Aether Foundation - Tumblr Posts

This game is soo easy to r34...
Also, is that treason Mark !?? The boss will not like this~
💙Researchethicshipping and their Pokemon Part 2 of idk how many💚 ft. Colress's Magnezone!! and my OCs

I am still working on these I swear hshs once again sorry for my messy handwriting
In my head Colress Magnezone is still like a Magnemite just in the body of a Magnezone. It's like an ambitious guard-beginner and tries it's best fulfilling all orders that it's been told. Since our dear Branch Chief has a high rank it reaaaaally admires Faba and wants to be like him one day. So it helps Faba everywhere it can. Which leads to the situation that sometimes Employees think that the Magnezone belongs to Faba and not Colress.
As example I took a "What if Faba is sick" situation where Magnezone watches over the Employees doing their work instead of him. And scolds them for slacking off
Small OC rant:
And here we have my Pokemon OCs I never talked about. Lilac (the one with the ditto) is "you will never guess who's assistant she is by looking at her outfit" and Xenley is a very (un)happy worker with a lot of Broken dreams and she hates Faba to her guts. She really likes the rest of Aether Team but is tsun about it and everything.
They are both parts of the small Pokemon story I do so yee maybe I talk about them more by time.
Thanks for reading!
I drew...something...

Just imagine no other employees being around since Faba isn't into PDA. If others would be around they would never do that.
Huuuuge Rant:
I am thinking to myself "Hey Angi can you draw something else than fluff". No somehow at the moment I am unable to draw anything else.
In this week I drew this and a bunch of Researchethicshipping stuff that I post soon. I am literally boiling with idea. Please give me more time Dialga.
Here we have Lilac and Faba! Yay- who even is she btw.
I try to explain as shit as possible:
In my dumb Story she is Fabas Assistant (thats why they share similar outfits) but before that, she helped the Aether Foundation out with a "little" Ultra Beast disaster that was going on in Alola. Strong Trainers all around the world were asked to help out and since this snitch just finished going to the Academy (as an adult since she was never allowed to be a trainer before thanks to her possesive mother. Is other story) and obtained her Champion rank in Paldea (which is a whole other arc) she had nothing better to do than going to Alola. And boom there she met Faba who invited her into the Aether Foundation. Then a bunch of things happend, Fabas Villain arc, betrayel, Forgiving, understanding, Lilac being dense, blabla, and for now things are kinda fine. Faba wants to change but has a lot of issues with himself, mainly his pretty shit and unloving past comes up to him a lot. So Lilac (and Colress later too) support him on that Journey with a lot of love and support.
That's literally it as summary (honestly without background knowledge this sounds very boring iehrkwjhd). But the story will get bigger than that since I want them to visit a l l possible regions and let them do something there. I already have a lot of ideas for some regions. (For some others not XD)
Also I am looking for a Shipname for these two. My first and only idea was PurpleBeanShipping but I am not really vibing that much with it for now;
I already said so much but one last thing 💀 Lilac ofc respects Faba a lot. They work very close together and hide their relationship as much as possible and only do things when nobody is around. But just as with Colress some Co-Workers probably know what's going on by time.
Also she uses Boss or Branch Chief quite often only to spoil him. She usually is very soft to him but well that usually can also be different. Still soft tho 💀
Now I said enough. I am sorry for this 😭
GRRR MY FABA BRAINROT IS SO HIGH ATM BUT WORK, ARTFIGHT AND ANXIETY SHIZ MAKE ME WAY TOO BUSY THIS MONTH. I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAYYYYY. (And to catch up to what others made;;) But to summarize I (or better Lilac) wants to give him a big hug (and smooch) and watch him be happy. (And a bunch of Chaotic stuff between Faba and Colress. God do o want to talk a lot;; )
SEE YOU SOON AGAIN HOPEFULLY. I got a lot to share òvo
Have a little Icon of her I made some weeks ago

Let me put the this upon you

The Cat Faba just came naturally- I was just doodling him and then it happend.
On the other hand I was itching to draw Petrel because he is a dumb //affec and BECAUSE I NEVER DREW HIMMM. Really have to study him more and see how I prefer drawing his hair.
I am sorry I have to let out a little rant about them:
I will explain their dynamic hopefully more in a future post, but in my Pokemon story Universe where Lilac has her adventures, these two lovely idiots are brothers because just look at them.
Basically Petrel is C H A O S while Faba wants everything nice, clean and tidy and literally gets angry about everything Petrel does. And man does Petrel love seeing him angry and fed up by him.
Faba is the older "Big bro" but gets bullied (brotherly) for being shorter and gets made fun of/teased by Petrel verrrry often for literally anything. Also watch them have make up rivalries and insult each other how shit the other looks (as said everything is in a not harmful and joking way ✋🏻)
As much as they bully each other, they shared the same shitty household they grew up in and deep inside they are there for each other and understand each others mindset about how they see the world a lot. But you will never see that because they only talk about these things privately.
Rant end. Thank you if u read so far :>
After a little big Art Burnout I am slowly coming back with ideas also for Faba Colress and more. I hope I don't burn out again and actually get to draw these ideas like aaaah.
His favorite food...

Just teasing his old man bf :>
Selfshiptober 2024
Day 2 Blanket

Faba pulled another night of working over time so he deserves to rest now.
Faba and Lilac are kinda the meme of "People falling asleep at 4 AM vs People who wake up at 4 AM" during the work week.
Day 3 Embrace

And at the weekend they look like this c:
Day 4 Apple picking

Not reeeally apple picking but Lilac came back from her Galar expedition and heard about a certain rumor of gifting an Applin to someone you like there. She was able to pick a ✨️green✨️ Applin and gives it to the person she loves at the moment she came back