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2 years ago

okay, hear me out here. a werewolf Rose Tyler AU where she got turned, by force, doesn’t matter by who. Could be by Jimmy Stone, could be by Fenric, could be by anybody. But she does, and she’s running from this person, and she runs into the TARDIS(who just lets her because we all know the TARDIS loves Rose in any AU or story) at the time the First Doctor is traveling with Ian, Susan, and Barbara. Now, in this AU let’s just say that werewolves either live forever, a very long time, or can choose their lifespan to match their mate. It depends on which type of subspecies Rose is, and in this AU she would be the third, the type that has an average human lifespan unless bonded to a different species with a longer lifespan, but they can shift when they choose. (the other ones are different) And, Rose’s mind, being recently turned, in complete chaos, and scared shitless, makes a sort of bond with the first telepathic being that steps in the TARDIS, that being being the Doctor. Her lifespan now matched to his, she sticks around for all of his regenerations, and they learn to love each other by the time it’s his first one. Just an idea, but an interesting one nonetheless.

You know what I need? MORE OF WERWOLF ROSE TYLER!! There isn’t enough of that God level trope, and I love it. Doesn’t matter which Doctor it’s with, or how she got turned, but as long as she’s a werwolf I can’t get enough of it. GIVE ME TIMEPETALS WERWOLF AU

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: First Doctor/Rose Tyler, First Doctor & Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton & First Doctor & Susan Foreman & Barbara Wright, Ian Chesterton & First Doctor, First Doctor & Barbara Wright, Ian Chesterton & First Doctor & Barbara Wright, Ian Chesterton & Rose Tyler & Barbara Wright, Ian Chesterton/Barbara Wright, Ian Chesterton & Rose Tyler, Susan Foreman & Rose Tyler, Susan Foreman/Original Female Character, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Rose Tyler, The Doctor & Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton & Barbara Wright, Rose Tyler & Barbara Wright Characters: Rose Tyler, Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, Susan Foreman, First Doctor (Doctor Who), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, The Doctor Loves Rose Tyler, Rose Tyler Loves the Doctor, Bisexual Rose Tyler, BAMF Rose Tyler, Bisexual Barbara Wright, bisexual ian chesterton, Brother-Sister Relationships, Sister-Sister Relationship, Season/Series 01, Canon Rewrite, GIVE ME IAN CHESTERTON AND ROSE TYLER SIBLING RELATIONSHIP, nobody in Doctor Who is straight, Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, i mean ig they don’t really get together, and they’re not really enemies but close enough, i’m talking about the Doctor and Rose, Friends to Lovers, also susan and rose are feral buddies, Pansexual Susan Foreman, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Timepetals, Autistic Susan Foreman Summary:

Rose Tyler was nineteen, and she was going nowhere. She had a job, a healthy relationship with her boyfriend, and a safe place for a home. But she wanted more. She wanted to travel, to see and change the world, she just didn’t expect it to come in the form of a stone angle, a big blue box, and an old man who runs from his problems.

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