Koffing - Tumblr Posts

there was a poorly blended Koffing+Eevee on the facebook so I fixed it and did not bother signing because I find this subpar and dosen’t deserve signing of proof I drew it.

Some sprites I made for Pokemon Infinite Fusion!! @lighterium and I have been playing together and he managed to find a shiny Koffing, so I wanted to make him some cool fusions so he could use it in his team. :}
Alternate colors under the cut:

An alternative evolution for Koffing that I came up with. It is part Fairy type and part Poison Type. It has the power to draw polluted air into itself where it is purified before being released back into the air. I pictured Koffing evolving into Klensing while holding the Fairy/Pixie Dust, a new item I came up with that wild Fairy-type Pokemon may sometimes be holding when caught.
Let me put the this upon you

The Cat Faba just came naturally- I was just doodling him and then it happend.
On the other hand I was itching to draw Petrel because he is a dumb //affec and BECAUSE I NEVER DREW HIMMM. Really have to study him more and see how I prefer drawing his hair.
I am sorry I have to let out a little rant about them:
I will explain their dynamic hopefully more in a future post, but in my Pokemon story Universe where Lilac has her adventures, these two lovely idiots are brothers because just look at them.
Basically Petrel is C H A O S while Faba wants everything nice, clean and tidy and literally gets angry about everything Petrel does. And man does Petrel love seeing him angry and fed up by him.
Faba is the older "Big bro" but gets bullied (brotherly) for being shorter and gets made fun of/teased by Petrel verrrry often for literally anything. Also watch them have make up rivalries and insult each other how shit the other looks (as said everything is in a not harmful and joking way ✋🏻)
As much as they bully each other, they shared the same shitty household they grew up in and deep inside they are there for each other and understand each others mindset about how they see the world a lot. But you will never see that because they only talk about these things privately.
Rant end. Thank you if u read so far :>
After a little big Art Burnout I am slowly coming back with ideas also for Faba Colress and more. I hope I don't burn out again and actually get to draw these ideas like aaaah.

Next regional form is the Koffing line based on naval mines. Hoennian Koffing line Moveset -Double Hit -Haze -Defog -Mist -Smog -Smokescreen -Life Dew -Water Gun -Mirror Shot -Aromatic Mist 12 Bubble Beam 16 Assurance 20 Smart Strike 24 Aromatherapy 28 Self-Destruct 32 Dive 38 Iron Head 44 Flash Cannon 50 Explosion 56 Memento 62 Destiny Bond 68 Hydro Pump
Egg Moves Mirror Coat Pain Split Aqua Ring Grudge Spite Curse Stockpile Swallow Spit Up
PMD: Explorers of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea (Part 3)

Okay so maybe I was slightlyambitious by thinking i could release once a week, so once every two weeks will do. Either way, DID YOU KNOW TORCHIC IS ACTUALLY SURPRISINGLY HARD TO DRAW-