Aaru Village - Tumblr Posts
Heaven Sent Pt. 6 (Cyno x FemReader /AU Brothel)

Word Count: 1.01 k
Previous parts: Pt.5, Pt.4, pt.3, pt.2, and pt.1.
No beta, we die like my will to fix my sleep schedule (not proofread)
des: Tbh, barely any Cyno in this one. It's just Candace easing reader into the village :>
warnings: None! Just pure comfort: bubble paths, headpats, hugs, all the good stuff.
“Y/n, I’m glad to see you here,” the same woman from when you arrived greeted you. Her eyes shifted from yours and curiously onto Cyno’s, the corners of her lips turning a little upwards to a smile in surprise.
“-and in company too.” She offered her arm, stifling a giggle at the general’s silent defeat as you took it and unhooked your hold on him. “That will be all for you, Cyno. Thank you for taking her here.”
Hesitantly, Cyno bided you both good night and headed back to the resting quarters for much needed sleep. Now in the care of Candace, you idly followed her through a pillar of corridors. The sound of running water growing louder, and the air becoming denser as you stepped further and further into the building. With the ambient sounds, there was now the awkward silence between you both with the exception of your feet causing echoes in the hall. Her focus was on the path in front of her but sometimes, she took small, tender, glances your way.
“If…you don’t mind me asking, is something troubling you, Miss Candace?”
“Did you notice my staring? I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable and please, you needn’t call me Miss. Though, I do appreciate the manners.” She chuckled, sighing heavily afterwards as she spared some thought to your words.
“To answer your question, Y/n, I’m a bit in shock –is all.” her gaze wanders to the pavement leading into the baths. Once you’ve both reached there, she gently unhooks her arm from yours and moves to feel the waters in the bath, sending ripples into the warm pool.
“Life in the desert is hard as it is,” She started as she sat on the edge of the waters, reaching to the side for a bottle of what you can assume is soap, and poured it into the steaming pool. As soon as it hit the water, the steam blew up and permeated a fragrance so mellow and calming, it served to soothe Candace as she eased the words out of her mouth.
“But to think there would be others who would stoop so low…to cause such suffering and to what end?” Her eyes stared into the rippling reflection in contemplation.
Neither of you fell on an answer, and even if you could, it wouldn't undo any of what you had gone through or make it easier as to why you had to. Baring that silence, she turned her attention to you when she felt it was ready. With a gaze as equally soft as her smile, she reaches her hand to gesture to you to come in and you did. With her back turned, she waited until your body came in, she offered,
"If ever you need somewhere to stay, you can come and shelter here in Aaru Village." She looks back to you, your head above the water and your body immersed in the warmth of the bath, easing your tired muscles and letting your back press against the tiles of the bath.
"I'd be coming here followed by a lot of trouble, Candace…I don't think I can do that to you or anyone here." You voiced your hesitancy, it was more of a precaution for her sake. But Candace kept grace, brushing a few locks of your hair and dipping it into the water,
"Then let it. Within these falling sands, the people who come here are allowed peace under my guard." You couldn’t stop yourself from trembling a little at what she said. Could you really do that? Start your life anew here? A thought like that used to be as real as a pipe dream, but as Candace’s fingers reached your scalp and untangled your locks, the choice of your fate became clearer to you. You could, you really could..
"Don't you worry about what may come beyond this canyon. As a community, we'll share our troubles and bear it together." At her affirmations, she stilled at hearing your tears drip into the pool, and in silent understanding, she resumed to brush and wash your hair. Gingerly rinsing the soap off with the waters, and drowning out the sound of your tears.
"It's okay, you're safe now." She said, reassuring and scaring off any worry that might’ve held you in that moment, and from beneath your palms covering your face, you sniffled and smiled.
Once you were done bathing, she left you momentarily to dry yourself and get dressed in fresh linen clothes that she had prepared you. As the two of you walked, you were beginning to see the neighborhood homes coming into view again. From your peripheral vision, you see Candace's smile changed only for a second as she followed your line of sight,
"I hope you won't hold this against me." She suddenly said in a lighthearted but weary tone. Her brows furrowed slightly as you fully turn to her in confusion,
"Hold what against you?" Without warning, a small pattern of steps repeatedly hitting the pavement was heard, and it was fast approaching. Before you could react, a pair of little arms wrapped around your waist, forcing you a step back at the sudden impact.
"Y/n–!" The young boy chirped your name with the biggest smile you've seen him have yet.
"A-arman! You really are here," you bent down to hold his face in your palms, checking for any new scratches or anomalies, his grin squished in your hands in the process.
"Aunt Candace fed me lots of yummy food, and we get to share a big warm bed in our room,"
You didn’t spare another moment and lifted him up in a hug, feeling more secure and happy in how he snuggled into your neck and wrapped his arms around you.
“Candace, everyone and the general…I don’t know what to say..” You hated how many times you’ve let your eyes pour like faucets these days, but no one, not even yourself could fault you for it. She sighed in gladness at your smiling face, and kept her usual poise manner, petting Arman’s hair as he’s held in your arms and mumbled with a gladdened heart, “Just get the rest you need, Y/n. We’ll say what needs to be said tomorrow morning.”
Hand in hand, you and Arman followed her into the rooms to retire for the night. Under a new roof from outside of the prison you’ve known for so long, your heart is finally at ease.
A/N: Updates are gonna be slower than before cause I'm in my senior year in HS, waw,, omg :O
Anyways, the lack of Cyno will be made up for in the next one :))
I hope you guys had an enjoyable summer and as always, thank you for coming back :]
Remind someone you love them and until then, <333