Adagio Dazzle - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

So i decided to have some fun and draw my alter ego YOUNG NUT with adagio dazzle because, why not? so uh yeah.

So I Decided To Have Some Fun And Draw My Alter Ego YOUNG NUT With Adagio Dazzle Because, Why Not? So

thats it.

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9 months ago

ㅤㅤ ✧ 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐎 ⌗ 𝕰𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖆 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘 🍄 ˊ-

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1 year ago
Art Requests For Ebbigal's Gaza Funds Stream. Thanks Everyone For Coming, Supporting The Stream, And

Art requests for ebbigal's Gaza funds stream. Thanks everyone for coming, supporting the stream, and donating for requests.


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1 year ago



The 80s had Heathers (The Heathers)

The 90s had Jawbreaker (The Flawless Four/Three(?)) (idk I haven’t watched that movie yet)

The 2000s had Mean Girls (The Plastics)

The 2010s had Glee (The Unholy Trinity) (Yes, I know Glee came out in 2009. Shut up.)

Come on, 2020s! We need mean girl clique media!

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7 months ago

is this a safeplace to say i kinned cozy glow and adagio from mlp SO hard it wasnt even funny it was my whole personality for 2 or 4 weeks or more

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6 months ago


Wanna Have A Battle Of The Bands

wanna have a battle of the bands

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7 months ago

I rate this girl 10/10

disneyblabberlover - Untitled

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5 months ago

Offstage Reward

Offstage Reward
Offstage Reward
Offstage Reward

[MLP Equestria Girls] Adagio Dazzle x Female Reader

Summary: After barely managing to get through another show in front of the beings she despises, Adagio is surprised and relieved when you reward her efforts after leaving the stage.

Word Count: 3.41k Content + Warnings: Two small suggestive comments from Adagio, brief mention of painkillers, arguing between Aria and Sonata

[A/N]: This one was surprisingly fun to write! I'm hoping I'll be able to write more for her in the future.


Offstage Reward

“God, don’t you two ever shut up?” Adagio barked as she stepped farther from the stage, spiraling around to face Aria and Sonata, who glared at each other. “It’s not my fault Sonata is so useless all the time,” Aria grumbled, earning a shove from the offended girl. “Says you! You never pitch in unless you absolutely have to!” “I drive us around to all of our shows,” came her retort. “Oh, wow, such a huge contribution,” Sonata mocked, rolling her eyes.

Their performance onstage had barely finished, and all Adagio wanted to do was get away from her sisters. Throughout the entirety of the week, and more-so during their small concert for the same beings she despised, all they had done was argue. For the most part, Adagio had tried to ignore them, though she unwillingly got dragged into a few of their shouting matches herself.

Grimacing from the throbbing pain making itself known in her head, Adagio groaned and turned around again, trying her hardest to ignore them as she headed to the tour bus several paces away. Why did they have to park so far away? Her feet ached from her heels, and she was silently counting down the minutes until she could collapse onto her bed back home. “You two truly are insufferable,” she said more to herself than them, knowing they weren’t listening to her anyway as they continued to bicker behind her. Her hand lifted from her pocket to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“Rough show?” A sudden voice asked just a few feet in front of her. She opened her eyes, training them on you as you offered her a small smile and look of concern. Just like each time before, she was incredibly relieved to see you standing there. Instantly, her lips perked up into a tired grin as she walked over to you. Silently, she was thankful that Sonata and Aria hadn’t noticed you yet. Instead, they continued to insult each other as they headed toward the bus.

With a small shrug, she slipped her arms around you and dropped her head down onto your shoulder. “Not necessarily the show. Those two just never know when to shut up. All they’ve done since we got here is argue, and my head is killing me because of it.” You nodded, humming to show you were listening as your hands trailed up to trace random patterns into her back. The feeling of your nails dragging gently against her skin made her sigh and melt further into your body. “I missed you,” she whispered weakly.

You chuckled at her words, unknowingly making her smile. “You just saw me right before the show.” She hummed, softly bumping her head against yours. “Yes, but you’re not unbearable like they are. I actually enjoy when you’re with us because they listen to you when you tell them to be quiet.” “Because I cook their meals for them, and they know I won’t cook for them if they don’t listen.” Amused, a small laugh sounded from Adagio. “I suppose that explains it. Regardless, they listen to you, and it’s nice to have a little peace and quiet here and there.”

Leaning back, you smirked at her with a raised brow. “That’s why you enjoy my company? Because I can get them to quiet down?” She rolled her eyes, leaning further away to cross her arms over her chest. “Of course not. You know that’s not the main reason why. It’s just…” She shrugged, looking down at the small blades of grass beneath her feet. “A nice bonus.”

When you snickered at her words, she couldn’t bite back the smile that painted her lips. “Well, either way, don’t worry about that headache for too much longer. I have something we can do when we get home that’ll help you relax. I promise it’ll help you feel better by tomorrow.”

Lips curving upwards slyly, Adagio’s eyebrows lifted and she leaned in close, nearly skulking forward to let her face rest mere inches from yours. “Oh? And what would that be?” Playfully, you pushed her face away with a sheepish giggle, not failing to notice how her smile grew at your reaction. “Not that – not what you think it is,” you replied. She feigned a frown of disappointment, though you could still see the curiosity and amusement in her eyes.

‘It’s a surprise, though. You’ll have to wait until we get back.” She scowled, arms crossing again. “But Aria and Sonata are going to be there,” she complained with a groan. If they were there, there was going to be chaos, not peace, which is what she was desperately craving. At the feeling of your hand coming to rest against and squeeze her arm, her eyes trailed over to yours again. “Don’t worry about that either. I know how to get them out of the house for a good few hours.”

“Oh, you do now? If that's the case, why haven’t you used this idea before?” You pulled her with you as you turned and started to lead her back to the tour bus. As you walked, she slipped her hand down to lace it with yours, squeezing it softly as she caught up to walk next to you. “Because if I used it too often, they’d get suspicious.” She eyed you with a raised brow. “Well, Aria would catch on. Not too sure about Sonata,” you added, earning a small chortle.

Once you arrived at the door to the bus, Adagio paused, wincing upon hearing her sisters arguing inside. “Yeesh, it’s been a while since I’ve heard them get this loud,” you commented, hesitating to grab the handle. “They do it all the time. They just tend to act a little more civil when you’re around. I’ll bet you the moment they see you when we go in, they’ll shape up, even if it’s just a little bit.”

“Don’t put that much pressure on me,” you murmured jokingly, finally tugging the door open and stepping inside, waiting for Adagio to walk past you before closing the door again. Slowly, you turned, catching the attention of the other two Dazzlings. Instantly, they glanced at each other, sneered, and stomped off in opposite directions. While Sonata went to sit on the makeshift sofa in the back, Aria stepped out to climb into the driver’s seat so everyone could leave.

When you sat down on the opposite end of the couch from Sonata, Adagio joined you, smirking knowingly at you and mouthing a silent “told you” before slinging an arm around your shoulders. You rolled your eyes, but leaned into her nonetheless as the bus lurched forward.

The entirety of the drive to the apartment you shared with all three of them was silent, save for a few tired, pained groans that slipped from Adagio each time another wave of throbbing shot through her skull.

Ultimately, the bus was pulled and parked in a small lot. Sonata and Aria clambered out and headed toward the apartment, making sure they were out of earshot before they began to fight again. Adagio made a move to get up from the sofa and head toward the door, but halted herself when she felt your hand wrap itself around her wrist. “What’re you–” Before she could finish her question, you cupped her face and pulled her into a soft, chaste kiss.

When you pulled back, she could only gawk at you for a moment. “Proud of you,” was all you said as you stood, briefly leaving her alone and dumbfounded on the couch. Quickly, she stood and trailed after you, the pads of her fingers lightly grazing over her lips as she continued to stare at you. “What for?” She finally managed to blurt out. You motioned over toward her sisters once you stepped off the bus, the two of which were waiting impatiently at the entrance to the apartment building.

“For putting up with them and getting through another performance. I figured you would have murdered them by now.” She hummed. “If it weren’t for you, I would’ve done so by now.” You chuckled, linking your arm with hers and leaning against her shoulder as you walked. She smiled down at you, pecking the crown of your head softly. Once making it to the entrance, the four of you headed inside and upstairs. Aria turned to Adagio, annoyed, while she waited for her to fish the keys out of her pocket when they finally reached their apartment room.

The eldest sister took notice, glaring right back at Aria as she finally tugged the keys out. “Do it yourself,” she sneered out. When Aria turned to unlock the door and push it open, you nudged Adagio’s shoulder and glanced up at her with a mixed look of confusion and sympathy. She sighed after meeting your gaze, looking down at her feet and squeezing your arm still hooked around hers. “Sorry,” she whispered to you.

After everyone had put down their things, you called over to Aria and Sonata before they could make themselves comfortable on the sofa. “Why don’t you two go to the store and pick out what you want me to cook tonight? I’m willing to make more than one dish tonight,” you suggested, handing Aria a bit of cash. They glanced at each other, surprised. So surprised, in fact, that their harsh tone and glares instantly came to an end for the time being. “Really? Usually you hate it when we ask you to cook separate things for us,” Sonata replied, though she still reached over to grab her phone and stand up.

“Well, it’s been a while anyway, so I figured why not?” Both girls made their way to the door, not wanting to argue in case you took back your offer. “Thanks!” Sonata called out before they disappeared into the hallway. When you trailed over to shut and lock the door behind them, Adagio leaned herself against the doorway leading into the adjacent kitchen. “That’s your plan? To send them away for food?”

You nodded and turned to her. “Yeah. I know it sounds dumb, but you know how long it takes them to shop, especially for food. I mean, Sonata can never decide what sounds good to her. You remember that one night where she left the checkout counter six times before we could check out because she changed her mind on what she wanted for dinner?”

Adagio took a moment to digest your words, recalling the night you mentioned. At length, she nodded and hummed with a small shrug. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. The only way we could get her to finally settle on something was by telling her we would leave if she changed her mind again.” You snickered. “Yeah, exactly. They’ll be gone for a good three hours at least.”

Relieved at the idea of silence, Adagio nodded with a grin. “So, what’s your plan for me?”

After making sure Sonata and Aria had left, you took Adagio’s hand into your own and led her to the bathroom that was attached to your shared bedroom, revealing a hot bath with plenty of her favorite scented candles lining the lip of the tub and the sink. “Well, while you all were gone, I set a few things up. I made sure not to run the bath or light the candles until I could meet you back at the stage again, so hopefully the water is still warm enough.

“I’ve got a few other things planned for afterwards, but I figured the bath would help you loosen up a bit. Here’s this, by the way,” you explained, handing her a small glass of cold water and a single painkiller for her head. Almost excited at the sight of the tiny pill, she thanked you and quickly swallowed it down. After finishing off the glass of water, she placed it off to the side of the sink.

Wordlessly, you led her to sit down on the closed toilet lid, peeling her jacket off of her shoulders for her. Upon asking her to, she kicked off her heeled boots and socks, and you softly massaged her feet and calves, mentioning how you noticed her being in pain with every step. Shortly after, you stood and walked to stand beside her.

“Can you take off your shirt for me?” She grinned, raising a brow at you when she glanced up. “Get your mind out of the gutter, you dork. I’m just going to massage your shoulders and back for a bit.” she nodded, slipping her shirt off and pulling her hair over the front of her shoulder after taking it down  to expose more of her skin to you. You thanked her, then got to work, working out every knot you could feel.

She sighed in relief at your touch, slouching down and closing her eyes as she focused on your fingers working magic against her skin. By the time you were done, she had nearly fallen asleep. You smiled down at her and motioned toward the bath. You turned to give her a bit of privacy as she finished undressing, then turned when you heard her settle into the water. The soothing warmth of the water elicited a groan from her lips, and she sunk farther down into the tub, eyes fluttering shut yet again.

You couldn’t help but gaze at her, admiring her as you sat by the bath and leaned over to gently stroke her hair, earning another small sigh of relief. When she felt your lips press themselves softly against her forehead, she opened her eyes tiredly, peering up at you. “Think you can sit up for me for a bit?” She didn’t question you, likely too tired to bother, and did as asked, although she did let out a whine when her muscles ached in response, begging her to lie back again.

She hummed when you began to wash her hair for her, fingers deftly working through her curly locks with her favorite shampoo and conditioner before slowly rinsing it out. You let her rest in the water a while longer before helping her climb out, wrapping her in a fluffy towel, helping her pat her hair dry, and leading her to sit on the closed toilet lid again as you left the room to grab her a change of clothes.

You returned soon after, carrying a pair of her sweatpants and an oversized shirt that you had just pulled out from the dryer. She dried herself off slowly, wanting to lie down and fall asleep right there, then tugged on the clothes you had brought her, smiling at how warm they were against her skin. You held your hand out for her when you figured she was ready to stand, and she took it happily, letting you lead her back out into the bedroom and lie her down on her side of the bed.

She shivered, the room drastically colder than the bathroom, which you returned to shortly to blow all of the candles out and drain the tub. She slipped under the covers and bundled up against the pillows, her eyes catching you stepping back into the room and grabbing your laptop from the dresser. You waltzed over to your side and sat down on the mattress to hand her the small computer. “I have your favorite movie ready. Go ahead and let it play. I’m going to go grab something real quick and leave a note for Aria and Sonata in case we’re asleep by the time we get back.”

Adagio laughed weakly. “They’re not going to be happy. The entire reason they’re gone is to get something for you to cook tonight.” You shrugged with a roll of your eyes, smiling at the sound of her laugh. “They’ll get over it. I’ll just fix whatever they get tomorrow.” “They’re going to complain the whole time you’re cooking.” “Eh, I’ll be fine with that. All I have to do is tell them I’ll stop cooking if they don’t stop.”

You slipped out of the room again only for a moment, quickly returning with a small array of the snacks and drinks you knew Adagio liked the most, walking over and lining them up on her nightstand as she clicked play on the screen.

When you climbed into bed and joined her under the covers after shutting off the lights, you were greeted almost instantly with her tucking herself against your side. You wrapped your arm around her and pulled her close with a smile. “Thank you,” she murmured almost silently, the lower half of her face buried underneath the comforters. “Of course,” you replied in the same soft tone, kissing her forehead.

“We should definitely do this more often,” she adds. “We can, but I can’t promise I’ll be able to get your sisters out of here each time.” She groaned at the mere mention of the other two, making you giggle. No more words were spoken for that night. Very early into the movie, she had crashed, her head pushing itself further into your shoulder and one of her arms lazily draping over your stomach. You followed soon after, eyes falling shut and your body welcoming the darkness with a sense of solace.

You woke up the next morning to a very annoyed Aria and a very upset Sonata, but you didn’t pay them any mind until dinner time came around. Instead, you focused on Adagio for the day, ensuring she was doing better and could get around without any pain like she had been the day before. You helped her take care of what needed to be done for the day, taking on a handful of her chores so she could relax for the first time in weeks.

Every few hours, you would check up on her and massage her shoulders again, watching with glee as she melted into your touch. It had been forever since she had been so clingy toward you, but that day was no exception to how badly she wanted to be around you. Everywhere you turned, she was there, and anytime you weren’t standing and moving around, she had herself wrapped around you somehow. Either her arms would be encircling your waist or shoulders, or she’d tangle your legs with hers when lying in bed for a small rest.

You kept true to your word and cooked separate dishes for Aria and Sonata, who finally stopped bickering as they ate on the sofa, surprisingly managing to agree on what to watch on the TV. After you were sure they were going to stay calm for a while, you headed to the bedroom to find Adagio asleep in bed. Smiling warmly at the sight, you climbed into your side of the bed and scooted closer to her, pressing your forehead against hers.

She stirred for a moment, brows furrowing before her eyes opened and focused on you. “Hey,” you whispered. “Hi,” she murmured back. “Your sisters seem happy for now, so maybe today will be problem-free after all.” She chuckled. “Don’t place any bets on that.”

You grinned at her and lifted your hand, sliding it over and cupping her face to let the pad of your thumb stroke gently over her skin. Her eyes fluttered shut, accompanied by a satisfied sigh from her lips. You leaned closer and pressed a loving kiss to the bridge of her nose. “Was today any better than yesterday?” You asked hopefully. She nodded. “Yes, very much so. I don’t remember the last time I actually felt this rested.” Eyes still closed, she pecked the tip of your nose before her lips parted. “I truly do appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Not just now or yesterday, but in general as well. Thank you.”

Beaming brightly at the assurance her words brought you, you nodded and shifted up, pulling her head carefully into your chest. Her arms slipped around you, nails digging lightly into your shirt, and she hummed. “Of course,” you replied. “If you ever start getting stressed out again because of them—” “Shouldn’t take too long for that,” she interrupted, earning another laugh. “Right, well, just let me know when it happens, okay? We’ll do this again so you can rest.”

You could feel her smile against your skin and pull you flush against her body with a nod. “I’d like that.”

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3 years ago
Don't Tell Me I'm The Only One Who Saw The Resemblance???
Don't Tell Me I'm The Only One Who Saw The Resemblance???

Don't tell me I'm the only one who saw the resemblance???

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