Age Swap - Tumblr Posts
Holiday Special: The Twelve Months of Transformation
[Part 7 of 12]

As Nick went well into July, He couldn't recognize the man he used to be anymore. It was more than the half way point of the year. He lost his friend because it was weird for an old man to be hanging out with a bunch of 30's, going to clubs, hiking, etc. His body couldn't even keep up anymore, like he was able to just a few months ago.
His friend now consisted of his boss, and the other older guys at the business club, and the baker from down the street. He already started looking older and fatter than his boss, at this point. His boss stopped treating him like a young man a long time ago. Instead his boss viewed him, as a slightly older man than himself. He started to look up to Nick as a role model.
As, head of sales and distribution , Nick started to find joy in his work. He was good at it. Making sure these were delivered on time gave him a sense of accomplishment. Something he could finally control. His new office was filled with people that never knew hunky 35 year old Nick. Instead all his staff knew him as a portly mid 50s to early 60s man. They treated him with respect, by always calling him Mr. Winters. And, he was a good boss. He tried to make the work environment fun. Alway, leaving gifts for people's birthdays and having weekly staff bonding games and parties.
Nick gave up on trying to stay fit. He tried to stay on a diet, but it wasn't working out. The first couple of days he felt sick. He had no energy, was grumpy, and his stomach constantly screamed for food. As, he began to eat more he became more energetic and jolly.
It felt good finally allowing himself to binge on food. He spent years trying to stay fit. But. It didn't matter, anymore. Because no matter what he did, now, he was going to end up fat. It was like all the weight was lifted off his shoulders and land on his belly.
In the last week of July, Nick took the 6 hour drive to visit his mom for her birthday. The fear and anger about his situation slowly began melting a way. Because, there was nothing he could do at this point.
It was becoming a tighter fit, in his car, even with the car seat pushed all the way back. Even his 3 day travel bag was strained carrying his bigger clothes and snacks. Nick body constantly felt hungry and if he went to long with out eating he would feel tired and cranky. Another bag of snacks sat on the front seat. It was filled with cookies, chips, beef jerky, candy. He had multiple liters of Coca Cola on the floor of the passenger seat.
He finally made it to his mother's house and knocked door. His mom was thrown off guard as she saw this big older man, at the door.
"Hi Mom!" He says going to give his mom a hug. His belly squeezed against her.
It took a moment to realize what was happening, but his mother replied, "Nick is that you?"
Nick was a bit surprised his mom wasn't freaking out, but he just laughed. His belly jiggling in the process. "Yeah, I wasn't lying I'm an old fat man, now." Nick patted his belly.
Over the weekend, the two spent time together. They went to the store and out to eat. Nick found every excuse to buy his mom something. He enjoyed making her happy and spending time with family. He even decided to not ask her about his father, because what was the point. There was nothing that could be done anyways.
On the other side, Nick's mom worried for her son. She knew the truth. Sadness filled her eyes, everytime she stared at him. The night before he left he heard her crying in her room.
Nick's heart broke and walked in carring a cup of Hot Cocoa to cheer her up. "Mom what is it? Are you sad because of my transformation... because you don't have to be. I'm okay with it, honestly." Nick tried comforting her.
She wiped the tears from her eyes, "Damn your just like your father... Nick, I have to tell you something about your father." Nick's heart raced, he wasn't expecting this conversation but, he just nodded.
"Your father is... Santa Clause. And, based on your transformation it means he's dead."
Nick dropped the Hot Cocoa, the mug shattering on the floor. His mind raced, as his mom informed him of all the missing details.
After another day at his mom's home, Nick drove home his head still spinning trying to grasp the weight of what she said and what this all meant.
Holiday Special: The Twelve Months of Transformation
[Part 8 of 12]

Nick could not shake everything he learned. His life was never gonna be the same. He was paralyzed with information and his life went on hold, as he sorted out his thoughts. The man he never knew but spent his whole life time hating, just changed in his head. All the Christmas presents that said from Santa, really coming from his dad. They were always exactly what he wanted.
As, the month went on all Nick could think about was everything his mother told him of his father and the life they lived together.
His father and mother knew each other from a young age. They went to the same schools. They hung out worh the same friends. They began dating in high-school. Before they left off to college, they already got married. Life was perfect and they were in love like the first day they met. What they wanted above all else was to have a child. Nick's father wanted to be a dad, since he himself was raised without a father.
But, when they both turned 25, the changes started to take affect. They both grew concerned because of what was happening to Nick's father.
His father, learned the truth over time. That his family are the descendants of the original Santa Claus. There must always be a man in the family that takes up the mantle of Santa Claus, if something should happen to the one currently in the role.
Nick realized his life would never be the same, again in a couple of months. He would never be able to live his life, as he planned. He would be up in the north pole as an observer to the world and no longer a participant. It was up to him to be a beacon of hope and good cheer. He wasn't sure if he was ready for this role. But, he knew, deep down, it was a role he had to take no matter if he liked or not. It would be selfish not, too. The world need a Santa Cluas.

“Hey, what are you looking at?” asked my son in his gruff tones.
“Nothing,” I said, looking away quickly.
Ever since yesterday, I’ve noticed myself growing younger and my son growing older as if my age is draining to him. I seem to be the only one aware of it. I was staring becuase I realized we’ve passed the line and I’m definitely younger than him now. He’s gotten so masculine and alpha… and I kinda like it.
Which is why when he barks out “Hey kid, get me a beer,” as an order, my dick jumps as I rush to comply.

Rosemary & Time
14k • teen • sheith
Shiro never believed in magic or fairytale love— but then he couldn’t explain how Keith found him and called him husband. How Keith spoke with such certainty about a happy future that Shiro could never have imagined on his own. How the boy Keith was and the man he would become both wormed their way into Shiro’s heart. Shiro didn't believe in love like that, until he got to taste it for himself.
Time travel magic, fantasy AU, baker Shiro, time traveling keith, age swap hijinx and falling in love all out of order. ✨
[Read the fic on AO3]
Gaining Respect
“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it. They passed over me to give the position to some goddamn freshman!” Andrew groaned, unable to believe the treachery that he just experienced. Andrew was a hardworking junior in college, managing an intense science-oriented degree while being one of the starters on his college basketball team. For years, he had worked hard and led the team to victory every season, so it seemed like a no-brainer to him that he was the only option to be chosen for team captain this upcoming season. However, his coaches disagreed, giving the position to a brand new freshman who the school had been trying to recruit for months. Andrew could admit that heard amazing things about the underclassmen, but that didn’t mean that the decision was any less of a blow to his self-worth. It wasn’t a surprising decision, but it was most definitely infuriating one for the young man. Now an upperclassmen, there was a sense of urgency for Andrew to gain a leadership role, especially now that he just lost one of his two remaining chances. It especially stung to see one of his younger teammates take the position right out of his hands because every other year, the coaches would give the position to one of the remaining upperclassmen. He felt robbed and cheated out of something he had worked so hard for. So, it was understandable why he contacted his father and began to rant about his unbelievable situation.
On the other end of the phone line, his father Richard couldn’t help but feel bad for his only child. Andrew worked incredibly hard for both his classes and his athletics and it always pained Richard to see his son being passed up for exciting opportunities. The same thing happened to him back in high school as well, where Andrew was removed from his high school’s class cabinet because of him having to split time between basketball and his extracurriculars like Science Olympiad. It wasn’t Andrew’s fault that he was so gifted in so many fields, so why must he be punished for that? “I know son, that’s complete bullshit. I’m so sorry that happened to you” Richard said, unsure of what else to say to conceal his anger.
“I just… I wish I could get respect from others about all of the things that I do. I work hard and I hate constantly being passed up. I wish I could just stand up for myself and demand what I rightfully earned!” Andrew continued, his voice turning into a slight whimper as he began to grow emotional. He wiped away the few tears that flowed down his cheeks, allowing a moment of silence where the only thing he could hear was the sound of his father’s breathing. He desperately needed his dad to give him some form of advice so he could feel better and know how to fix his problem.
However, for Richard, he had no idea what to say. Despite recognizing and sympathizing for Andrew’s troubles, Richard couldn’t relate to his son. In his life, Richard was quite outspoken and constantly made his thoughts and ideas known. After losing the opportunity to go to college to play ball by getting Andrew’s mother pregnant, Richard was determined to no longer waste any opportunities in his life. When he began to work any shitty job to support his growing family, he was determined to make it anyway he could. That determination and innate confidence paid off, as his co-workers began to respect him and turn to him for advice in every aspect of life beyond just work-related issues.
As a result, it was no surprise that Richard found himself quickly rising up the ranks of a construction company until he was the lead foreman. This timing worked out well, especially as Richard began to lose a secondary source of income due to his wife’s untimely passing. However, his job was able to allow him to continue to support him and his son and even assist the man in saving up for his son’s college tuition. Respect is usually something earned, but for Richard, it was a basic necessity for him to survive. It was unfortunate that his son was dealing with these issues, but a little voice inside of him felt sort of optimistic about the potential ramifications of his problems. He hoped that Andrew would finally get a fire under his ass to stick up for himself and demand the respect he believed he deserved. It worked for Richard, so he was sure that it could work for his son as well.
Returning back to the call, Richard finally formulated a response for his emotional son. “I wish you could gain the respect that I know you rightfully deserve. I wish that you could have the same kind of respect I have from the guys at work. You rightfully deserve it, you’re such a great kid. Ever since you’ve been little, you’ve been a hard worker who was up for any challenge and faced it without any fear in your eyes. It’s a shame that the rest of the world can’t recognize that. As a parent, I’d do anything to fix that for you” Richard said, staying cool and collected but feeling rather emotional for his son.
For the next several minutes, Richard began to ask his son about his classes. He had hoped that changing the subject could cheer him up, but he could still hear the sadness in the tone of Andrew’s voice. With nothing but awkward silence between them, Andrew began to end the call, informing his dad that he wanted to come home. Richard was quite happy to hear this, so they made plans for his child to arrive home late that night to spend the weekend. Although the university was only an hour away, it was hard for either of them to really meet up given their busy schedules. So, the opportunity to be with his son once more was incredibly exciting to the widowed father.
Unknown to either Richard or Andrew, there was some mysterious force that was also listening in on their call. It sympathized with the young man’s pleas and his father’s attempts to cheer him up. As it listened in and understood the situation, it began to formulate the perfect plan to remedy the young man’s problems. The older man fell asleep before his son arrived, so he never got the chance to say hello. The underappreciated athlete wasn’t too upset about this fact however due to his drowsy state. The combination of practice and the late-night drive left him entirely worn out and desperate for sleep. So, by the time Andrew got into his room and undressed, his body cried out for sleep. As soon as he undressed and his face fell into his pillow, it was lights out. While they slept, they were blissfully unaware of the shock that they would both experience the next morning…
When the blaring noise of alarm rang out into his bedroom, Andrew groaned as he was immediately brought out of his slumber. As his head remained buried into the pillow, Andrew’s arm recklessly searched his end-table for his phone to no avail. Instead, his fingers grazed along a real alarm clock, something he had never used in his life. He could feel the noise ringing out of the tiny rectangular alarm clock, so he banged his fist against it, desperate for the ringing to stop. As the alarm quickly ended, he began to wonder why there was a random alarm clock getting him up so early.
His limbs cracked and popped as he stretched, his voice letting out a deep husky growl-like groan. Turning around, he was annoyed by the direct sunlight entering his room. “Why did he leave the goddamn curtains open!” Andrew angrily stated, causing him to cough as he heard the deep grit coming from his throat. “God, my throat is so dry” Andrew thought as he continued to cough but failed to remedy the deep tone coming from his vocal cords.
Upon looking around the room, he began to realize that he was not in his old bedroom… he was in his father’s room instead. His walls weren’t adorned with the sports posters he had plastered onto them, but instead he only saw photo displays that showed images of his younger self with his parents. It wasn’t until he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes that he began to recognize that something was wrong. The watch adorned across his thick and hairy forearm was not something he ever wore. In fact, it kind of looked like his dad’s watch. As he looked at his arms, he also noticed how similar his hands looked to his father’s, with Andrew noticing the various calluses from his hard-working job in construction. Unsure what was going on, he grumbled to himself and sat up and began to walk into the bathroom attached to the bedroom.
Shutting the door behind him, his face went white as he stared at his father’s almost naked body being reflected back to him. “Holy shit!” Andrew cried out, staring with wide eyes as he watched his father mouth the words back to him and the same shocked expression spread across his face. He ran his hands around his chest, his awestruck face remaining as his meaty hands passed through the salt and peppered hair. He groaned in a weird sense of pleasure as his hands ran across the cold nipple piercings that his father had. He remembered the story of how his father got them after a drunken bet between him and his co-workers during some sports game. A deal was a deal, so Richard never took them out, instead wearing them as some sort of badge of honor.
Moving his hands further south, Andrew ran his wide hands down his torso as his hands swayed like a wave as they passed over each bump of abdominal that he had. Despite his shock, he couldn’t deny the fact that this was a well-maintained body. His father retained his musculature from his short-lived athletic career, even building upon it through the hard labor of his various construction jobs over the years. As his hands began to venture towards his father’s crown jewels, he decided against exploring them for the time being. It was quite strange to explore your father’s junk, so his hands moved right past the forbidden area and towards his thick thighs in a quick detour. He stared into the mirror and turned his legs, attempting to see his new body through every possible angle. He couldn’t deny the slight pleasure he felt as he saw the muscles in his legs flex and only further widen his thick thighs. Upon turning around, he couldn’t deny that his father had quite the perky ass as well, just further proof of how well Richard had taken care of his body throughout his 46 years.
With his hands done exploring his lower half for the time being, his hands moved towards his arms. Looking into the mirror, he was impressed at the thick biceps he now possessed. Even without flexing, his biceps were prominent as they forced his arms to press out from his body to compensate for the softball-sized muscles he now sported. Curious, he lifted his arm up and flexed, chuckling in amazement as he stared at the sight before him. He didn’t understand why or how this had happened, but he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying himself. His original body was quite impressive as well, but something about being in the intimidating, mature, and buff body of his father was just unbelievable. As such, it was no shock when he dropped his arm and let a smirk spread across his face when his eyes focused in on the tight sensation that was beginning to emerge from within his underwear. He turned out of the bedroom and began to head back into the bedroom, eager to explore the last bit of his new body and take care of the throbbing member that was begging for release from its fabric prison...

As Richard slowly awoke from his slumber, he was surprised to find that he woke up before his daily alarm jolted him awake. He tended to wake up early and start his weekends with a workout, but as he laid in bed, he couldn’t deny that the extra sleep time was welcomed. It had been a hard week at work and he was eager to destress, especially with his son visiting the house again.
Turning around and letting the sunlight hit his face, he stretched and smiled as he was prepared to go out and start making breakfast for his son. He brushed his hair out of his eyes as he leaned up. “Wait, my hair?” Richard asked, curious as to why he suddenly had hair in his face despite his receding hairline. Upon hearing himself speak, he also began to wonder why his voice sounded so different. He rubbed his eyes and looked down as he pulled back the sheets, where he was met by a surprise. As his eyes focused on his torso, he grew surprised at seeing that his body was lacking all of the body hair that he was used to seeing. On top of that, his skin looked less weathered and his skin was much paler, as if he wasn’t in direct contact with the sun every day like he was at his job. “What… the fuck?” Richard gasped, looking down and seeing the equally youthful hands he now possessed. Looking around, he realized that he was in Andrew’s bedroom. Richard began to figure out what was going on. Had he sleepwalked again? He hadn’t done it in years but could the excitement of seeing his son once more have revived his old habit? But, as he sat up out of bed and saw the youthful limbs and torso in his view, he knew that this wasn’t the case. He had a hunch as to what happened, but as he approached the mirror affixed to one of the bedroom walls, it confirmed what he had assumed. He was no longer in his body, the sight reflected back at him showed him only the youthful body and face of his son Andrew. “Jesus fuck!” Richard gasped, staring with intrigue as he watched his son’s face contort into the same shocked expression.

Looking in the mirror, he stared at his son’s shirtless body and tried to comprehend what was happening to him. He touched his chest, feeling his modest pectorals and feeling around with intrigue as he no longer felt the sensation of cold metal from the piercings he had in his nipples. Andrew’s body reminded him of the body he used to possess back in high school, although Andrew had a lot more definition to him from the years of college athletics. He flexed in the mirror, smiling as he saw his son’s decent set of biceps. Despite knowing that they paled in comparison to the ones on his real body, Richard was fairly proud of just how buff his son was. He couldn’t help but curiously run his hands through his starting bit of chest hair and chuckle as he sees the beginner treasure trail that was creeping up his son’s torso. It seemed that genetics hadn’t gifted Andrew with the heavy body hair gene that Richard and his father had dealt with in their lives. By the time Richard was Andrew’s age, he had a full set of body hair and it was no problem to grow a beard in a few day’s time.
Despite that, he couldn’t deny that Andrew was quite well-sculpted. Upon seeing his son’s body, he grew more and more angered at the fact that his son was passed over for the captain position on the team. He looked great and his body was a testament to his commitment to the team and their mission of success.
Before he could stare at his body any more, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Curious, he headed over and opened it. Face-to-face, he was greeted to his old body flashing a wide smile. “Hey there, I made some breakfast, I figured you’d be hungry” his old body said, which caused a weird realization to pass through Richard’s mind. Did Andrew somehow manifest this? Why is he so calm and collected about the changes? If Richard had gone from a 20 year old to a 46 year old overnight, he figured he’d be a bit more frantic at his loss of many years. “Andrew, what’s going on?” Richard asked, his hand moving towards his throat as he still was alarmed when he heard his son’s voice coming from his mouth. “I’m not too sure. I suppose we can try to figure that over breakfast. Let’s go before the food gets cold” Andrew stated as he turned and walked down the hallway with haste. Despite his reservations and desires to figure out what was going on, Richard felt weirdly compelled to follow his son’s orders. So, after throwing on a t-shirt, he headed down the hallway and met his son-turned-father in the kitchen to try and figure out what was going on.
“So, you went to bed and woke up in my body?” Richard asked, watching as his son wolfed down the various eggs, bacon, and pancakes he had cooked for the duo. “Yeah, I was completely worn out when I got home after the drive, so I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.” the now-older man stated matter-of-factly. “And, you’re not alarmed about that?” Richard asked, still confused as to why his son was so calm. “I mean, sure, I’m unsure what’s going on and that’s a bit worrisome. But, I figured that I can’t find a solution on an empty stomach, so I’d rather focus on that afterwards.” the older man continued, shoveling the various breakfast foods into his mouth. “Gosh dad, I didn’t realize how hungry you can get. I’ve never felt so starving!” he said in between chews. “Uh yeah, that’s what happens when you have an older metabolism kiddo. But you’ve got to learn to satisfy that appetite so you don’t blow up and lose any of the muscles you’ve gained over the years. It’s a struggle, but as you can see, it’s clearly possible” Richard responded, feeling a weird vibe as he’s giving his son advice about how to live with his body. He still had no desire to eat, so he just passed his already prepared plate to his son-turned-father and allowed him to finish the contents.
In no time, Andrew was finally full, which was showcased by the hearty belch that escaped from his lips. He chuckled and ran his hands across his hairy torso, feeling quite good at his new body. Despite his mournful thoughts directed towards the loss of his youth, he couldn’t deny that this wasn’t necessarily all bad. With his dad’s intimidating body, he could finally have the level of respect that he had always wanted. The thought of himself directing men in his father’s crew was quite erotic to imagine, so it was no surprise as he felt his dick once again firming. Despite his older age, he was impressed by his father’s continued vitality. He kept his body in great shape and as evidenced by his exploration under his underwear, Andrew was shocked at his dad’s sexual vitality as well.
“Well, I suppose I better get these dishes washed up. You should go work out, maybe you could be as buff as me one day” Andrew said with a chuckle as he sat up from the table and began collecting the various plates. But by the look on his old face, it was clear to Andrew that Richard didn’t enjoy his joke. “Dad, lighten up a bit. Until we figure out how to fix this, we might as well begin to adapt to our new roles. In fact, I think that we should start referring to each other as our bodies’ real names. I think it could be quite fun for the both of us!” Andrew said as he placed the dishes in the sink and prepared to watch them.
Richard could only sit there and stare in shock at just how well-adjusted his son had become. To Andrew, it seemed as if he had always been in his father’s body, which only alarmed the real Richard further. Despite his general apprehension and worry, he began to feel a weird sense of calmness overtake his mind. If his son was calm and collected, he might as well try to be the same. His son said he was wanting to fix this, so it wasn’t as if his son was going to keep his body and leave him trapped in this younger body. He began to sit there at the table and imagine what he could do with his newfound youth. He hadn’t been physical with anyone since his wife died, so he thought about the possibilities of being younger and the several girls that would be more than willing to interact with his new body.
Before he could continue daydreaming, he watched as his “father “ turned his head to look at him. “Did you hear what I said Drew? Go and do your workout kiddo” he said, before turning his back and resuming scrubbing the dishes. Despite his apprehension, he felt compelled to listen to what his son said. That innate composure his son now had was a big relief to the real Richard, so he complied with his “father’s” request and headed out of the kitchen. He headed back into Andrew’s bedroom and grabbed a pair of headphones and his phone. Walking into the gym room, “Andrew” couldn’t help but feel that a world of opportunities were laid out before him. No longer did he want to do his normal workout routine, it wouldn’t be appropriate for his new body. His new body had new areas that needed improvement different from his old body, so he had to adapt to best grow muscle for his new form. He couldn’t help but feel slightly turned on by the possibilities of growing more and more buff until he had muscles that rivaled his old ones. “Maybe being younger won’t be as bad as I thought…” Richard said as he began to think about it some more. With this new body, he could achieve more than his older body ever could. He wanted to be bigger and better than his “father”. “Andrew” began his workout with a smile on his face, turning on some classic 70s and 80s music to help get him in the zone like he usually did.
However, after a few minutes of listening to the music, he felt a weird disconnect to the music. No longer did he have any real relation to it, so he quickly flipped stations to a 2010s playlist and began to vibe out as he grew more and more invested in his workout. It was unknown to either man, but the longer they were in their new bodies, the more they began to adapt to their new bodies. Aspects of their original personality and the personality belonging to their new body began to mix into an interesting melange. As a result, a little bit of vanity began to emerge for the newly youthened man, as he stared at himself in the mirror while watching his impressive body workout on each piece of equipment over the course of two hours. Despite the voice in the back of his head telling him he should try to gain his old body back, he couldn’t be bothered to give up something so great. In fact, the more he heard the voices in the back of his head, the more annoyed he got. Why would he want to have his dad’s body anyway? Despite his dad’s muscles, he had no desire to lose all of the youthful years in front of him. By the time he was doing his final set, “Andrew” had completely adapted to his new personality. Memories of Richard’s hard upbringing had become replaced with the memories of Andrew’s lax childhood. The loss he felt for his wife began to change to him missing his mother and wishing she was still around to see him succeed in college. With the mental changes now completed, Andrew dried his sweat-covered face with a hand towel. Richard’s real confidence that bordered on cockiness began to emerge on Andrew as he slyly lifted up his shirt, unlocked his phone, and began snapping some photos that showed off his physique.

For the new Richard and Andrew, the rest of the weekend went by as if nothing had changed. They both further adapted their new bodies and personalities, with the new Richard also gaining the appropriate mannerisms and the appropriate older phrases that once confused his younger self. Feeling a weird sense of competitiveness, the new Andrew began to take his workouts to the next level. A deep desire to outmuscle his father grew more and more prominent in the back of his mind. Much like his newfound competitiveness, a new sense of confidence also began to emerge for Andrew, This was surely a remnant of Richard’s original personality prior to the switch, but Andrew only viewed it as a new aspect of his personality forming after the encouraging phone call he had with his father the day prior.
Speaking of the new Richard, the now-older man slowly underwent his own series of changes. As he washed his dishes and went about his day as a 46 year old, he slowly gained the appropriate knowledge to care for his son, pay bills, and manage life in general. Given his now-forgotten life as an overlooked college student, there was a sudden realization for the older man about just how much he loved the respect he garnered. Watching his men do anything he ordered, he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. He loved his job as it gave him the ability to be recognized for his talents, something that his old personality was quite happy about. By following his rules, him and his crew were able to finish things in record time without utilizing any dangerous shortcuts. In fact, there were rumors abuzz about the partners for the construction company going into talks about Richard gaining another upper-level promotion in a few months.
Despite never having the chance to experience it for himself, the new Andrew had adapted well to the college lifestyle. Upon leaving his father’s place at the end of the weekend and moving back into his dorm, there was a new determinedness in the young man’s eyes. As he headed into basketball practice the next week, Andrew let his frustration become clear to his coaches as he watched that pesky freshman lead his team to their first series of losses in years. With the remnant of Richard’s confidence transferring into his new body, Andrew went up to his coaches and demanded a chance to prove himself as captain. By using the team’s recent losses as evidence, he was able to convince them to remove the freshman from the position and allow him to take on that roll by himself.
Later that night, Andrew called his father to discuss the new change. As his son told him about his ballsy move, Richard couldn’t help but feel proud of his son. It was about time that he stood up for himself and he loved that it was a success for his child. On the other end of the line, Andrew was also happy about the news as well. Thinking about it, he couldn’t help but thank his father for teaching him about gaining the respect you deserve.
Given that they had no memory of their swap, it was quite interesting to see how different they both reacted to the news. Despite Richard being happy for his son, he couldn’t help but feel jealous about just how many possibilities his son had. Of course, it was always a great thing to have a child do better than their parents, but he couldn’t help but mourn for his loss of youth to have his son. He couldn’t help but wonder how life had been different if he had a chance to do it again. He did have a point however... As showcased in the swap that the original Andrew experienced, respect can be earned, but youth is unable to be gained back once it’s lost.

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Sth that was in my head. --- Some info if you need: - HDL are Scrooge nephews; - Louie works as a sales Manager; - Huey works as a camp counselor; - Huey & Louie are Della & Donald's uncles; - Dewey D&D's father; - Scrooge, Mrs Beackly, Webby etc. still the same; - Dewey's wife didn't realy love him (such a liar); - Della and Webby are good friends; - Donald envies his sister; - But later he friends with Lena and (more later) with Violet; - Della REALY like her dad; - Don don't fell the same (but he like his uncles! And sometimes he calls Louie 'Dad'); UPD May20: - Donald's hoody is a gift from Louie; - Dewey's sweater is a gift from Huey on Cristmas (and Louie has his own too!);
- Donald of those who think before acting, Della is the opposite;
- Della's afraid of losing her brother's trust;
--- If you need more information you free to ask!