Agate - Tumblr Posts

Graduated Candy Agate Princess Length Necklace

Calcite, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua Mexico
Blue Holly Agate, Nisanje Dist. Malawi

После смерти тела-ума никакого очищения или промежуточного процесса подготовки нет. Зачем и как такое могло бы быть? Кто возвращался оттуда? Все представления о «загробной жизни» и перевоплощении есть лишь конструкции ума, жаждущего сохранить иллюзию своего бессмертия. История подходит к концу. Божественное повествование дописано, и, что бы там ни думал ум, отныне в этом тексте нельзя переставить ни единой запятой. Декорации тают в воздухе, и все персонажи уходят со сцены. Их мнимое существование заканчивается вместе с приснившимся сном. Ибо мы — океан и волны, тьма и свет #тайнакоторойнет #тонипарсонс #geode #blue #agate #rock #crystals #minerals #nature #gems

Loft-Style San Francisco Family room - small modern loft-style carpeted and beige floor family room idea with beige walls

doodles of a couple of my flight rising dragons

Betty vs Frisk! A little thing I made and never posted for their epic fight! Art belongs to me
Glitchtale belongs to @camilaart

Grape Agate, or Purple Chalcedony from Indonesia
Photo: Amarisland
I was the market
Lol when a 14 year old tries to tell off a 39 year old, gotta laugh.
Let’s just say meeting a real life Anti is an experience.

Excited to share this item from my shop: Coil Agate Earrings #agate #earth #darksilver #coils (at Indianapolis, Indiana)

Living Room Music Room Large modern open concept living room idea with medium-tone wood flooring and a red floor, beige walls, a standard fireplace, a metal fireplace, and no television.

Wire wrapped pendant featuring purple Agate Cabochon and Amethyst beads #wirewrap #wirewrapping #wirewrapped #wirewrappedjewelry #wirewrapjewelry #jewelry #jewellery #jewellerydesign #jewelryart #jewelryforsale #jewelleryforsale #handmadejewelry #handmadegifts #handmade #handcrafted #handcraftedjewelry #oneofakind #pendants #necklaces #crystal #crystals #gemstonependant #gemstones #healingcrystals #chakras #chakra #agate #purple #amethyst #amethystcrystal
Botryoidal Agate, grape Agate, 9251 notes. 9 August 2021.

A rare find and oh so delicious here is a botryoidal Agate, informally called “grape Agate,”
Character Mood Boards: 7 Deadly Sins







Played the game yesterday and got flirt points with both Zane and Owen... I feel like aunty is going be thinking MC has a shitty taste for men.
About our aunt's opinion about them, it's obvious why she wouldn't like MC to be with Zane, but why did she have that reaction when she saw Owen? From the text it seemed that she had a bad opinion of him from the start.
Hi! Oh, you're going to give your aunt a heart attack, aren't you? It all has to come down to the fact that Owen is a wrath demon, a servant of Agate. Let's just say that Agate (the actual sin of wrath) and Zinnia have some bad history.