Doodles Of Drayton With His Fill Them Up Outfit And Maria
Doodles of Drayton with his fill them up outfit and Maria

I’m thinking of buying Cooks new outfit but idk
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More Posts from Zombiehearts2007
Can we get more general Sawyer headcanons? Like how they are with each other behind closed doors, quirks about them? Maybe explain how you think their identities developed outside of Grandpa's influence
This is my first ever writing ask so I hope it turns out alright!
Chop Top
Helps Bubba with the makeup on his mask and suggests trying different looks and styles
Would LOVE to dress his siblings up to make them match him but if they didn’t agree *ahem* Drayton *ahem* then he would try to dress them in anything that matches their aesthetic. Example of what he would like to think Drayton would wear (businesslike but classy think I’ll draw him in his later)

If the radio is all static or the batteries die out then he would gladly love to sing all requested tunes at the top of his lungs, filling up the entire house with song!
Now for outside of grandpas influence he likely developed a love for singing from his mom (I’ve seen this headcanon around and it’s really sweet) and he likely would also sing to his comrades when he was in Nam as well whenever they got bored and there was nothing to do
When he was little he stole his family members clothes and tried them on for himself mismatching everything and sometimes making them a bit more “interesting” (painting on them or sewing random bits to them)
Is practically attached at the hip to his twin Nubbins and likely always goes with him wherever he goes but when he can’t come along he’ll get all jittery and pick at himself (such as his head, nails, or scabs)
Gives really strong hugs and loves touching people to show affection since his mom and grandma did the same with him
Wrestled a lot with Nubbins when they were kids and still does it now if Nubs touches his stuff or flicks his plate with his fingers
Drayton taught him how to drive but he would drive recklessly and would practically give Drayton a heart attack and even now refuses to drive with him (bro literally drove backwards on the highway in tcm2 who wouldn’t be scared smh)
His mom taught him and his brothers how to sew and encouraged his strange habits of collecting roadkill and making accessories out of them since it made him happy and allowed him to focus all that extra energy on something productive
However he probably collects other little things he finds on the road such as coins, trinkets, or rocks that he finds interesting and will proudly show them off to the family but Drayton is only ever interested if it’s coins smh while Chop and Bubba are always ecstatic when he finds something
Chop probably tries taking his things and a fist fight would ensue causing whatever object they were fighting over to be taken away by Drayton and he retaliates by taking Drayton and Chops stuff leading to a broom beating
Bugs Drayton all the time and pokes at him during the worst times such as when he’s cleaning or cooking and makes fun of him whenever he gets the chance
Chews on animal or human bones when he gets bored
Has gotten almost hit or actually hit by cars multiple times since he would just jump out in front of them smh
Tries to get Bubba to be more outgoing and is always saying how there’s more to life outside of the house
Has gotten sunburned multiple times (Chop will slap the burned parts and then they fight)
Feels under appreciated most of the time by the twins and openly complains about it but they just make fun of him for it (mainly Nubbins) but Bubba is grateful for him which makes him feel just slightly better about it
Only responsible one in the family besides maybe Bubba and is in charge of the finances since he is the only one with an actual job causing him to be constantly worried about their finances which is a habit that he picked up from his dad
Since he was the only child for so long he was very spoiled and likely got used to getting whatever he wanted which is why he gets so upset when nobody listens to him or does their job right
Doesn’t take pleasure in killing animals which is why he chose not to work at the slaughterhouse (he doesn’t like killing and clearly states it in tcm 1974)
Taps his fingers when he’s bored and makes the tapping match along with a song he’s thinking about
Sings when he’s alone but if the twins catch him Chop will pester him to sing along with him and Nubbins will tease him about it to no end
When he was WAY younger he would play and wrestle with the twins and Bubba but he can’t anymore since he’s much older than them and has joint pain and gets frustrated by it easily
Didn’t and still doesn’t have many friends going back to when he was young and prefers to be by himself or with his family members since their the only ones he truly knows and cares about
Just wants what’s best for his family which is why he worries about them when he’s not around and why he’s so hard on them
Accidentally burned himself cooking a couple of times but refuses to admit it out of pride
Helps Drayton with his bow ties since he has trouble and his fingers hurt sometimes
Helps Nubbins with his little projects such as stringing bones together or sewing pieces of victims together
Helps Chop sew parts of his clothes and will hum along when Chop is singing one of his usual songs
Whenever he accidentally cuts himself when working Drayton will mainly be the one to help patch him up since he’s older and more experienced
When people would mock him when he was little his twins brothers would beat them up even if it was only a minor insult
I like to think that someone else in his family (probably grandpa) also can’t really form sentences and only grunts or hums which is why his family accepts him and doesn’t admonish him for not being able to talk and why he has such a close relationship with grandpa
When he was born the twins were a bit jealous of him but over time came to accept and love their little brother after Drayton explained to them that their little brother would need them when he was older
His grandmother taught him about makeup when he got into his moms when she was away and although his mom was at first concerned she realized he was quite good with makeup and would often have him help her put it on her face when she was going out or just wanting to look pretty
Wears a mask since it helps him to feel less shy and even though his family thinks he looks fine as long as he’s happy then they won’t bother him about it
I found a monster high gen 1 doll at work!!!!!!!

I love my job!!!!!!
What is it with me and horror movies with cannibalism
TW for assault mention!!!!!
Had the worst fucking day at work. Was just putting clothes and other stuff anyway when this guy who assault and told everyone i was a slut came into my work today. I just hide in the backroom and i couldn't stop crying.
I move school, delete my old social media accounts and he still somehow finds me. I called my sister and she pick me up early and i just came out of the covers. I'm scared to go outside, just when i thought i started healing and getting over it i see him and i cry so hard i almost throw up right in front of my manger.
She must think i pathetic.
I'm going to see a therapist soon so i am getting help i just need to dump all my thoughts somewhere. Agian i'm getting help and i engoure you do too if anything i said trigger you. Please rember your not alone and that it's your fault. There's people there.