, Hashirama x reader(separate)

Hi I'm New And I Read And Saw A Lot Of Your Work And All It's Amazing, I'm Just In Love With Your Work,of

Kakashi Hatake:

Kakashi is no stranger to these urges and strong emotions certain events(or people) might bring to someone, he has felt the same more times than he'd ever like to admit

He still sometimes looks back onto those dark days and recounts how many times he had almost lost his life due to those feelings and his irrational/hasty reaction to the same

During his relationship with his lover, he is certainly very gentle and soft, trying to accomodate them in any way he can to make sure they are alright

Even the thought of him accidentally causing you harm makes him gloomy and guilty

So, imagine his surprise and utter shock when he sees those scars littered across your skin, the skin he dreamt of kissing to show all the love he harbours for you

He had his suspicions from before, yet he never dared to point them out so early, so this truly broke his heart.

"Kakashi-" you try but you're immediately silenced, backed into a proverbial corner as he approached you and gathers your hands and arms in his. Pulling you to your feet he is quick to lead you to the bathroom and sit you on the toilet seat.

His lack of response is a scolding alone, a burn to the open wound in the moment and you can't help but feel guilty and even further horrible. But the moment you notice tears brimming on his lower lashes, do you understand that you misunderstood his actions.

"Y/n.. why did you do this?"

His tone is so shaky, unsure if he should even be speaking, fearful of making you close yourself from him. Internally he begs the heavens you comply and cooperate with him, he hopes he did everything right that you feel safe with opening up to him now

Kakashi had dressed up your cuts, the blood from before swirling down the drain. His fingetips are warm, palms lit with fire that strove to awaken the frozen forest, so careful in doing so.

If you start crying, he'll hold you, he'll caress your back and let you cry it all out. He'll lead you back to bed to get rest or to the kitchen to prepare you tea to warm you back up, a quick meal too if you so request

One thing is for certain and that is that he's going to become even more observant of you, spending even more time around you to ensure you're getting better and not getting any more of those horrible urges.

Kakashi reassures you how good you are, how special you are to him and to your friends, family, students; how much the elders love you and how much little kids yearn to hear your stories. He whispers sweet things into your ear before you fall asleep and even more encouraging words when you stir in his arms in the morning

"Darling, please, if you ever need any help - with anything - do not hesitate to tell me. I'm here for you.. you're not alone. You never were.."

Hi I'm New And I Read And Saw A Lot Of Your Work And All It's Amazing, I'm Just In Love With Your Work,of

Hashirama Senju:

As a legend of his time, both in war and art of healing, he has been met with the creatures that whispers bad things in one's ear.

Hashirama had that type of fortune that he was born into war, it molded him into the shape it willed and it almost made him yield. Almost.

As a healer, while in a relationship with you, he'd often check you for injuries - unconsciously so too. He had become so met with your body that he knew your immune system was lacking even before you did

Just by placing his hand on you, his chakra flows through you and feels around for any oddities.

"My flower, it's wonderful to see you again. How have you been?" Those words are the start of every conversation after his long days at work. No matter how tired he is, he still finds strength to smile and laugh for you. You are his heart, his sunshine and joy.

"It has been alright, I went to the market today and found some plants from lands afar. I'd like you to see them, perhaps you've seen one of them before"

His hands wrap around you, pulling you into a hug and as he goes to reply, all words suddenly evaporate on his tongue, his movements frozen.

You were hurt.

Hashirama is quick to question you about this, there is no way he is imagining this, he can't be that tired, can he?

Even if you try to shy away or hide this, he will be determined to check, especially when you display such nervousness as you never did before. Your relationship with him was always open, he made sure both of you had enough communication going on to avoid any possible issues

His reaction to wounds and scars you inflicted in yourself were rather too sad.

Hashirama exhales a shaky breath, his fingertips tracing over one particularly bad, red line and a small hue emits from his skin. The flesh beneath pales, stitching itself together with a small, pleasant, ache as it vanishes in the end. The man before you takes the arm he just healed and brings it to his lips, pausing as to reconsider his choices, or perhaps give you an opportunity to pull away- when you don't, he places feather light kisses along the skin.

As chatty and talkative as he is, he can't help but feel at loss for words in that moment, he doesn't know what to say. Images of the family members and close friends that perished float behind his closed eyelids

He vocalizes his thoughts finally, an awkward beginning but as he talks on his tone holds such color and warmth to them that rings true to your ears

He won't be satisfied until you both reach some agreement that would ensure you would stop this; if you don't feel like talking immediately he would understand and postpone this talk until you felt ready

If he wasn't gentle enough with you, he definitely was now. Treating you as softly as he treats the petals of the flowers in his greenhouse. There is no one more special to him, than you.

"Y/n, let us talk this out, I vowed to be with you through calm and storm alike. Don't hide yourself from me, my love.. don't hide your scars- the most beautiful flowers bloom from within trees damaged by storms."

Hi I'm New And I Read And Saw A Lot Of Your Work And All It's Amazing, I'm Just In Love With Your Work,of

Tobirama Senju:

The silver head, grumpy man never imagined he'd be in such love as he is with you, never imagined himself caring for anyone else so deeply as he cares for his last brother, but yet here he is

His feelings for you are unmatched, as much as he dislikes to put those on display, he does his best to make up for it through acts of service and occasionally a subtle word of encouragement and sometimes even affection

Through this silent language the two of you built, you strengthened your relationship even further with him.

Still, with how busy he gets, it is not rare that the two of you get separated for longer periods of time. Not seeing each other for so long is difficult, but the wait feels regarding nonetheless when he shows up to bring you to a meal, a stroll, anywhere to spend time with you

Tobirama is used to seeing you tired, especially during late nights when he returns from the office, tired himself. It's only normal you're tired this late at night

But one night at his arrival, it felt different. He smelled the signature irony smell too many times before, so when he caught scent of it he almost immediately felt his heart drop

He is a logical, strategic man, brought into the war just like his brother and the survival, warrior instinct that hadn't healed during the time of peace, swiftly set his body and mind into action

He was terrified inside, the worst case scenario question flaring in his mind - was he too late?

Much to his relief and horror simultaneously, he found you alive, but you were hurt, and the damage was done by your own hand

He didn't know how to react, but he called out to you, his gruff voice dropping an octave and going as softly as it could.

He approached you so cautiously, his eyes felt glued to you but they were looking for the towels in the shelf you were close to.

The silver of his hair shines in the golden lamplight as he moves with calculated steps, like in every aspect of his life these moves are also had to be perfect. Now more than any other time. His throat bobs as he swallows, his deft, calloused hands wrapping the bandages around your arms, although he has already healed mentioned wounds.

"Y/n.. I don't want to see this happen again.."

It's tough, what he begins his gentle scolding with, but he has to make sure to fill you in on what you were doing, what you truly did. In your mind, you may think you were giving yourself 'well deserved punishment' or something of that like, you were clearly distressed too.

His words carry the undertones of his own anxiety but he doesn't let his tone shake and weaver unlike his brother. That is not to say he doesn't care, or that he's trying to pressure you further, he just wants you to understand that he(or anyone else) doesn't see you in the same light you see yourself in

Tobirama isn't as showy and touchy, but he makes sure you feel especially loved and cared for that night. He caresses your hand and back, making sure you're tucked under the warm blankets and shielded away from the world as much as he can

In the days following he does have more talks with you, slowly taking steps to ensure you understand and are cooperative to let him help you out

If you agree, he'll also get Hashirama involved. Since Tobirama isn't as bright or bubbly as his brother, he truly believes another, more energetic presence may aid you further into letting the stress and worries go

He leaves notes around the house when he's away, and little snacks and trinkets for you to find, just a small show of his love while he's absent. And when he returns, he makes sure to show you himself too, that you're loved and cared for.

"Today was quite eventful, wasn't it? But today is now gone, and tomorrow is soon upon us.. I have been able to postpone some certain matters ahead to free up this week. From this day on, it will all be eventful too. I'd say it's time we make a schedule, what would you like to do, my dear?"

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8 months ago

Prove it - Hashirama

Kinktober Masterlist

Prove It - Hashirama
Prove It - Hashirama

Warnings: 18+, pegging (of course lol), hints of body worship, bdsm undertones

A/n: Day 1 complete! Got really fluffy toward the end but how can it not with daddy hashi ❤❤❤

Read on ao3.

Prove It - Hashirama

The bouquet was huge. Tulips nestled with baby's breath mingled with sunflowers and roses the color of the sea at morning's light. Hashirama had uprooted an entire forest to offer these to you. Or, rather, he had grown an entire forest just to uproot it as a gift to you. 

Still, you stared deadpanned at the array of flowers, leaned to the side to see Hashirama. 

“You can’t be serious.”

Hashirama leaned to the side to shoot you a wide-toothed grin. 

“I am!” 

You threw your hands up and went back inside. “You can’t possibly think this will make up for all the dinners you’ve missed?”

This would, in fact, be the fifth he had missed in favor of a council meeting. When he had to meet with the other Kage, you let it go; you had to, of course; the shinobi world depended on such diplomacy. 

“I don’t.” Hashirama’s tone had turned serious. “It’s just ― Tobirama. You know how he is if I miss anything, even something as serious as a dinner with loved ones comes second! This is only the start. Anything else ― you only have to ask.”

He settled the gigantic bouquet by the front door and followed you to the living room, where you sat, already, on the couch, arms crossed and staring straight ahead. He approached you, knelt by your side. Hashirama planted a reverent kiss to your knee, exposed by how your dress had ridden up your thigh. 

“I am yours, (Y/n).”

He trailed kisses up your thigh. He took your arm in his hands, turned it over to expose your inner wrist, where he commenced to plant kisses against the train of your veins, up and up. 

After a few seconds of obstinacy, you retrieved your hand to caress his face. “Prove it.”

Hashirama’s eyes widened slightly, surprised by the challenge. Both knees were on the ground now to allow him to kneel farther, until his lips kissed your feet. 

“I mean what I say, (Y/n),” he said. “Tell me what you want.”

A devilish thought crossed the moon of your thoughts. 

“You know what I want.”

Hashirama stiffened, realization dawning. “B―But, dear, we have guests tonight! The council and my brother are coming to ―”

“Aw.” You dipped your head to coo. “Then we should hurry.”  

Hashirama shuddered against your evil. 

You chuckled. “It’s up to you, Hashi. You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.” 

Hashirama gulped. He bowed his head. “Very well.” 

Prove It - Hashirama

Leader. Hokage. God of Shinobi, even. All the titles your husband had accrued for himself. 

But all of them were null and void as he sat on his hands and knees, fully nude as you came to fix yourself behind him, the strap-on tight around your lower half. 

You licked your lips, relishing the view before you; Hashirama bucked slightly as your hand roved over his ass cheek, swallowing as he hunched, ready to receive.

“Go easy,” Hashirama said. “Won’t you, (Y/n)?”

“Of course,” You purred, giving his ass a playful smack ― and at the lack of response, you wished you had done so harder. “Remember when I prepped you that one time?” 

You took the shaft of your false cock, relieved you had found it so easily and so cheap, and trailed it along the crack of Hashirama’s perfect ass. Despite the state the world was in, somehow strap-ons and dildos were allocated to the necessity category. 

You held Hashirama by his hip. He lowered his face in the sheets, long hair training the side of the bed. 

“I ―” He swallowed. “I do.”

The twitch of his cock did not go unnoticed.

“I prepped you for hours, if I recall …” You directed the tip up and down the valley of his crack, “accidentally” getting the tip stuck against his puckered hole. “Just the tip, then a little more, in and out … in and out …”

Hashirama clenched the sheets. His torment salivated you, overran your mouth in excitement. 

“Beg for me,” You said.

You could see him in your mind’s eye, clenching his teeth, cheeks pink, suppressing his pants ― and you hadn’t even done anything to him yet. The image went right to your clit. 

“P ― Please …” 

“Louder.” You tapped the tip against his asshole. “Let the whole of the shinobi hear Hashirama Senju beg to be fucked ―”

The sheets ripped in his hold.

“Please! Please, (Y/n)!” 

You forced the dildo in, pulling Hashirama toward you. 

He released a harsh groan as you sunk into him, until the hilt met his ass. You drew circles over his sun-kissed skin with your thumb as he shuddered under you. 

“Tell me when ―”

“Now,” he ordered. “Please. I can take it.”

You smiled. “Thatta boy.”

You experimented with an initial thrust. Hashirama sighed as you found a rhythm, fucking slowly into him each time. You bit your lip to his soft sounds of praise, the “yes yes” and “so goods.” The gentle expletives under his breath. Not for the first time you wished you were strong enough to rock Hashirama’s steady form, but he showed his affinity to wood in even this respect, rooted on his hands and knees where he was.

You angled both hands to his hips to steer you forward and gave your first hard thrust ―


Hashirama reached forward for the headboard, taking a chunk out of it upon contact.

You slapped his ass, harder this time. 

“Behave!” You ordered as he shivered at your touch. 

“I’m sorry,” Hashirama said hastily, breathlessly. “I apologize, please, please, don’t ―”

“I don’t move for boys who don’t behave,” You said, determined to sit dormant inside him. 

Hashirama whined, but accepted the punishment. Your fingers ghosted over the stalks of hair on his skin and you stared in delight as goosebumps raised them. You met a strand of his hair and twirled it around your finger. 

Moments more, and you began to move again. 

“Oh, thank you,” he breathed out, his praise more for the heavens more than you. “Oh ― aargh!” 

Your hips slapped into him, skin spanking and reddening between the two of you as you fucked him. You wove a hand around to grasp at his cock ― 

Hashirama jolted in surprise. He cried out as you stroked him. 

You leaned to run your tongue against the small of his back, bucking harder into him. 

“I love you like this,” You said as Hashirama whined at the feel of your warm breath on his skin.

Still, despite your composure, you were not immune to the way the strap-on brushed against your clit, soaped with your slick, the sensation heavenly. 

You bit your lip against it as Hashirama bent a head down to bite down on the sheets. 


He drew in a sharp breath. 

“No muffling,” You said, quickening your pace. “I want to hear you, my love.” 

Hashirama bent his head forward, groaned as you palmed at his hefty erection. You thumbed his tip and he gave the loveliest, most defeated whisper-moan. 

You gasped, your cunt clenching onto nothing. You knew he wouldn’t last much longer. 

You stroked him faster as you rolled your hips, surprising the man underneath you with jolting thrusts. 

“Aah!” Hashirama bucked into you, meeting one of your thrusts head on.  

He twitched in your hand as you mustered the hardest thrusts you could, in search of your climax as much as his. You reached forward with another hand and bundled Hashirama’s hair in your fist for leverage, another throb of pleasure jolting your cunt as Hashirama cried out louder, masculine voice nearly set to an echo against the pristine walls. 

“Cum for me, Lord Hokage,” You purred. “Cum on my cock.”

With a magnificent roar, Hashirama spilled into the sheets, staining them white. He ground against your hand, having since released his hair in favor of palming at his ass and muscled thighs. You hummed as you rocked and humped with wild abandon against the strap-on, fucking your clit raw as you fucked into Hashirama. 

“Oh, gods!” Hashirama fell forward as you found your orgasm.

Clench, clench, clench. You gave Hashirama a few more parting strokes before pulling out. You disposed of the strap-on with struggling, trembling hands. Once removed, you joined Hashirama on the bed, closing and tightening your legs to enjoy the final thrums of your climax. The poor man had swirls for eyes for seconds more as he panted to recover his breath. 

You kissed his shoulder, resuming your habit of drawing invisible patterns into his tawny skin, following the planes of his back. 

He turned his head to face you, cracked the eye not planted into the sheets. He smiled at you. 

“You’re a goddess,” he said. “You know that?” 

You kissed the sharp cliff of his nose before returning his smile. “You could say it more.” 

Never one to run out of stamina, Hashirama sat up, roping an arm around you to move you to the top of the bed. He laid you on pillows before kissing your lips, your chin, the line of your jaw, all the way to your ear. 

“You’re not really angry with me, are you?” he asked.

You rolled your eyes halfheartedly. “I never was.”

“Wha ―?” Hashirama shot up to see your face, shock coloring his. “Then ―?”

You chuckled. “I just wanted to bait you into this, is all.”

Hashirama shook his head, though his smile was stubborn. “You are a vixen.”

“And you are a man who’s doing his best,” You said, caressing the side of his face. “I know that. If you had a choice, you’d spend more time with me.” 

He chuckled and it was a laugh from a man much younger. “Especially after that.”

You cuddled into Hashirama’s side. “So, when do we have to be ready for guests?”

Calm. Wind chimes tinked nearby as Hashirama hummed.

His eyes flew open. They found the clock.

“... Five minutes.”

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2 years ago

Could I have an imagine/a little scenario of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke and Hashirama explaining to his son that his wife is pregnant again and that he'll have a little sibling soon? Thank you! I hope I'm not bothering 😅

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

[ 🌸 ] these four give me vibes of being mayhem with a little kid around them… pfff-

characters: madara uchiha;; itachi uchiha;; sasuke uchiha;; hashirama senju;; some character mentions

genre: fluff;; lovely-family comedy;; sad moments?

warnings: none;; grown men trying to explain to a child where babies come from (it goes wrong);; pregnant reader;; is a happily married couple a warning?

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𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀: 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵

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Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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madara uchiha

*welcome to see the scariest man in the ninja world being a puddle of nerves with his son.

*He does not know how to explain this topic to the child 💀

*The only reason he does it is that you talked him into it.

*And he, being the good husband that he was, succumbed to your wishes lmao

"But darling, I don't know how to explain this to our son-"

"You will do a good job, love, besides, who would be the best to explain this than you?"

*Letting out a dramatic sigh, your imposing husband - who didn't look so imposing now - sat down with his boy, and spoke

"You're going to be a big brother"

*He would try to explain your pregnancy situation to the best of his ability to his four-year-old son.

*What it entails, the burden your body will carry. How in your precious womb you carry his son, his beloved youngest son, who will be born in a few months.

*But, despite everything- it fails miserably.

*Your son, oh, your precious and clearly confused son, innocently asked his dad, “But daddy, how did mommy get pregnant?”

*Madara.exe has stopped working- Seriously, the question leaves him paralyzed for a full minute.

*You think he just stopped breathing because he just doesn't move anymore.

*But no- there's nothing to worry about… he just doesn't know how to function anymore.

*His mind went blank, and he forgot the steps to follow to exist.

*He's had his Windows reset, just give him a moment- and yes, he'll be fine, I promise.

*When he comes to, he gives you a 'helping' look as he adorably babbles nonsense.

“I-…uhhh well I…”, he tries to speak as you try not to laugh at his unfavorable situation. How could you avoid it? The only times he's been like this is only when you annoy him-also when more racy things happen, and you're the dominant one... but that's a topic for another day-

*But seriously, help him or send help please... He's going to collapse at any moment, pfff-

*Also remembering his younger brother, Izuna. But he trusts that his son will not make the same mistake that he did, which was not protecting his younger brother.

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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itachi uchiha

*Actually, it happened unexpectedly.

*You had not yet told your son about your pregnancy.

*And One night you were having a hard time with the terrible vomiting of pregnancy. And Itachi, like the loving and protective husband that he is, was by your side comforting you and holding your hair so it wouldn't get in your way. Your beloved partner was so focused on you that he did not notice that his son was at the entrance of the bathroom door watching what was happening.

*He only became aware of his son's presence when he helped you up because your body had been very weak.

*He could see the worry and fear in his son's eyes, the little boy was worried about you, his loving mother.

*After helping you get clean, he took you to your shared room to tuck you into the soft bed, after making sure you were comfortable and that you were asleep, he went to where his son was. When he approached his son Itachi's heart ached, his child looked like he was about to cry. With quick steps he approached the small body of him to hug him.

*With a trembling voice, his son, soon to be five, asked, "Daddy, is Mommy going to die?"

*Itachi had to hold back the amused smile that was about to appear on his face. After all his son was genuinely worried about you, he had to calm down those worries first, and then the next morning he could tell you and laugh along with you about his son's innocent question.

*Stroking the soft hair of his son, he spoke, "Your mommy will be fine, little one, it's just that she's pregnant."

*And congratulation's! You now have two official bodyguards; your loving husband and son.

*"I'll protect you mommy!" //Itachi supporting from the back//

*Rather, you and itachi protect him, but- don't tell him, okay? Your baby is proud and Itachi only feeds your son's pride lmao

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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sasuke uchiha

*He is proud and happy to have another child (he vaguely wants it to be a girl)

*Since he wants to break the news to the boy, he tries to mentally prepare himself to explain to his son about your situation (you support him deep down).

*When he feels ready, he goes to where his son is and sits next to him.

*He starts off softly preparing the boy for the big reveal.

“Have you ever… wanted to be a big brother?”

*The question brings out everything his son has imagined, when he thinks about what he would be like as a big brother.

*How he would always protect his little brother or sister, how he would play with him or her and how he would always be there for them.

*Vaguely, his own son reminds him of Itachi, his beloved older brother now deceased. And Sasuke remembering his family again wonders if his father and his brother had this talk before he was born.

*He swallows the urge to cry just remembering Itachi again.

*but, he is happy just thinking that his son will be a good big brother, just like his uncle.

*And Sasuke knows that, if one day he and his beloved wife are no longer in this world, his eldest son will take care of the youngest… just as itachi took care of him.

"You're going to be a big brother"

*Yes… his son is going to be a good big brother.

*And that same afternoon a happy Sasuke, but a little sad, returned to your arms along with his son, very excited who kept asking you about your little belly.

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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hashirama senju

*He's nervous, you'd think it's just because of your pregnancy

*but it's not like that

*is he nervous?, yes

*but he's scared too, you know?

*His father was not the best father figure, he was not a good husband either

*and you would really think that being the head of the village he would be sensible regardless, but no.

*He's just afraid of becoming like his father, he's afraid of hurting you one day and hurting his children.

*And even though you're always reassuring him that he'll be a good husband, there's still that little pressure on his chest of fear.

*But surprisingly, he gets up and talks to his son.

*He knows that if one day the fear of becoming like his father comes true, his eldest son will be able to protect you from him.

*According to him, he is avoiding catastrophes… pfff-

*His son, seeing his not so animated state, asks him what he has, and despite only being five years old, your husband tells him about his fears.

*And the child in his innocent little head assures him that he would never be a monster, he could never be like that, because he is his precious daddy.

*the one who always tells bad jokes and makes his beloved mother laugh.

*Your husband, being the sentimental man he is- cries, cries like when you said the same thing to him the first time while he hugs his son.

*When the hugs end and the thoughts and fears leave Hashirama he can rest in peace. He no longer sees himself as someone who will be bad one day.

*And most importantly, if he ever disappears or dies, he knows that his older son will protect you and his younger brother.

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

Tags :
11 months ago

Could I have an imagine/a little scenario of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke and Hashirama explaining to his son that his wife is pregnant again and that he'll have a little sibling soon? Thank you! I hope I'm not bothering 😅

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

[ 🌸 ] these four give me vibes of being mayhem with a little kid around them… pfff-

characters: madara uchiha;; itachi uchiha;; sasuke uchiha;; hashirama senju;; some character mentions

genre: fluff;; lovely-family comedy;; sad moments?

warnings: none;; grown men trying to explain to a child where babies come from (it goes wrong);; pregnant reader;; is a happily married couple a warning?

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𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀: 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵

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Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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madara uchiha

*welcome to see the scariest man in the ninja world being a puddle of nerves with his son.

*He does not know how to explain this topic to the child 💀

*The only reason he does it is that you talked him into it.

*And he, being the good husband that he was, succumbed to your wishes lmao

"But darling, I don't know how to explain this to our son-"

"You will do a good job, love, besides, who would be the best to explain this than you?"

*Letting out a dramatic sigh, your imposing husband - who didn't look so imposing now - sat down with his boy, and spoke

"You're going to be a big brother"

*He would try to explain your pregnancy situation to the best of his ability to his four-year-old son.

*What it entails, the burden your body will carry. How in your precious womb you carry his son, his beloved youngest son, who will be born in a few months.

*But, despite everything- it fails miserably.

*Your son, oh, your precious and clearly confused son, innocently asked his dad, “But daddy, how did mommy get pregnant?”

*Madara.exe has stopped working- Seriously, the question leaves him paralyzed for a full minute.

*You think he just stopped breathing because he just doesn't move anymore.

*But no- there's nothing to worry about… he just doesn't know how to function anymore.

*His mind went blank, and he forgot the steps to follow to exist.

*He's had his Windows reset, just give him a moment- and yes, he'll be fine, I promise.

*When he comes to, he gives you a 'helping' look as he adorably babbles nonsense.

“I-…uhhh well I…”, he tries to speak as you try not to laugh at his unfavorable situation. How could you avoid it? The only times he's been like this is only when you annoy him-also when more racy things happen, and you're the dominant one... but that's a topic for another day-

*But seriously, help him or send help please... He's going to collapse at any moment, pfff-

*Also remembering his younger brother, Izuna. But he trusts that his son will not make the same mistake that he did, which was not protecting his younger brother.

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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itachi uchiha

*Actually, it happened unexpectedly.

*You had not yet told your son about your pregnancy.

*And One night you were having a hard time with the terrible vomiting of pregnancy. And Itachi, like the loving and protective husband that he is, was by your side comforting you and holding your hair so it wouldn't get in your way. Your beloved partner was so focused on you that he did not notice that his son was at the entrance of the bathroom door watching what was happening.

*He only became aware of his son's presence when he helped you up because your body had been very weak.

*He could see the worry and fear in his son's eyes, the little boy was worried about you, his loving mother.

*After helping you get clean, he took you to your shared room to tuck you into the soft bed, after making sure you were comfortable and that you were asleep, he went to where his son was. When he approached his son Itachi's heart ached, his child looked like he was about to cry. With quick steps he approached the small body of him to hug him.

*With a trembling voice, his son, soon to be five, asked, "Daddy, is Mommy going to die?"

*Itachi had to hold back the amused smile that was about to appear on his face. After all his son was genuinely worried about you, he had to calm down those worries first, and then the next morning he could tell you and laugh along with you about his son's innocent question.

*Stroking the soft hair of his son, he spoke, "Your mommy will be fine, little one, it's just that she's pregnant."

*And congratulation's! You now have two official bodyguards; your loving husband and son.

*"I'll protect you mommy!" //Itachi supporting from the back//

*Rather, you and itachi protect him, but- don't tell him, okay? Your baby is proud and Itachi only feeds your son's pride lmao

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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sasuke uchiha

*He is proud and happy to have another child (he vaguely wants it to be a girl)

*Since he wants to break the news to the boy, he tries to mentally prepare himself to explain to his son about your situation (you support him deep down).

*When he feels ready, he goes to where his son is and sits next to him.

*He starts off softly preparing the boy for the big reveal.

“Have you ever… wanted to be a big brother?”

*The question brings out everything his son has imagined, when he thinks about what he would be like as a big brother.

*How he would always protect his little brother or sister, how he would play with him or her and how he would always be there for them.

*Vaguely, his own son reminds him of Itachi, his beloved older brother now deceased. And Sasuke remembering his family again wonders if his father and his brother had this talk before he was born.

*He swallows the urge to cry just remembering Itachi again.

*but, he is happy just thinking that his son will be a good big brother, just like his uncle.

*And Sasuke knows that, if one day he and his beloved wife are no longer in this world, his eldest son will take care of the youngest… just as itachi took care of him.

"You're going to be a big brother"

*Yes… his son is going to be a good big brother.

*And that same afternoon a happy Sasuke, but a little sad, returned to your arms along with his son, very excited who kept asking you about your little belly.

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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hashirama senju

*He's nervous, you'd think it's just because of your pregnancy

*but it's not like that

*is he nervous?, yes

*but he's scared too, you know?

*His father was not the best father figure, he was not a good husband either

*and you would really think that being the head of the village he would be sensible regardless, but no.

*He's just afraid of becoming like his father, he's afraid of hurting you one day and hurting his children.

*And even though you're always reassuring him that he'll be a good husband, there's still that little pressure on his chest of fear.

*But surprisingly, he gets up and talks to his son.

*He knows that if one day the fear of becoming like his father comes true, his eldest son will be able to protect you from him.

*According to him, he is avoiding catastrophes… pfff-

*His son, seeing his not so animated state, asks him what he has, and despite only being five years old, your husband tells him about his fears.

*And the child in his innocent little head assures him that he would never be a monster, he could never be like that, because he is his precious daddy.

*the one who always tells bad jokes and makes his beloved mother laugh.

*Your husband, being the sentimental man he is- cries, cries like when you said the same thing to him the first time while he hugs his son.

*When the hugs end and the thoughts and fears leave Hashirama he can rest in peace. He no longer sees himself as someone who will be bad one day.

*And most importantly, if he ever disappears or dies, he knows that his older son will protect you and his younger brother.

Could I Have An Imagine/a Little Scenario Of Madara, Itachi, Sasuke And Hashirama Explaining To His Son

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9 months ago

Hey there! How about having the madara, hashirama and itachi's way of celebrating an anniversary with his wife as headcanons? Thank you!

Hey There! How About Having The Madara, Hashirama And Itachi's Way Of Celebrating An Anniversary With

[ 🌸 ] oh...! If I were married I would like to go to a beach to do you know what thing… that's right, I'm talking about drinking pineapple with my partner while I tell him the gossip that my grandmother told me the other day-

characters: itachi uchiha, madara uchiha, hashirama senju

genre: fluff with a touch of comedy

warnings: none, spicy parts, reader being pampered by three adult men, happy married couple


Hey There! How About Having The Madara, Hashirama And Itachi's Way Of Celebrating An Anniversary With




Itachi Uchiha

—My sweet boy.

—He sleeps a little longer than usual to enjoy the warmth of the morning by your side, even though he has a whole list of plans of what he wants to do with you. —When he feels he's had enough rest, he gets up quietly and heads to the kitchen.

—When you wake up, he brings you breakfast in bed with a smile so beautiful and bright that it makes you fall in love with him for the thousandth time.

—He gives you a shy smile if you decide to share something from your plate with him (he'll eat it, but, don't expect him not share from his own plate with you too).

—In the end, the two of you end up feeding each other while laughing like lovestruck teenagers.

—After that, he takes you to the bathroom for both of you to take a shower before starting your day.

—He is gentle as he scrubs your shoulders, back, and chest while you just sigh relaxed with his soft touches.

—Of course, he'll let you help soap up his back.

—In the end, he wraps both of you in towels before carrying you in a princess style to the bed.

—Things… happen when you get there.

—Let's just say your legs wouldn't stop trembling for a good few minutes.


—You both go out to eat at a nice place.

—While eating, Itachi's free hand plays with yours under the table.

—When your stomach is satisfied along with his, you go out holding hands and walk through the park (which was surprisingly empty) before sitting on the grass under a tree. —And now it feels like a dream to Itachi. You by his side as he feels the fresh breeze. —Your head fits like a puzzle piece on Itachi's shoulder while he wraps his arm around you, resting his head on top of yours. —You stay like that for a while until Itachi tells you he has a little surprise for you. —You’re a little surprised when he takes you to a spa. —And Shisui suddenly appears, telling him that the Hokage is calling him for an emergency. —He kisses you on the forehead before telling you he'll come back for you and to relax at the spa in the meantime, giving you some money before disappearing. —You stay there, trying not to feel too disappointed but thinking it will be quick. —When you're relaxed and your hair is styled and shiny, you're surprised to see Itachi outside the place. —Waiting for you with one of his lovely smiles along with a bouquet of flowers, as if he hadn’t left you there for two hours. —"Shall we go?" he asks, giving you his hand and the bouquet to take. —On the way home, you wonder what has him so smiley until you enter the house and find out why. —He made you dinner. —Well, it looks more like a buffet with your favorite foods combined with his. —He guides you to the table and pulls out the chair for you to sit before sitting next to you. —That's when you realize it's impossible that Itachi could have done all this by himself in such a short time. —"The Hokage didn’t call you, right?" "No, but I made you dinner." —Enjoy his food, please. —He had a great time enduring Shisui’s cheesy jokes on the way home. —When you’re both satisfied, he gives you something he’s been working on for several months as a gift. —As a gift, Itachi gave you a small book in which he wrote some poems that perfectly describe the love and affection he feels for you. —Every feeling that your words, touches, and voice evoke in him is written in its pages. —It’s a very personal and special gift for him, one that he made exclusively for you and only you, and no one else. —Please! Don't cry or he might get alarmed. —Anyway!

—At night, when you enter the hallway leading to the bedroom, you’ll see a path of petals.

You let out a soft laugh when you saw the petals on the wooden floor. Your heart was pounding hard against your chest, making you feel excited.

A small blush crept up your face as you imagined what Itachi had prepared for you. "Itachi! What is all this?"

"Another gift for the most special woman in the world," he replied with his own quiet laugh while leaving several kisses on your shoulders, as far as his position behind you allowed him to reach.

The walk to the bedroom felt relatively much shorter than it had all the previous times.

You let Itachi guide you, feeling so in love while feeling his hands over yours, caressing them with his long, cold fingers as he accompanied you.

A gasp of awe escaped you when you saw the bed. There were several petals on the bed and the floor, the window curtain was open, letting the angelic moonlight into the room, making it look ethereal and so intimate.

Your heart skipped a beat when Itachi cupped your face with such tenderness. He kissed you so gently that it almost made your knees want to give out. You smiled when you felt his hands slowly and methodically undress you.

He was definitely the man of your dreams.

Hey There! How About Having The Madara, Hashirama And Itachi's Way Of Celebrating An Anniversary With


Madara Uchiha

—Many will say that Madara is already prepared to celebrate your anniversary four days in advance.

—Well, that is half true and half false.

—Don't look at me like that, the man has been preparing since the beginning of the month.


—Don't get me started on your first anniversary (the poor guy was running around like a headless chicken since the beginning of the year. He was like that until you saw him nervous because he couldn't find a good gift for you… and there were still five months left).

—He will want to give you a special (and expensive) gift. —Although sometimes he runs out of ideas or has them but doesn't know if they are good and if you'll like them, the poor man is like: "😦, now what?"

—Sometimes he goes and asks Hashirama for suggestions (once the good man suggested for some reason that he bake a cake and bring it to you in bed as a nice surprise, he even offered to help him… it didn't go well).

—Sometimes he goes to the cemetery to talk to his brother's grave and ask for advice. He knows it's useless to ask a dead person for help, but somehow it makes him feel better and gives him more confidence with the ideas that come to his mind.

—And, in turn, it fills him with energy to continue. —Because your man may be stubborn and confident when he's on the battlefield or when he's face to face with a tailed beast, —but then you come along and weaken him, and he doesn't know what to do, aww! —Going back to before! —Girl, you hit the jackpot. —It's like it's your birthday. —He spoils you a lot, he just wants to pamper his beautiful woman (not that he doesn't do it every day, though). —He takes you to eat wherever you want and buys you whatever you want, because you know, in his words: "My wife's happiness is my happiness." —When you get back to your house, he'll ask you to stay in the room for a moment while he disappears into the bathroom. —And when he comes out with a big smile, you know he's up to something.

“What are you doing?” you asked, letting out a small breathless laugh as he held out a hand to you, which you took with amusement.

Madara smiled at the sound of your little laugh. “It’s a surprise,” he replied, looking into your eyes with love, his own body trembling with anticipation and longing at seeing the subtle playful glimmer in the rich color of your eyes.

He gently guided you towards the bathroom door while still holding your much smaller hand compared to his. Before entering, he turned to look at you, “close your eyes”

You made an ‘o’ with your mouth as you did what he had asked; to tell the truth, you were excited, very excited in fact. You heard the soft sound of the door opening and then felt the gentle warmth of the steam on your face and a smell that at first, you couldn't distinguish but had escaped when the door was opened.

A smile spread across your lips from the excitement, but you held back, not wanting to ruin the surprise your husband had prepared for you.

You quickly identified the smell, it was… lavender? A soft laugh wanted to escape you, it was your favorite and your husband’s too.

You felt his body press against yours from behind, giving you a different kind of warmth than the steam. His chest found its place pressed against your back while his strong arms wrapped around you. His chin rested perfectly on your left shoulder.

When it came to him, everything felt like a puzzle; every piece always fit in its place, your hands when you interlaced your fingers, when you both hugged or when your lips met, it felt as if the world had made you for each other.

“Open your eyes”

You did.

Your eyes opened to see several petals on the floor and on the water in the bathtub. The candles lit up the bathroom, the light was soft, giving the bathroom a special and romantic touch.

“Happy anniversary, dear,” your lover whispered before making a trail of kisses on your shoulders and back. You squeezed his arms as his hands moved over your beautiful body with the sole mission of pleasing you.

Hey There! How About Having The Madara, Hashirama And Itachi's Way Of Celebrating An Anniversary With


Hashirama Senju

—Fun guy.

—He has several gift ideas he wants to make (I feel like if Hashi-Hashi had Pinterest, he would have a board specifically for ideas to make for your anniversary).

—In fact, in modern times, I can see him making ice cream with milk and crushed cookies just because he saw it while browsing the internet looking for easy desserts to make 🥺 Hashi-Hashi solves.

—Okwy, okay, okay

—Let's get to it!

—My handsome guy will wake you up a bit early to make the most of the day (he managed to escape after signing all the papers the day before and somehow left his younger brother in charge of the Hokage Tower).

—Also, he is somewhat excited and nervous about what you will say when you see his wedding anniversary gift. I mean, he spent a few months making it with such care that he fears something might go wrong.

—He insists on making you breakfast as a reward for all the times you have kindly made and prepared food for him when he has to go to work.

—But it doesn't turn out so well, you know?

—Poor thing, my boy 😭.

—Please avoid the burnt part of the egg and the overly toasted side of the bread. He did what he could 😭✨.

—After eating, you both wash the dishes (you insist on helping him after the last time you let him wash the dishes alone, he managed to break a cup… and it didn't even fall to the floor to begin with, you are still trying to figure out how he managed to break it).

—After that, you both stayed on the porch enjoying each other's presence until lunchtime.

—He will take you to the forest for a picnic lunch in nature ✨ The guy has some ideas.

—He will lean on your shoulder while nibbling on his ham sandwich (he leaves some crumbs on you, although he removes them afterward).

—After eating, he will ask for permission to lie on your thighs, he simply loves the feeling of being with you.

—You both stay talking for a while as you gently run your hands through his hair, relieving all the accumulated stress he has from his job.

—Sometimes, the leaders of other villages drain all his energy, but he keeps going, for you and for all his people!

—After that, he takes you to another place.

—He looks nervous yet excited. When you reach a part of the forest, he is practically smiling from ear to ear.

“Close your eyes”

“Why?” you asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.

“Just do it, I promise you won't regret it”

You smiled. Although you were nervous, you trusted your husband— whatever he was planning in that head of his.

You felt his rough hands gently taking yours to start guiding you. Some giggles escaped you when you heard him nervously trying to guide you and tell you not to trip over a rock.

Although, to be honest… you didn't feel as many leaves under your feet— could it be that Hashirama had cleaned the path you were now walking on?

Your heart bubbled at the thought of your husband trying to keep the path clean and perfect for you, and suddenly you understood why Tobirama was sometimes alone in the Hokage Tower and seemed a bit nervous when you asked about your husband's whereabouts.

A laugh threatened to escape your throat, but fortunately, you held it back. Both brothers were terrible liars, maybe it was in their genetics.

“We're here, darling,” Hashirama said excitedly. You could practically feel him bouncing a little with excitement, like an impatient child wanting to show something he was proud of.

“Alright… open your eyes”

You opened them only to marvel at the variety of vibrant colors dazzling your sight.

In front of you was a landscape with several flowers of different shades and colors. The soft scent that filled your lungs made you sigh with pleasure, freeing your mind. You vaguely wondered how you hadn't noticed the smell of the flowers before; maybe you were so focused in your mind that you didn't pay attention to it.

The gentle squeeze of Hashirama's hand softly brought you out of your thoughts. The sun was beginning to set, and the sky was tinted with various colors, which only added to the beauty of the landscape before you.

“Shall we?” your husband asked, excited to show you around.

Your eyes shone, “Yes...”

And if you both did something else that afternoon, well, that would stay between you two and the flowers surrounding you.

Hey There! How About Having The Madara, Hashirama And Itachi's Way Of Celebrating An Anniversary With

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