1000 Followers - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Thank You To Everyone Whos Supported This Page! Its Really Wonderful To Be Able To Get To This, I Never
Thank You To Everyone Whos Supported This Page! Its Really Wonderful To Be Able To Get To This, I Never

Thank you to everyone who’s supported this page! It’s really wonderful to be able to get to this, I never really thought that so many people would enjoy my work.

Plus, It’s extra special since it’s on my birthday💚

Thank You To Everyone Whos Supported This Page! Its Really Wonderful To Be Able To Get To This, I Never

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9 months ago

1100+ followers!!

Hi! I’ve been meaning to post this for a while now. Thanks for all the encouragement! This has lasted a lot longer than most of my hyperfixations which is cool. Currently writing this from a break room, so i haven’t been lying about being busy. MORE COOL STUFF TO COME!!

Some possible said cool stuff:

Master posts!

music stamps

really just an insane amount of stamps

some new blinkies!!

a neocities??

some of my own creations???

anime themed graphics

more of my usual: music graphics, obscure interests, and eyestrain.

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2 years ago

This is quite the big surprise for us, everyone. I myself am touched by this regardless. I look forward to what's to come next. Happy 1k!






Anyway, thank you all so much for the endless support and confidence with the series overall. We know it's been a bit quiet lately but it cannot be helped due to personal business etc. This is a passion project for us, meaning it can't be the main priority at all times so I hope you understand.

But, still. Thank you all so much for the 1K milestone. It's amazing for every one of us on the team.


This poster represents everything we will have to offer to you guys in the future, it will be bigger than anything we've done in the past few months once we've dealt with our businesses. We'll just have to see what the future holds for us in the meantime.

Have a nice day, fellas!


-The SagaVerse Team


Dream and Nightmare are by Jokublog Ink is by Comyet Error is by CrayonQueen

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10 months ago

Sooo i just realised that i never thank youa ll for 1000 followers so...


I know that I hardly post anything as of right now, but that's because school is really fucking me up and i have tons of material i need to catch up on because i missed quite a lot of school

Anyway, it's just like 2 months and then we have summer break and I'll definitely try to write more in that time

Bye for nos

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1 year ago

Back to where it all began on Tumblr, 5 years ago with a random gif I made from a George Clooney film clip. (He’s still the silver fox of my dreams!)

I then decided to turn Tumblr into my number one place to pour out all my deepest, darkest gay foot fantasies through your images and my words…

And now I am so overwhelmingly happy that 1000 of you have chosen to follow, like, comment on and value my gay foot-fetish reblogs with taglines, short stories and imagined dialogues.

Thank you very much for being here and for sticking around.

You all help me to stand firm in my convictions that ‘weird’ fetishes should be embraced, celebrated, and shared. Not judged, looked down upon, or ostracised.

Who knows how we got here? But it’s so much fun giving into who we are and living our best lives together.

Here’s to many more fun, shared, sordid foot-worshipping times ahead!

Care For A Bowl?#celebritymalefeet #alphafeet #daddyfeet #silverfox #daddyworship #footworship

Care for a bowl? #celebritymalefeet #alphafeet #daddyfeet #silverfox #daddyworship #footworship

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11 months ago

1000 follower special for my TikTok!

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Today My Blog Reached 1000 Followers! Im Amazed That My Little Blog Has Come So Far. A Big Thank You

Today my blog reached 1000 followers! I’m amazed that my little blog has come so far. A big thank you to everyone who supports me through liking and re-blogging my photos regularly, there are so many of you I could list but I’d be here for weeks so you know who you are! And thank you to each and every one of my followers, whether you’ve been following me from the start or for few days. 

A shout out to @tobenornottoben for supporting me and a shout out to all the other photographers and artists who share their work with the world here on tumblr.

 For everyone who enjoys my work, more photographs are on their way......

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9 months ago

hi everyone !

i'm so happy to announce that i reached 1,000 followers a few weeks ago !! i can't express how grateful i am, and i'm so excited to keep creating moodboards for you all!

+ i also forgot about making an event and an appreciation post so look forward to those soon :')

i wanted to let you all know that i'll be a little ia for the next 3 weeks as i'm participating in a design program ! i'll try to find time to post but if i'm not interacting with your posts as often, it's because i'm busy with my design program ^^

i'll be back around july 1st ! feel free to still send me private messages, asks, etc. and i'll try to reply to those even though i won't be actively posting moodboards.

again, thank you so so much for 1 k !

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9 years ago


Wow Wow Wow! 1000 Followers! Thanks everybody who is following my blog. It’s nice to know people out there share the same obsession I have for fine ass muscular bodies!

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1 year ago


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1 year ago


Thank you to everyone who likes and supports my writing, I promise to try to improve and perfect it every day for you!


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7 years ago
So I Just Hit 1000 Followers, YAY!!! I Just Want To Thank You Guys For Following Me, Even Tought I Dont

So i just hit 1000 followers, YAY!!! I just want to thank you guys for following me, even tought i dont post everyday, i try to make my best on every draw. Thanks for helping me achieve this, it makes me super happy!!!

For that, i made a quick draw of my OC Elly. Again, thanks everyone!!

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5 years ago
Ive Recently Hit 1000 Followers And Growing. Its Crazy Because This Blog Wasnt Even Meant To Exist. I

I’ve recently hit 1000 followers and growing. It’s crazy because this blog wasn’t even meant to exist. I originally had a blog where I uploaded comics there, but I accidentally deactivated that blog when trying to delete a side blog. I’ve had this blog for much less than my original one, and I’ve well surpassed my follow count on that one. I just wanted to thank all of you for following me. This cartooning has been a dream ever since I’ve first got on Tumblr. I've met so many great people in this time, a lot of which have left Tumblr, I’m still here though. I’m going to upload my comics/cartoons until I hate doing it. I’d like to mention @comiclpaper @kevbrinx in here for being the first two people I met on this site, and if I never met them I would never be here today.

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4 years ago
Get On Your Back Feet For A 1000 Follower Celebration!! Thank You All So Much, From Bella And From Me.

Get on your back feet for a 1000 follower celebration!! Thank you all so much, from Bella and from me. I don't really know what to do as thanks, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know! An example would be seeing how Bella reacts to new treats (bananas for example).

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6 years ago
Dear Readers!We Would Like To Thank You All For Your Constant Support, Cute And Funny Interactions, Many

Dear Readers! We would like to thank you all for your constant support, cute and funny interactions, many great moments we shared together and for all kind words of encouragement we've heard from you. 

To celebrate our 1000 followers and almost 2 years on Tumblr, we'll organize a little surprise for you. Expect many more stories and aesthetics, emotions and characters to appear on our little blog. Without you all, we wouldn't be where we are at this moment. We bow our heads to the greatest followers we could have ever asked for. Stay tuned! 

~ Paper Panda Squad

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1 year ago
DUDE WHAT, I Genuinely Did Not Think Id Make It To 1,000 Followers But I Did! So Thanks Guys, I Appreciate

DUDE WHAT, I genuinely did not think I’d make it to 1,000 followers but I did! So thanks guys, I appreciate everyone who’s been supporting my writing! I’d like to do a follower event but I’m not really sure what to do so if you have ideas let me know! also update! My wifi on my computer had been acting up so that’s why I haven’t been able to post as much, I had to sign in on my phone and I’m not really wanting to have to wirkte in here so I’m hoping to get that fixed, but I have some things in draft I could post until then, but anyways, thanks again!

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