Age Regression Caregiver - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Happy Vernal Equinox!!

happy vernal equinox!!

its the first day of spring :3

i know that many others like me celebrate the equinox, and... some are littles!!! here are little activities, and some also regular activities, to celebrate spring!!


go on walks, spend time outdoors

have a big feast!!

watch some happy shows or movies that can fit the theme!

- i like winnie the pooh, films based on fairy tales, studio ghibli, and many disney movies/shows!!

have tea!! especially berry and floral teas


open your windows, listen to the birds

one thing i found out about recently is pressing flowers!! like, keep a scratch journal with pressed flowers that you find


have a picnic with your cg!! (or with anyone you want, or by yourself!!)

do some spring cleaning

cloud watching

learn a new skill


some of these are for littles with cgs, some without, most you can do without being little at all, but i find that it tends to make activities a lot more fun, lol.

i need to do the next day of the agere moodboards...

dni in pinned!

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10 months ago
Me: Starts A Daily Moodboard Challenge

me: starts a daily moodboard challenge

also me: doesn't do it daily (i forget, and when i remember i dont wanna do it at that second)

also me (again): remembers that the agere community is accepting and probably won't care if i dont post every day

happy :3

Me: Starts A Daily Moodboard Challenge

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9 months ago
A divider with pink dots!


It's weird, I was more active during the school year than summer break...

I promise I'll be posting more, especially moodboards...

A disclaimer page saying: "Misumi Nagisa protects this blog! This user occasionally has a child mentality. DNI if your blog is NSFW or if you plan to be rude." Next to the text is a picture of the anime character Misumi Nagisa holding a katana.

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9 months ago
A divider with pink dots and a transparent background.

25 days of agere moodboards - day 3, fav kids book!

I really really like One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I've loved Dr. Seuss books since my bodily age was little!! So... AAA! I still enjoy one every now and then (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)

A moodboard based on the book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. In the center is a photo of the book cover, with lines around it in different colours. Next to one line is the word "One," another the word "Two," another the word "Red," and the last one with the word "Blue." Around it are images that correspond with the main colours of the book cover.

I struggled to make this one... so many colours... so many ideas... so little material. I couldn't find anything fish related so I just made it out of the main colours... besides white, white was hard to find stuff with, and when I did it was cream or off-white. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

A banner that reads: "Misumi Nagisa protects this blog! This user occasionally has a child mentality. DNI if your blog is NSFW or if you plan to be rude." Next to the text is the character Misumi Nagisa holding a katana.

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9 months ago
A divider with pink dots and a transparent background.

25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 4, Perfect agere day!!

i got... so stuck on this one, because it changes depending on my mood. so i just made a moodboard with mainly images of comfort movies/shows, but also a bit of things like playgrounds, drawing, and bubbles.

25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 4, Perfect Agere Day!!

Featured movies/shows: Futari wa Precure, Flushed Away, (technically) Hello Kitty, Octonauts, Tangled, Wild Kratts, My Little Pony, Beethoven, and Matilda.

No alt text on the moodboard, because I feel like it was described pretty well in the post!

A banner that reads: "Misumi Nagisa protects this blog! This user occasionally has a child mentality. DNI if your blog is NSFW or if you plan to be rude." Next to the text is the character Misumi Nagisa holding a katana.

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8 months ago
Youtubers To Watch When Age Regressed!

Youtubers to watch when age regressed!

i keep going to find these, but i can never find cohesive lists! so... here are the ones i know and watch!

✰ Sis Vs Bro - a lot of challenge videos! they started posting AGAIN recently!!

✰ amabelle - relaxing vlogs and videos about cute finds and stationary!

✰ CookieSwirlC - fun gaming videos!

✰ etellan - doll makeover videos! rlly relaxing voice...

✰ Dollightful - more doll makeovers! but this time more energetic

✰ Big Mama Eternal - videos about gacha and roblox, mainly! rlly funny and nice :)

✰ DrawingWiffWaffles - drawing videos! i like the "only one colour" series!

✰ stampylonghead - minecraft videos!

✰ GamerGirl - karina!! cool gaming videos with things like minecraft, fortnite, and roblox!

✰ witolfish - sims videos, her sims are very inclusive!

✰ Flamingo - rlly funny roblox videos! slight swearing warning, but its usually censored or light!

✰ Ryeua Sim - more sims videos!!!!

✰ LaurenZside - fun videos, usually about gaming. i like her series of "games that seem cute, but are scary"!

✰ SonaDrawzStuff - drawing videos! has some challenges with her boyfriend too

✰ Vixella - videos about games like the sims, bitlife, girlsgogames, and mobile apps! (mainly sims though...)

✰ lilsimsie - more sims videos!!

✰ LDShadowLady - minecraft vids!

✰ Yammy - reactions, games like roblox and project sekai!

✰ Moriah Elizabeth - painting, squishies, and toy videos!

✰ The Theorist channels - theory videos! these channels include The Game Theorists, The Film Theorists, The Food Theorists, and The Style Theorists, plus their let's play channel, GTLive!

✰ Hello Kitty And Friends - Sanrio skits and the actual show, Hello Kitty And Friends!

✰ Haminations - funny animations about the ytbers life! not my personal cup of tea, but my littles love it!

✰ Hey Bear Sensory - baby sensory videos. legit fruits dancing around but i love watching it when i regress to like... baby ages.

this list will probably grow as I get suggestions and find out about more!

Youtubers To Watch When Age Regressed!

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8 months ago
A divider with pink dots and a transparent background.

so guys, ive been reblogging a LOT of caregiver stuff because i recently starting caring for a little...

its all with the #robs cg resources <3

and i realised that maybe i should make resource tags for... more things? and i would also add the tags to my own posts that suit that as well.

like maybe:

#robs pet recources <3

#robs little resources <3

#robs middle resources <3

#robs object resources <3

^ for context, an object regressor is someone who regresses to an inanimate object, like a doll, stuffed animal, robot, etc.

idk. maybe more pet stuff because i've been experimenting with regressing to a LOT of animals.

A banner that reads: "Misumi Nagisa protects this blog! This user occasionally has a child mentality. DNI if your blog is NSFW or if you plan to be rude." Next to the text is the character Misumi Nagisa holding a katana.

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8 months ago
A divider with pink dots and a transparent background.

25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 5, Favourite show to watch!!

i assume this means when regressed/dreaming, so I did adventure time! it largely depends on what age im regressed to, but adventure time is one i watch a lot no matter the age. if its an older age, i usually watch pretty cure :3

In the middle of the image, there's text writtwn in yellow and blue saying "come slong with me" with a heart at the end, also underlined with pink and black. Around the text is images of Adventure Time characters. One row is Finn, the other row is Princess Bubblegum, one column is Jake, and the other is Marceline!
A divider with pink dots and a transparent background.
A banner that reads: "Misumi Nagisa protects this blog! This user occasionally has a child mentality. DNI if your blog is NSFW or if you plan to be rude." Next to the text is the character Misumi Nagisa holding a katana.

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7 months ago
Am I... The Only Person Who Gets The Urge To Redo Everything All The Time

am i... the only person who gets the urge to redo everything all the time

like me: makes a spotify playlist and fills it with a ton of songs me a day later: i want to delete this whole playlist and redo it

yes this is me saying i want to redo this blog. will i? probably not ive put too much effort into this to do so. but im so close dude.

this post was NOT in my lil comforting agere persona, sorry *insert pensive emoji*

Am I... The Only Person Who Gets The Urge To Redo Everything All The Time

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7 months ago
I Have Now Realised That Ive Been Taking Agere Moodboard Prompts Too Seriously.

i have now realised that ive been taking agere moodboard prompts too seriously.

i just made a moodboard based on "a character you headcanon as a regressor" and i just... made a moodboard of only that character.

no pacifier, no "aesthetic" pictures not anything else besides the character.

so uh.

new moodboard coming out soon? just maybe not... that one.

also maybe ill just use the standard 3x3 box for it. probably makes it easier on me.

I Have Now Realised That Ive Been Taking Agere Moodboard Prompts Too Seriously.

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7 months ago
A divider with pink dots and a transparent background.

Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 6, A character you headcanon as a regressor!

i... suck at headcanoning characters. which is weird to say because its not like, a skill. but im basically saying i rarely do it. however, i do entertain the idea of misumi nagisa being a regressor! yes, shes in my pfp, im obsessed with her. i could make a whole post about how i think nagisa would be as a regressor... but thats for another day.

pink hearts scattered across a pink background
two pink rubber ducks kissing
heart shaped pink spider web
black pacifier with a pink background
misumi nagisa in pink pajamas and messy hair brushing her teeth
hand with black nails in pink water
white stars on a black background
black cat plushie on top of pilllows
a black baby mobile with stars on it

~ read dni in pinned or other posts of mine before interacting, T.I.A. !! ~

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6 months ago
red hello kitty divider, one hello kitty picture at each end and a red bow in the middle

25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 7, Favourite colour!!

i... don't have a favourite colour. havent had one since i was like 5. however, whenever people ask, i always say red or wine red, so here's a red moodboard!

shopping haul full of red objects! like bags, foods, etc.
red books
red bottles
red bunny plushie
red my melody plushie, covered in a pink blanket
red bear stuffie
red mary jane shoes with white lacy socks
beige and red swirl design

also decided i'd start to change my divider up to match the board!

~ please check my profile or other posts for my dni before interacting, T.I.A.! ~

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6 months ago
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!

25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream playroom!!!

oh boy... thats a hard one. i mostly just compiled photos of playrooms that fit my blog theme. BUT, i do know a couple things i'd want: a tent or some sort of secret lil spot, a pretend kitchen & food, and a TON of pretend stuff. i love my pretend food, makeup kits, doctor kits, etc. but ESPECIALLY toy food... it comforts me in a way i never knew was possible.

25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!
25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 8, Dream Playroom!!!

~ check dni in pinned or other posts before interacting, thanks in advance! ~

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6 months ago
divider with yellow and indigo suns on it

25 Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 9, Favourite Disney princess!

ooooooooooooooooh i was so excited for this one

i love rapunzel. i love rapunzel. i watched tangled on repeat as a child. i think i could quote it word for word.

sparkly purple curtains
purple butterfly lights
purple dress ruffles
purple and gold pacifier with a star in the middle
rapunzel carrying food with her hands and head! pascals eating some of it
purple and yellow baby lotion bottles
sun plushie
yellow pacifier
white text with yellow background saying "i don't wanna be big" with a sunflower decal

EEEEE this whole movie comforts me

~ please check dni in pinned before interacting ~

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6 months ago
What Do You Guys Recommend I Put On My Huge List Of Regression Resources?? Like For Categories Or Specific

what do you guys recommend I put on my huge list of regression resources?? like for categories or specific items/media.

my categories at the moment are:




activities (sorted into indoor and outdoor activities)


gear/gift ideas

already plan on adding: tumblr blogs, shops, and youtubers. what else should i add???

p.s.: working on requests atm :3

What Do You Guys Recommend I Put On My Huge List Of Regression Resources?? Like For Categories Or Specific

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6 months ago

Can you do Specter Moodboard from Ape Escape please and make sure that you will take your time okay cool beans!!!

Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool

this was admittedly hard, lol. i didn't really know... the themes i wanted for specter? but i landed on a like... cyberpunk science thing? idk. here!

Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool
Can You Do Specter Moodboard From Ape Escape Please And Make Sure That You Will Take Your Time Okay Cool

I'll always redo it if you want something else!! :)

~ check my pinned for my dni & request rules ~

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