Ak Answers - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Dawg I been saying this


I MAY HAVE prayed to see if other people see that too and I found your blog today

GOD bless man

That's awesome! The power of prayer!

Jesus set the example for a punk lifestyle as well as a pure, Godly lifestyle. And contrary to popular belief, you can and should lead both at the same time. Bless you, brother.

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1 year ago

Added thing: if you're skinny and date multiple fat people, someone people assume your type is fat people. They assume fat people are a type. If someone only dates skinny people, it's not considered a type.

Huh... yea I guess that's true! Skinny is considered the "normal" or "baseline" rather than just another option. Good point, anon.

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11 months ago

It makes sense that you're a Christian. I was wondering why you were spouting such bullshit, "your people" are definitely the main group of people spreading hate. Fuck you and your religion. Hope you can get better in the future.

It's hilarious to me how these people never have the balls to leave up their usernames 😂

Truthfully, I'm not sure if we'll ever live in a world that doesn't generalize and shove people in boxes and hate based on stereotypes like this person is doing... but that's irrelevant. I want to go to my grave knowing I tried to love. Knowing that I left more than just a footprint of hate and "fuck yous" on the world.

To all the atheists who follow me, remember this; if you know a "Christian" that is not walking in love, a Christian full of judgement or pride or bigoted philosophy or hate, they were never a true Jesus Follower to begin with. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Do not judge me by their actions. And I am not one of them.

I'm a Jesus Freak.

A saved sinner.

A radical for Christ.

Hope you all have an amazing day 🖤🖤🖤

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11 months ago

Ever listen to Lacey Sturm? Or Love and Death?

I haven't! What genres are they?

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11 months ago

So Lacey Sturm was originally in the Christian hard rock band Flyleaf but she's got a solo career now. Check out her song "Reconcile" for starters. And Love and Death is a Christian nu metal band started by Brian "Head" Welch, who started out as the guitarist in the band Korn and broke off to do his own thing... so if you like Korn's sound, it's almost the same thing, but from a Christian perspective. I like his songs "Adonai" and "L.O.V.E."


Thanks, I'll definitely have to check em out!

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10 months ago

where would you say is a good place to start off reading the bible? im kind of overwhelmed by just how much there is and im not sure if i should just start off from the beginning or not

Hey there lil brother/sister in Christ! Welcome to the spiritual family, I'm so excited to have you!

The cornerstone of our faith is Jesus Christ... because without His life, burial, resurrection and promise to return again... we have nothing. That being said, the Gospels are the best place to start. If you don't know, the Gospels are New Testament books called Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They tell the story of Jesus' life through the eyes of different disciples who followed him and tried to put his teachings into practice. I would say the book of John is where you should start; learn about how Jesus lived his life as our example in the flesh and learn about how much He loves you.

The Bible tells us to pray for the wisdom to understand, so it may be helpful to do this before beginning your studies!

"If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask it of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."

James Chapter One, Verse Five

Please feel free to leave another ask or even DM me privately if you would like more thoughts, support or advice on your spiritual journey. I'm so excited for you!!!

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10 months ago

do you have a worship playlist? :)

This is more or less my worship playlist. Not all the songs are worship songs per say but they're the tracks I listen to when I'm in God's presence just kinda hanging out with Him 🙃

Also have some Christian rock if you want it!


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9 months ago

I wish I could find more people like you, in person and online!

Awwww thank you 😍

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9 months ago

Can you explain more about Christian anarchy?

Would love to! I'll pull it straight from the Christian Anarchism Wikipedia Article:

"Christian Anarchism is a Christian movement in political theology that claims anarchism is inherent in Christianity and the Gospels. It is grounded in the belief that there is only one source of authority to which Christians are ultimately answerable—the authority of God as embodied in the teachings of Jesus. It therefore rejects the idea that human governments have ultimate authority over human societies. Christian anarchists denounce the state, believing it is violent, deceitful and idolatrous. Christian anarchists hold that the "Kingdom of God" is the proper expression of the relationship between God and humanity. Under the "Kingdom of God", human relationships would be characterized by horizontal organization, servant leadership, and universal compassion—not through the traditional structures of organized religion, which most Christian anarchists consider hierarchical and/or authoritarian structures. Most Christian anarchists are also pacifists who reject war, militarism, and the use of violence."

Here's the link if you want more information!

There's tons of evidence in the Bible that Jesus/God was/is a pacifistic anarchist... Could go on about it for hours.


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5 months ago

Hey just checking in want to make sure you're doing ok :D


(All jokes aside tho, I really appreciate the ask 🖤 hope you're doing better than I am)

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5 months ago

meow /positive


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