Alastor Hartfelt - Tumblr Posts

I found this in my old IG account, thought I’ll share :)
Also found this :)
He’s so cute, also found this on my old IG :)
Love him so hard it hurts 🖤
Again found this on my old IG :) I wanna share these with somebody

These are from the same creators that you can find on Twitter, I wanted to share these because Come on!! Look at him as a Cowboy!!!! 🖤
If anyone can write a fanfic of him as a Cowboy it would be highly appreciated!! 🖤
“mami soy tu vaquero~” yk the one from tiktok 👀
I would love to see more of Alastor x or just with a male reader, doesn’t necessarily have to be in a romantic relationship yk could also be like son or brother, would love to see Alastor with a younger brother I think it would be fun :)
Imagine Alastor brother/son/partner in this outfit or types of clothes ❣️
I have a younger brother, he’s annoying as hell!!

🖤 The way my jaw dropped when I saw this, like oh my god I was flabbergasted, it shook me to my core T^T ppl in the comments where saying where you can actually find the original video of Alastor
Creator on tiktok: itz._.alastor
(Amazing video) (ꈍᴗꈍ)
Imagine Alastor and his (reader) Brother fighting like this lol

Someone please write about Cursed Cat Alastor!!
He’s so ugly but funny looking at the same time it’s cute! I want him lmao ❤️
I’m sorry for any spelling errors!!
I just wanna put this out here, I been dreaming about for like two weeks it’s like a series in my head. So this happens when Alastor was still alive, he falls in love with a woman who was a bit younger than him, she was a sweet doll. They slept together once!(sexually, they were each others first) But they were never officially a couple, Alastor wanted to but hasn’t made a move on it (cuz he was busy killing). So after they slept together she founds out she’s pregnant, since she was younger than him she was scared to tell him because they weren’t even in a relationship and didn’t want to ruin his career and reputation,  (she kinda knew what he did at night another reason why she was scared that he was gonna hurt her or the baby, still loved him)  but she was just scared so she told her family and her family sent her way and she never told Alastor. He was kinda of heartbroken when he found out couple days later that she moved away. Her family wouldn’t give him any information where or how to contact her. So he never saw her again. 
That’s the basics of it! 
Anywho, so she’s pregnant with twins one boy one girl (girl looked like her mom while the boy is a copy of their father), Alastor dies 3 week later when the twins where born, a hard working single mother. She did talk about their father to her kids and what he was like also looked like with the one picture she had. Years later mother dies of a sickness when the twins are 18 years old. (Mother goes to heaven)
The point of this is that the twins took up, dark magic, same as their father, but didn’t know that he did that to.
(Idk why but I like the names Maddie(boy) and Louisa(girl) for the twins, the boy is older by a couple minutes or months idk how the twin thing works )
By now the twins are 20 years old and for some reason Lou (short for Louisa) wants to know more about the mysterious Alastor, who is known to be their father. So she’s going through looking for information, anything about him. She just feels a little sad she never got a dad like the other girls she went to school with or when in middle school she couldn’t go to the Father daughter dance. She just wanted a little bit of a father figure while Maddie wasn’t really interested in knowing about their father, he sees their “father” as a guy who’s just a guy.
(As you can see both Daddy issues in two different ways, Maddie more of a mommy’s boy also was very protective of their mother when alive, and sister. Promising his mother to look after his sister) 
I have more to this but I wanna get into what kind of powers the twins have.
Louisa ability is more of a witch more like the Scarlet witch but she’s more a soft girl so she doesn’t really use it for evil. She very more connected to nature (like kiri from Avatar). She is the kindest person you’ll meet, she’s every understanding about others (she’s someone you can talk to without feeling judged) she doesn’t really care if she’s hurt physically, but emotionally not just to her but to the ones she loves… things get dark.
Maddie is more of a… fuck around and found out will inflict pain on you for just looking at them or his sister in the wrong way , like Alastor smiles a lot too, I wouldn’t say he’s soft but he’s very aware of his emotions but it’s hard for him to talk about it( rather suffer in silence)  ability is… it’s kind a like Alastor, but not really, but the form of it is also a Wendigo. he does know dark magic like spells, but he transforms into a beast like a Wendigo. (yk how Alastor and his shadow are like “friends?” They talk to each other and stuff) well Maddie has that too but it’s not a shadow kinda more a (venom) thing of his Wendigo who is his friend and they are bound together.
I have more but I can’t put it into words for right now Alastor does come up in this and meets the twins but this right here is more about them

More outfits

I don’t know why but calling Alastor “Big Daddy” feels right, like him telling you to do something and your like “yes, Big Daddy” >\\\\\<

How Alastor would be as a boyfriend/lover pt.2
Pairing: Alastor x A!Reader
Tags:fluff,cute,maybe OOC?[out of character again :/],Alastor being jelaous,period(mestr*ation),supportive Alastor during tough times with d*pression
P.S: this is shorter than the first part so i'm sorry if you didn't enjoy this as much :/ also if you're wondering why i putted the period part even tough the reader is anon is because i want to reach people who transgender [god i wrote it so bad but i hope you understand what i meant]
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia

It is true that Alastor can be a bit jealous when you are talking with other people, especially strangers. He is very possessive of you and does not like to share you, and will often find excuses to join your conversations or get you away from the other person. He can sometimes be passive aggressive or sulk if you continue to engage with the stranger despite his efforts at cutting off the conversation.
However, Alastor will never become violent or aggressive towards you for engaging with strangers. He respects your right to interact with others, but he also would rather you spend your time with him instead. He just really likes being around you and is somewhat possessive of you. He will often shower you with affection and compliments to let you know how important you are to him in an effort to ensure that you choose to spend your time with him rather than strangers. [and if he succed he will wrap an arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk away from the guy you've been talking to, as he looked behind him and staring at the stranger smiling wikedly "she's mine pal" you:"mhm? what did you said Al?" "oh nothing dear,let's just go"]
But if you continue to ignore him and keep talking to strangers, he will start to become frustrated and may express a subtle jealousy or resentment. However, he will never force you to leave or yell at you for continuing your conversations. He may sulk or give you the silent treatment for a bit, but he will never become violent or verbally abusive towards you. Instead, he will just quietly let his feelings of jealousy and possessiveness boil under the surface.
If you confront him about his jealousy, he will deny it at first but will eventually admit to being jealous and possessive. He will explain that he just really likes being around you and doesn't want to share you with other people. He will admit that it is not fair to be jealous and that he wants to work on it, but he just can't help how he feels when you talk with other people. He is willing to try working on his jealousy but he asks that you be patient and understanding with him.
He may also admit that he feels a bit insecure or not good enough when you talk to others, and that he is worried he is not good enough to keep your attention and affection. He will ask that you assure him that he is enough for you and that you are not thinking about other people. He is willing to work on his jealous and possessive tendencies and is willing to communicate about his feelings more openly with you in an effort to improve.

Alastor is mature and understanding about this issue. Whenever you have your period, he will be understanding and supportive and will not make a big deal out of it. He will not react in any sort of negative way or shame you for it, and will instead simply try to take care of you and make you feel comfortable. He might even bring you a hot water bottle to help alleviate your cramps, or make you a cup of tea to help relax you.
In addition to caring for you during your period, he also wants to make sure you have the right necessities on hand to get through it smoothly. He will often bring you tampons or pads, painkillers and other essentials to help with your period. He may also bring you chocolate or comfort foods to cheer you up and help distract you from the uncomfortable symptoms.
Even if you accidentally bleed on the bed and taint it, Alastor will not shame you or get angry. He will be understanding and compassionate about the situation, and will not react in any negative way. He will simply help you to clean the sheets, and then comfort you afterwards. He understands that accidents can happen, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

If you're depressed and feel overwhelmed, Alastor will be as kind and thoughtful as ever. He will be attentive and comforting, and will offer you a shoulder to cry on or even just listen to you and let you vent to him. He will also try to encourage you to do things that make you feel better or distract yourself and take your mind off of it. He will make sure that you are cared for and comforted during this time, and will do whatever he can to ease your sadness.
He may also suggest things that could potentially help you feel better, such as exercising or going for a walk, but he won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. He understands that feeling depressed is not easy and can be draining and overwhelming, and he will do his best to be supportive and encouraging while also giving you space and respecting your boundaries.
If you do decide to take his suggestions, he will try to go along and help you with whatever you are doing. He will try to keep things light and make jokes to make you laugh as it can help uplift your mood. He will also encourage you and compliment you along the way to try to boost your confidence and give you positive reinforcement that you are doing well.
On the other hand, if you decide to take some time to yourself and spend some time alone to process your feelings, he will respect that too. He will let you be alone and will check up on you periodically to make sure you are doing okay and ask if there is anything you need him to do. He understands that depression is a personal journey and sometimes being alone can help you focus on sorting through your feelings, so he will keep a respectful distance during that time.

hope you liked this second part and if there is something wrong tell me i wrote this on the verge of falling asleep so.... :/
I absolutely love cowboy Alastor, it's becoming an obsession

These are from the same creators that you can find on Twitter, I wanted to share these because Come on!! Look at him as a Cowboy!!!! 🖤
If anyone can write a fanfic of him as a Cowboy it would be highly appreciated!! 🖤
“mami soy tu vaquero~” yk the one from tiktok 👀
Omg there’s 100 of you now 😭

Fanart for @morningstarwrites ‘s of saints and sinners! Chp 35 - AHHHH I LOVED THIS CHAPTER SMMMM

Fanart for @morningstarwrites ‘s Of saints and sinners (Chp 17)
(Click for better quality)

For @asherraccoon ‘s actor au!