16 posts
Zombiec4ke - IM YOUR CH-CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! - Tumblr Blog
Hello, me again I'm not requesting wheatley (as much as I love him) i'm requesting some Steve Randle x any prns reader; maybe something with Steve and Y/N being friends but then sodapop comes around and kinda takes Steve away? I'm not very good at explaining things sorry (also can I be '🍨' anon?)
A/N: Sure!! I really like writing stuff but I never know how to end it so sorry if ending sucks.. Warnings: None I can think of, just swears
Summary: Steves your best friends but Soda's his.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~you and Steve have been friends since forever, maybe before you two could even talk; his Mom knew your Mom so you two got to spend time with each other a lot.... Until about 2nd grade and Steve met Sodapop. since then they were inseparable Now don't get me wrong you arn't very jealous...at least you tried not to be jealous.... Its just it got pretty annoying being the 3rd wheel take today for an instance. It was a nice cool october evening and you had an idea to go to the movies! excitedly you asked Steve if he wanted to come with and almost immediately.... He asked the question.... "Can soda also come?" "…W-well i was just thinking me and y-" you stopped as Steve gave you puppy dog and you let out a long sigh before looking down and kicking some gravel "Sure…Sodapop can come too…" "Awsome!" Steve says and immediately running into the DX to grab soda -At the movies- as you enter the theater the three of you take a seat in the back; Steve in the middle, Soda and you beside him. Soon the movie starts and it turns quiet only the occasional sound of a couple whispering to each other
The movie is just some cheesy action flick and halfway through Steve whispers something to soda and they both stand up to 'go to the bathroom' they never came back… you got concerned near the end of the movie and you stand up quietly to look for the two of them (mostly for Steve) you quickly find them leaning against a nearby wall taking drags they don't seem to notice you before you speak up "Hey, what's the big idea ditching me like that?" you ask kinda pissed while approaching the two of them they glance over at you. the smell of tobacco lingers in the air and they don't seem fazed they just left you in a theater alone.
but Steve just takes a long drag from his cigarette and exhales slowly, the smoke curling around him he rolls his eyes while saying "Relax, dude," he starts "We just needed some fresh air. Soda and I were getting bored anyway. This movie sucks ass." "But what about me?" you state pissed "What about you?" he repeats "You're fine!" Steve scoffs, flicking his cigarette butt to the ground. "You're not a little kid. You can handle being alone for a few minutes." "Its not just that…its-" you stop midway noticing steve isn't even listening so you just flip him off and run home feeling tears prick the corners of your eyes "What were you saying y/n-...y/n??" he asks looking around for you but you're long gone
and I mean long ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: Hope you like it '🍨' Anon! I tried my best sorry if its short I legit cant write anything long
THIS LITTLE SHIT HEAD BROKE MY ZIPPER >:( (btw ty @angrydoritoentity for making him for me love ya <3) Context: My friend made a bill keychain for me and when I put it on my bag it was fine but half way through the school day my zipper RIPPED, "oH itS juST a cOiNcideNcE" but that's where you're wrong! I have no scientific proof on this theory but y'all have to believe me on this

Never would've guessed I would be up at 5am watching a word girl movie....
if y/n doesn't get with the nurse/nurse idk who the woman is tbh- Im throwing a fit /j
Summary: A little bit over 2 weeks have passed since you‘ve been declared as innocent- still needing to recover. The task force is devastated- doctor not letting them see you- and even though you are finally safe and endured torture from everyone of them- your own mind decides to torture you once more- you can just hope it was the last time…
Platonic Task Force 141! x Fem!Reader (Simon Ghost Riley x Fem!Reader)
a/n: .. laswell has some explaining to do- i wrote half of this in the hospital so yeah it kinda influenced me…
Warnings: Medicine; Surgery; Amputation; not proof read (Like always but you already know the drill!) panic attacks; shadows- mind playing tricks on you/hallucination- needles??(IV)
genre: ANGST?
+ 2,1k
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 /
(i should hate this man but look at him 🫠👇)

It was painfully silent in the hallway.
Only sound being the Clattering from the closed door- muffled voices hastily talking- panic making itself clear. Instructions from a louder voice- murmuring noises mixing together like smudged paint- not knowing where one colour begins and the other ends.
Where one voice sighs and the other curses in stress
Johnny took a deep, shaky breath. Sterilized air filling his lungs- shutting his eyes while burrying his face into his scarred hands- elbows resting on his knees as he sat there completly silently. Listening to the stressed doctors and feeling painfully sick to his stomach.
Sweat formed on his face- wiping it away, wanting to get all that shame off of him as well. Of course it did not work. Gulping hard. His foot anxiously tapped onto the white tiles under the Scott‘s shoes- Lips sticking together when he closed his mouth- feeling like it got glued shut.
Panic washed over him. Everything he did-
Everything he accused you off.
He took another sharp breath- feeling like he was dying- worry eating him alive- clawing at his lungs- ripping them open. Hands trembling slightly- eyes fixated onto his shoe. Sharp claws poking through his heart- a throbbing sensation making its way through his ribcage.
Price softly patted the younger mans back- the Captain's gaze hollowly fixated onto the glass door- watching how the doctors hastily pumped you full with medication- memories of your strangled cries never leaving his mind- brain yelling at him
Gaz looked awful- hands wiping at his eyes every few seconds- wiping the batch of tears away that threatened to fall- shoulders trembling- head hanging low- not wanting to let anybody see his desperate tears.
Not allowing him to sob- salty liquid silently running down his brown skin- biting his lips till they bled- red and swollen, praying in his mind that you would be alright.
Shortly looking at Simon's devestated figure. Hands of that unshakable man trembling like a leaf in the wind. Jaw clenching and unclenching- eyes sunken and filled with self hatred. Zoned off- not noticing the state of the others as he sat there like a little boy.
maybe he was.
The click of the door and sigh from the doctor was the only thing that got Simon out of his trance. Croaking out a pathetic "how is she?" voice barely a whisper- neverthless echoing through the silent hallway.
The doctor looked divelished as well. Hair messily tied together- eyes showing early signs of exhaustion. She took a breath- taking her glasses and placing them on top of her head- catching the unruly hair on the way.
"She will make it" the doctor responded with a sigh- hearing Gaz's relieved cry of happiness, covering his face with his hands like a silent prayer. The woman spoke again. "We had to amputate 2 of her fingers because of severe hypothermia and poor blood circulation." the woman explained- flipping some pages of her clipboard- pen guiding her as she read off of some paper that probably listed all your injuries.
Soap took a sharp breath- feeling so sick now that he knew his stress position made you loose your fingers.
Fuck fuck fuck. It wasn‘t meant to turn out to be like that.
"We were lucky the stab wounds did not inflame to a serious degree- she could keep her leg" the woman said- giving the men a dirty glance. "She has a serious concussion as well as a broken nose, ribs, blind on one eye" she stated dryly. Still not at the bottom of her list.
"blind?" Simon interrupted her with a regretful look- brows pinched together with fear- his skin colour poking through the black paint around his eyes- secret tears he cried making it dissolve at some areas.
The lady only hummed- holding a little personal grudge against these four men. "Blood loss, as well as missing teeth, severe burns- and trauma" she finished her list. letting the clipboard fall to her side with a sigh.
"Can we visit her?" Soap choked out- already knowing the answer.
"of course not" .
A stinging you didn't even felt- still making your eyes narrow shortly at the sensation, needle prickling your skin before trained fingers quickly put some bandaids on your scarred flesh- burn marks finally healing slighty.
Still looking ugly and wrinkled in the end.
Dark Dots adorned your arms- a deep shade of brown and red- looking disgusting- like skin that got ripped off and smudged with dirt. Wrinkling together in itself- trying to heal, but to no avail.
The doctor shot you an apologetic glance as she noticed your discomfort- fingers softly patting your arm after she set your IV-
Not checking the clear fluid in the bag before grabbing the glasses that sat on top of her head- pushing them deeper into her face with her index finger- unruly hair that got out of place during the motion, swiftly pushed back with the other hand.
You looked up at her. Neck craned slightly- not having anything else to look at. The Hospital tract was an area you never really liked. To plain- everything was clean- but too clean, making you not feel cozy in the slightest.
White tiles- White walls- white lights- white sheets- everything looked the same. Eyes now roaming through the well lit room- A familiar figure stood before the door- him. You stopped breathing for a second. He was always there.
For the last 2 weeks he never left. Always sitting there as if he was death that waited for you to fall into his arms. Never asking to see you- huge figure slumped into that chair- only leaving when the doctor shooed him away, but returning the day after like clockwork.
"Do you want me to shush him away?" the doctor asked- her hands on her hips- scowl on her pretty lips as she saw what you were looking at. You let out a dissaproving hum- "let him be- he never talks to me anyway"
let him hurt
you muttered- voice feeling coarse after the little talking you did since arriving here.
Hands coming up to your face to scratch the area around your eye- the fabric of the medical eyepatch making it tingle uncomfortably.
Fingers quickly coming to a halt as the doc tutted- grabbing your hands to push them back down- "Don't- gets worse that way" she grumbled- pushing the sticky edges of the patch down softly- checking if it got loose somewhere.
You rolled your open eye "I believe it can't get worse, doc" you smiled with a sarcastic tone- getting shut up by her rambling about a prosthetic eye- Eye not itching anymore as if magic happened.
She chuckled at that- brown locks gently bobbing up and down while walking to her suplies- thick soles of her shoes clinking against the tiles- not crossing the room before shooting a glance at Ghost that sat in the hallway like a statue- window in the door making it possible.
she sighed. "You really don't want me to- don't tell the higher ups this- but, cut his dick off?" she asked while turning around- thumb pointing over her shoulder to Ghost's miserable form.
You chuckled- feeling safe since a long time, warmness surrounding your chest when the doctor was near- always making sure you took care of yourself.
"I'll handle it, don't worry" you smiled- painting a sad smile on her lips. You were going to handle it.
And it was going to be a motherfucking feast.
"Oh! before i forget it!" she said, breaking the awkward silence- quickly rummaging through her papers before fishing out a neat looking envelope- your name adorning it in elegant lettering.
"you can throw that away with the others" you said- voice now having a sour tint in it- fists clenching at the thought of Price's endless letters he sent you almost daily. You never read a single one of them- straight sending them into the trash when the doc bought them with her.
"It's not from him" she just said- looking at the letter herself while walking over to you- inspecting the front and the back, not noticing your confused face.
"It's from Kate..?" she said with a suprised look. "A friend of yours?" she asked while handing you the letter.
was she still a friend?
"I think so?" you breathed out- palms getting sweaty out of the sudden- blood rushing through your head- trembling fingers ripping open the envelope- not caring to do it the correct way.
Gaze shortly flickering to your left hand- only three fingers- a stump where Pinky and Ring finger should be.
Skin still a little bit red- not quite healed. Pushing the sick feeling into the back of your head- quickly beginning to unfold the paper
This Letter could clarify some things. A lot of things.
Heart nearly thumping out of your chest- not knowing what this piece of inked paper could contain. Nothing or Everything
The Doctor stood next to you- leaning onto the wall- giving you a little bit space, but neverthless wanting to know what the Letter was about.
Your name adorned the first line of the letter.
"Come talk to me- we have a lot to discuss- Kate Laswell" you huffed- letter falling down into your lap with your hands. Frown stretched over your face.
"Thats all?“
„Thats fucking all?"
you yelled at the letter voice rising after every word- sides of the paper crumbling in between your fingers- not believing that was all she way saying. Anger boiling in your body- rippling through every fibre, every tissue- not wanting to be not angry right now.
you had every right to be fucking mad.
"How about an 'I am so sorry my dear to have almost killed you, because i am that fucking stupid to get some information from point A to point B- but hey! I hope you can forgive me'" you said to yourself with a furious laugh- beeping of the monitor next to you getting louder after each second.
Doctor softly saying your name- voice going under in your thoughts- feeling hurt.
Not even a god damn apology?
Jaw clenching- thoughts appearing in your mind- everything going black around you- The doctor was gone. Only you and that stupid Letter- beeping getting too loud to cross out.
Like a nightmare- building up and drilling holes in your skull- "Stop!" you yelled- anxious out of the sudden- not liking the darkness mixed with the sound- „Fuckin’ stop“ you yelled in fear- shadows creeping nearer and nearer coldness coming with it but body beginning to sweat anyway- liquid forming at your hairline- hairs sticking to the back of your head in a sickening manner.
Breathing getting quicker and quicker- feeling like you couldn't breathe- drowning on land again. Fish out of the water- gasping for life while having no way to help itself.
Shutting your eyes in pain- lungs cramping- making it harder to breathe- the needle that stuck in your arm overwhelming you- memories flashing behind your eyes- quickly rubbing the skin raw, where the needle poked through your flesh- trying to get it off as fast as possible-
Fingers digging under the sticky part of the bandaid- ripping the whole IV out of your tender skin with a harsh pull. Blood prickling out of the wound at the way you ripped your skin open a tiny bit- stinging like hell but better than having that stuck in your arm
Invisible hands pushing you into the shadows almost immediately after- chants of your name- voices you didn't knew- tears flowing free as the ringing from the monitor became to much- breaking down, crying in the shadows, shivering from the loss of air in your body.
Hands made of shadows pushing you down even more- eyes widdening in fear- trying to push them away with desperate cries- failing as more and more apeared. "get away from me!" you weeped- "i don't want to feel like this anymore" your voice broke inbetween strangled cries-
Feeling how vomit made its way up your throat- having no way to swallow the sour mixture back down- spilling everthing over yourself- vomitting out of fear- feeling so hopeless, "I am going to die." you cried to yourself between gag noises- spit and vomit slowly trickling down your mouth- pooling in your lap. Saliva turning watery- more tears brimming in your eyes at the painfully feeling. Darkness completly surrounding you.
"You are not going to die, did you fucking hear me".
!please do reblog!
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if i forgot you- tell me asap!!! I didn't intend to leave you out T-T !!but please check twice- sometimes you cannot find your user that easily <3!!
Hey there, I saw that you were writing wheatly, and I was wondering if you could write ADHD reader and wheatly? I'm fine with gn, but I prefer fem, but whatever is the easiest for you! Or you can write anything! Sorry for rambling. This is my first time asking for a request(?)!-📀
a/n: My 2nd request yippeee!!!! sorry if I didn't write/describe ADHD right; everyone is different in how they act with it. Also Y/N's pronouns aren't really mentioned in this warnings: none....I think? also it takes place when Wheatleys working at the facility (I haven't played games just watched playthrough so my apologies for any mistakes in lore) also it isn't mentioned straight up that y/n has ADHD but..yeah- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wheatley's single blue flickered to life as he received the message from his boss, GLaDOS. he hummed as he read the contents. Seems like a new human signed up to work here. The core scrolled through their emails, finding the newest employee's name. 'Y/N L/N' Seems like a nice name he thought to himself turning to the door waiting for the new arrival 'patiently' (he was spinning in circles the whole time bored out of his circuit board-) finally after HOURS (10 mins) He heard the door open and closed, turning his optic-eye to the source. A young human with h/c hair and an air of nervous but at the same time energetic energy. Wheatley's optic-eye taking in the fidgeting. "Ah, Y/N? I'm Wheatley, the head of the human department. Nice to meet you." He said short and sweet, wanting to say more but knowing GLaDOS would surely turn him into robo parts so he chooses to keep it short. the human looked up at Wheatley, blinking a few times as they tried to focus on what he was saying, "Oh, hi Wheatley! I'm Y/N...well you already know that but-...It's nice to meet you too....so do I just… start working now orrrrr?" They fidgeted a bit more, their hands rubbing nervously on their pants.
Wheatley's optic-eye flickered in understanding, "Of course Mate! You'll be going through the usual orientation, then GLaDOS will assign you a task. I'll show you the ropes." He said rolling in front of the human. "You're quite lively, aren't you? It's quite a refreshing change from the usual subjects we get in here...always so borinnnggg..." He commented, spinning in a circle as they both walked to the office- place-thing idk- Y/N followed Wheatley, "Oh, uh, thanks? I guess I'm just really excited to be here, I've researched so much….maybe too much- about Aperture Science and I'm glad to finally be here!" They continued to fidget, their hands now in their pockets as they tried to keep them still. Wheatley took note of that. "And here we are Mate! You can take a seat at a desk that GLaDOS told you was yours and you're good to go." Y/N nodded and plopped down on her seat getting to work not knowing that just by breathing they now has a needy robot's attention time skip You two get married and yap together forever /j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a/n:...Idk this is honestly a shitpost and I should've waited till I wasn't burnt out because of school but...here ya go! hope you like it even though its dog doodo, might re-write this tbh or add part 2

Reblog if this sight on your blog makes you smile and you would like your followers to talk to you more.

Reblog if this sight on your blog makes you smile and you would like your followers to talk to you more.
hello, this is my first time requesting something ever but could you do a wheatley x gn reader? like maybe where the reader finds him a dumpster after the stuff that happens in portal? maybe just some fluff and wheatley being a needy boi
A/N: OMG MY FIRST REQUEST YIPPEE :D Warnings: nothing besides some swears, toothroting fluff, and wheatley being a drama king

Since the day you stumbled upon Wheatley in that dumpster and, for sheer lack of anything better to do, deciding to give him a better chance at life (you repaired him) life with him has become....rather...strange? Wheatley never shuts up and it often irritates you since you're the quiet type. But even then Wheatley really likes you despite everything, and your presence is everything to him. The adorable little robot does everything to get your attention and that's honestly cute. but not how he sometimes tries to get your attention ...like this time.... "Hey, hey! y/n," Wheatley's sphere body rolls until it reaches your feet "Hey, Mate look at me, look at me, look at meeee!" Wheatley says while slamming his spherical body against your leg...'thats definitely going to leave a bruise....' you say to yourself you sigh deeply putting down your sandwich you were making and you look down to see what wheatley wants to show you this time "Oh, thank splendid! You're finally paying attention to me." Wheatley says his single blue eye 'winks'. "Look, I've been working on this, a little project of mine. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread, or maybe even better." Wheatley says his body rolling back, revealing a small pile of what appears to be Lego blocks, hastily assembled into a crude, almost…wall? like shape. "what…is it if I may ask…?" you ask with an eyebrow raise wondering how did he even make it in the first place…he's just a..sphere…? "Well, it's a… a… divider, of course! You see, it's a way to separate your space from mine. I' know you've been saying you want some privacy, so I thought, 'Why not?'" Wheatley says doing a little spin "It's brilliant, right? I mean, look at the mastery, the workmanship, the sheer genius behind this. It's a stroke of brilliance, isn't it?" The little robot gestures with his eye, trying to sell the idea, even though it's a bit of an eyesore. The Lego creation is hardly a thing of beauty, but it's the thought that counts, right? And, well, y/n, you have to admit, it's something. He's trying to make your home a better place for both of you, in his own, clumsy way. "I'm more impressed how you managed to build this without hands" you say slightly chuckling "Oh, that's easy, mate. I just roll over the pieces, you know, one by one. It's simple. And then I just… push them together with my sphere-ness. It's all about force and momentum. I'm quite the multitasker, if I do say so myself." Wheatley's eye sparkles with pride, as if he's just solved the world's energy crisis with his little Lego creation. The truth is, he's just happy that he made something, and even happier that you're looking at it. "So, what do you think? Do I get a pat on the back, or am I just a moron who can't even build a wall properly?" He tilts enthusiastically It's obvious he's trying to impress you, and even if it's a bit misguided, you can't help but smile at his efforts. you smile and pick up wheatley and give him a boop on his not-a-nose-noseish-area (idk what to call it lmao-) "you did good buddy, I love it" as you give him a boop wheatley sputters before getting the human equivalent to an adrenaline boost and he speeds around your legs going in circles "Splendid!! I knew you would love it!!" you cant help but smile at this and you pick up your sandwich "Thanks again Wheatley, Ima finish making a sandwich and you can continue working on your divider" ""Enjoy your sandwich, y/n! I'll keep working on this masterpiece. I'll make sure it's up to your standards." And with that, Wheatley returns to his Lego creation, rolling back and forth, adding more blocks to his wall. and you while you make your sandwich you can't help but let your mind wander that this whole thing kinda weird…I mean come on…your only friend being a robot you found in the dumpster…you mom always said you would end up a lonely outcast…but you never thought you would be this lonely…
But then again you gives a fuck in this society, you yourself is happy so go fuck whoever tells you otherwise. all you need in life is your sphere robot buddy even though sometimes hes an idiot and set your house on fire one time.... *cough* but that's another story....

A/N: I really hope you like it!! I did my best, dont be shy to send in more requests :D
Pressure oc
chat do with fw my pressure oc? (sorry for the dog water quality my camera is worse than bank security cameras)

Bio ig Name: Cealia Roberts Age: 22 Height: 7'2'' eye color: yellow skin color: grayish blue Random: over uses 'your mom' jokes jail for: stealing stuff (not falsely accused lol-) DNA: eel and sea bunny Hope you like her :3 again sorry for bad quality
hello Carl

Can't take my eyes off you....(Part 1)
eyefestation x hard of seeing reader... summary (I suck at making these): as you were charged of a crime that you didn't do you were sent to ###### high security prison on a death row, but you were given a chance to live free of charge if you retrieved a crystal. How was you supposed to know that it would be better to just die? warnings: some swears here and there nothing too bad...yet...
a/n: uhhh so yeah...I made it...yippe?

(Ps y/n is hard of seeing in this fic, not entirely blind they have glasses but without their glasses they're as good as blind, also gn pronouns)
you are an inmate of ###### high security prison..
your crimes are irrelevant.
whether or not you were falsely charged is irrelevant.
you have served 93 days of your # year sentence.
Today, three men from Urbanshade Corporation, being escorted by heavily armed guards, arrived at the prison.
They were searching for volunteers to help them retrieve a crystal of sorts, a highly important asset they were unable to secure during a major security breach in one of their facilities.
they stated the risk of death was high but whoever could retrieve the asset return to them would be pardoned release with cleared record and receive ##### in cash
many of your fellow inmates signed up....
you signed up as well
you are expendable....
You are not expected to return...

the submarine hummed softly in the depths, the sound echoing throughout its small surface area
you were the only inmate on the sub, the others....well, uh let's just say they couldn't make it.
So the sub was eerily quiet without the usual chatter and arguing from your cellmates. You leaned your head on the wall letting the cold metal cool the back of your head.
The sub began to ascend, and soon enough it came to a stop, and you heard the creak of a hatch opening, you lifted your head off the wall and headed to the open hatch
as you stepped onto the concrete (?) floor you heard a man from urbshade on a speaker talk about retrieving the crystal blah blah blah ect you didn't really care to listen to the low quality pre recorded message.
you crouched under some boxes and got a key card that goes to the first door and made your way to insert the key card, when a 'click' noise is heard the doors open and shows a room that is very plain besides a few drawers here and there. you walked across the room to door 2.
the next 10 doors nothing really happened...unless you count spending 10 minutes trying to find a damn key card then stuff happened.
door 12 opened to show a hallway like any other but what was different was that the lights started flickering...that confused you, at first you just thought it was electrical problems but then you heard a high pitch scream so you dove in a locker just in time before a...how do you even describe that horrible monster you saw go past from the crack of the locker....
After the coast was clear you walked out the locker and tried to steady your queasy legs that felt like they were going to give out any second...
"What the hell was that...?" you mumble to yourself even though there was no one there besides yourself and maybe 5 cameras pointed at you from all angles
the next 5 doors were the same as through the occasional flicker of lights, although you found the monster to be a bit easier to hide from the more you met it.
it felt weird calling it an 'it' but you didn't want to call it a he if it's actually a she but then again maybe it's nonbinary...do monsters even have genders?!...*cough* ok enough rambling...
*30 doors later ig; I'm already tired and I don't think you wanna hear me talking about going through more doors*
you stood in front of room 47...you felt tired and hungry...when was the last time you ate? slept?? (it's only been 7 hours)
if the monsters didn't kill you then the exhaustion sure will...you took in a deep breath and put the key card in waiting a bit before the door opened annnnddd..
Pitch. Fucking Black.
You sure are glad you found a lantern! Surely there are no monsters that hate light and will hurt you if you flash them with light!
so rather than trying you go through the door just straight through without needing a light you choose to use a your lantern, luck be told there was a damn Squiddle and it lunged at you knocking your glasses off your face
"fuck" you hissed under your breath as you took a step back not noticing you stepped on your glasses until you hear the crunch of glass
"goddammit..." you say as you try and see but the world is a blurry mess...also you're still in the dark-
well this is gonna be fun... a/n: sorry if it's not long I'm going to make a part 2 where stuff really happens so think of this as a prologue or smth like that
eyefestation x hard of seeing reading is currently in the process in being made so buckle up
me in the middle of the night putting random stuff in the box on thisisnotawebsitedotcom because I wanna be the first to find some new crazy lore or smth:

Ok here me out...eyefestation x blind/hard of seeing reader
"Hey bitch where you at?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
👾 ✮ Zombie's 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘 🎀🧪
🌈.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝙰𝚐𝚎: 18 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛: Female 🩹 .𖥔 ݁ ˖ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ {📀 ₊ ⊹} 𝙿𝚛𝚘/𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜: she/her 𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: cupioromantic{₊ ⊹⭐} *ੈ✩‧₊˚ _୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
⚝ {𝙵𝚊𝚟 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚣 ! } ⚝
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚛[𝚣]: Pink and green🩸| '. 🦇 ✰ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝚈𝚝𝚞𝚋𝚎𝚛[𝚣]: Sam and colby, call me Kris, Laurenzside, '୧ ‧₊˚ 🧷 ⋅ ☆ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ R𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖: I have 5 siblings and I have never gotten a bloody nose ₊‧꒰ა 🐾 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
𝚂𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚎/𝙰𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌: Like fuck do I know (I have like 10) _ .'🎮₊˚﹟🕷 ˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fandoms I write for :D
Call of duty
Ride the cyclone
heathers (movie and musical)
Wendel and Wild
Murder drones
Hazbin hotel
Roblox Pressure The owl house The property of hate
Lacey Games Gravity Falls
Nevermore (the webtoon) Marionetta
Dandys world Creepypasta
Marble Hornets Portals 2 IHNMAIMS
What I do write :P
hurt/comfort Plationic Maybe some gore? idk
song fics
What I will NOT write >:(
weird kinks (Idk why ppl like that kind of stuff tbh)
large age gaps
child x adult (not platonic) Just basically no weird stuff I may be an adult but it still makes me very uncomfy
----------------- Anyways! It was nice talking to you and I hope y'all leave a request soon!! 👾🌈૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr!^_< -★