Futari Wa Pretty Cure - Tumblr Posts
personally I think that Misumi Nagisa is a genderqueer adhd girlboy and Yukishiro Honoka is an agender autistic tgirl and they both use she/they/it (nagisa also uses he) and they’re GIRLFRIENDS!!!!!!! Hikari third wheels and she’s a fem queen that uses she/her and she’s aroace

Mepple: Hey Mipple! Let's french kiss right in front of Nagisa and Honoka again!
Mipple: OK!
*proceeds to have a very sloppy make-out session*
Don't try telling me that I'm wrong with this either!
Please do enjoy!!
Child: Mom, can we have Futari wa Pretty Cure?
Mom: We have Futari wa Pretty Cure at home.
Futari wa Pretty Cure at home:

I had completely forgotten that futari wa pretty cure had a Canadian English dub, so when I checked the website I use to watch the Precure series I did not read the part that said 'dubbed'.
Safe to say I was caught off guard

my version of self care
Momo And Kujou Hikari
Momo: So, I made a dress up game of your honour
Hikari: Really, Thank you!
Momo: It's called "Nikki in Light"
Hikari: wow, so like Shining Nikki, it's in 3D, I never got to play it! But this is better!
Momo: Do you like it?
Hikari: I do! Nikki is a college student that likes coordinating clothing, and likes bubble tea-oh..Her childhood best friend died...HER WORST EMENY KILLED HER BEST FRIEND??? THEY BRAINWASHED HER OLDER SISTER?? A TIMELINE COLLAPSED AND HER FRIENDS FROM YEAR 0 AND 680 ARE IN HER WORLD??? HER HOUSE IS ON FIRE???? LUOANG IS A PERVERT??? A WAR BREAKS LOOSE???? NIKKI SACRIFICES HER LIFE TO SAVE THE WORLD???? THIS IS SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Momo: how will you rate the game 1 to 5 stars! Please give me yakiniku after you are done with the game.
This had to be said
I normally don't post about Pretty Cure, but it's my childhood, so heir I go.
After watching the second Max Heart Movie after probably 10 years, I can't decide if FujiP is a wet pathetic man of Kimata's or gay, or both
So you loved Kira Kira Precure a la Mode, and/or some of the other seasons of the past 10 or so years. So you go to watch the season that started it all, and its probably not what your expecting. And there's a good chance you don't like it. That's fair. The two could not be more different. Now, Kira Kira Precure A la Mode is not a bad magical girl anime. Not by any stretch of the imagination. It has charming characters and creative battles. But is it a good Precure show? It is Futari wa Precure's antithesis. At least as much of an antithesis as it can possibly be while still being a show targeted towards young girls. Kira Kira Precure A La Mode is a colorful show, with 6-8 larger than life characters as they battle against hatred. They fight in confection themed outfits while wearing heels and being unabashedly cutesy. It's main protagonist always saving the day with an energetic "Whip Step Jump" or a "Bright Idea". To be fair, many modern Precure series are more similar to Kira Kira. Girls who are role models. Girls who chase after their dreams with everything they have. Who even without being Precure live extraordinary lives. There is only one Whip, there are many like her. There is no Cure like Black.
Now excuse me while I get really emotional and overdramatic about Futari wa Precure.
Futari wa Precure is not modern Precure, Modern Precure wouldn't really start until Fresh. Splash Star took the first steps, and Precure continues to evolve, but the first seasons of Precure, particularly the first 3 are not the Modern Cure. Futari wa Precure is not a story about Extraordinary girls, doing extraordinary things. It's not loud, nor bright spectacle. A show is not wrong for being these things. But these things are not Futari wa. It is a story about ordinary girls, who live ordinary lives, who fight against eternal forces that seek to destroy the normal things they hold dear, with only each other to count on. There are two sides to Nagisa and Honoka's lives. Their day to day lives, filled with people they love. Takoyaki and Chocolate and Dogs and Lacrosse and a million other simple things. Slice of life filled with unapologetically ordinary vibes. The world they seek to protect. And the things they do to protect it. The lonely brutal battles. The interruptions to their day to day. The threats on those they love. The villains dismissal of their important feelings and things in a battle that feels bigger than them. There are only the two of them. And 2 fairies who, themselves, only have each other, desperate refugees stuck in a world that makes them so tired that they cannot navigate it on their own.
And when I say there's no Cure like Black, I'm not exaggerating. There aren't many sporty lead cures anymore. But even when there were. There was no one like black. Melody, Rouge and Bloom are closest. But even then. Cure Black is not an optimist. She is not confident. Nagisa does not want to be a Cure. She does not want things to change. She bullies her little brother, she argues with her fairy. She is irresponsible and struggles to do things she dislikes. She hates fighting. But she fights anyway. She is not hope. She is courage. Because if she's going to die, she will die fighting. Bitterly.
When I say there hardly any Cures like Black, I mean there are also no Cures like White. We have cures into Science, though even now not many. And when we do, they are mostly into biology. (Doctors, Nurses, Marine Biologists, Botany). The closest we have is Himari, and her way of connecting sweets to science. We do have two cures who want to be astronauts (Tsubomi and Hikaru), but even then their primary interests are Botany and Cryptids respectively. Not that these are bad goals. But they are not White's more nebulous interest in science, that extends beyond the life sciences. Beyond domesticity. She loves learning, pure and simple. Honoka is well off, but gets her hands dirty. She is a woman of science, but takes the supernatural in stride. She is kind, but does things her way. She is graceful and polite, but temperamental and bold. In this way, Rhythm and Egret perhaps resemble her though not each other. Egret shares her independent nature, and mild obliviousness. Rhythm shares her temper and hands-onness. Honoka is hope. But she is not the loud Hope, like so many pinks, burning towards a dream. Burning with the possibilities. She is the quiet hope. The stubborn hope. She is the hope born of sorrow and things that cannot be. The hope that hears "This is the way it is" and says "No".
Cure Black and Cure White are not merciful. They do not redeem their enemies. A general hurts Black's brother and laughs. She kills him in rage. He was desperate. But she was vengeful. The enemies they fight are not all encompassing evil. They are darkness, and a threat that needs to be eliminated. But for many they merely want to survive. But so do Black and White. Cure Black and White fight, pitting the survival of their world against the survival of their enemies. It's them or her, and she chooses her and she loses. Her brother is vengeful and angry, and its him or them. And he chooses them. They lose a friend to this pointless struggle. But they continue on. The battle continues on. Honoka cries and cries for him. Did it have to be this way? It doesn't matter because it is. And there is no one she can talk to aside from Nagisa, and Mipple.
There is no one shouting to cheer on the Precure, no miracle lights. Those wouldn't come until Yes 5! They are merely rumors. A half seen fight. A figure seemingly out of a dream. Are they even real? Their imitators on the playground are more real than they are. Bring more smiles than they do. The universe is more vast than any of them could comprehend. There are entire other worlds with people who laugh and cry.
And there is no setting quite like Futari wa's setting. The setting in Futari wa, which I don't believe is named in show, is based on the Tokyo area. Not a made up city. A real one. Sure their school is fictional, as are the stores they visit. But the amusement park they visit is directly inspired by a real one. Nagisa lives in an Apartment building I believe to be modeled off a real one. They travel busy trains. Honoka's grandmother lived through war and tells stories of bombings. This is the Tokyo of a world not quite unlike our own. And perhaps most notably, this world is melancholic. Not bright.
Nagisa does not have pink hair. She does not have blond hair. She has orange hair. Not bright orange. Orangish brown. Though not one common in Japan, a real color. Honoka has black hair. Some might say blue. Although with its darkness its otherwise indistinguishable. It might as well be black. Shiho has red hair. And later Hikari will have blond. Kirya's will be green, but like Honoka so green it might as well be black. These may not be real hair colors, exactly. But they're close. Their muted. In the same way this is Tokyo but not.
With all of this said, there is still one core tenant Kira Kira holds to. It is still a story about girls, different kinds of girls, protecting the things they love. In Kira Kira, it is sweets. In Futari wa... its sweets.
Sweets. Precure was always about sweets go home.
about a month ago i decided to watch the entire precure series from the beginning because why not
finally finished futari wa precure and I'm moving onto max heart 💪💪
theme songs are all bangers so far
i... my page has nothing to do with pretty cure but i rlly rlly like pretty cure so im rbing this !!
Why did they name the school Nagisa and Honoka study in after the city where Romeo and Juliet, the most famous love story in the world, is set. Why did they make an episode where they act out the play and have Nagisa passionately deliver a love confession after firmly establishing how bad she is at acting. Why did they make it so they have to hold hands to use their powers. Why did they make Nagisa and Honoka swear loyalty to each other over and over again even though the villains keep trying to pull them apart.
What was the purpose of all that if not to tell us these two girls are unbelievably in love.

Days Of Agere Moodboards - Day 6, A character you headcanon as a regressor!
i... suck at headcanoning characters. which is weird to say because its not like, a skill. but im basically saying i rarely do it. however, i do entertain the idea of misumi nagisa being a regressor! yes, shes in my pfp, im obsessed with her. i could make a whole post about how i think nagisa would be as a regressor... but thats for another day.

~ read dni in pinned or other posts of mine before interacting, T.I.A. !! ~

Misumi Nagisa Agere Stimboard!!
very very very self indulgent

requests are open btw!!! please please please make requests i love fulfilling them!
~ check my dni in pinned before interacting! ~