Candace Genshin - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


Happy Birthday, Candace!

Happy Birthday, Candace!

When I have a moment to spare, I love enjoying a cup of hot tea while gazing down at the lights of Aaru Village.

The desert gets cold at night, so come sit by the campfire. Don't worry about me, I'm used to it.

Fancy trying out some of Aaru Village's specialties for dinner later?

Aside from the Aaru Mixed Rice I made, the villagers have all prepared their own delicious dishes too.

Thanks to 海鵜げそ for the fantastic artwork!

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2 years ago
And The Shadow Of The DayWill Embrace The World In Grey

And the shadow of the day Will embrace the world in grey

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1 year ago

Heaven Sent Pt.4


Heaven Sent Pt.4


Previous parts: pt.3, pt.2, and pt.1. (Words: 1.8)

not proofread, oop.

des: A continuation of the on-going Cyno x femreader brothel au.

warnings: brief mentions of vomiting and motion sickness.

It's not as gross as it sounds, I swear--


Screaming fills the room. Just unadulterated screaming with your brain going ape and throwing anything you can get your hands on at the new intruder.

“H-hey, Miss! Calm down—“ the hooded figure shared your panic as they hopped off from the windowsill and onto the floor near you.

“I’m with Cyno! I mean, the general or whatever,” from the moonlight showering in, you watch as the stranger frantically pulls down their hood to reveal piercing blue eyes, and glistening tan skin. She then lifts her hands on each side of her head as a way to surrender any threat she could possibly pose to you. Once she did, her stance was stiff as she peered at you, waiting for you to calm down.

This woman in front of you was neither heard of or seen by you so naturally, you hesitated. Years of being trapped there had taught you to act so, but if she knew about Cyno and his true purpose there, then…surely, you can for a moment…believe that this strange woman is on his side.

You loosen your grip on the powder pouch you were about to whisk her way. Cautiously, you stood up from your enclosed position on the floor’s corner, and yet somehow, she still towers over you. You gulped, still anxious but willing to hear her out.

She notices and exhales, gladdened to see your steady cooperation. A cheeky smile making its way on her features as she explains, “…I didn’t mean to scare you back there…”

She lets her arms down, “I’m actually the backup.” She says as she unveils her hair.

“The plan didn’t go exactly as planned.”

“How so?” you asked meekly, your reserves still held.

“Things escalated more than intended and..that’s why there was a scene down there,” she glanced at the closed door of the room, likely referring to the main hall where the madam threw a fit minutes ago.

“Yeah, that had to be solved so I stepped in, yadda-yadda and arrived here just when you finished that bastard up.” she dusted her hands off and gazed at your stunned form.

“Hm, you’re definitely stronger than you look.” You tilted your head, visibly questioning what she meant by that. She chuckles, a glint of something unreadable in her eyes.

“I don’t mean anything by it, it’s just a rare thing to see something as strong and equally stunning as yourself.” Something like wonder and admiration sparks at her glance towards you. Having been genuinely complimented, your face felt a little warm, “Thank you,”

She nods at you and shifts towards the window, letting her dark hair with streaks of yellow blow with the wind.

“It’s so stuffy in here…I don’t know how you guys do it,” she pops her head out the window for a quick view of the surrounding area before turning to you, asking with a no-good grin on her face, “Shall we go?”

Her hand reaches out to you and in a heartbeat, you would’ve taken it without sparing your mind the time to weigh the consequences. Keyword, would’ve.

“…I can’t.” You replied in reluctance. Your eyes that held new found spirit lost it as soon as it came, dropping down to the floor below when you can’t forget what place you’re in. Who holds you here. With that, even your will can’t tear down this prison. Still powerless, four walls of a room is enough to keep you.

“If she finds out I’m gone, with the room left like this–”

“It’ll be quick, so don’t worry about it.” she clasps at your hand, tugging at you slightly, “We’ll be late if we stay any longer.”

“Late to what–” Not allowing you to finish, she pulls you in and holds you at the waist flush against her body, then leaps off from your window to another roof with you securely wrapped to her.

“You’ll have to come to find out, Miss” her smirk concerns you as she hops from building to building, your yelps accompanied by it. As an attempt to shut yourself up, and from fear, you bury your face into the corner where her neck and shoulder meet.

How embarrassing…

To salvage some dignity, you try to distance yourself. But with a quick glimpse from over her shoulder of the ground far down, you decided your dignity wasn’t worth the risk of a heart attack. Then proceed to shut your eyes and hold onto her tighter. Ah, your poor heart can’t handle this much stress in a night.

She, on the other hand, resisted to tease you. Consider it mercy or pity, she still had manners.

“Ah, shucks.” She utters, having seemed to remember them. A bashful expression taking over that proud face she has, as her smirk is replaced with an apologetic and awkward line of a smile. “Sorry that I didn’t tell you my name yet,” you frowned into her neck, “The name’s Dehya. A pleasure to meet ya,”

That would’ve been more appreciated several rooftops ago.

“Likewise.” You had to whisper to her ear. The loud and rushing wind that passed you both, competed with your voice so there was no other way to respond, at least that’s what you tell yourself at your precarious position.

“And yours, Miss?” she queried, after your less expressed response.

“Find out when we get there,” you shot right back at her. She laughed into the air, and you had to admit, it was nice to hear something so friendly and without intent. It was refreshing as the nightly breeze, finally away from the brothel for what felt like decades of caged there.

Her movement came to a stop, which was good for you because you were starting to feel sick. You don't need to add throwing up on someone you just met to a very tall tower of things to be embarrassed about. She loosens her hold on you as you try to find balance in your dizzy stupor. Others noticed your arrival and a certain voice rushed to you,

“Y/n!” Surely, it was the one you trusted most in this world. A certain silver haired man came into view, “Dehya, is she hurt anywhere?”

“From what I can tell, she isn’t injured. But you should definitely have her checked by your doctor friend.” Dehya held you by your shoulder as you slowly regained your balance but that would be quickly snatched away too.

“I’ll take her then,” Cyno hooks an arm under your knees and lifts you with a hand holding your back, carrying you bridal style, which grants you just about enough embarrassment for a lifetime. Dehya merely stood there, taken-aback by his shift in demeanor. Watching as you were carried by the usually unmoved general and mused at the sight.

“General, I’m fine…you can put me down,” you spoke quietly, your voice only heard by the man himself. Though you doubted that fact as he gave no response.

“General?” you called out, and he finally comes back from his thoughts.

“It’s better to be sure, so…” he felt tense around you and yet, “…please.” he pleaded, his voice the softest you’ve ever heard of him. He doesn’t want to appear harsh, not right now, not to you. Especially not to you.

Sensing this concern, you had to oblige. Even though there was no need to go through the trouble, it would grant him peace of mind. When you look at him now, holding you this close, he looks just as sleepless as yourself.

“Alright then.” you gave in and allowed yourself to be carried in his arms. “I’ll take the check-up,”

There really is no need, though…you thought as the foreign feeling in your stomach appeared and had no sign of going away.

To distract yourself, you take a well-deserved look at the environment around you. It’s a village with a rustic appearance that hones the traditional structure often seen in the desert. Given the time, there weren’t any locals lingering amongst the well-lit streets at this hour.

Save for a lady with blue hair in the hue of the midnight sky. She noticed your company in eyes of two different colors; one is a blue shade akin to the sky at late dawn, and the other yellow like the setting sun. As she approached you, her demeanor held the same air that this place had impressed on you, which was nothing short of warmth and hospitality.

“Good evening, I humbly welcome you to Aaru Village.” She greeted you with her smile oddly bringing you a sense of comfort.

“Candace, where’s Tighnari?” He asked straightforwardly, with a name you hadn’t heard before.

“He’s residing at the chief’s house,” She answers promptly, her eyes never leaving your form as worry becomes her. “Oh my, you look exhausted."

Her brows knit as she thought of the most natural course of action, “I’ll run you a bath.” The lady named Candace curtly excuses herself before you could oppose it, presumably to carry out what she said.

“General, I can’t possibly stay here for that long,” you said, watching the lady go off to do the task in vain, a feeling of remorse coming onto you for not trying to stop her.

“That will be taken care of.” He responded instantly, for if he were more honest, said fact for your concern almost slipped his mind. The aids that came back after Dehya entered your room reported the incident to him. Which left no room for anything else in his mind but ever-growing guilt.

“Then what about–”

“I’ve already seen to it. He’s safe.” A shaky breath leaves your chest.

"Rest assured, you've…done enough."

All of a sudden, as if gravity itself was lifted from you, a burden you hadn't noticed on you had been taken away. Giving you a relief you never knew was being held from you.

"It's been so long since I've seen the night sky from outside there." You spoke from a depth that only came out with the moon. A thousand nights of gazing at the same sky from the window, longing for a better life, and now–

You are breathing in it. Basking in freedom, it feels strange but does wonders to your heart, scarred with hardship.

"This certainly won’t be the last…” He utters, almost like a declaration. Maybe he hadn’t intended it for you, but it made your heart twist in an unexpected way. A mark to a promising beginning.

Thoughtlessly, you smiled and rested your head on his chest. Tired from the previous stress and emotional labor you had undergone. You finally allowed yourself this slice of peace, taking the time to appreciate the cool caress of the night breeze.

Thank you –was what you wanted to say but you could no longer fight the fatigue and felt your eyes grow heavier. Your consciousness eventually sinks into this natural and inviting warmth.

The warmth in question, Cyno, – could only move ever so swiftly because one, you had passed out on him, please don't wake up because of him. Two, oh archons no, you passed out on him, you need help! Does this mean you’ll die? Was he going to die? Possibly, at least his racing heart had that much to say about it.


A/N: The plot's getting a BBL, by which I mean the plot thickens, which also means potentially longer chaps. :>

As always, thank u for ur patience. <3

(It srsly helps with my current character development era, we love to see it).

Till again :)


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1 year ago

Heaven Sent Pt. 6 (Cyno x FemReader /AU Brothel)


Heaven Sent Pt. 6(Cyno X FemReader /AU Brothel)


Word Count: 1.01 k

Previous parts: Pt.5, Pt.4, pt.3, pt.2, and pt.1.

No beta, we die like my will to fix my sleep schedule (not proofread)

des: Tbh, barely any Cyno in this one. It's just Candace easing reader into the village :>

warnings: None! Just pure comfort: bubble paths, headpats, hugs, all the good stuff.


“Y/n, I’m glad to see you here,” the same woman from when you arrived greeted you. Her eyes shifted from yours and curiously onto Cyno’s, the corners of her lips turning a little upwards to a smile in surprise.

“-and in company too.” She offered her arm, stifling a giggle at the general’s silent defeat as you took it and unhooked your hold on him. “That will be all for you, Cyno. Thank you for taking her here.”

Hesitantly, Cyno bided you both good night and headed back to the resting quarters for much needed sleep. Now in the care of Candace, you idly followed her through a pillar of corridors. The sound of running water growing louder, and the air becoming denser as you stepped further and further into the building. With the ambient sounds, there was now the awkward silence between you both with the exception of your feet causing echoes in the hall. Her focus was on the path in front of her but sometimes, she took small, tender, glances your way.

“If…you don’t mind me asking, is something troubling you, Miss Candace?”

“Did you notice my staring? I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable and please, you needn’t call me Miss. Though, I do appreciate the manners.” She chuckled, sighing heavily afterwards as she spared some thought to your words.

“To answer your question, Y/n, I’m a bit in shock –is all.” her gaze wanders to the pavement leading into the baths. Once you’ve both reached there, she gently unhooks her arm from yours and moves to feel the waters in the bath, sending ripples into the warm pool.

“Life in the desert is hard as it is,” She started as she sat on the edge of the waters, reaching to the side for a bottle of what you can assume is soap, and poured it into the steaming pool. As soon as it hit the water, the steam blew up and permeated a fragrance so mellow and calming, it served to soothe Candace as she eased the words out of her mouth.

“But to think there would be others who would stoop so low…to cause such suffering and to what end?” Her eyes stared into the rippling reflection in contemplation.

Neither of you fell on an answer, and even if you could, it wouldn't undo any of what you had gone through or make it easier as to why you had to. Baring that silence, she turned her attention to you when she felt it was ready. With a gaze as equally soft as her smile, she reaches her hand to gesture to you to come in and you did. With her back turned, she waited until your body came in, she offered,

"If ever you need somewhere to stay, you can come and shelter here in Aaru Village." She looks back to you, your head above the water and your body immersed in the warmth of the bath, easing your tired muscles and letting your back press against the tiles of the bath.

"I'd be coming here followed by a lot of trouble, Candace…I don't think I can do that to you or anyone here." You voiced your hesitancy, it was more of a precaution for her sake. But Candace kept grace, brushing a few locks of your hair and dipping it into the water,

"Then let it. Within these falling sands, the people who come here are allowed peace under my guard." You couldn’t stop yourself from trembling a little at what she said. Could you really do that? Start your life anew here? A thought like that used to be as real as a pipe dream, but as Candace’s fingers reached your scalp and untangled your locks, the choice of your fate became clearer to you. You could, you really could..

"Don't you worry about what may come beyond this canyon. As a community, we'll share our troubles and bear it together." At her affirmations, she stilled at hearing your tears drip into the pool, and in silent understanding, she resumed to brush and wash your hair. Gingerly rinsing the soap off with the waters, and drowning out the sound of your tears.

"It's okay, you're safe now." She said, reassuring and scaring off any worry that might’ve held you in that moment, and from beneath your palms covering your face, you sniffled and smiled.

Once you were done bathing, she left you momentarily to dry yourself and get dressed in fresh linen clothes that she had prepared you. As the two of you walked, you were beginning to see the neighborhood homes coming into view again. From your peripheral vision, you see Candace's smile changed only for a second as she followed your line of sight,

"I hope you won't hold this against me." She suddenly said in a lighthearted but weary tone. Her brows furrowed slightly as you fully turn to her in confusion,

"Hold what against you?" Without warning, a small pattern of steps repeatedly hitting the pavement was heard, and it was fast approaching. Before you could react, a pair of little arms wrapped around your waist, forcing you a step back at the sudden impact.

"Y/n–!" The young boy chirped your name with the biggest smile you've seen him have yet.

"A-arman! You really are here," you bent down to hold his face in your palms, checking for any new scratches or anomalies, his grin squished in your hands in the process.

"Aunt Candace fed me lots of yummy food, and we get to share a big warm bed in our room,"

You didn’t spare another moment and lifted him up in a hug, feeling more secure and happy in how he snuggled into your neck and wrapped his arms around you.

“Candace, everyone and the general…I don’t know what to say..” You hated how many times you’ve let your eyes pour like faucets these days, but no one, not even yourself could fault you for it. She sighed in gladness at your smiling face, and kept her usual poise manner, petting Arman’s hair as he’s held in your arms and mumbled with a gladdened heart, “Just get the rest you need, Y/n. We’ll say what needs to be said tomorrow morning.”

Hand in hand, you and Arman followed her into the rooms to retire for the night. Under a new roof from outside of the prison you’ve known for so long, your heart is finally at ease.


A/N: Updates are gonna be slower than before cause I'm in my senior year in HS, waw,, omg :O

Anyways, the lack of Cyno will be made up for in the next one :))

I hope you guys had an enjoyable summer and as always, thank you for coming back :]

Remind someone you love them and until then, <333



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