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The Doctor & The Detective
“Sherlock Holmes is a human trying to be a god. Doctor Who is a god trying to be human.” –Steven Moffat”
I may or may not have spent two hours on this. lol, who needs a social life anyways
Holy shit i am in love with the thirteenth doctor she is my wife now.
What is one character that you will never move on from? I’ll go first:
Anytime some side character kisses the doctor a little piece of whatever is left of my soul slowly dies and goes to hell.
Doctor who is a flurry of emotions, one moment you are laughing at something ridiculous happening, and then suddenly you are crying over your favorite character dying. I love it.
Rose Tyler was my bisexual awakening. That’s it.
Doctor who is amazing and wonderful. But there are times when I miss them. It doesn’t matter who. I just miss them.
You know what I need? MORE OF WERWOLF ROSE TYLER!! There isn’t enough of that God level trope, and I love it. Doesn’t matter which Doctor it’s with, or how she got turned, but as long as she’s a werwolf I can’t get enough of it. GIVE ME TIMEPETALS WERWOLF AU
Some Timepetal texts because everyone needs more Timepetals in their lives (pt 1)

Pt 2 to my Timepetals texts

Okay, hear me out here. I just recently watched Wall-e cause it’s the best, and I was thinking: Wall-e as Ten and Eve as Rose. I cannot draw at all so if someone would take their time to draw something like that, like humanized Wall-e and Eve as Rose and Ten I swear I would be the most grateful person on the planet.