Albino - Tumblr Posts
Black ppl art <3

This is old art; I'll probably have a lot of old art since I'm taking these all from my DeviantArt account.
Can I request: Headcanons of you fem s/o being albino shy and gentle to male characters of Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Lui Kang, Baraka, Syzoth, Havik, Reiko, Shang Tsung and Rain please?
[ ~"Angel"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

Ohhh what an interesting prompt!!! I never knew humans could be albinos! this was so interesting to learn! thanks human! I hope you like what I make up in here <3
What contains? Albino Reader, Female Reader, Shy Reader, Gentle Reader
How is visualized as? Cople Relation Ship, Family Relation Ship, Friend Relation Ship

-He definitely is surprised looking at you, is very rare to find albinos humans so your interesting traits caught his eyes, of course, he will be respectful and not make you uncomfortable, but he has to admit you are hard to not stop looking
-Your being shy makes Raiden see this as very cute and he understands, he will be nice to you and respect your boundaries, he will never force you if you do not feel ready for something, he will let you feel comfortable and ready with anything
-Another thing Raiden finds cute but mostly, respect and trust with you is your gentle personality, even though you are shy you are there for people, like after he trains you always give him towers and even fruits if he feels hungry after the training, he really appreciates all this actions from you
-He of course, is interested in knowing more about you, it is very common for you two to talk for hours, being Raiden the one who talks and you hearing him, or the opposite way, is not matter as you two having a good time, normally in the gardens of the template

Kung Lao
-Ditto but oh man, he not hiding his surprised, straight-out mouth open, wide eyes looking at you, this makes you feel even more shy of looking Kung Lao expression, eyes never leaving you, Raiden is the one to put Kung Lao to his place
-He will take any moment to be near you and talk to you, for not say giving you praises of your appearance and albino traits, this makes you so shy! Your white skin will not hide your blush, something Kung Lao likes, of course if you dont like this kind of interaction Kung Lao understands and respects your boundaries, after all he does not like Jhonny
-He finds adorable like even though you are shy you are gentle with everyone, is normal Kung Lao to get a little injured after training, sometimes due he overpasses the limits and gets into the adrenaline of the battle, you always there to help him with this injures, even are not serious you always insist to help hi with it, and who is him to denied this gentle request?
-He likes to admire you when you are in places where the sunlight is giving they best, due he can admired you, is like you are a angel who fall from he heaven ya know? i think the best thing you two like to do is take walks, where? who cares! as long you two are together and talking and enjoy the time

Kenshi Takahashi
-Sadly he can't see your albino traits :( but at least with Sento (sometimes) can see how pretty you are, he will not say anything mostly to not make you uncomfortable, but if you ever have insecurities about your appearance he will be there to tell you otherwise, his words are always honest
-He understands why you are shy, after all his appearance is not the best to give "friendly" vibes, and lest not mention he was a yakuza...but he will never will give this information to you, the least he wanna do is scared you and be more afraid of him
-He flushed in your gentle personality, how always you insist on helping him with his "eyes", he always says he ok and that already healed even so he let you check him, so your fingers carefully touch near his "eyes" all light touches, and you always came up with some medicine recipes to make him feel better (mostly cream recipes) he dont see any of this necessary after all, his injures as bee already heal, but that not mean he very thankful and flushed from you gentle actions
-He likes to hear you, after all, he is not a very talker person, but he will indeed talk if you have questions or you are interested to know what he did for the day, etc. The most common topic is always about him, you are just very curious about how he deals life being blind, and you always praise him, you gentle behavior as seems to have no limits

-He dint know humans could be this pretty, that the first thing that crossed his mind, looking at you from the distance, looking at each of your albino traits, at some point he can't believe humans could look like that, something of course make you shy from feeling his eyes on you
-He thinks you are shy becuse of him, his appearance are not the best, after all, he is a soldier and you tenecly an angel was a discreet difference, but he never crosses your limit, he lets you feel comfortable around him as long you need
-Even though you have that shy behavior, your gentle behavior was most stronger one, you are always there to help him with any injury he has after a battle, he most of the time shows himself stronger denies your request, but after insisting he let you attend his injures, even he dont show thankful for this gentle actions from you, he inside he is
-I think he most of the time ask you about your appearance, of how humans can look like this and how happen to be that way, good thing you know how to answer him, after all a lot of people as ask you almost the same questions, even this questions can be seen just Reiko being curious, he worried about you, you are a easy target being so white and so pretty, he will make sure you not fall from any danger

-Thanks of your Albino's traits, now he is interested in knowing Human biology and every aspect of it, but besides that he will not be like the rest just watching in the distance, he will approach at you and talk to you fully interested to know about you and of course, praise you albino traits something make you feel shy
-He understands why you are shy, i mean, your albino traits make you be in the spotlight, eyes always on you, people are always interested about you, he can understand that overwhelming experiece you have to deal all the time, and not starting the people who will take any chance to use you, i guess sometimes being so pretty and unique can be also a curse
-He finds it cute that your gentle behavior of always want to help him, any magic he wants to try, always you helping him giving him the ingredients he needs, but he mostly appreciate when you gentle is a pure state, just being nice with people in general, is something he respect
-Yall like to walk at the beach, enjoy the sound of the water while the sun is slowly fading away to give the welcome to the moon, Rain is the most talked one in these moments, but if you need something to say he all hears, posebly you two like recollect shells and if any luck pearls

-Eyes on you, he feels overwhelmed by your appearance, is this a joke? Is he hallucinating? or you are an actual angel finally gonna take him to the other life? he needs time to process what he seeing so surely you already left due feeling shy about having his eyes on you :(
-After that he will apologize of his before behavior he dint want to make you uncomfortable, he feels very sorry about it, and mostly...after all you two are so different, you are an angel and he was a monster, he understands you feel afraid of him and he will not have hard feelings if you think that way
-but gentle behavior kicks in fast if Baraka shows or talks about it, telling him he is not a monster, none of this is he fault due is the Tarkat, and mostly even he looks a "monster" outside you know Baraka was the sweet and kind person in the inside, something that flatters him for you gentle behavior and words
-He keeps more distance from you, he dont want you to get the tarkat from him so he makes sure to be very distant but still egnoft you still can see each other, he thinks the same as Reiko, you are an easy target, anyone can take you due you beauty, even he can't be al the time with you he will make sure does time you two are together, keep you safe from anyone

Shang Tsung
-Ho,ho,ho~ he is very interested in you, and already has a smug expression as looks all your albino traits, nonetheless, he is impressed and seeing you shy due he looking at you feel his ego, he will not doubt to get close to you and use that snake tongue to give you praises and nice words
-Seeing you so shy around him, he adores it~ and he will take this for his on enjoyment and fun, how you blush, how you shake you body of how shy you are, you just so fragile, so easy~
-Even so, he is impressed of gentle you are with him, he can't understand why you are that way, he sees you like a very easy target, someone too easy to break, after all he is a bad guy, you are just a rabbit talking to a snake, you was in such danger, but dont worry, Shang Tsung will not hurt you....yet
-He wonders if your Albino traits are just to make you look pretty or have something real useful for sorcery, dont worry like I say he will not hurt you yet, so mostly he will take parts of your hair without you noticing and use it to investigate what he can found with it

-Eyes on you in awe, you are just so pretty, he dont have words another that look at you in the distance, he noticed you noticed him and how you go away, soon realized he acidently make you uncomfortable
-He will approach, giving you personal space and apologies for what happened before, telling you you are pretty and more praise, he was shy as you so you two have very small talks before feeling comfortable arround each other
-He flushed at your gentle behavior, if his tail is out you can notice it moving back and forth anytime is near you, you already know about is a zaterran, possibly because he told you when was presenting to you or some of his friends told you, curious to know his Zaterran form, sadly he won't show you, he dont want to scare you, but telling him you not gonna be scared of him and he not need to be insecure about his appearance, is something calms him...maybe in a near future he will show you his zaterran form
-You remind him Ashrah and surely in no time he presents you at her (Soon you three become the best friend group), he likes to give you white flowers and white gemstones and white feathers, gifts that remind him to you, is something at always make you blush of his gentle behavior

-He thinks you are an Angel, he never saw a human like you before, so he makes him hard to believe you are a human, its a confusing scenario for both of you
-Havik understands why you are shy at him, or more easily to say scared, his appearance and mostly his face are not the best for a first impression, and let's not mention his he does not mind if you scared to arpoche at him
-Even if you are shy your gentle behavior is most stronger, worried about the big injury Havik have in his mouth, he dont care about it but he let you to touch it, feeling that light touches on his injury, you ask him why his powers dint work to health this injure? he questions that too long time ago, Quan Chii powers look like have some flaws
-He thinks the same as Baraka and Reiko, you are an easy target, you pretty appearance can get you a lot of problems with people wanna use it, and he will not let that happen, he not let someone hurt you

Liu Kang
-He looks at you but has a very calm and even tender expression, is a surprised to see an albino human so is a nice surprise for him, even though you feel shy having his eyes on you somehow you also feel comfortable and safe, maybe a difference of the others just look in surprised, liu kang was more calmest one and his expression give all the hints of "you are pretty" sings in the most honest way
-He understands why you are shy, and he gives you all the space and time you need to feel comfortable to approach, is been times Liu Kang is just sitting meditating, eyes closed and cleaning his mind, when he can feel your steps getting close to him and you just sit next to him, sometimes doing the same, is a nice experience, no words, just enjoying both company
-He saw what you do with his friends, how gentle you are to help him in any kind they need, you always there for everyone and that sweet and admirable, that has to be rewarded right? you dont need to be sweet to him, he already knows you are a kind heart, so please, just enjoy the picnic!
-Knowing is a god, you surely ask him about your albino traits even personality, if was all his plan to be this way, he responds you with a no, he dint plan you come out with all these traits, he only interfered and did stuff to the world, but most of the time he not interfered or control people life, so you came out like this normally

nwrp-verse!Obsidian and his adopted son Dove decided to dress up as Ludo and Jareth, the Goblin King from the movie Labyrinth. They wanted to get @askscarletroseĀ in on it, but there werenāt really any female characters from the movie with fabulous enough outfits.
(( art by @saliantsunbreeze ))

albino by ŠŠ½Š½Š° ŠŠ°Š½ŠøŠ»Š¾Š²Š°
The second riso print!! A tiny little albino hognose!!!!

If you want one dm and well work out shipping, im going to charge about 5 quid at the local craft market (ive got about 10 spare of each design, the rest are going to the craft market)

Little albino kitty I met! You can tell by the "bleached" pigmentation, and the red sheen to their pupils! (The pale, twinkish hand is mine, lol) I don't plan to post lots of irl stuff, but this prrrretty kitty was too special to pawss up!
Commandant Stele ~ The Crimson Lance

Young Grimmel. Nothing much.
And variations of possible hair color.