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1 year ago

Donovan Baine, Dhylec, and Anita

Quite a mouthful, but this trio is pretty connected, so they are gonna relatively be put together. Donovan will take the bulk of this since there is actually quite a lot to his backstory. First of all, his render!

Donovan Baine, Dhylec, And Anita

Now to talk a bit about changes. So first off, one thing I never liked about his official design was the fact his top was skintight: It just didn't look right. I was down for the aesthetic idea of a Buddhist monk that he had going, so I kept that. However, his top is now drawn in a way that his clothing would actually flow and wrap around his body. The big thing you might have noticed is the new garment he wears to cover his legs. That there is known as a longyi, a clothing piece worn by the people of Myanmar. The reason I chose that was because I wanted to pick a country of origin for him in Cryas Darkstalkers since in the original timeline, he never had a specific country of origin. However, he always gave the vibe of being a SEA. As I researched around, Myanmar caught my eye for being a country where Buddhism was a prominent religion there and for the fascinating longyi. In Cryas Darkstalkers, Donovan is Myanmarese.

So, with a country of origin and a nationality, does that mean he has a birth date? Why yes indeed he does in this mythos. Donovan was born in a village on March 3rd, 1949. This combines the release of Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge/Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge in Japan in the arcade (March 3rd, 1995) and the birth of Hideyuki Kikuchi (September 25th, 1949), author of Vampire Hunter D.

With him being a dhampir, that means he was conceived by a human and vampire. In Cryas Darkstalkers, his parents actually have names! His mother is a human known as Nandar with his father being a vampire known as Dragomir Baine. Now in the original timeline, it seems to imply his father was not around when he was being raised by his mother, which have some rather unpleasant implications. Not in this mythos.

Story time!

Now originally, Dragomir hailed from the lands of Maximoff in Makai serving as a warrior. However, after Demitri's failed coup and surviving the battle, life for vampires was not pleasant. While many did what they could to survive and live, Dragomir had enough. Aware of the Gate, he made the dangerous journey towards the Gate in order to escape from the turmoil he faced continuing to live in Makai. Now on Earth, he tried to figure out what to do from here. As he traveled the lands, he would eventually wind up deep in the rural areas of Myanmar. One day, as he was looking for blood to sustain himself, he happened to catch sight of woman that caught his full attention. He was bewitched by her looks and felt something in his heart of hearts. After thinking, he made the choice to approach this woman, after doing certain things to make himself look a bit more human. Overtime, they would get along and eventually marry. On that fateful day in March, they conceived a son, whom they named Donovan.

Life for the Baine family was very modest, but fulfilling as they enjoyed one another's company. Dragomir felt content in life with having a loving wife that he wanted to be with and a son that symbolized their deep bond. Nandar was also quite happy that Dragomir showed himself to not only be quite strong and handsome but was a dedicated man who always did what he could for her and Donovan. Not only that, but Dragomir was also respected by the people in the village for his honest and modest demeanor. Dragomir was not above being firm, but never raised his voice or hand to his son or wife. In all, it was a happy family life. However, neither his wife nor son were aware of his true origins as a vampire and thus their son being a hybrid. Many a times, he thought about coming clean to them as it could be a potential danger of Donovan is not made aware. However, he was fearful of them rejecting him. He was deathly afraid of losing the only people that gave his life meaning and purpose.

Before he could tell them, one fateful day in 1957 as he made a trek to the nearby village to get some supplies for his family, he vanished without a trace. Nandar and Donovan panicked and eventually their village had men search as far as they could. The only thing they ever found was bit of clothes, draped in blood. Nandar and Donovan were devastated. As they tried for days to pick up the pieces in their lives and hearts, fate would deal the Baine family another cruel hand. On the night of November 7th, 1957, a Blood Moon occurred over the lands of Myanmar. Donovan shook in his sleep as he began to have an intense nightmare. Hearing all sorts of horrendous, blood curdling sounds, he screamed in terror, desperate to get away from these sounds. Eventually, he awoke but in the middle of the village at night. As he got his bearings, he saw a horrid sight: mutilated corpses as far as he could see. Mortified by what he was witnessing, he cried in terror and tried to make his was back home for his mother. However, he froze as he saw his mother... on the floor dead. Blood running from her lacerated body, he fell down emotionally dead. As he put his hands to his face, he felt something cold: blood on his hands. It was then as he really took a good look at himself, he realized what happened. He killed everyone... his neighbors, his friends... his mother. As all these emotions welled up at the gravity of the situation, he screamed a blood curdling scream of terror and wailed with a deep sorrow over what he had done. Eventually, he just sat there motionless has he couldn't scream anymore and cried himself dry of tears and emotion. In due time, a man found him as he heard the wails and screams while out on a trek. No ordinary man though as he was also a hybrid. He felt for the young child, and after coercing him, managed to bring the silent but compliant Donovan with him back to where he lived: a village deep in the woods where Darkstalkers lived.

For a decade, Donovan lived among the people of this hidden village. While its population was that of Darkstalkers and hybrids, there was a monastery of Buddhist humans who showed no malice towards these people. If anything, they showed compassion and helped guide the people with the teachings of Buddhism. Donovan kept to himself, barely emoting, and just seemed to only survive more than live. He was still traumatized by that night and the death of Nandar by his hands. But something else also ate away at his mind: his father. As the people found out he had the blood of a vampire as well, that meant his father was a vampire. Why did he say nothing about this? What was his intentions with him and especially his mother? Were they only pawns to him for something heinous? No... he was always kind and respectful. He loved them... and that is what hurt and confused young Donovan. What happened that night was the works of a monster. The blood of a monster flowed through his body all because of his father... but his father was no monster. He couldn't make heads or tails of anything, his mind always tormented by that night, by his mother's mutilated body, his tainted blood, and his father.

The adults and monks tried to help Donovan as he grew. Attempts were made to teach him peace and enlightenment through the ways of Buddhism. Donovan went along without protest. If anything, maybe this could help find a way to make sense of everything and find some peace. While he showed discipline in taking the lessons to heart and dedicating himself to Buddhism, his mind would still be uneasy, like ripples in a lake. As he continued to practice and learn, one thing did catch his attention. Stories of this deity who roamed the lands known as Nǚ Jì Sī and her servant, Guì Zi Shǒu. Tales of Nǚ Jì Sī's exploits of heroism towards the people of the lands far and wide. Ridding the world of the scourge. These tales seemed to strike a chord with Donovan, eliciting some reactions from him. Thoughts would circulate between his studies in Buddhism and the stories of Nǚ Jì Sī. When he was 18, he made a decision. He would go out and journey to follow in the footsteps of his hero. He would seek to bring peace to himself, repent his sins by saving the people from the monsters and evil of the world. From then, he set out on his long journey of repentance.

Donovan Baine, Dhylec, And Anita

Donovan would return back to the village after a six year journey. Much had happened in that time as he not only honed his skills as a warrior, but even met the fabled Nǚ Jì Sī and Guì Zi Shǒu. As it turns out, the mythical figures were Chinese twin sisters who transformed themselves into undead spirits with the goal of saving their mother, known as Mei-Ling and Hsien-Ko respectively. After aiding them with fighting of the powerful vampire Demitri in Romania, he went back home in order to process everything that had happened. The monks and people welcomed him back with open arms, surprised that he not only was still alive, but a bit more willing to talk and emote. As he took time to get back to his meditation, his studies with Buddhism, and contemplate about all he had been through, Donovan was plagued by a strange sound. It was not constant, but no matter if awake or asleep, he kept hearing what appeared to be a voice... calling out to him? After discussing with elders for help, it was determined that he was in fact in connection with something. Something to the northeast, a force was calling to him. They were not sure what it was nor its intent, but with this news, Donovan set out to go find the source.

As he traveled, ever slowly the voice would get a bit clearer. In time, he found himself in Tibet, among the Himalayan mountains. At this point guided merely by the voice, he eventually traversed the mountain before him to discover a strange alcove in said mountain. Examining it, he found that there was an opening to a tunnel. Aided by torchlight, he went in and found a boulder oddly blocking something. He could hear the voice the clearest it had ever been. Determined and with his strength, he moved the massive rock to the side and happened upon an odd sight: A chamber with only a sword embedded into a stone with a set of beads among the guard. While perplexed, he realized that the voice was coming from the blade. While unsure at first, he decided to unsheathe the blade. As he put his hand on the handle, he heard many other voices speaking to him, warning him to not take out the blade. However, the voice that had been calling to him spoke brashly against the voices, realizing someone was actually in the room. He pleaded with Donovan to let him free, complaining how he had been stuck here for so long and that he was bored since the 'other guys' were no fun.

The other voices interjected to explain to Donovan about the reason why the blade must stay sealed. Known as Dhylec, the blade was once a demon that caused havoc many moons in the past with a group of other creatures. In time, he was confronted by a noble monk who sought to end his campaign of terror. With his spirits and skills at his aid, he actually proved a difficult challenge for Dhylec. Seeing their boss struggling and wishing to save their hides, his group turned on him and aided the monk with taking down Dhylec. Despite the combined forces, Dhylec proved to be hard to kill. In a last-ditch effort, with the aid of the spirits, the monk transformed the demon into a blade. With the spirits at hand, he had control over the demon sword. However, even as a sword, Dhylec still proved rebellious. Seeing no other option, he knew he must be sealed away. With the aid of the surviving demons, they dug out a chamber in a high point in a mountain and sealed him there for all of time.

Dhylec interjected that sure, he caused some trouble here and there, but that he is willing to change so long as he can be released. At this point weeping, he promised he would be a good guy. He just wants to taste some fresh air again. While befuddled, Donovan then decided to make the decision to release Dhylec. Now free, Dhylec whooped and cheered as he got to move his body for the first time in centuries. At that point, he started to ramble in anger about his posse, spewing profanities about their betrayal and wishing to get back at them. Donovan merely stood there perplexed at the sight of a living sword, beads in hand. It was then, the spirits talked to him. They made it clear that Dhylec was now Donovan's responsibility as this blade could not be trusted on its own. Should he choose to deal with this blade, they would offer their power and services to aid him in keeping this blade in check. With this offer, he decided to adhere to being the wielder of Dhylec. While Dhylec was not keen on being a tool and listening to someone, he realized that he had to go along as he didn't want to be back in that stone. From then on, the strange duo of Donovan and Dhylec would set out to continue his journey.

Donovan Baine, Dhylec, And Anita

For ten years, the odd duo worked together in a rather uneasy gentlemen's agreement. While Dhylec was helpful in providing Donovan more means to fight the wicked, he was rather annoying. Likewise, while Dhylec was grateful to finally be able to stretch his limbs and feel the blood rush of battle once more, he still was annoyed at having to adhere to a master. But overtime, they managed to find ways to cope with each other's company. Traveling through Europe again, as they rested for the night, both suddenly felt a powerful spike in power. Both were shocked at not only feeling this power, but how far away it was. Clocking on to the direction it came from, Donovan set out to locate the source. Days of travel found him and Dhylec in a village. As he got ever closer to the source, he found himself at an orphanage. Seeing that it was a place for children, he wondered if the source could have been from a child. Given the idea of seeking to 'adopt' a child in order to investigate by Dhylec, Donovan talked with the staff in regard to seeking such. Guided by the staff lady, as he was shown the area where some kids were playing, he eventually locked eyes onto a young girl. Her energy, it matched what he felt all those nights ago. But more than that, looking at her face and eyes, he almost felt like he was looking into a mirror image. A face devoid of emotion, eyes that felt soulless, yet sad, it was eerily like seeing himself as a child... no, himself deep down. He approached the child slowly, greeting her. She didn't respond. The staff cautioned him about the child known as Anita.

Anita came here days ago from a village that had been massacred by a group of Darkstalkers. When a merchant found her, she was beside what appeared to be her parents. Oddly enough, every human beside her was killed. But not only that, every monster there was also dead. Anita was the only surviving living being found there among the rubble and death. This resonated with Donnovan as he recalled his trauma of what happened to him all those decades ago. As he thought these thoughts, Anita looked up and stared Donovan in the eyes. This caused Donovan to flinch slightly as he realized the girl was... reading his mind? Why else would she be doing what she is doing right as he had those thoughts he thought. As they both looked at each other, something was clicking. She then walked up to him, and then grabbed his longyi silently letting him know she will go with him. The staff surprised by this, asked Donovan if he wished to take the child with him since this was the first time she had any genuine interaction with anyone. Looking down at her and thinking, he decided to do so. From then on, this odd trio would venture out into the lands far and wide.

Donovan Baine, Dhylec, And Anita

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