All The Troopers - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

so, ive gotten into Delta Squad recently and something that has always interested me is the dynamic between different types of troopers.

Among the GAR, i'd imagine what you do affects everything in your life. Who you're friends with, who you know, how you act, even how you think. Theyve created a heirarchy, excluding cc and captains, i'd imagine Commandos are at the top of the pyramid. ARCs coming in next, then Medics, then ARF, then engineers (anyone who works on any machine but doesn't get deployed, includes any clone that maintains/directs fighters), then command/greys (those who work in the command tower or who can wear greys to work, seen as lower for not directly fighting), then maintenance, and then the shinies.

They've built a system and it may not be super strict and they are friendly with one another off duty, once the pressure is on, everyone falls in line. It's not something that is spoken about either, I would even say they do it more subconsciously than anything, but its there.

Now, will they be mean/rude/hostile to anyone who branches out or is friendly/friends with those of a different level? No! They are brothers and they know every job matters. They are one collective and they each have a role. However, if someone from maintenance starts saying they're gonna be an ARC, well expect jokes to be made and comments to pop up.

Funnily enough, Commandos don't feel this at all. They hardly interact with the regs, and when they do its for a point. Now, they just see everyone as below them so, again, the heirarchy doesn't affect them. They have their superiors they follow but don't expect them to be buddy buddy with an ARC.

There is a group above the Commandos, the Advisors, that aren't actually known at all. Everyone assumes the Commandos get their orders from the nat-borns they work. Advisors fall under the Commanders level, even though everyone on that level doesn't know they exist; especially since they are considered a separate entity and they only follow commands of those they are temporarily serving. This can cause issues and it did for CC-01/425 'Advisor' for the Delta Squad.

Their armor is blank, though they can see action, so 'Advisor' was mistaken for a shiny. A Captain was directing shinies to load crates and called out 'Advisor' for slacking off. 'Advisor' ignored the Captain and continued to the Command Center to guide Delta Squad. The Captain grabbed him and dressed him down on the deck, the shinies watching. Before the Captain could finish his rant, Sev came looking for 'Advisor' and quickly fixed the misunderstanding (read: threatened bodily harm in many different ways before yanking 'Advisor' along to the meeting).

Another group that this wouldn't entirely apply to is the Coruscant Guard (me? talk about them? the horror). They had it, it was there, then everyone got overworked and short on supplies so its just hold on and we'll live. The only heirarchy is by rank, even then its hardly applied unless their on-duty.

(headcanon time), The 141st Blackout Corps works on the other side of the galaxy from the GAR so they are also disconnected from them. Their armor is the most different and unique, made up of a pitch black base (where the name Blackout came from) with bright colors painted on. The system doesn't apply to them either due to the fact that theyre pretty isolated and its common for people to pickup the slack where needed. An ARC to help a engineer or a Maintanence to take a shift in the command center.

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