Age Swap Au - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls

relativity falls is SO cool. as someone who wasn't particularly in the fandom sphere when gravity falls was big, i missed out on a lot of the cool hcs and aus but that just means i can experience them NOW!!!

also, isnt the idea of stan and ford being gen alpha kids hilarious???

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6 months ago

age swap au but the way reigen meets mob is bc the kageyamas are fostering reigen or smth like that

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2 years ago
Piece Of You

Piece of You

41k • 10/10 (complete) • mature • sheith

Ten years.

How has it been ten years? The last thing Shiro remembered was the fight with Zarkon. That was a decade ago.

"Pidge thinks you’re in the right reality. Something about quantum signatures and,” Keith makes a vague science stuff gesture, “and you know, I’ve learned to take her at her word. Her guess is time travel.”

Instead of catching Shiro in her consciousness to save him, the black lion sends him into the future. Reuniting with Keith, Shiro is unprepared for the sight of him— everything about him, his life, his daughter, and the onslaught of all that has changed.

Featuring post-canon single dad Keith, OC adopted daughter, and Shiro-from-the-past finding out he’s somehow exactly where he needed to be.

[Read the fic on AO3]

banner art comm’d from @kaa-05n2, thank you ❤️

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2 years ago
Age/Roll Swap Au
Age/Roll Swap Au
Age/Roll Swap Au

Age/Roll swap au

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2 years ago
Long For Your Love

Long for Your Love

3k • teen • sheith

Shiro is about to graduate from the Garrison to the life of adventure that he always wanted. He should be excited. His mentor, Keith, is excited for him. But how can this be goodbye?

Age swap, role swap, officer/cadet, love confession, first kiss ☀️🚀 gift exchange for Sei!

[Read the fic on AO3]

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2 years ago
For Chel's Sheith Age Swap / Role Swap AU:

for Chel's sheith age swap / role swap AU:

sketch of garrison bad boy Keith sweating over his hoverbike when a certain starry-eyed cadet finds him.

they go racing, of course 😌 pls accept my humble offering.

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4 years ago
I Thought This Would Be A Neat Drawing Concept. If You Cant Tell Its A Age Swap Of The Warners. Dot Is

I thought this would be a neat drawing concept. If you can’t tell it’s a age swap of the Warner’s. Dot is suppose to be Yakko’s age,Yakko is Wakko’s age,and Wakko switched to being the same age Dot was.

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8 years ago

Mob likes to kiss and Reigen takes advantage of that (ageswap AU, underage)

ReiMob Drabbles, Ch1

Read on Ao3

Mob knows he shouldn't do this. Knows he shouldn't encourage the young boy who comes to visit him after school almost every day.

He'd like to push all the blame to Dimple, the devious green spirit that sometimes whispers into his ear (Oh look, he's wearing a new tie today and pfft, look at him trying to comb down his hair or, he cringes as his eyes roam over, I'm pretty sure those shorts weren't that short before) but he knows that's just an excuse.

"Hey Mob," Reigen calls out to him. He's only been there long enough to shed his gakuran and school bag but Mob knows what he wants. Dimple knows too and he chuckles, I better not come back to you in jail Mob

Mob makes a noise as he continues typing and Reigen takes that as his sign to continue, "let's kiss."

The way he says it, so matter of fact (as if a 14-year old kissing a 27-year old is normal), causes Mob's fingers to stutter and he's forced to delete the whole sentence he'd just typed. What was he typing?

"Why don't you do your said you needed help with...math?"

Reigen laughs, "Don't you suck at math? Isn't that why I'm here?"

Mob colors a bit because yes, he wasn't good at math but he just needs to steer the conversation away from-

"Come on, didn't you say you liked kissing me?" He's closer now, his elbows on the table as he looks directly at Mob, a grin on his face, "You look really cute when you blush, you know."

Mob looks away from those dark eyes and tries to focus back on his computer, "I'm busy."

Reigen pouts and Mob's eyes automatically move back, stare a bit too long, and that gives Reigen the motivation he needs to keep pushing, "Just one?"

It's never one, echoes in Mob's head.

"I'll do my homework and let you work afterward."

Mob watches from the corner of his eye how Reigen gets closer. He's already around the table and is peering over at what he's doing. A snort leaves him and the way his face scrunches up and his eyes light up with mirth is beautiful. He leans his hands out, placing them on Mob's thigh and he freezes up completely, "Please?"

It's only one, a voice taunts and it suspiciously sounds like Dimple, what's the worse that can happen?

Oh he can think of a few things...

"Just one," he says and turns his chair. Reigen yells out a yeah! and pumps his fist like he's just won the #1 prize to a game. It makes Mob's chest swell with happiness.

Reigen smiles at him and moves to his open arms. He's taller than Mob like this and Mob secretly thinks that Reigen likes that. Reigen brushes their noses together before kissing him. It's really just a press of lips and they stay like that for a few seconds. Mob's hands move to settle on Reigen, both around his waist.

He likes staying like this, feeling those chapped lips meshed with his, breathing in the smell of salt and warmth, enjoying the tranquility he feels at having someone he loves so close. It all makes him dizzy and he's about to move away to tell Reigen that's enough, go do your homework when something changes. He opens his eyes when he feels Reigen's hand move up his shoulder and cup his jaw. They're no longer lip locked, but their breaths mingle and they still touch. That's when he feels it.  

His fingers dig into Reigen's hips and where did he learn this?!

Reigen's tongue is bold as it swipes against his lips. He knows what this means and he knows he should stop but he also likes it. Likes how Reigen is gripping his jaw, likes the feel of his prying tongue and demanding gaze. Mob relents, let's him roam his mouth and it's a very simple kiss, all things considered. It makes him wonder if Reigen knows what to do next and he gets his answer when he feels those chapped lips inch away, Not yet

He puts more pressure on Reigen's hips, pulls him closer, and pushes his tongue to explore Reigen. He licks his chapped lips, getting them moist and smooth, plays with his tongue, bites his lips, his hand moves to press them closer, tangle in his hair-

A moan brings him back to reality and he pushes Reigen back a few inches. They're both breathing hard and if someone walked in there'd be no doubt as to what they'd been up to.

Then Reigen's soft voice breaks the semi-silence, "Wow...that was better than I thought..."

Mob feels a headache coming and he asks, "Where did you learn this?"

It seems Reigen is all better now as he pulls at the hem of his shirt, untucking it from his pants and flattening it out, "Oh you know, just watched an AV with the guys. Seems they got it from their brother's stash and we were all curious," he shrugs.

Mob frowns, "You're all too young to be watching that."

"But Mob," Mob knows that teasing tone and wonders what hole he's dug himself into this time, "I'm a healthy teenager. If I don't do this once in a while I'll be pent up, unless you're offering to help of course~"

Mob groans and turns back to his computer, don't think about it, don't think about it

Reigen laughs and Mob is grateful that the blonde is taking out his work because he's sure he only has so much patience.


Thanks for reading!

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5 years ago

To Anon for MP100 SS: Reigen swears he has a boyfriend but Ekubo doesn't believe him and Serizawa is Serizawa

The Teenager Who Cried BOYFRIEND

Read on Ao3

Reigen was slightly upset and ok, perhaps it was his fault he was in such a predicament but really, would he exaggerate (because he never lied...just told it how he saw it) about something as serious as a boyfriend? No. Except nobody believed him

He shivered, bringing his shoulders closer to his body and burying his nose into his soft pink scarf (a gift from his BOYFRIEND). Apparently, the color had reminded him of Reigen and Reigen being the sentimental boyfriend that he was, wore it religiously once the weather got colder. Yes he got some talk from it ('What is that THING' was Ekubo's horrified response when he'd first worn it) but, Reigen colored a little from the cold and from remembering his boyfriend's pleased look when he sent him a picture that day, he didn't care

It really does suit you

Idiot! It's just a scarf, are you still coming?


Now that he was on school break he could start holiday shopping. Yes he'd left it last minute but he already had some ideas in mind and not many people to gift. Only Serizawa, Ekubo (He grunted. He should get him some the wrong size!), and -

"Reigen!" but it was too late. He nearly collapsed under the height and weight of Ekubo

"Hey, lover boy, where are you headed off to so sneakily?" The guy always (and he repeats always) sniffed him out. But only when Reigen needed him to be miles away. If he were ever to need the taller man to bail him out then it's like nobody even knew who he was. Like my "imaginary" boyfriend

His voice was muffled under his scarf, "Christmas shopping, I'm meeting Mob this weekend."

Suddenly there was a shadow over him and he was grateful to see the giant umbrella his friend seemed to carry around religiously

"Oh, are you spending Christmas with him?" was Serizawa's kind reply. He seemed to be the only one who "believed" Reigen but it seemed more so that he was trying to keep peace

"Yes, and you guys don't need to come with me," he made sure he was looking at Ekubo when he said this because honestly, he didn't mind Serizawa's company and his umbrella, but Ekubo could be troublesome in many ways, "Don't you have someone else to bother? Girls and boys to make cry this holiday?"

It was a well-known fact that Ekubo was a raging bisexual and by raging he meant that he'd never turn down an adoring fan from his fanclub, which he was the president of (he seemed to love that people loved him). Some people tried to get into his pants a couple times and yes Ekubo had a few flings here and there but he seemed more amused with just messing with people and waving at his adoring crowd than actual relationships. Aside from Serizawa and himself it seemed.

"Come now Rei-chan, friends need to help each other out. Plus, knowing you, you'd probably give this Mob fellow something plain and boring. I'm here to spice up the holidays," and that was what Reigen didn't want. But he didn't try sending his friends off again. Not after Serizawa nodded in assent and not after Ekubo laughed aloud and added, "Besides, I need to know how far you're going to take this whole boyfriend business."

Reigen sighed at that

Serizawa stage whispered Ekubo's name right before hitting him with the umbrella


The first time Reigen met Mob was at a Spirits and Such Seminar about a  year ago. Reigen had attended as a self-proclaimed psychic, as whenever anyone in school needed a little extra hand, his services were requested. Unfortunately (or fortunately), none of his assignments ever involved actual spirits. It was usually something about lost animals, stressed-out students, and creepy photographs. Which he usually solved in a manner of a few minutes, sometimes a few hours. Rarely more than that. It was a good way to earn money and it combined many of his unique skills

He'd found out about the seminar while browsing online and was particularly impressed with the whole proclamation about a "real esper" attending. He'd never heard of people with actual powers before. Everyone he'd met along the way had been phonies and, well, he was intrigued

The seminar was being run by someone named Tome Kurata, who was well known in the community for being obsessed with aliens and telepathy. She'd also run a couple other seminars (that had all flopped) but this one had been legit. When he arrived they'd been given some candy, which he'd then re-handed out, and once it started, boy had he been impressed

Impressed by the handsome guest speaker in more ways than one

Not only was he an ACTUAL esper, but he was a powerful one. To settle everyone's minds he'd done a few tricks like made some objects in the room float and then made bubbles with water, creating an almost otherworldly atmosphere. They'd then gotten down to business, talking about the dos and don'ts of spirits, and how to avoid catching the attention of one. Many things he already knew but also some new tidbits he hadn't known. Like the part where Mob had pointed at the woman next to him and said she had a playful spirit atop her head, feeding into her dreams. She'd then confessed that yes, she had been having some strange dreams and the spirit had been exorcised

It had been brief but their eyes had met and he'd seen interest in those black orbs. Possibly because he was the youngest in attendance.

It has to be that, because, unlike his friends, Reigen was average. He didn't work out so he had no muscles to brag about. He was also rather short, something he never thought about until he started high school and found himself dwarfed by quite a few people. Ekubo and Serizawa being two of these people. And he didn't have any distinguishing features.

Mob on the other hand. He was tall, like all the people Reigen seemed to be doomed to meet. And there wasn't anything eye-catching about his physical features aside from his height - he wore a black suit and there was a black jacket on his seat, black hair, black eyes, and pale skin - but there was something about the way he spoke, how kind and patient his voice sounded (like he truly cared about them) and how his eyes wouldn't stray from whoever he was talking to

Which is why Reigen decided he needed to talk with the man

It took a while since everyone wanted to talk to him but finally, he pulled through. Unfortunately, it was because Kurata was shooing everyone away

"Wait, Mob?" the man turned at his name being called but Kurata stood in front Reigen, her voice stern and a scowl on her face, "Mob is tired and the seminar is over kid. Everyone needs to leave now, he'll be consulting for a few days this week, you can come by then. There are flyers being handed out when you leave."

"Ah, but, we're colleagues!" he blurted out and then began to sweat. It wasn't technically a lie. They both worked with spirits afterall

She eyes him suspiciously, "You an esper?"

"Tome-chan?" Mob called out, walking over to her. If Reigen felt dwarfed, he wasn't sure how Kurata felt as she was nearly a head shorter than him. It was slightly amusing

"Mob! He's saying he's an esper!" her eyes seemed to almost sparkle in his direction and Reigen wondered if she liked the guy

Mob turned to him, his eyes almost boring into him and Reigen felt his face heat up. Could espers tell each other apart? He wasn't sure but there was something playful in Mob's gaze, amused, and yup, Reigen got his answer

Reigen cleared his throat, "I'm Reigen Arataka, I'm a senior from Salt Senior High School-"

"Hey! You said you were a colleague!" Kurata cut him off

"-and I also work with spirits." He looked pointedly at Kurata, "And that's why I called myself a colleague."

That made Kurata pout and she promptly walked away, continuing on her duties and leaving him to Mob. Seemed the rumors about that were true

Mob's mouth lifted into a smile, "It's nice to meet you Reigen, don't mind Tome-chan. Did you need help with something?"

"Well, not of the usual sort. You see, I've been helping around the school and town, anyone who says they're haunted or you know, have ghost problems. I was hoping to learn more and since you're clearly more experienced on the matter..." oh god, his eyes, that attention, "uhm, and well, Kurata mentioned you travel a lot, I plan to keep myself local, help out here in Seasoning City. You'd be surprised considering its size but there's a lot of people here who need help!"

Ok he was rambling now and his heart was beating too quickly and he felt sweat beading his brow and upper lip and if he didn't calm down he'd have clammy hands and breath, breathe!

He took a deep breath and nearly rushed through the rest, "Could we maybe keep in contact? Exchange numbers? I'd only text you when I absolutely need help of course!!"

Smooth. That was smooth, right? Ekubo would be proud

"You want Mob's number?" Kurata asked behind him and Reigen nearly jumped out of his skin, his face more bright now he was sure, "Aren't you a little too young? You do know that Mob is already 30, right?"

He turned towards her quickly, "It's for work purposes!"

But just like Ekubo, she gave him a disbelieving look. And no he didn't know Kurata like that (just read a couple things about her) but if it turned out she and Ekubo were related in some way, he wouldn't be surprised

He looked over to Mob, "B-but that's fine if you'd rather not. I know it's weird to have a stranger ask for your number and you probably get this a lot and don't listen to her I didn't mean-"

"That's fine," Mob's quiet voice made Reigen pause, "I don't mind. Here."

"He could also be a serial esper killer Mob," Kurata warned, "Remember what happened last time?"

Last time? Now Reigen was intrigued but Mob only hummed before passing him a business card with a number written on the back, "Don't worry about the time. I can't promise to reply immediately but I'll try to help out however I can."

And okay, maybe Reigen did want Mob's number for that. Or at least eventually, maybe. And maybe Reigen also melted a little when Mob smiled at him and when he placed his warm palm on his shoulder and maybe the rest of his day was a blur because of that


Reigen pauses as he feels Serizawa tug on his jacket and he sees Ekubo a couple shops down, waving at him, pointing towards, he looks over, Victoria Secret? Why would he...

"He thinks your boyfriend would like it," is Serizawa's answer and Reigen can't believe that smile on Serizawa's face. Is this betrayal?

Reigen ignores Ekubo's calling and continues walking around the mall. And maybe he's a little glad that they lose Ekubo for awhile but then he finds the two of them again

"Where did you go?" Serizawa asks quietly

"Oh just getting a friend a present, WAIT, Reigen why not get something from here? I hear the back has a few interesting things!"

They stop by at this strange little alcove with the name Spencers on top and shrugs. They go inside, Serizawa giving Ekubo a pointed look and Reigen raising a brow at them both. It seems they carry similar content to Hot Topic. He goes to the back and quickly leaves the store, a laughing Ekubo trailing after him and Serizawa the traitor!


Reigen isn't sure what to do. It's been a few hours since they arrived at the mall and he can't seem to pick out what to get Mob. Ekubo has tried to get him to buy some indecent things (I bet your 'boyfriend' would like this and For when you're not around, don't want him getting bored, right?) but it's obvious he means all of them to be for Reigen (as they're for his size). Reigen has gotten close to buying Mob a tie (then remembered he hardly used ties), a coat (then remembered Mob recently bought himself a coat), and a scarf (but he left the store, blushing when Serizawa mentioned a matching set would be cute). And yeah, Reigen kind of liked the idea of matching

They'd passed a couple jewelry places (Why not get him a collar so everyone knows he's taken) but he'd never seen Mob wear anything flashy and some of the prices were way over budget.

But they did pass by a movie theatre and he did see a movie he wanted to watch so perhaps they could come back later that week. Serizawa thinks he wants them to go in and starts looking at the times as well, noting that everything has started already

It's only when they're heading back and he sees a sports shop that he remembers Mob likes to work out. Has told him stories about his middle school days and the Bodybuilding Club and he decides to check it out. It confuses his friends and he can't help but smirk a little. He doesn't work out so obviously this stuff isn't for him

He ends up buying a hairband and a work out sweater with a wide neck because he is a healthy teenaged boy and Mob has a beautiful neck

"Well, I think that's enough for today," Reigen says, a bit of a yawn in his voice, "I don't think I'll find anything else here."

"Were you planning on going elsewhere later?" Serizawa asks, a bag of his own in his hand, his umbrella in the other

"Maybe, though I still don't know what else to get. Do you think these are enough?"

"BORING," Ekubo calls out as he's trailing behind them, "He probably could have brought that stuff himself."

"You should also give him chocolates," Serizawa recommends, "Does he like them?"

Reigen nods, mentally adding that to his list. That's when his phone goes off and he checks his messages

"Is that him?" Ekubo asks. Reigen nods, quickly reading over the message and pocketing his phone, "Joining us?"

"No, just sent me the details of when he's coming by. His plane comes in on Christmas Eve. I told him I'd pick him up."

Serizawa coos and Ekubo raises a brow, "When's he coming in?"

"He's on an early flight, 7."

Ekubo chuckles, "Isn't that rare! You waking up early. WELL, Seri and I are going to bolt now, we have some planning to do."

He nearly pushes Serizawa away and the bigger man waves at Reigen. Planning?


It's early on Christmas Eve when Reigen leaves his home to head to the airport and pick up Mob (though really Mob doesn't need picking up, he's a grown man but Reigen didn't want to wait to see him later today). He's still yawning when he leaves and maybe he dozes a bit when he catches a taxi. He's decided to dress casual because they're probably going to head back home and just sleep until later today. Mob did mention he hadn't gotten enough sleep and he was sure to be jet-lagged for awhile. Today wasn't as cold so he wore a cozy hoodie, his scarf, and some jogging pants he had lying around.

He makes it to the pick-up terminal about half an hour early and he finds a place to sit. As it nears time for Mob to come in Reigen begins to nod off, semi-aware of his surroundings and semi-thinking about later tonight. He'd tidied up the house and made some chocolate cookies (thank you internet) and bagged up Mob's gift. He'd also taken out the fluffy blanket Mob liked and made space in his closet. All that was left was for Mob to come home

And really, he could have sworn he'd only closed his eyes for a second, maybe five minutes, but next thing he knows he's being woken up by Mob. That instantly wakes him up and he bolts upright, "Mob! A-uhm, sorry! I said I'd be picking you up and here I am falling asleep and-and...Welcome Home."

Mob is smiling down at him, amusement in his eyes and leans down until they're only centimeters apart, "I'm home."



"I can't believe he fell asleep. Probably wouldn't even notice if I mobbed him," Ekubo said, a hand to his forehead, "But he's wearing that so he probably didn't bring anything on him."

"We should go wake him up, Mob should be here any time now and it's not safe to be sleeping out here," Serizawa fussed, his trusty umbrella on hand.

"We can't go up to him!" Ekubo nearly cried out when Serizawa started to walk over, "What part of secret mission didn't you get?! He's not supposed to know we're here!"

"I could walk by him and make a noise or something, he won't know," Ekubo looked at him pointedly

"With that umbrela there? Yeah, he won't recognize you."

"Good, I'll be-"

"I was being sarcastic!" Ekubo groaned. That's when they both noticed someone walk up to Reigen

"I told you it wasn't safe!" "Is that him?!"

It was a taller man dressed in a black hoodie, a turtleneck peaking out the top, black jeans, and black beanie, a carry on bag with wheels trailing a few inches behind him. They couldn't really see his face from where they were hiding but they could tell Reigen hadn't noticed yet. Not until the man nudged his shoulder. Suddenly Reigen stood (probably apologizing) and -

Ekubo whistled, "Guess he does have a boyfriend and a hot one."

Serizawa raised a brow but also looked on in wonderment as the couple kissed

"Good thing I got that gift in the right size."



Mob curled up closer to Reigen and smiled at how sensitive the younger man was. Since Mob traveled all over the place he had gotten used to colder weather so something like today was nothing. And even with the heater on, a breeze still entered the house (he'd need to find out where, didn't need Reigen to get a chill).

"You know," he placed a kiss to Reigen's ear, "you have great friends."

"What?" Reigen answered, confused, "You haven't even met them."

Mob only smiled, placing a kiss to Reigen's neck and sighing happily.



"Soooo," Ekubo pried once they got back to school, "How was it?"

Reigen lifted a brow, "How was what?"

"Don't play sly! Did you guys use my Christmas gift? He liked it didn't he? He seems the type."

Reigen colored at the little Christmas bag he'd hid in his closet and glowered at his friend, embarrassed, "NO!"

That wiped the smirk off Ekubo's face, "Prude."

The bell rang and the rest of his class started to trickle in, the ones inside settled down. He noticed Serizawa was running late and he began to worry. That guy was never late. He felt a kick to his chair and turned back to see Ekubo grinning at him, waving him to come closer. He clearly had that playful look to him and Reigen felt weary but came closer anyways

"Since you didn't use the gift I so generously sent, why not try out kabeshiri?" Ekubo whispered low enough where only Reigen would hear but loud enough that his voice would carry past the noise of everyone. A sort of stage whisper

"Kabeshiri? What's that?" Reigen mimicked him, a bad feeling stirring in his belly

Ekubo whispered the rest (quietly THANK GOD) and Reigen colored, his earlier worry of Serizawa gone

"I bet he'd be into it and don't forget to use the gift."

The teacher called attention and wow, Reigen had to cool down. Now. But the image of Mob's attention on him, pounding into him while wearing that in such a vulgar and primitive way...would Mob like it? They'd never talked about doing anything different but if Mob wanted to - No wait! Yes, it turned him on but also he liked to see Mob, liked to kiss him, liked to hold him. No, there were too many cons

He was distracted the whole day and Ekubo kept sending him knowing looks



Thanks for reading!

Can also leave kudos, comments, bookmark via ao3~

p.s. i can’t find the horizontal line break thing, is that no longer an option for tumblr posts? oh and this was written for Anon H (as i shall call them) for the mp100 secret santa like a year or two ago?? i don’t even know. i noticed it wasn’t on my tumblr and since it’s the one i had the most fun writing (and plan to “continue”, i thought i’d share it)

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5 years ago
Shared This On Twitter So Figured Id Share It Here Too!!

shared this on twitter so figured i’d share it here too!!

this is a WIP and might end up looking completely different to what i end up posting but it’s the basic idea

it’s set in an ageswap world where reigen is in high school and mob is a working adult. it’s supposed to be set in the same world as the teenager who cried BOYFRIEND (tbh tho, this wip is not as cute and fluff as that oneshot)

the prompt is from a request an anon sent me one time:  mob giving reigen a bj with his psychic powers

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6 months ago

This is so interesting 😊

Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls
Relativity Falls Is SO Cool. As Someone Who Wasn't Particularly In The Fandom Sphere When Gravity Falls

relativity falls is SO cool. as someone who wasn't particularly in the fandom sphere when gravity falls was big, i missed out on a lot of the cool hcs and aus but that just means i can experience them NOW!!!

also, isnt the idea of stan and ford being gen alpha kids hilarious???

support me on ko-fi!

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2 years ago

Serirei week 2022

Day 4: Travel/Return

Serirei Week 2022

He wakes up in the middle of the night

I run in and turn on the light

Run my hands through his short black hair

I love you Harvey, I don't care

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2 years ago
6 months ago

someone send me photos of ageswap undertale PLEASE I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT FOR FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT

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6 months ago

Relativity Falls age swap au w/ younger Bill!

soo I'm trying to think of a way to incorporate baby Bill into Relativity Falls in a way that makes sense (as someone with a mabel brain instead of a dipper brain so feel free to give me feedback if this is makes no sense!)

Lets say our realm and Euclydia exist on overlapping planes. Since Bill is still a child at this point, Euclydia isnt destroyed! But despite the realms overlapping, they exist outside of each other's reach, present but not visible or detectable by any means. However, within our favourite town of Gravity Falls, the distance between realms is significantly shorter (something to do with its attraction to Weirdness).

Relativity Falls Age Swap Au W/ Younger Bill!

more under cut!

Enter Bill with his mutation. His eye allows him to see into our realm unlike the rest of his people. Everyone thinks he's insane/daydreams too much for seeing a whole other world (especially if, to others, it looks like he has no eye). He eventually figures out how to step out of Euclydia INTO the Gravity Falls since the space between realms is much shorter, appearing as a sort of incorporeal light projection!

Relativity Falls Age Swap Au W/ Younger Bill!

He quickly becomes friends with Ford since they both have a mutation making them different, and eventually Stan too! Both of them healing his hurt and teaching him empathy/generally being best buds.

Either no portal incident would happen in this AU or perhaps another extra-dimensional being would take Bill's place in manipulating Dipper into building the portal. Perhaps the Axolotl (but evil edition)? And this could cause Dipper to be HIGHLY untrustworthy of beings from other dimensions forcing the a confrontation between him and the Stans as they try to protect their new best friend from their great uncle who's following a misguided attempt to protect them.

but mostly i just want to focus on cute interactions between bill and the stans lol

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5 years ago
Sth That Was In My Head.--- Some Info If You Need:- HDL Are Scrooge Nephews;- Louie Works As A Sales

Sth that was in my head. ---   Some info if you need: - HDL are Scrooge nephews; - Louie works as a sales Manager; - Huey works as a camp counselor; - Huey & Louie are Della & Donald's uncles; - Dewey D&D's father; - Scrooge, Mrs Beackly, Webby etc. still the same; - Dewey's wife didn't realy love him (such a liar); - Della and Webby are good friends; - Donald envies his sister; - But later he friends with Lena and (more later) with Violet; - Della REALY like her dad; - Don don't fell the same (but he like his uncles! And sometimes he calls Louie 'Dad'); UPD May20: - Donald's hoody is a gift from Louie; - Dewey's sweater is a gift from Huey on Cristmas (and Louie has his own too!);

- Donald of those who think before acting, Della is the opposite;

- Della's afraid of losing her brother's trust; 

--- If you need more information you free to ask!

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