Adam 2009 - Tumblr Posts

I made a "sketch-page" of spacedogs because I was simply bored and I wanted to draw them
I want to draw more on digital but I don't have time— /dies
I hate when people says that Adam (2009) is a bad representation of autism ; we’re all different and autism is a very large spectrum, adam IS realistic, it maybe does not match YOUR perception of autism but it IS a great representation. There’s a lot of things I related to and some I didn’t, but overall I don’t think it should be considered as a bad movie, because it certainly is not. The real problem in it is the pairing, adam did not find anyone that truly understands him and the end clearly shows that Beth was CLEARLY not a nice match for him, and he’s definitely going to have a way better relationship with the box girl at the end since they have the same passion about space and stuff. Beth and all the other people around him mostly did not make any effort in understanding him and NO the movie doesn’t mean that autistic people are unable of being in healthy relationships, just that if they’re not with someone that understands them, it is not going to work. Anyways, I loved Adam.
I thought of something ; an AU where Adam is an university teacher and kinda like will, he gets to talk non stop about his special interest, as his job. That’s genius
I’ve found my people omg.
Adam was a fucking revelation for me, I only watched it because of Hannibal at first but THEN. Every single time something was happening on the screen I would pause and say what I would have done, I undo pause and Adam does or say the EXACT thing. Like not joking. When Adam was confused, I was confused too, every single detail, to his way of walking, of sitting while eating, his struggles, I kept going « what the fuck? That’s me!? » and that was the first time EVER have I seen a character going through the things I when through my whole life, and I knew no shit about autism when I first watched the movie. (I mean, obviously I knew a bit since adults kept telling my mom that her kid was a weirdo, but hey). Obviously I don’t relate on EVERYTHING but gosh Adam is so so so good.
Overall, when it comes to ASD representations, people are never going to be happy. The spectrum is very large and everyone is different. If a representation doesn’t suit your type of autism, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad representation. It’s just not fitting for you. Because we’re all different. People are different. It’s literally impossible to summarise ASD in one single representation, that’s just stupid. Adam is just wow and my soul will now merge into this movie until it fucking explode, boom sppftrtttdhhsh epic (nuclear?) explosion sounds.
I hate when people says that Adam (2009) is a bad representation of autism ; we’re all different and autism is a very large spectrum, adam IS realistic, it maybe does not match YOUR perception of autism but it IS a great representation. There’s a lot of things I related to and some I didn’t, but overall I don’t think it should be considered as a bad movie, because it certainly is not. The real problem in it is the pairing, adam did not find anyone that truly understands him and the end clearly shows that Beth was CLEARLY not a nice match for him, and he’s definitely going to have a way better relationship with the box girl at the end since they have the same passion about space and stuff. Beth and all the other people around him mostly did not make any effort in understanding him and NO the movie doesn’t mean that autistic people are unable of being in healthy relationships, just that if they’re not with someone that understands them, it is not going to work. Anyways, I loved Adam.