Pokemon Trainer - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
Tired Nerd Sam Wants T0 Battle.

Tired Nerd Sam wants t0 battle.

I really like P0kem0n...

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9 years ago
M0re P0kem0n Stuff, This Time 0f My Friends, Ash And Skylar.
M0re P0kem0n Stuff, This Time 0f My Friends, Ash And Skylar.

M0re P0kem0n stuff, this time 0f my friends, Ash and Skylar.

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7 years ago
..if I Was A Pokemon Trainer.. I Might Want To Look Something Like This!?

..if I was a Pokemon trainer.. I might want to look something like this!?

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11 months ago
Im Just Being Silly With My Friend, But Maybe You Too Want To See Arven And Kieran As Little Horses

I’m just being silly with my friend, but maybe you too want to see Arven and Kieran as little horses

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1 year ago
Takin A Break From The Usual With A Pokmon Trainer Sona!!!!

Takin a break from the usual with a Pokémon trainer sona!!!!

(I have not touched a single digital game of Pokémon, but I battled so much with the cards in 1st-2nd grade I swear I'm a fan /j)

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1 year ago


Hi! (This is very random, I know) If you happen to run into my little account...also check out my sibling @loiyourlocalperson ! They're also an artist and I believe they draw so much better than I ngl ↓


Well, that's all. Oh! And Merry Early Christmas if I forget to post that day ._.

Thank you for your time!


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10 months ago

Basically LMAO

Basically LMAO
Basically LMAO

@loiyourlocalperson , people sure seem to love your boy BAHAHAHA

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10 months ago

Random: I don't really use my phone while on car rides. I really want to see outside, everything passing by. It feels like a fleeting moment that I should cherish and not miss every moment of. Dunno, that's what I think at least.

Random: I Don't Really Use My Phone While On Car Rides. I Really Want To See Outside, Everything Passing

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2 years ago

Your honor, I'm in love ❤️ Arven has my heart! Him and Eliana, my trainer, are so freakin' cute together 😍

Your Honor, I'm In Love Arven Has My Heart! Him And Eliana, My Trainer, Are So Freakin' Cute Together

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10 months ago
Show Some Love For Volkner!

Show Some Love for Volkner!

Okay next one up is our depressed Boi ♡Sunyshore City's electric type Gym leader Volkner! I think he's way too under appreciated :')

Did you know he got the offer to be one of Sinnoh's elite four? But he didn't take the offered position because he wasn't allowed to make changes at the Pokémon Leagues building. His only condition was to tinker and they said no hahaha.

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1 year ago

This is Hoku, who I mentioned in Astraeus's post.

(Art at the bottom)

Loreeeeeeeeee(That I can remember): Ight so basically near when the MC defeated Necrozma in the ultra games, Hoku was starting his journey he was going to go the melemele after taking studies from his father about Ultra beasts, his experience's with Kerum and Necrozma, along with other things! but first he snuck out on his home island of poni island with his starter Rowlet named "Stilit", to the mountain wanting to check out a meteor that he saw fell there and found a Freezing Necrozma in the crater (In this version the MC either didn't catch Necrozma or just didn't know about Them yet) suddenly A trainer with their Scizor came out and told Hoku to move away so he could take care of this monster. Hoku refused and stood in front of him blocking his Scizor, The Trainer ordered his Scizor to attack even with him in the way believing it to be the best thing to do. Just then Necrozma used his power to create a weaker ultra wormhole and teleported them both back to his home, after this Necrozma would ask "why would you go out of your way to attempt to protect me?" Hoku would answer"Because that's what's what ya do when you see someone hurt! Help" He said happily.... Okay bruh who's writing this corny assfuck shit. (if you have recommendations to improve this story go ahead) After this they would both talk it out and Necrozma now named "Azo" would accept being his pokemon in order to figure out how to fix him in a nonviolent way, tomorrow he started his adventure on melemele going thru the trails meeting and catching all his pokemon. Astraeus, Umbreil, Helios and a Guzzlord named Guz that Azo accidentally summoned later. Eventually he would get out and fight the champion, after the fierce fight they where both on one pokemon The champion was on his Sogaleo and Hoku only had Azo, Hoku wanted to quit the fight not wanting to reveal Azo but was pressured by everyone around him to finish the fight, the crowd would turn to chaos Azo and Hoku saw this and quickly left under the pressure to another universe, starting a true adventure across the pokemon multiverse to collect Z crystals, Mega stone's etc to Slowly gather power for Azo to be Regain his Light and stop his pain, getting into mishaps along the way and learning new things with some near death encounters but as a favorite show of mine says. "Such is the life of an adventurer!"

Here is a 10 year old Hoku and Azo, then we have an updated version of Azo's personal prism pattern then last but not least it's my new 13 year old Hoku. These mouthsfuckers have been at this for 3 years.

This Is Hoku, Who I Mentioned In Astraeus's Post.
This Is Hoku, Who I Mentioned In Astraeus's Post.
This Is Hoku, Who I Mentioned In Astraeus's Post.
This Is Hoku, Who I Mentioned In Astraeus's Post.
This Is Hoku, Who I Mentioned In Astraeus's Post.

(As said earlier I have no idea what I'm doing so please help me improve this dog shit story.)

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5 months ago


got my account back after awhile anyways have some hoku art


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