Alfonse Fire Emblem - Tumblr Posts
Child!summaner: what if you die and I’m still here?
Alfonse:….then you’ll be all grown up.. and you won’t need me
Child!summaner: I think I’ll always need you
Lif: *looks at Child!summoner talking to Alfonse*
Child!summoner: I think I always need you…
TW: death, blood, child death
“What if you die and I’m still here?”
He ran.
Alfonse ran as fast as he can.
“Then you’ll be all grown up”
He broke down the doors, “SUMMONER!!” He cries out, voice breaking.
Tired from running, so tried from fighting. Just tired.
‘Please be alive. Please be alive’
“And you won’t need me”
He saw them. A child no older then 8 in a white and gold robes. Laying near a red headed woman dressed in white.
He slowly walked to them, heart beating faster and faster, “no, no, no, no”
“..I think I always need you….”
The child was in fact, his summoner. They lay next to Anna, who was also dead. For a while now. It looked like she carried them before being killed herself and the summoner rolled out of her arms. Anna looked to be in very bad shape, one of her notable injuries is that she had a slash mark on her back. A big one for that matter. It looked like to be from a sword or a axe.
The summoner looked no better than Anna. They had some arrows in their back and battle markings on their face. Blood on their front, looking like they took a sword swing to the chest.
He feel on his knees, covered his face in his hands. He lost his sister, his mother, his commander and now his summoner.
In the first time in a long while. Alfonse cried. He actually fully broke down.
Why was Hel so cruel?
Lif was summoned to Askr only a few weeks ago. Honestly if you ask him, he is still very much in shock he was summoned here if all places. A world very much like his. But only everyone he cared about is alive.
He was on his daily patrol around the castle until he stop to hear familiar voices. He turned to see the Child!Summoner and Alfonse having a conversation that he couldn’t help but overhear.
What he heard broke him.
“I think I always need you….”
I got this random headcannon of people not knowing the summoner’s gender, which is the reason why everyone uses they/them pronouns for the summoner.
Like I know people don’t know the summoner’s face but like….do they actually know what the summoner’s gender is?
I like to think only a small amount of people knowing the summoner’s gender, Alfronse being one of them, just because the Summoner knows he can keep a secret.
It’s the reason why a good number of the heroes use they/them pronouns for the Summoner because they just don’t know, and the Summoner purposely drags it out for the heck of it because they find it amusing.
Anna turned it into a game to earn more money, while Sharena is just trying to find ways to find out.
This just encourages the heroes to try and take off the Summoner’s hood to find out because most of them are stressing over the fact that they fear they are misgendering the Summoner.
I swear this headcanon is so stupid but I love it and will cling onto it.
Do you ever think about how Alfonse was before Book 3? He could be serious but he was you know he was more than that. For example, being curious about us (the summoner) and what our world is like and wanting to learn more about us. He also used to smile a lot more as well.
But after Book 3 he's just become a lot more serious, moody, and grumpy. I've also noticed he's become better with battle strategies. I mean considering what he's gone through it's understandable. But still, I just miss Alfonse being cute and silly.

Because who wouldn’t love Alfonse?
inspired by this post:

"It's not that I…like him--"

So I got a little overboard with this brush on ibis paint

He’ll always be number one in Kiran’s heart!

when you and your squad defeats Veronica

tfw you're good at tactics but suck at summoning

sharena is a cutie ok

Who needs children when you can have an owl?

Because Alfonse is the best boy and it's also spring~

they're in the middle of a battle

The precious Embla princess and…Askr

Spring Festival Alfonse!

Pretty boy Alfonsee

Edit: my instagram
useless side blog