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Last 2 pixel dogs for now, a red heeler and a cane corso!
“Did he say anything more?” “He mentioned his name.” Holmes cast a swift glance of triumph at me. “Oh, he mentioned his name, did he? That was imprudent. What was the name that he mentioned?” “His name,” said the cabman, “was Mr. Sherlock Holmes.” Never have I seen my friend more completely taken aback than by the cabman's reply. For an instant he sat in silent amazement. Then he burst into a hearty laugh.
I have to say, this villain has excellent humour

my sweet ADHD king!!!
truly, see how they have massacred my boy in almost every single Holmes adaptation. This man is not an asshole, he’s a giddy nerd who loves everything in the world so much that he can’t stop hopping from hyperfixation to hyperfixation with a speed and passion inconceivable to even his ND best friend.
"In an instant, he was tense and alert, his eyes shining, his face set, his limbs quivering with eager activity. He was out on the lawn, in through the window, round the room and up into the bedroom for all the world like a dashing foxhound drawing a cover."
"In the bedroom, he made a rapid cast around and ended by throwing open the window which appeared to give him some fresh course for excitement for he leaned out of it with loud ejaculations of interest and delight."
-> watson wrote all of these in his notes.
from Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of The Devil's Foot.

“the wreck and ruin of a noble man”
[ID: a digital illustration in black and white of Sherlock Holmes with a cigarette in his mouth. He is at crotch level with another man, whose hand is on his head, threaded through his hair. The man wears a suit and a wedding ring, only his sleeve and the edge of his jacket are visible. Sherlock is gazing up at the man with a suggestive, defiant smirk. His tie is loose and askew and the first button of his shirt is undone.]
When I was a very tiny child my mom was in a local production of The Reluctant Resurrection of Sherlock Holmes, a play where Arthur Conan Doyle is hired to investigate a murder at a haunted house with Sherlock Holmes, a figment of Doyle’s imagination that only he can see and hear. Doyle very sincerely believes that the house is haunted, and Holmes thinks that Doyle is a moron
I was too young to appreciate this concept when I was a child, now that I’m older it’s the best concept for a play I’ve ever heard in my life.
Everyone gives Sherlock Holmes a hard time about being mean about Watson's writing, but honestly imagine you told your roommate "sure, you can write up an account of my work for the newspaper," thinking it would be like, about the murder, but then he publishes it and it's 90% about you, as a person, and it's a huge hit and now everyone in London knows that you hoard newspapers and do cocoaine when you're depressed. Because I think you'd be little miffed too.

THE ADVENTURE OF CHARLES AUGUSTUS MILVERTON - part one of several, because this is one of my favorite Holmes stories! Ever since I read it I had a feeling there was something more...personal...going on with Holmes's hatred for Milverton than simply a principled stand against blackmail. A lot of this is directly pulled from the books but of course I took it in my own direction!
This is in the Watson's sketchbook series, and specifically references the Hound of the Baskervilles entry in that series :)
also thank you to my friend Phoenix for reading this when it was in sketch phase and reassuring me that it made sense!
Milverton design under the cut:

watson says he has a 'touch of Mr. Pickwick about him' so I tried to do Pickwick but...scary

Oh your ship broke up? That’s sad. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have been in a queer-platonic partnership for 136 years though so I’m good. Y’all take it easy.

Is this the new version of the Red-Headed League?
Every time I try and dry this dork off after swimming...😓
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Mr Melas, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Paul Kratides Additional Tags: Fix-it for The Greek Interpreter, and a few other things along the way Summary:
Mr Melas considers himself a coward, but more than one man's courage comes with complicated cracks.
THIS!! YES!! Bloody hell, I thought I was the only one internally screaming this from the rooftops.
Seeing fanart of a character being drawn as skinny when they're not supposed to be SKINNY is the most enraging thing ever, especially when said character was only skinny because of a bad period of their life and yes I am talking about my guy Watson who did not suffer during the war and come back to be REHABILLITATED and become HEALTHY by gaining weight he SHOULD NOT have lost just to be drawn looking extra skinny when, in fact, beefcake Watson is the best and healthiest and happiest version of Watson. Holmes and Mrs Hudson would have been going out of their way to make sure that this poor traumatised doctor was being fed, please don't dismiss their good work.
Dr. James Mortimer, eh? Arthur Conan Doyle truly knew like about two names