Hannibal Extended Universe - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago


I'm making another rp call out post🙏I'm heavily interested to write something regarding the HEU, whether it be hannigram, spacedogs, royal instincts, tristhad, or another ship I am so willing to hear out! (There's so much to ship and do, its great)

I mainly only write hugh's characters, as I am most comfortable with writing them. I'm most versed in writing Will, Adam (Raki), Aiden, Grigg and Galahad! However, I am most certainly open to write Adam (Towers), Luke Brandon and even try Bobby Bronson!

Some of my favorite ships are hannigram, spacedogs, dogsdogs, tristhad, royal instincts, spacekraiser, but again happy to explore around!!

I'm semi lit/lit, and I do prefer 18+ as I am 21. I am in the EST time zone, and currently a full-time uni student so my replies may be delayed sometimes!! I also prefer to write over disc!

Please feel free to drop me a comment or DM <3 I would love to rp and possibly make friends too !!

Thank you!


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6 months ago

Hello again!

I'm making yet ANOTHER rp call out post beause im really in a writing mood recently🙏I'm heavily interested to write anything regarding Hannibal/HEU or SAW!!

I mainly only write hugh's characters, as I am most comfortable with writing them. I'm most versed in writing Will, Adam (Raki), Aiden, Grigg and Galahad! However, I am most certainly open to write Adam (Towers), Luke Brandon and even try Bobby Bronson (If i feel confident enough,,,)

As for SAW, I only write Peter Strahm & Adam Stanheight and I am heavily in love with both Hoffstrahm and Chainshipping so I would be super happy to write anything regarding that too!! Haven't written these characters in a hot minute so I might be a little rusty!!

I clearly love to collect Adam's like pokemon cards too

I'm semi lit/lit, and I do prefer 18+ as I am 21. I am in the EST time zone, and currently a full-time uni student so my replies may be delayed sometimes!! I also prefer to write over disc!

Feel free to drop me a comment or DM <3 I would love to rp and more than happy to make friends!

Thank you!

(ps, I am not replacing any rp partners I currently have, ily guys)

Hello Again!
Hello Again!

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10 months ago


Prompt takes place after both movies.

Really random and goofy idea but PLEASE hear me out. Adam Raki and Luke are twin brothers in this universe I’ve made up. Adam either visits or moves in with Luke after his breakup with Beth. It’s there that he meets Rebecca and the two of them get along, etc etc. For whatever reason, the two of them go out somewhere, Adam sees Nigel and develops a crush on him, Rebecca thinks it’s adorable and tries to set Adam up with Nigel. For comedic purposes, Luke could be wary of Nigel considering how Nigel is and because he could be a protective brother, meanwhile his girlfriend is into the whole bad boy persona.

It also helps that both movies came out in 2009 and both take place in New York.


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2 years ago
I Made A "sketch-page" Of Spacedogs Because I Was Simply Bored And I Wanted To Draw Them

I made a "sketch-page" of spacedogs because I was simply bored and I wanted to draw them

I want to draw more on digital but I don't have time— /dies

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1 year ago

very much a wip but putting this here for anyone who's interested in these silly guys

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1 year ago

Okay hiiii welcome! Literally you can scream about them anytime. My dms and asks are open. Ask me whatever you want. Talk to me. I need more people to talk to about them. I'm obsessed with these two. Been this way since the trailer came out. When did you first go: oh they should kiss??

- spider 🕷

omg hi there!! tysm for saying hello, i saw your profile and i was like omg i'm not the only one who ships them hooray so plz feel free to shoot me a dm too, i need more vollber buddies :] AS FOR YOUR QUESTION AHEM i shipped them from the literal moment i saw them together but my definite "oh they NEED to smooch" moment actually only hit me during the plane scene at the end of the film because klaber was just gazing up at voller while they were spiralling to their deaths and i was like ARGHHHHH NO MAKE THEM KISS!!!! but yeah, that's that :)

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1 year ago

Oh, another Voller/Klaber shipper! Hi!! Just like with Spider, you can scream with me about them any time if you want. There's still so little of us, feel free to dm me!

What are some of your headcanons after seeing the movie?? (Besides the one that they should have kissed during the plane scene, because they absolutely should. I bet they did in the last second, though, when the camera wasn't inside of the plane anymore. :))

OMG HELLO :] i'm so excited to be meeting more vollber fans rn, plz don't be afraid to dm me either because i have LITERALLY SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT THEM omg sorry i took so long to answer but as for headcanons (and other silly thoughts since i know i'll probably go crazy here), these are a few that are dancing around my head rn!! :))

• dragon riders - i think it'd be very snazzy if when archimedes found voller and klaber's bodies in the plane wreck they were immortalized in history as "the dragon riders," indiana jones finding a picture of them in that tomb like how he and helena found that picture of the phoenix with propellers representing their plane and he's like "jesus fuck not these homos again" LMAO

• klaber has adhd & dyslexia - i'm neurodivergent myself and i find this very fitting, klaber's impulsivity and horrific german just speaks to me and i also adore the idea of voller being the only one to accurately recognize this and help him rather than pinning the "dumb country boy" stereotype to him (although i love this flavor of klaber too)

• voller on tv - a lot of documentaries were made about ww2 after its end, voller never even considered the possibility of this happening and being a renowned nazi scientist, he becomes the subject of quite a few of them but what he doesn't know is that klaber has rewatched each and every one of them at least a hundred times for the simple fact that they're about his beloved boss that couldn't possibly do anything wrong (and he thinks young voller looks smoking hot ofc)

• this one is very nsfw so don't read any further than this if you're not a fan of that kinda stuff but anyways horny klaber - klaber's sex drive is fucking RIDICULOUSLY strong and it's not hard to tell, a single whiff of voller's cologne has that man foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and there's nothing anyone can do about it because klaber's the golden boy and if he can get away with shooting up the literal apollo 11 parade, he can get away with humping every available piece of furniture within a 100 mile radius too (or alternatively voller's leg)

• slightly nsfw but klaber's accent - voller is fucking IN LOVE with it but he'd throw himself off a bridge before ever admitting it, hauke complains that voller is constantly correcting him on his german but despite klaber's being significantly worse, he never says a thing about his and then one day it clicks and he's just like "oh" 😰 LMAO

• MORE NSFW SORRY LMAO but sexy time - klaber definitely calls voller herr voller in bed regardless of whether he's topping or bottoming, voller actively encourages this with a "guter Junge" (good boy) each time ;)


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1 year ago

"The man you're servin'... he's the one who put those astronauts on the moon. Built the rockets they rode in."

Klaber, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

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1 year ago

klaber headcanon - karaoke

idk how but i know for a FACT that klaber can sing and dance, all i can imagine in my head rn is voller and his goons going to a bar and klaber just starts going NUTS on the karaoke and voller's like REALLY SURPRISED LMAO, also him singing trouble by elvis presley specifically because it just fits so well in my brain, HE ALSO SOUNDS LIKE KLABER LIKE WHAT???

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1 year ago

vollber headcanons for @brilliant-fox

as requested by @brilliant-fox, i shall post more vollber headcanons here for y'all to munch on >:) • klaber is a REALLY good dancer/singer - klaber will get down to that 60s jazz like a fucking animal but he's genuinely an amazing dancer/singer even when he's drunk outta his mind and needs to be dragged off the stage at the bar, meanwhile voller has two left feet which tends to surprise people • slightly nsfw but klaber's favorite food is ribs - hands down, i will not be taking any questions on this, klaber could stick a rib in his mouth, pull the bone out and it'd be so clean that it'd be shining with god's holy fucking light, voller doesn't know how he does it but he does know he wants to stick something else in that mouth iykwim ;) • slightly nsfw again my bad but nicknames - when talking to other people about klaber, voller will refer to him as "mein höllenhund" (meaning "my hellhound") and klaber never fails to live up to his title but it's "mein welpe" in bed, meaning "my puppy" ;) • praise - voller will praise klaber for the exact same things he shouts at hauke for, hauke could fuck something up and voller would go nuts at him but when klaber fucks something up, he receives a very affectionate "du hast dein bestes gegeben, guter junge" (you tried your best, good boy) and it pisses hauke off to NO END • chivalry - a lot of people joke about throwing their coats down over puddles so their loved ones don't have to step in them and get their shoes wet, it's a pretty old romantic tradition that nobody actually takes seriously EXCEPT FOR KLABER. it could be pouring with rain and klaber's tearing his coat off and draping it over the side of the road as voller climbs out of the car so he doesn't get his clothes dirty • gum - klaber's the kinda crazy motherfucker to see someone spit gum out onto the ground and go "ooh, gum" and bend down to pick it up, don't ask questions, it's canon, he's insane that's all i have for now my lovelies, i'll be posting more soon so don't you worry >:)

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1 year ago

vollber discovery (kind of)

i was messing around with google translate and i was laughing my ass off because klaber's name is very similar to the word "kleber" in german which means GLUE like i'm DYING HERE he's always glued to voller and i thought it was rlly funny

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1 year ago

jurgen voller x klaber rp request

hi there y'all! been craving an rp recently and i was wondering if anybody would be interested in a jurgen voller x klaber one!! plz hmu or comment below if you'd like to start one with me :]

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1 year ago


thinking about horny klaber humping voller's shoe like a dog in full view of everyone <3

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3 years ago

i hate tumblr but attention is cool, Here is Elias

I Hate Tumblr But Attention Is Cool, Here Is Elias

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